
Between 2 worlds

Breaking most curses are not easy most especially when it comes from the mouth of a witch who witnessed her child killed before her eyes,placing a curse on the head of the three kingdoms present at scene, which only twins with divine and strong elemental powers can break,and placing the second curse on the Bibarni Rock to hold the soul of her daughter in other to haunt down the souls of every twins down.Who will break the curse,how will they break a curse that is nearly unbreakable

Oreoluwa_Oyebanjo · Fantasy
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65 Chs


Chapter 35: He Does Care.

"Rough", Piyani called excitedly as she walked into his room.

Piyani and Rough have been best friends since they were young and the others misinterpreted their relationship cause of their closeness and how they refuse to do things without both of them participating together but things went rough between them and their friendship got broken when Piyani left the kingdom with her brother to the human world three years ago when their father died.

Their father was their only parent ever since their mother died while giving birth to Zain, but he died due to an illness. Zain took his sister away and left for the human world since that was his father's last wish, to leave the kingdom and go to the human world so as to avoid Fatilazi's wrath.

"Get out!", he said angrily.

"What!, is that how you'll welcome me", she frowned surprised by his action.

"Sorry then. Please princess Piyani, go out and close the door behind you and if you are still interested in coming in then knock the door before you come inside", he said.

"Knock?", she asked again.

She has never knocked on his door before entering his room nor has his knight and guards ever stopped her from entering his room.

"Yes knock", he replied. "You can get out now", he said and she rolled her before she went out.

Yes, she knows everything he's doing is because she didn't tell him she was leaving before she left, his anger is justified, but this, actually, it wasn't also her fault cause she herself didn't know everything was about changing that night.

Now knocking on the door she went in without even waiting for his reply.

"Not even a hug, I've been gone for a while and you can't even welcome me with a hug", she pouted but he still didn't reply her nor did he even look at her.

"I know you are angry with me but I swear on my dead fathers grave I didn't know that I'll be leaving if not I would have told you about it, I never knew Zain was planing on taking me far away", she said but he still didn't make any movement not to talk of replying her.

"Okay then I'll leave, if that's what you want", she said.

"Thanks", he said coldly. "What of Zain", he asked.

"Don't ask me", she hissed and banged the door at him angrily.


[ Menza's POV].

"Menza", I heard someone call my name from behind and I turned to see who it was.

Jaze was right, I'll never learn, he had told me over a thousand time to always lock the door if I was the only one in the house but it always skip my mind. But this time around I'm happy I didn't lock the door.

"Piyani", I hugged her tight.

How do I explain the type of relationship we share, we aren't directly related cause she's my cousin's cousin but she's way more better than them and more nice and kind to me.

"Oh my baby", she said patting her head before disengaging the hug.

Yes, she's five years older than me.

"I missed you, I thought you'll never come back", I smiled.

"I missed you too, goodness, you've now grown to be a beautiful lady", she said.

"Stop, its only a matter of two years", I said hiding my blush. "You've also changed your dressing, hair color Infact you've changed everything about yourself".

"Sit, let's sit down", she said and got me seated before getting herself seated.

She looked around for a while still on her seat, seems like she's looking for someone or something

"Where's that rude brother of yours?", she asked.

"I don't know",I said.

"How's he?", she asked.

"I don't want to talk about him", I replied

"Why, did you two get into an argument?", she asked.

"I don't want to talk about it", I replied.

"Is it that bad?", she asked."Look here, you can talk to me, I have a solution to every problem", she said.

"Not this one", I said.

"Zain and I also argue sometimes, so its normal for siblings to have up and down in their relationship", she smiled.

"Anyways, let's change the topic to something more interesting", she said smiling, curiosity and excitement is written all over her face.

"What?", I asked confused by the way she's behaving.

"What's what, You,Jaze, Liza and Ward, are you guys getting together now?", she asked.

She didn't mention Rough, Rough is a gentle cousin, I guess he took after their mother even though I can't really remember her face but she died before the cause was placed on this land

"I don't even know what to say, you'll feel sorry for me if I start my horrible experience with them most especially with Ward", I said with a sad voice.

"Uhn, what did he do?", she asked.

I inhaled and exhaled deeply.

"Piyani....I'm pregnant",I said.

Her eyes widened, she was about screaming but I covered her mouth tight.

"Please don't scream", I pleaded and she nodded as a reply, it was then I released her mouth.

"Who's the father", she asked.

"Ward", I replied without taking a breath.

"What!.... he's your cousin for goodness sake, how could you...", she trailed off when she noticed my eyes were becoming watery.

Goodness knows what she's going through right now, her heart must be bleeding.

"Does Ward knows about it?", Piyani asked.

"Of cause he does and to make matters worse we aren't even together anymore", I said.

I could see her eyes asking me 'what was I thinking', but sincerely speaking I myself don't know.

"Really?, that's bad", she said.

"I know right, he doesn't want me, he doesn't even wants the child, he never even loved me, he used me and I hate him", I said with so much bitterness and I feel like stabbing him right now.

"You realized that late, like, what were you also thinking, that someone as heartless as him would love you, he's heart is rock Infact he doesn't even have one, anyways the deed has been done, you'll use this as a lesson for yourself and for your child", she said without any emotion.

"Are you planning on keeping the pregnancy?, does Jaze even knows about this....what are you going to do now", she said and bit her lower lip.

My heart feel empty and light right now, I've disappointed so many people, I'm sure mama and papa are also disappointed in me right now.

"Yes, I'll keep the baby and jaze knows about it and I'm not also planning on doing anything either", I said.

"And Ward, does he use to come see you?", she asked.

"No, the last time ha came here was only to tell he was getting married", I said.

"And you aren't bothered with that?", she asked worriedly.

"What can I do, its all my fault, I was way to gullible, I just hate him and I feel like killing him", I said angrily.

"How did that rude brother of yours react when he found out?", she asked.

"He was angry, extremely angry, he recently even forgave me", I said.

"Seriously, that brother of yours is cold, not loving", she said.

"He does care, and he's loving to", I defended him.



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This book still has a very long way to go, boost me up.