
Betrothed To The Prince

What would you do if a Prince Suddenly got interested in you? In the land of Wyverdale, The Crowned Prince has finally returned from War victorious, his Father immediately wants him to Marry and then Commences the Festival of the Virgins. |||||||| Excerpt "Your Highness I am not an Easy woman" she said "Really? then if I proposed to you this instant would you agree?" he asked "----" |||| "It's time to consummate our Marriage don't you think?" he asked "Umm, Your Highness in my family we do not commence anything till spring" she replied "Oh is that so? since when?" he asked "Umm since my generation" she replied "---" Lady Diwura Lily Scot- The only child of Duke and Duchess Scot. Looks quiet and gentle on the outside, but a stubborn strong headed woman on the inside, with her pride at stake she willfully walked into a trap and got married to the Prince, her motto being that she was not an easy woman at all, and that did she prove. Prince Liam of Wyverdale -Usually cold, calculative and serious, the heir to the throne of Wyverdale, but when he meets Wura he slowly begins to change, he becomes playful and childish whenever she is around, and the two often fool each other. But only the end will tell where their relationship would go.

Dan_does_it_all · History
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521 Chs

Eating for two

"Diwura Dear, Come down for Breakfast" came the voice of a woman, her voice sounded sweet and lovely, like a harp playing,

"Yes I will be there soon Aunt Tessa" replied Diwura as she stood up and quickly picked up something.

"Ahh Alessia, I need this letter to be delivered to the plains immediately" said Wura as she came out of her room and handed the letter she just wrote to the first maid she saw.

"Okay Wura" said the maid called Alessia as she held the letter in her hand.

"Thank you" said Wura as she smiled.


"Good Morning Aunt Tessa" said Wura as she came down for breakfast, she walked down the stairs into the dining room, and she took a seat at the dining table.

"Good Morning Wura" replied the brunette haired woman called Tessa, who was in her seat.

"Good Morning Uncle" said Wura as she smiled at the brown-haired quiet man who was sitting down and observing.

"Hmm" he grunted, but it meant that he said good morning too.

Wura did not think that her Uncle was mean, that was far from it, she just knew that people were different and her Uncle was a man of few words.

Due to the winter weather, the central fireplace was burning in the dining room, and it spread warmth all around the dining room, fresh wood could be seen in a pile near the fireplace, in case the fire went out, which was not likely.

"So Wura my dear, tell me what happened last night" said Aunt Tessa as she was insinuating something.

"What do you mean Aunt?" asked Wura as she feigned ignorance and she kept on eating.

"You know what I mean, you know did anything happen?" asked Aunt Tessa.

"What am I even saying, or course something happened" she said.

"No wonder you were so tired when you came back" said Aunt Tessa.

"Aunt Tessa??" asked Wura with wide eyes, she spit out the food she was eating.

"Manners Wura, what have I told you about table manners" said Tessa.

"I do not think that I can have any manners if you keep on insinuating some things that would be better left unsaid" said Wura to herself, she loved her aunt, but sometimes, she could just be a bit too unfiltered.

"Sorry Aunt" said Wura as she quickly composed herself.

"Well with the way you reacted I am sure that something happened" said Tessa with smile that Wura knew meant something else.

"Nothing happened Aunt" said Wura as she quickly shut down any other ideas her Aunt could be thinking off in her head.

"I do not believe you, you surely must have caught the eye of the prince, you are an exquisite gem" said Tessa as she was proud of her niece, she was a perfect blend of her parents.

"No Aunt" replied Wura.

Wura was not going to tell her Aunt what happened, because she would surely jump for joy, her aunt was one to follow traditions, while Wura did not care for them at all, she found them all a hassle and a complete waste of time.

But tell that to her Royal family obsessed Aunt, who would obviously try to change her mind after what happened yesterday, she knew that she had no one else to save her and hence the very important letter she had written.

There was no way in the heavens that Wura was going to say a word about what happened last night.

"Wura, you cannot be telling the truth, the Prince must have chose you" said Tessa

"Aunt I do not know, it is up to him to choose, not me" replied Wura.

Wura looked at her Uncle with pleading eyes, as if telling him to please help her out of this conversation, and he replied with shaking his head, which meant that he was not going to interfere, Wura sighed, she knew that she was in this alone.

"But he must not surely be blind not to notice you at all, you are the..." said Tessa as she was cut off by her husband.

"Wildvine, you need to eat" he said as he turned to look at her.

"Wildvine??" asked Tessa in shock.

"You have not called me that since... since our youth days" she said.

Wildvine was his endearment for her, he came up with that during their courting days, when Tessa was... well as wild as ever, she was what you would call the child the was problematic.

"Awww Richie" said Tessa as she stroked her husband" bearded chin.

Richard looked at Wura, and Wura looked at him with a "Thank you expression" and he replied to her with a "You owe me one" expression.

"Yes Aunt Tessa, Uncle Richard is right" said Wura as she immediately seized the opportunity that her Uncle gave her.

"You are eating for two after all" said Wura as she smiled.

As you could not see from the angle Tessa was sitting in, she was with child, the physicians said that she would go into labour by summertime, she was not particularly heavy, but it seemed like the baby she was carrying was making her even more nosy.

"Awww, I am so lucky to have you both care for me" said Tessa as she smiled and she ate.

Wura sighed a sigh of relief, that was a close one, it was getting harder every single day to calm her Aunt's mind down.

"You know what, this is delicious" said Tessa as she spoke while eating, talk about table manners.

"I do not know why, but this has more flavour, did Beatrice add something new?" asked Tessa

"No Aunt, it is still the same recipe" said Wura.

"Wildvine it tastes the same to me" said Richard.

"Then it must be the baby" said Tessa as she ate some more, she had never felt as hungry as she did right now.

"Slow down Wildvine" said Richard as he patted his wife on her head.

She was cute when she was like this, unlike many other times when she could be as unbearable as fire, but she had some times when she could be as peaceful as the wind.

As Wura, her aunt, and her Uncle were enjoying their breakfast, suddenly something happened that caught the attention of them all.

Right outside their home, the sound of many trumpets could be heard, and it was not just any normal trumpets.

"What is the noise?" asked Richard.

"Let me go check" said Tessa as she stood up immediately, she did not waste any second at all, and she dashed outside to find out what was going on.

"She forgot her coat" said Richard as he sighed and stood up, his pregnant wife was really a handful.

Richard walked over to the coat rack, he grabbed his coat, and Tessa's coat.

"I might as well go see what is happening" said Wura as she pushed back her seat and went to see what was going on.