
An Introduction Is An Information

"Our world is at its top. It is completed with an advance technology that the civilization wouldn't have imagined. This world nowadays is the 6.0 technology era, where technology is simply another living things besides us. Whether it is marketing, filming, gardening and even daily house chores, humans and technology simply get along in all these things.

Robots are accompanying humans everywhere they go. The most important creation at this era, each human have a bot that is like their own assistant. It could change into any form such as watch, backpack, small vehicle like scooter, bicycle or hoverboard or also into smallest thing like earpods. It also had a lot of other functions as well that could help human organize their daily life.

It makes life better and safer. Other than that, the four kingdom, MetaDex, Conquery, Nexus and Invadas never declared war to each other since the first century of their reign. The Four Dimension was created to improve and organize human life to be better. Until now, we don't really know whether The Dimensions had a keeper or not." Riley stopped reading her essay.

Ashley 'd gone deep in thoughts about it, while Nina's trying to understand everything her sister has said.

"That's a good introduction. You need to write about the kingdoms first, right? Why don't you start another page with an introduction of the four kingdom and go with the history of our kingdom first." Ashley suggested. Riley's giving a thought to her sister response, "That sounds helpful. I'll see to it".

It is 4.00 in the afternoon, Nina was going to the high school to search for Zan while the other two were waiting at the guard's office besides the school gate.

Zan and Wilder were heading to the cafeteria when they came across Nina. "Are you done?" Nina ran to her brother. "Yeah, we've just finished. Did Ashley have told father that we're going to talk a walk back home?" he gently pat Nina on the head when she hugged him.

'They're really close' Wilder look at them, feeling nostalgic all of a sudden. "I guess she'd done that. Come on, they're waiting." Nina happily held Zan's hand and they walked together.

When they arrived, Riley and Ashley started to walk, leaving the school gate seeing them. Wilder innocently looked at the girls. Zan glanced at him, chuckled seeing his innocent looks. "I know what you're thinking. All of them are my sisters." Zan said willingly, reading Wilders thought when he saw them. Wilder turned to him unbelievably.

Zan took a long breath. "Yeah, I know. One boys and a lot of girls, it's weird but as you can see, I'm still the same like other guy. Well, I'll tell you anyway since we're friends. You see the one who's holding the book?" He pointed at Riley.

"That's our sister. She's always the top in her year, always. The second one is Ashley, your classmates. I'm the third one and this kid over here is the fourth." He teased Nina who was beside him. She fought her brother back cheerfully. "The last one is Allea, she's three so.. no school for her yet." Zan smiled to him.

"Wow, I didn't thought that you're in the middle!" Wilder amazed. "Well, that's what people always said to me."

"My father, Mr. Clark, is the CEO of Cytech industry where they provides the latest technology for this city, lots of engineers, researchers and any workers related with the technology developments worked under this industry. He is also one of the founder of SkyDream Foundation where they help people who were in need like giving them work, scholarship for studies and other. Cytech industires also supplies their invention outside this city above request." Zan explained non-stop.

'You could have known that it's inherited from your grandfather.' Wilder smiled.

"It's weird that you guys didn't live at Velas, your family must be very welcome there." said Wilder curiously, thinking he might get an important clue. "I don't know, a royal guards came to our house once, but my father ignored them. Said that it's nothing interesting." said Zan in a state of wonder. "Anyway, the school had nothing to hide except, one room where they kept record of students every year, the test and all of school things there. No one cares much about it." Zan changed the topic. That gave Wilder some thought.

Suddenly, a boy who were jogging there accidentally hit Wilder. They both fell in shock. Zan looked at them surprisingly. Nina stood behind her brother, feeling scared.

"Hey, you good?" he asked Wilder while helping him to stand up. Wilder settled himself and glancing at the silver-black haired boy with his face half closed by his hair, he quickly stood up, settling himself and facing them.

'How can you be here at this exact time?' Wilder looked at the boy with shock.

" I'm sorry, Zan, just too rushing back there, heh." the boy said in exhaustion. "Hey, long time no see, Leo." Zan greeted the boy excitedly. Wilder surprised. "Yeah, got something to do at hometown, you see I'm back to school today!" the boy replied happily. "Got to go, things to do." Leo waved them goodbye and continued his jog.

"Do you know that guy? You look shock when you saw him." Zan asked while waving back at Leo. "That guy? It.... must be a coincidence I saw him somewhere." He replied uncertainly.

"Zan, we need to go. Mother must be waiting" Nina said slowly behind him, still feeling scared. "Alright, Nina. Come on, it's nothing to be worried about, you shouldn't be scared. Okay, Wilder. I guess we need to go. Sorry, see you later" said Zan, giving Wilder a smile and start to jogged with Nina along the way.

'Good thinking, boy' Wilder said in relief. He let the day entertained him along the way till he got home.

Wilder keep sending a message to housemate as soon as he arrived. "Just give it up, it's hundred times already." said Torpius, while floating around the air in a circle relentlessly. "He doesn't reply any of it! We'll be in trouble if anything happens to him!!" said Wilder, panicked. "He's fine. Sho's at his room so there's no point of sending anything if he didn't brought a clone with him." said Torpius calmly.

How'd you guys entertain yourself while returning back to home? Hope it's relieving and stay safe!

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