
Between the Darkness and Democracy: The Front Lines

Over the top, short stories from the front lines following the tale of Captain Alex Reynolds and his squad of Helldivers.

Arron_Alderson · Sci-fi
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136 Chs

Chapter 13 - Inner Betrayal

01.21 Hours, April 28, 2187

Grid location: Alpha Centauri System, Planet Stronghold, Super Earth space.

The war room at Helldiver Command buzzed with an undercurrent of electric anticipation. Maps and screens flickered with streams of data and strategic possibilities. Captain Alex Reynolds stood at the center, his presence commanding attention as he leaned over the digital display detailing enemy movements.

"Here's the deal, team," Alex began, his voice sharp and clear over the hum of conversation. "The intel we gathered has given us a golden ticket straight into the heart of the Automaton network. We're not just on the offensive now; we're going in to pull the plug."

Elena, her eyes lit with a fire of determination, nodded. "The data pinpoints three key nodes. Disrupting these should cripple their network, maybe even give us a shot at their command core."

Marcus, ever the firebrand, cracked his knuckles with a grin. "Sounds like my kind of party. When do we start?"

"Soon," Alex replied, his gaze sweeping the room. "But we've got another issue. The Automatons aren't our only problem." He paused, allowing the words to sink in. "We've intercepted communications suggesting that a faction within Super Earth might be trying to broker peace with the Automatons, undermining our efforts."

Jack furrowed his brow, his voice tense. "A fifth column? Here? You think they could be the reason the Automatons have been one step ahead?"

"It's possible," Alex said, his eyes narrowing. "That's why our mission has two parts. While we strike the nodes, we need to keep an eye out for any sign of betrayal from our own ranks."

The revelation sent a ripple of tension through the room. Trust, the backbone of their unity, was now in question. Elena leaned closer to the display, her fingers tracing possible routes of infiltration. "We'll need to split up," she suggested. "Cover more ground and gather evidence. If there's a traitor, we'll root them out."

"Agreed," Alex said. "Jack, take Elena and investigate the northern node. Marcus, you're with me. We hit the southern one. We'll regroup for the final strike."

Their plans set, the Helldivers prepared for departure. Gear checked and weapons loaded, each movement was precise, born of necessity and the urgency of their mission. As they moved towards the hangar, the weight of what lay ahead pressed down on each of them.

The atmosphere in the transport was grim yet focused. Elena pulled up schematics on her screen, her mind racing through scenarios. Beside her, Jack checked his rifle, his actions automatic. "We've got to be sharp," he said, glancing at Elena. "Any hint of treachery, we report it. No second chances."

Elena nodded, her features set. "This isn't just about survival anymore. It's about preserving who we are, what we stand for. If there's a mole, they won't know what hit them."

Meanwhile, Alex and Marcus approached their target, the landscape barren and unwelcoming under the dim light of the distant sun. "Remember, keep communications open. Any sign of trouble, we converge," Alex instructed.

As they neared the southern node, sensors flickered, detecting automated defenses coming online. "Looks like we're expected," Marcus said, a smirk playing on his lips as he readied his weapon.

The firefight was intense, each shot echoing across the open field. Alex and Marcus moved with a practiced rhythm, covering each other, advancing steadily towards the node. Inside, they found more than just enemy forces—they stumbled upon encrypted transmissions hinting at communications with an unknown source.

"Looks like we found our leak," Alex muttered, downloading the data.

Back at the northern node, Elena and Jack faced their own challenges. The area was heavily fortified, suggesting it held more importance than anticipated. Fighting through, they uncovered logs of unauthorized data transfers.

Regrouping after their separate missions, the Helldivers shared their findings. The evidence was damning, pointing to a conspiracy that ran deep.

"We take this to Command," Alex decided, his jaw set. "Then we finish this. We strike the central node, and we end this war—on our terms."

As they prepared for the final assault, the unity of the team was palpable. Despite the shadows of doubt cast by potential betrayal, their resolve only hardened. For Super Earth, for their fellow citizens, the Helldivers were ready to fight until the end.