
Between 2 worlds

Breaking most curses are not easy most especially when it comes from the mouth of a witch who witnessed her child killed before her eyes,placing a curse on the head of the three kingdoms present at scene, which only twins with divine and strong elemental powers can break,and placing the second curse on the Bibarni Rock to hold the soul of her daughter in other to haunt down the souls of every twins down.Who will break the curse,how will they break a curse that is nearly unbreakable

Oreoluwa_Oyebanjo · Fantasy
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65 Chs


Chapter 22:You're in Love.

"Our child", he replied.

"You don't have a child with me, the child living in me is my child, only I own this child, don't you have any shame left in you,.....Get out", she yelled angrily.

"Calm down", he said calmly.

"Stop pretending like you care when you don't... I said GET OUT, don't let me lose control", she yelled and Jaze entered the room.

"What are you doing here?", Jaze asked coldly.

"Hi Jaze", he greeted.

"I don't need your silly greetings, Ward", he replied.

"You're just like your father, rude and arrogant, it runs in your blood, that was what lead him to his early grave", he said.

"Watch your tongue", Jaze warned.

"Don't talk to me like that Jaze, I'm the crown prince of this kingdom and I deserve to be respected", he said calmly.

"Sadly, lack of respect also runs in our blood, I thought it would be nice if I started being nice but instead you proved to me once more that you are a useless fellow by breaking my sisters heart, anyways, what are you doing here?", he asked and stared at Menza who was glaring at Ward hardly.

If ones glare could kill, no doubt, he would have burned down to ashes.

"You keep asking me this silly question", he chuckled.

"Questions are meant to be answered, if I remember clearly, we were both thought when we were little, too bad you have a blur memory so I can't blame you of you don't remember", Jaze said angrily.

"You two are short tempered but I your sister is the worst, you've both have proven to me many times that you are your fathers children and you have your fathers blood running in your veins", Ward smirked.

"Its about time you leave now", Menza said angrily.

"As you wish my lady", he smiled at her then walked up to her majestically and gave her peck on her fore head before he left the room.

"What was he doing here?", Jaze asked her.

"Nothing", she replied.

"And the peck, what was that for?", he asked.

"It was unexpected, like seriously, I never knew he was coming here, that fool just woke up from my peaceful sleep... no, my sleep wasn't peaceful either", she said and her mood suddenly changed. I'm I really going to die or what?, she thought.

"You didn't lock your door again that was why he was able to come in, what if he was planning to hurt you", he scolded.

"Not like he was planning any better", she replied.

"So he did do something to you, right?", he asked.

"Not physically but emotionally", she replied. "He's getting married".

"Oh, sorry about that. Are you hungry?", he asked.

"Yes, but I need to freshen up first", she replied.

"Be quick, I have something important and interesting to tell you", he smiled brightly.



"Today is going to be another busy day", Dave smiled.

"Why not let's take a day off from all this stress", Juliet suggested and they all stared at wisdom for a go ahead.

This is the first time since they started the project that he felt like a real leader.

"Of course we can, so, what are we going to do to make today fun and memorable?", he asked.

"Normally, there ought to be a brand celebration at the end of the day, so, I was thinking we should just make a campfire tonight, gist and have fun, like the camp stuff", Mary suggested.

"That's going to be great, I'm excited", Lucina screamed jumping excitedly. "I've never witnessed such things before, oh my God, this is going to be awesome", she smiled brightly.

"You seem too excited, we haven't even agreed on it yet", Dave said.

"I'm in", Joy smiled.

"Me too", Juliet said.

"In", Wisdom said and stared at Lucian who already calmed down but she turned her gaze away remembering Jaze words.

"I sense he has strong feelings for you".

"Hey, calm dude, anything to say?"Juliet asked but he didn't reply. "Ah, God....Dane", she called.

"What?", he asked calmly.

"I asked you a question", she replied.

"You were saying?", he asked.

Is this guy stupid, Julie...calm down, don't let this fool ruin your mood. "Forget about it", she gave a fake smile.

"What can we do this morning", Lucina asked.

"Let's take a walk around the beach side, it's not that far, we can just walk there", Mary suggested.

"Great idea", Dave smiled and patted her head.

"You guys look great together", Lucina smiled.

"Thanks", she blushed.

"Let's quickly have our breakfast, I'm so hungry", Joy said.

Guess that has been her business since she woke up and got ready for the day cause she didn't contribute to the conversation.


"I'm ready, how do I look", she smiled turning around.

"Great", he replied.

"Now continue from where you stopped", she said excitedly.

"You really sound excited", he smiled. "Actually its more like a question, I thought I should ask you since you've fallen in love before", he said.

"You are in love!", she smiled almost about to scream but she covered her mouth and widen her eyes instead.

"I never said that", he said still remaining calm.

"I can feel it, you can't hide your emotions from me", she hissed. "Who?".

"Can you please calm down and let me speak", he said.

"I'm trying", she said. When did this start?, where did you meet her?, who is she?, from where?, her name?, all this questions were running wild in her head.

"I met her about two months ago", he started.

"Two months!, and you are telling me now", she frowned.

" She was in danger and I saved her", he smiled. "Before I continue, she is a human", he stopped.

"Human!..now I'm missing mother a lot", she frowned and her eyes welled up.

"Your tears won't bring her back", I hugged her tight before she completely broke down.

"I shouldn't have mentioned that", he sounded regretful.

"You don't need to feel bad", she said releasing herself from the hug and wiping her tears away. "Continue, I'm already enjoying your story", she smiled.

"She doesn't know I'm a demon, but the truth is I'm not, we were cursed, at least she knows I'm cursed....We have limited time to spend with each other..

"Is she dying?", she asked.

"No, she isn't, she's here for a project and she's almost done with it", he sounded sad.

"Does she knows you have any feelings for her?", she asked.

"I never told you I have any feelings for her", he said with a serious tone.

"Then what's all this conversation all about?", she asked almost angrily, "Jaze, wake up, I can see your heart, I'm not dump, you love her...

"Enough now, what I'm trying to tell you here is that I have a friend and she's leaving soon" he said.

"Your misfortune", she snapped at him "This conversation is useless and boring, let's end it here, go and figure out your feelings first then you can come back.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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