
Dark shadow

“You seem upset…did something happen?” Hazel asked and handed Elina a cup of ice cream. Both were at an ice outlet enjoying a wonderful afternoon. Elina chose to leave the house to get some fresh air

“Tell me…what's love…how do you feel it?” Elina asked as she took a spoonful of ice cream and ate it. Hazel was a little hesitant to reply. A question of love asked by Elina brought much to be desired. Smiling to herself, Hazel enjoyed the sugary taste of the ice cream. Enjoying the blend of flavors erupting on her tongue giving a satisfying smile on her face

“Okay, let's put it this way… when had you a crush on Andy… was it love you felt or something else?” Hazel asked instead of answering the question. Of course, Elina expected as much. It was clear, Hazel wouldn't answer her straight. Letting out a puff of cold air. Elina licked her lips for a while. Exhaling heavily from her mouth