
Between 2 worlds

Breaking most curses are not easy most especially when it comes from the mouth of a witch who witnessed her child killed before her eyes,placing a curse on the head of the three kingdoms present at scene, which only twins with divine and strong elemental powers can break,and placing the second curse on the Bibarni Rock to hold the soul of her daughter in other to haunt down the souls of every twins down.Who will break the curse,how will they break a curse that is nearly unbreakable

Oreoluwa_Oyebanjo · Fantasy
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65 Chs


Chapter 23:Pinky Promise.

The sun is down today like its about to rain, the weather doesn't look friendly either and the sea doesn't look gentle.

Wisdom was standing all alone beside the sea while everyone where enjoying themselves, playing with sand and water, running here and there like little children.

"Hey, Lucina,...what's wrong with him?", Joy asked.

Please Joy, not this again. "How am I to know", Lucina replied.

"You can ask him", Joy suggested still focused on her phone.

I'm sure she must be chatting with her fiance. "Leave me alone", she replied.

"I think he's lonely", Joy insisted withdrawing her attention from her phone.

"What's your stress, leave him alone, he's enjoying himself over there, if he finds himself comfortable over there then let him be", Lucina said trying to keep her cool.

" Lucina, Wisdom..

"I'm not interested in any relationship, please, I still have a lot ahead of me Joy, don't lecture me", she cut of.

"Fine, but at least you can talk with him, that won't harm you, will it?",Joy asked calmly.

"Fine", she said and stood up from the mat.....

She walked up to him slowly, it was a little bit far from where she and Joy where staying, the slightly heavy wind was increasing the wave of the sea making everywhere sound cool. From afar it was clearly written on his face that he was worried about something which no one could tell.

Dave and Mary where at one side beside the sea making a castle with the sand which ended up getting destroyed thanks to the wind, they eventually got tired of rebuilding it and decided to chase each other around like little children while Dane on the other hand sat under a cocoanut tree sketching and Juliet was making a video call with her cute younger sister.

"Hey, is anything wrong?", she asked him.

"Nothing,...I just love the cool breeze here and the view of the sky", he replied.

"You're sure", she asked. The sky looked so rough and heavy like it wants to rain, I don't see anything beautiful in it.

"Yes", he replied still focused on the sky.

" Uhm....Wisdom, I have a question, it might sound stupid but...

"Go ahead", he gave a dull smile now giving her some attention.

I don't even know how to ask this stupid question, it's a stupid question and I know it is but....Courage...."Do you see me more than a friend?", she asked.

"Arrr....I don't think I'm getting your question", he said.

"I mean do you have feelings for me?", she asked bluntly.

"Why are you asking?", he asked.

I didn't expect this silly question to follow, I don't even have a solid reason, I just felt like asking but if I should say this, he might take it another way. "Nothing", she turned about to leave when he held her hand.

"Won't you wait to hear my reply?", he asked.

"Actually, I don't need a reply, all I just want to say is that, I love it the way we are friends and I'll love it if we continue to live like this, as friends", she smiled.

"As long as we remain friends I'm okay with that", he replied with a smile.

"Okay, we'll forever remain friends, pinky promise", she smiled broadly stretching her pinky finger but all he did was stare at her finger.

"Come on", she insisted.

"No, we don't need this", he said hitting her hand away.

"Why?", she asked.

"We are friends, we don't need this", he replied.

"Hey, Wisdom", Mary called and sprinkled water on his body.

"Seems like someone is going a catch a cold today", she smiled and left. Thank goodness..Oh my God, I completely forgot about Jaze.

"Come on, join us", Mary said and dragged him.

"Saw that everything went well", Joy smiled.

"Yeah", she replied.

"I even took some pictures of you too", She said.

"Joooy....anyways your luck", Lucina said.

"Yeah, my luck", she replied.

"I have to go, I want to see someone", Lucina said.

"Jungle man?", she asked and she nodded in reply. "But we are all having fun, don't ruin it", She frowned.

"I'll be back before you know it, don't tell anyone, please", Lucina pleaded

"Alright", she agreed.

"Don't take forever before you return", she said now sounding sad.

"Okay", she replied almost about standing up.

"When was the last time you spoke to Favour", she asked.

"Let's keep this conversation for later", Lucina said.

"Okay", she replied and left.

"Where's she going?", Wisdom asked.

"I don't know, you can follow her", she said.

"There's no need for that, she'll be alright, I trust her, she'll be fine", he said.

Who's talking about trust here, I'm trying too get you two together. "All alone?", she asked.

"This isn't her first time going out alone, she won't get hurt", he said.

"I don't know but I'm having a bad feeling about this", she said worriedly.

"she'll be fine", he said.

"I'm not joking Wisdom, I'm dead serious", she said wiping her forehead like she's sweating.

"Then you should have stopped her earlier", he said.

Why doesn't this dude understand what I'm trying to do here," The feelings just came now", she replied.

"She'll be alright, enough of the drama now, you aren't sweating", he said and turned back.

"After all my stress... "she mumbled to herself . "Anyways, your loss", she said.


"So, about this Lucina girl, since you haven't figured out your feelings for her yet, tell me more about her then, like more...more", she smiled.

"I don't know about her but I don't think she's human", Jaze said.

"I'm not getting you, are you trying to say that she isn't human, What is she then?", she asked.

"I don't know, but I have this strange feeling about her, not a bad feeling though, anytime I'm close to her I feel that force, she can even speak our language", he smiled at the last sentence.

"Seriously?, you taught her?, she must be a fast learner then", Menza smiled. "Your children will be so brilliant", she added.

"We haven't even discussed anything about having feeling, you are already talking about having children", he said.

"Actually, I didn't teach her, and I didn't even realize it earlier", he said.

"You didnt teach her?, you didn't even know she is speaking our language, then how did you find out?", she asked.

"I have to go", he said and stood up.

"To where?", she asked curiously.

"I'll be right back, I'll tell everything about it later", he said and left the room.


"Hi", she smiled.

"Seems like you are really excited to see this animals", he said.

"I'm so excited, I love animals a lot even though I never had the opportunity to get one", she frowned.

"Why?", he asked.

"My mom doesn't like animals and my dad is surely not going to agree, I'm a hundred percent sure about that", she said.

"Which means you never tried", he said.

"I tried a lot but he keeps giving different definitions of animals and I'm tired of it already", she said. "Lucky you", she smiled.

"I could say the same to you too", he replied.

"I won't ask you why", she said and sat on the protruding root of a tree.

"Okay, can we?", he asked and she nodded as a reply.

"I don't want to take long here".