
Better Than True Love

"I will make you human, and you will grant my wish." A Human Demon Contract was formed between Roxus and Lucifer. And finally, the contract was successful. "You are now human, and I have my wish, so Lucifer, let us part ways." Both smiled--but... "I will help with your revenge, Lucifer." "Marry me, Roxus." Roxus sobbed. "Please… run. Go far… don't fall in love with me, Lucifer please." "I love you, Roxus," he whispered. Lucifer, Lucifer. Oh, Lucifer. How strong must I be to be able to stand by your side? New chapter every Friday, Saturday, Monday and Tuesday. Story Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1l9XU-ZDSvA Cover art by Taterra_ Follow me on Twitter for more content for this story! https://twitter.com/rosnocht

Rosnocht · Fantasy
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206 Chs

A Day in a Life (3)

"Please excuse my impoliteness," said Hajun, "I wanted to ask the Lord and Madam about something."

"Please don't hesitate," Roxus looked at Sui, who was responsively pouring tea for Hajun. This little girl was indeed an experienced maid. However, Roxus asked Sui to come closer and sat her by her side.

"Just ask," Lucifer said, taking a sip of his tea.

"Who is the man who impregnated Lady Hosen?" asked Hajun.

Roxus cleared her throat quickly, glared at Hajun and hugged Sui's body. She hinted that there were small children here and that Hajun's language was too vulgar—but Sui didn't react because she already knew more than children her age. Roxus shook her head. Even though Sui already knew, this kind of exposure had to be filtered carefully. "Father of Lady Hosen's baby. Father of Lady Hosen's baby," she said twice.

Hajun cleared his throat. "Father of Lady Hosen's baby..."

"His name is Asmodeus," answered Lucifer.