
Between Afterlife

Blood. Gore. Screams. Those three had filled his surroundings as he started to run away from the ferocious monster who was chasing him, all hungry for his flesh. Blood had splattered against his cheek as he tries desperately to run away from the monster that had started to chase him. He was afraid, he couldn't do anything. Shio was frozen in place as he looked over to the dead body beside him, its eyes remained open as it looked lifeless. As he was running, he was helplessly tripped over by a stone in the way. He turned his back and looked at the demon that was now in front of him, hungry for his flesh and blood. "How could the afterlife be this horrible? Everything was different from what we had learned from textbooks and such! This is too much!" _____ Shio Kurotani, a young man currently in his senior years in high school also a track and field student-athlete, suddenly gets in an unforeseen accident that had caused his life to turn upside down and completely ruin what was left of him. He suddenly gets stuck between the worlds in the afterlife as he struggles to find a way back to their world, for him to at least, be free from the afterlife's grasp and be alive once again. With countless challenges and opportunities, will he be able to get back to his original world and continue his life on Earth? Or will he stay and protect his newly-found friends in the afterlife? _____ Credits to the artist of the cover (I randomly chose the picture from Pinterest and edited it with the application called PicsArt). ______ This story is served as an entry at the Webnovel Spirity Awards Spring 2020. Please support the author and expect regular new chapters! Copyright© 2020 All Rights Reserved

victorioussaira · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Back Against The Wall

"What the hell, man?" Shio exclaimed, almost yelling. He glared at the young man who did nothing, but stare at him. Shio, then, took a step forward to him and tried to flick the frozen guy's forehead, trying to make him snap away from his trance.

His fingers came hitting Hisato's displayed forehead, his hair slicked back due to the ridiculous amount of sweat he had. Hisato's forehead was all pale, with a red mark suddenly becoming visible. "Ouch."

Shio surprised from his instant reaction, suddenly fell back and moved away from Hisato. His back was now against the wall, and on top of him, was the showerhead itself. He was now utterly confused, with Hisato still frozen in place, not knowing what to do but one of his hands was upon his forehead, rubbing the swollen part of it from Shio's flick.

"What the hell is wrong with this guy?" Shio thought to himself, stuck between the shower and this other weird male—who seemed to be intimidating earlier, now seeming to be just another weirdo.

Hisato unexpectedly had tears streaming down his face. His nose snorting up his running mucus that was building up because of his tears. This had caught Shio off guard and mentally facepalmed, this situation right here was something he never would have expected to happen. "Uh... Why the hell are you crying?"

Hisato quickly looked up from the floor and stared at Shio again for a few seconds, before trying to speak up. "It's because of you!"

"Huh? What?"

"You're the reason why I couldn't win the damned track!" He exclaimed, his tears were practically like waterfalls flowing from his tanned face. His face was all messed up, with few snorts dripping from his runny nose.

"Oh?" Shio conspicuously shrugged. His mouth was formed in an 'O', with both of his hands positioned above his shoulders, shrugging. It looked as if he was mocking the sole reason for Hisato's crying.

"What the fuck is even with that face?!" Hisato asked, feeling all irritated with the face Shio has been making.

"That's not my problem." Shio blatantly said, walking past Hisato and bumping onto his shoulders. Before Shio left the shower room, he paused on his track and faced Hisato's direction once more, gazing upon his tall, fair back. "By the way, why did you do that?"

"Do what?" Hisato said, sniffling while turning towards Shio's direction. His long fingers ran through his messy wet hair, his bangs were getting on the way of his sight, slicking it back so perfectly that he almost looked so formal and proper. Though he is, in some way. Hisato just often gave this intimidating aura that wishes for everyone around him to suffer their demise.

"Y'know," Shio began, pointing at the shower stall he was busy with before. "You, disturbing my showering while I'm fully naked." He continued, with a hint of sarcasm at the end of his sentence.

"I mean—who does that?" He added, folding both of his arms to his chest. His body was still soaked, as he was not able to completely dry himself because he was too busy not letting his 'thing' be shown to other men. Shio's towel was also hanging low from his hips, showing more of his ripped complexion.

"Some people do, though."


"In fact, maybe it was just an accident that wasn't even meant to happen. I just happen to open the wrong stall, because I thought you were someone else." Hisato said, in an as-a-matter-of-fact tone of voice. He placed his arms to his chest, as well, mimicking Shio in the process with him making his earlier mocking face.

"Besides, I have other friends too." He added, pouting his lips the other way like an unusual duckling who keeps its mouth shut in such a manner. Shio, on the other hand, was once again beyond confused and lost for words. This guy was someone he didn't want to get too close with.

"I didn't even ask if you had other friends, though," Shio replied, dull as ever while looking away from Hisato's weird duck-face. "You have such weird friends."

With that, Shio turned his heel and was headed outside of the shower room and to the locker room, for him to change his clothing. Before reaching the room's exit, he heard Hisato yell one last time with a great attitude. "My friends aren't weird! I'll beat you next time, too!"

"Sure, I'll be waiting for that day!" Shio waved at him, his body not turning to face his direction and just continue walking out of the room. He smiled to himself, as he reached out to his locker and onto the pile of neat, extra clothing that was stocked there in a bag. Shio grabbed his change of clothing and went on to it.

Feeling all freshened up, he went outside and to the bleachers. His green eyes met with the eyes of his friends who were waiting for him, snacking on a different meal this time. Kagura was eating some fresh popcorn, together with Kun, while Xian was munching on an appetizing piece of crepe.

Shio hurried back to the group and sat beside them, digging his hand through Kagura's paper bowl of popcorn. "What happened when I was away?" He asked.

"Not much, really," Kun answered, consecutively grabbing a handful of popcorn from Kagura's. His mouth was, yet again, filled with food making his speech inaudible and unclear, though Shio has a way of understanding this language of Kun.

"He did miss out on something!" Kagura blurted, picking a piece of popcorn and feeding it to Shio which he gladly accepted unexpectedly. This had made Kagura blush a little, with how cute she thinks Shio was when she was feeding him. It gave her new ideas to fantasize about.

"What was it that I've missed?" Shio asked, still letting Kagura feed him. Kagura's smooth face was now shaded with red as if looking like a tomato. He looked at her, as if observing the young girl's behavior, and patted her auburn, straight hair. There were times that Shio had thought of Kagura being beautiful, and this moment was one of them. He just hates her clingy side that she can't help but show, whenever she's around him.

The other two, Kun and Xian, remained silent for a few seconds while examining their two other friends who seemed to be acting all lovey-dovey. They had never seen Shio act this way around Kagura before for their whole six years of friendship. Maybe, it was because they had never caught these two alone together, but something must have blossomed between these two for that long period of time. Or so they thought.

Kun's face suddenly went looking like an odd, mocking, meme-like expression as if teasing the two who were acting all different in front of them. "Ohoho, is there something blooming in the air?"

"Eh? D-Don't say that, Kun!" Kagura shrieked, both her hands on her face checking to see if its temperature rose due to the amount of romantic excitement she's having right now.

"Eh? D-D-Don't say that, Kun!" He mimicked, his voice nearly small as Kagura's and facial expressions were more exaggerated, with a hand raised in the air and somewhat folded while doing the motion of blowing some air with his hand. "You guys are being so cute, right now. I wish I could act all lovey-dovey with someone, too." Kun sighed.

"Fuck off," Shio said. He was again pissed with how annoying Kun can be and how he's able to irritate him without fail. Looking at Kagura's tomato face, he sighed and withdrew his hand that was gently placed on top of her head, which was stroking her strands of hair earlier. "You're so annoying."

For a split second, there was a hint of disappointment visible on Kagura's face, as if she wishes to let him touch her now-messy hair. As soon as Shio removed his hand, her hands immediately went up to her hair and fixed it, straightening some knots formed by Shio's constant sliding of his hands at her hair. Xian, on the other hand, was busy gobbling down his chocolate crepe, hurrying to finish before the ice cream melts.

"Anyways," Shio coughed up, trying to change the subject. The three other pairs of eyes looked at his direction and before Shio could continue, Xian suddenly choked on his almost-melted ice cream that was on top of his crepe.

"Sorry... Cough! Cough!"

"Are you okay?" Kagura asked, trying not to laugh at how stupid it is to choke on melted ice cream.

"Yeah... I'm fine, carry on." Xian replied, flipping his hands in a manner where you try to get rid of someone by moving it in a fan-like motion.

"So, what were you about to say?" Kun asked. He sat up and fixed Xian's way of seating so that he could lie on his laps as he listens to what Shio was about to say.

"I was wondering what you guys were gonna tell me that I missed out on."

"Ah! That. We decided to go out drinking tonight."

Hey guys! I'm back again with a new chapter, hope you guys enjoyed it and stay tuned for more! More updates will be coming soon.

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