
Between Light and Darkness: The Void

WARNING THIS ANIME NOVEL MIGHT INCLUDE HIGH LEVEL OF VIOLENCE AND MASS MURDERS [NO SEXUAL VIOLENCE], IT'S RECOMMENDED TO READ IF IT DOESN'T AFFECTS YOUR REAL LIFE. WARNING 2 (IMPORTANT)- THIS NOVEL MIGHT BE ABANDONED (DROPPED) IN FUTURE DUE TO LACK OF PERFORMANCES LIKE GRAMMAR, STORYTELLING,POPULARITY, SUPPORT ETC. SO IT IS RECOMMENDED FOR YOU TO AVOID INVESTING TIME ON IT. THANK YOU. ______________________________________ Important Note- This novel is the First Instalment of the Trilogy Series. Synopsis Updated with some adjustments: Main protagonist Orion joined the ranks in Libra group and became the Arbiter of Celestial city of Kingdom of Adicyle, he lost his memories but he never seemed to care about it. On the other hand, Anti-Libra group were plotting something evil, as the name of this group says they want to destroy Libra and they tried to unseal the Ancient Dark Demon called Regal. Dark Demon Regal was the Ancient Demon who was sealed a long time ago and Anti-Libra unsealed something that should not have existed. While in this chaos, a certain person got involved in this mess as well and that was Voila. Voila got involved in a certain event that changes her fate as well as for Dark Demon Regal. Followers of Light and Darkness, trying to fight each other to crush the other side as they aim for their goals and beliefs. The world will become engulfed in darkness yet again, bringing the old chaos that happened a long time. Chloe, filled with kindness and desire for justice, finds herself in the midst of this chaos as she tries to uncover the truth behind Anti-Libra's plots while helping Orion. What is Anti-Libra plotting? What will be the outcome? Will Regal choose to destroy everything or follow Anti-Libra? Is Orion's past somehow involved in it? or Orion will have a different influence over others? Or is Chloe going to change the fate of this world as she grows stronger and stronger with a solid resolve within her? The world is going to be doomed if Anti-Libra succeed in what they want to achieve. On the other hand, Jystice and other arbiters are aiming to bring down Anti-Libra while struggling with difficult opponents coming in their way. It is unclear who will be victorious however it is confirmed that one side will face the judgement as they will lose to the other side in this hectic battle, filled with an intense desire to win as they aim for their primary objectives.

CyberDevil_2051 · Fantasy
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125 Chs

Requesting Fellow Arbiters For Assistance

(Main Protagonist's Pov)

After leaving from the old apartment where Geo live peacefully in his free time, I headed back to the Celestial city. I had arranged a small meeting with Raido, Zack and Mikazu.

After arriving at Celestial city, I headed towards the restaurant. We had decided to do our lunch together since the meeting time is around the lunch time.

I saw Mikazu, Raido, and Zack standing at the entrance of the restaurant. They noticed my presence and waved their hand to call me. I approached them and asked.

"Why three of you are standing here and not waiting inside the building? I should have found you though." I asked, indicating that I would have found them inside the restaurant.

"We just came here and were planning to go inside right now but then we saw you." replied Raido.

"I see, alright let's go inside then." I said.