
Betrayed again

Moleboheng_Evon · Fantasy
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2 Chs


"Oh no, now I see it. You have this stinking habit of not listening but today I want you to listen to me carefully young lady. Not just this man here is mine also the couch that you patch your little butts on it, it's mine. No it sounds like I'm exaggerating. Honey why don't you spill the beans for Ms Zulu" she said triumphantly.


"Don't call me that" she said impatient.

"Kwanele.... everything is in Rea's names... I mean everything was paid by Rea. Every cent you gave me I lost it at casino and our engagement ring was bought by her too. I'm really sorry"

"Let me guess, my car and company they are not mine also. All along I was your fool? That is why you never wanted to touch me because guilt was eating the shit out of you." she smirk staring at the foolish couple in front of her.

"Both of you think I'm a fool. Do you think I bought my degree? Nx, I still want you out of my house in twenty minutes." She stood up and went to wine cellar and open one bottle of wine and drink it straight from the bottle.

Had she been that ignorant she would have not learnt about Hlompho's deceit. It was two months ago when she came to know about everything. That day she was sick and decided to work from home. No one knew what made her to check the mailbox when she accidentally found a residential services letter. Hlompho was the one who handle the house services.

Something urged her to open the letter and when she did she was surprised to see the tittle did state that the Kumede's residence belong to Mrs Rearabetswe Kumede. She didn't bother herself with the belonging of the residence because she could just trick them to sign back to her but why was Rea called Mrs Kumede when she was just a daughter of the Kumede's.

She called a private investigator to investigate the relationship between Rea and the Kumede's only to find out that she was a daughter in law.

Finding out about the house, raised questions about other properties. She had everything investigated and how it was obtained which is totally different from what Hlompho just said. Indeed they take her for a fool. Kwanele made them sign over all her properties, house, the coffee shop and the car under her name without them noticing anything. She knew that a day like this one will come and they will want to take everything away from her.

Thinking about it now made her click her tongue. 'They are used to bullying the weak.' She was weak since he didn't pick her up after work and had cought fever but she was not weak to be bullied by two fools.

Yes she was heartbroken because she loved Hlompho with all her heart. He was a con man but still she fall hard for him. It broke her to hear him saying it on her face that he conned her and never loved her.

'How dare he? a junkies like him play mind games me. Who does he think he is? mxm even if I want to sue your ass how would you pay me?' she kept mumbling for herself while drinking a bottle of wine.

"Argh this wine is too weak. I'm going out, the police would be here in twenty minutes if they find you still here, I'm really sorry you'll have to spend few days at police station. Ohh you are required to take a set of clothes that you will wear now leave the rest they are not yours" she closed the guest room door with a bang.

In the launch, Hlompho and Rea stood there staring at the closed door. They were completely bewildered by Kwanele's bravery.

Rea was the first one to recover from what Kwanele said. "You... how can you just stand there and say nothing when your bitch is kicking us out of our house? How can you stay quiet, Hlompho!" she yelled on top of her lungs.

"Didn't you hear what she said just now? The police are coming woman!" he shouted back and rushed upstairs to wear clothes. He knew Kwanele very well and from what she said she wasn't bluffing, she meant every single word she said.

This was his chance to pack a small bag before the police arrive. He wore a set of black clothes and rushed to the safe. Lucky him, he knew the password word even when Kwanele had changed it few months ago. He took all the money in the safe and a credit card. "Sure this would be enough for now"

"Why are you still standing here for? Where is she?" he ask when he came down.

Rea was still standing there fuming with anger. "She took the car keys and went out. And Hlompho get this through your thick skull, I am not going anywhere you hear me. Who does that bitch think she is huh?" she folded her arms.

"Honey, stop being stubborn let's go. The police would be here in five minutes. Here, wear this" he handed her, her dress, coat and heels. "Hurry up babe"

"I'm done! no need for all of this"

They went out for the house and hail a cap. Just as they got inside the cap a police vehicle stopped at the gate. "You see that? that bitch was serious about the bloody cops. We could have been cought"

"Damnit Kwanele! Do you think she had figured out?" Rea said raging even more.

"Honey we might have underestimated her or we have let our guard down. Kwanele is a smart woman. She might be sloppy but she is very smart." Hlompho explain. Though he didn't love Kwanele but he still liked her. An ambitious, independent, smart and beautiful woman like her was to die for.

Now she knew the truth about him how could she accept him? 'Leave it I can't just enjoy eating her money'