
The King's crush

“This is the girl who was in that outside the house watching Elina,” Violet said and tossed a drawing of a masked woman in black. Miguel's eyes narrowed suspiciously as he picked up the drawing. Violet waited for him to check and tell her if he knew anything.

“I'm suspicious of her, something is going on, and this girl is the center of it,” several times she had seen the girl in the shadows, but she didn't think much knowing it could be anyone shy.

“She looks familiar… but I don't think so…” Miguel said and tried to straighten up but failed. Violet, sympathizing, rushed to help him sit up, but he shrugged her away “I'm fine… don't worry I'll have the team searching for her” Miguel said, closing his eyes a little. It turned out the person watching Elina Angel was the dragon prince. They had no choice but to fight him, Miguel knew the fight ended with him getting hurt together with Oliver. His burns were still fresh and eating away his flesh