
Between Afterlife

Blood. Gore. Screams. Those three had filled his surroundings as he started to run away from the ferocious monster who was chasing him, all hungry for his flesh. Blood had splattered against his cheek as he tries desperately to run away from the monster that had started to chase him. He was afraid, he couldn't do anything. Shio was frozen in place as he looked over to the dead body beside him, its eyes remained open as it looked lifeless. As he was running, he was helplessly tripped over by a stone in the way. He turned his back and looked at the demon that was now in front of him, hungry for his flesh and blood. "How could the afterlife be this horrible? Everything was different from what we had learned from textbooks and such! This is too much!" _____ Shio Kurotani, a young man currently in his senior years in high school also a track and field student-athlete, suddenly gets in an unforeseen accident that had caused his life to turn upside down and completely ruin what was left of him. He suddenly gets stuck between the worlds in the afterlife as he struggles to find a way back to their world, for him to at least, be free from the afterlife's grasp and be alive once again. With countless challenges and opportunities, will he be able to get back to his original world and continue his life on Earth? Or will he stay and protect his newly-found friends in the afterlife? _____ Credits to the artist of the cover (I randomly chose the picture from Pinterest and edited it with the application called PicsArt). ______ This story is served as an entry at the Webnovel Spirity Awards Spring 2020. Please support the author and expect regular new chapters! Copyright© 2020 All Rights Reserved

victorioussaira · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Come, Little Piggy!

"Shio..!" Hyuna screamed on the top of her lungs as she gets dragged by her leg, taking her away from Shio. He remained still for a second as he processed what just happened in a split second, it all happened too fast and they were nearing the end of the pathway too!

"Should I leave her?" Shio thought to himself, staring at Hyuna who was getting pulled at her leg as she was screaming and panting all over the place. He stared at the cannibal monster and saw that it was the one who had a mutilated pig face, the monster who had eaten one of them in front of him.

"Shio, please help me!" She yelled out. Shio, still not doing anything, grew more afraid at the monster and decided to run towards the opposite direction heading towards the light coming from the tunnel.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck..." He cursed out, he was going bananas at this point. He bit his lip as he turned on his heel and ran towards Hyuna's direction, mentally cursing himself for being so indecisive—but he couldn't just leave that girl after she just helped him earlier, could he? No, that would be against his morals.

Shio tried to run at full speed, almost tripping on his way to Hyuna. He was running all differently, he was pushing himself more than his regular potential. He had never run like this before, it was as if he was the one running for his life. He looked more closely at the monster and saw that he had tackled Hyuna with his large claws and pierced through one of her legs, making her cry out in agony.

Hyuna screamed from the throbbing pain coming from her bleeding left leg, she was almost hyperventilating due to the panic and shock the pain had caused. Her screams could be heard, in unison with the others whose flesh had been torn apart and soon she might be one them.

She looked up from the ground, her back was facing the gigantic monster, and saw that Shio was running back for her. This had made hope come crawling back to her as she tries to think of an idea that could help her escape, at least from his grasp. "Hngh..."

The monster's grip began to tighten around her leg as she could feel the claws pressing down on her skin once more, wanting to pierce through her leg again. Hyuna took this as a need to get away from him fast, and so she used her free leg, kicking the monster right at its genitalia with full force.

"Argh!" The monster growled in pain as his hands quickly went to his sensitive part and try to suppress the pain. Hyuna instantly hurried away from the monster, limping a little as she could see Shio getting closer to her. The mutilated pig noticed this and tried to chase after Hyuna, his hand grasping the air right next to Hyuna's back.

He kept trying to grasp any parts of her body, just so he could hold her down once again and this time, devour her for good. If it wasn't for the pulsing discomfort he was suffering from between his legs, he would have caught up to her by now.

The monster was busy running after Hyuna and it noticed her bouncing short hair in the air. This had made the pig monster smirk and thought of an idea that would definitely make the girl stop on her tracks. He was about to grab the girl's hair when she was suddenly pulled towards the opposite direction, his hands were grasping the air once again.

"Shio!" Hyuna beamed as she was suddenly brought to his wide shoulders and get carried like a sack of rice.

"No time for chit-chat, we must head to the light fast!" Shio exclaimed, breathing heavily. He was sweating all over the place, unlike earlier, and now he had to run back to where he was earlier. Hyuna nodded against his back as she could see the monster gaining speed behind them.

He looked really angry and there were more fangs growing out of its mouth. "Shio, you might want to double up your speed. The fat stupid pig's gaining on us!" Hyuna warned, only making Shio annoyed.

"I'm trying woman!" Shio yelled back. He was too busy catching up to the light that was coming from the end of the pathway, and that tunnel was about to close its doors as the light passing through were getting thinner and thinner.  He began to see that there were actual enormous doors now visible at the tunnel, it looked like it was made out of stone with few carvings written on it. Its transcripts were on an entirely different language, one that they had probably never encountered before. Ever.

Hyuna looked up from the ground and saw that the monster was almost near face to face to her. "Eep!" She screeched, alarming Shio who was running faster than ever. It was as if their lives were on the line, which it was. However, this time it was more of a 'Shio only' obligation since he was the one running for the two of them.

"Haa, haa.Why? What's..wrong?" He panted, his breathing was now growing short as they were both nearing the path to the tunnel.

"The monster! He's getting really close. REALLY. CLOSE!" Hyuna exclaimed. She had to do something in order for the monster, to at least, slow down. That way, she could take some time for them to gain distance away from him.

She tried to think of a way, but only one method had pop up on her mind and that was to throw an item to its face. The only problem is that she had nothing, there was nothing she could throw, sure she could if they stopped from running and just pick up some rocks and pebbles from the ground—won't that be great?

Hyuna sighed as she unconsciously reaches out for her pockets and there, she felt a hard enough item to throw and deal some damage. She grabbed ahold of it and took it out of her pocket, looking at what her hands had laid upon. It turned out to be a bag full of coins. "So that's why my pocket felt too heavy."

"But where did this come from?" She thought, forgetting about the fact that they were being chased by some ugly-looking pig. "Should I even keep this? Maybe it'll be important to use."

She rummaged her hand inside of the tiny bag of coins as she picked one and looked at it closer. It was purely made out of silver, with some gold inside too. "Let's just keep some and throw one to this freak. I'll choose one of the silver coins since that is lesser in value than the gold, I think."

Hyuna threw the silver coin into the air, hoping it would hit the monster and would at least slow him down for a couple of seconds. Just to buy them more time—more time to escape. The silver coin landed directly at the pig's eyes, making the monster growl in pain as he tries to squint his eyes, rubbing them to rid of the pain.

"Yes! I hit him in the eye, Shio!" She cheered. Shio only nodded in response, his eyes only focused on the fading light that was very near to them. He was panting like crazy, he could feel his lungs flaming as it tried to breathe more air onto it. Shio wanted to take a break so badly, but he couldn't sense it's their lives we are talking about here. He still wanted to somehow go back to his regular life, if that were still possible at this point.

The pig monster let out a screech, it sounded like a pig that was being slaughtered in a farm. One that Hyuna had heard from before, back in her childhood days at the farm. "Of course, he'll sound like that. I mean, he is kind of a pig."

Hyuna sighed as she began to notice another group of monsters looking their way. They all looked different but had resemblances to some animals. The monsters were viciously glaring at them as they start to run after them. It seemed that the noise from the pig acted as a signal to kill them, throwing that silver coin must have been a bad idea.

"Fuck! Shio! More of them are coming towards us!" Hyuna shouted. She had tears in her eyes as an overwhelming amount of panic and fear washed over her. She stared at the ferocious monsters and locked eyes with one of them, the one that had pincers for its teeth and eyes similar to a fly's. It was terrifying to see as the weird creature widen its pincers, showing its whole mouth with unchewed mutilated body parts were visible.

Hyuna gagged at the sight of it. She saw pieces of fingers there and some chewed off eyeballs. It was horrifying and it seemed to had scarred her for the rest of her life, not only her but also to Shio who witnessed a live human making.

Shio looked at the closing doors of the tunnel and saw that it was almost closed, they were still a few steps from it. He was rushing and panicking all over as he starts to run more hurriedly, despite feeling his legs starting to give up on him.

The doors were about to close when they had reached it as Shio tried to squeeze himself on the small gap between the doors. Some people were trying hard to sneak through it as well, Shio managed to get themselves through with a few pushes to the others who were running with their lives on it.

They had made it.

Hello, a bit late for an upload. Lmao.

I forgot to tell you that the prologue has been revised and now has a different story to it. Go check it out if you want.

Thank you for reading. There'll be more updates soon.

victorioussairacreators' thoughts