
Better Than True Love

"I will make you human, and you will grant my wish." A Human Demon Contract was formed between Roxus and Lucifer. And finally, the contract was successful. "You are now human, and I have my wish, so Lucifer, let us part ways." Both smiled--but... "I will help with your revenge, Lucifer." "Marry me, Roxus." Roxus sobbed. "Please… run. Go far… don't fall in love with me, Lucifer please." "I love you, Roxus," he whispered. Lucifer, Lucifer. Oh, Lucifer. How strong must I be to be able to stand by your side? New chapter every Friday, Saturday, Monday and Tuesday. Story Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1l9XU-ZDSvA Cover art by Taterra_ Follow me on Twitter for more content for this story! https://twitter.com/rosnocht

Rosnocht · Fantasy
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206 Chs


The pain woke Lucifer up. The pain in his chest was widespread, piercing, painful. Lucifer wanted to get up immediately and sit up, but… Roxus was asleep by his side. He didn't want to wake his lover, so he restrained himself, opened his eyes and slowly released Roxus' embrace from his waist.

Cold sweat trickled down his back slowly as he backed up and got off the futon bedding. He teleported to a nearby forest, and—

"Urrp! Huk!"

Lucifer vomited a clot of blood. The man fell to his knees under a tree, still vomiting. His hand that was leaning against the tree trunk was shaking. His hair, wet with cold sweat, stuck to his temples.

"Cough! Cough, cough! Urp!"

Another clot of blood came out of his mouth.