
Betrayed again

Moleboheng_Evon · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Get out!

The rain started to wet the streets of the city, just enough to drench whoever and whatever on the streets. Kwanele ran and hide at the bus station. "Damn that man, didn't he see the weather" she gritted her teeth.

Her fiance was supposed to pick her up after work. He know that on Fridays she knock out early, why was he not here yet? The rain was getting stronger each passing minute. She was getting cold, sure she will catch flu.

She took out her phone in her bag and dialed some numbers.

"You have reached the voicemail..."

She cut the call and said with brittle voice "Damn you Mpho"

"I guess I'm walking back home. Why not when I'm already drenched like this" She toss her phone in the bag and moved from the station. She had to walk back home. Who would let her in his car when she was this drenched with rain.

'Mpho you better have a good reason for not picking me up, else wait for your punishment. But you could have sent someone to pick me up right?' Argh I'm so cold' she scold her fiance, Mpho.

A cold breeze blow in her direction which irritated her even more. Clothes stuck on her curvy body, dripping with droplets of water.

Half an hour later she arrive at her house. She got in inside and took out her heels and coat hanging it and walk up stairs to the main bedroom.

"Honey I'm home!" she called from second floor but no one responded. She frown and call again "Honey, I'm going to take a quick bath please get me some meds"

She reach the main bedroom and took off her dress and walk up to the bathroom but she pause before opening the door. There were noises coming inside the bathroom.

At first when she came in she heard those noises but she ignored them thinking of getting out the the wet dress because it was making her more cold. Now that she was standing near the bathroom door, they were so loud to ignore.

She open the door slowly revealing two intertwined bodies leaning by the wall engrossed in a steamy session.

"Hlompho Kumede! what the hell?!" she shouted on top of her lungs startling the two intertwined bodies.

Hlompho and a gray haired lady separate immediately and he stoop infront of her as if hiding her from Kwanele.

As if she was struck by lightning she stood there watching his fiance butt naked with another woman but why was this woman so familiar?

"Hlompho move aside" she said in a shaky voice. Her eyes glistened with tears, she hold them and refused break them out. Not infront of them.

"Honey, we can talk..." Kwanele cut him quickly when she noticed him taking steps towards her.

"Hlompho, didn't I just told you to move aside?"

He turn his head a little and told the lady behind him to get dressed before taking steps towards Kwanele. "Honey I can explain. What you saw means nothing. I can guarantee that to you"

"Now you got balls to defy my orders? you really are a changed man, Mr Kumede. You can continue with what you were both doing but I want you out of my yard in an hour" she said leaving them inside the bathroom and closed the door with a loud bang.

Tears finally broke out of her eyes, streaming down profusely. She could barely see anything, tears blur her sight. She went out of the bedroom to the guest room downstairs. No matter how angry she was, at the end of the day she still had to bath and take medication.

On the main bedroom, things got heated after Kwanele banged the door. The Gray haired woman stood there still butt naked with folded arms on her chest.

"How dare you Hlompho! How dare you talk to me like that?" she busted out in rage.

"Please Rea, I can't do this to her. Look you go home first, I'll talk to her"

He picked Rea's dress on the floor intending to give it to her. Rea is crazy she might chase Kwanele out if he doesn't send her out now. He must convince her to leave first.

"Honey listen, I didn't pick her up after work. Did you see she is drench with rain? And I can't possibly send her out now she will fall sick and forget about dropping the news about the house now. It will kill her!"

"Ha ha ha!"

Rea broke into loud piecing laughter. "So my husband is trying to talk me out for her little fake fiancee huh?" immediately after saying that she wipe of the fake smile on her fake and replace it with a stern expression. She pointed him with her long slender finger "Listen here Mr Kumede, I don't give a fuck about your bitch fiancee. You go out there and tell her that I, Mrs Rearabetswe Hlompho Kumede said I want her out in less than thirty minutes. If you can't then step aside, I will give her a peace of my mind"

"Mommy, come we can talk about this" Hlompho begged when he saw Rea wrapping a bath towel around her body. 'Shit this is not a good sign' he mumbled running after his wife.

Rea reach the last staircase and shouted Kwanele's name. "Kwanele! bitch come out"

"Honey please, it hasn't stopped raining. where will she go?" he pleaded with his wife who didn't budge at all.

The door of the guest room next to the kitchen open from the inside revealing a very pale woman. It was evident that she had cought fever. She got dark circles under eyes, tip of her nose was red and her knuckles started turning with. She sat on the nearest couch staring at the two half naked loves infront of her.

"Hlompho what is this half naked women still doing in my house?" she asked staring at the woman that once introduced herself as Hlompho's sister, Rearabetswe. She had figured out that all along they played her and convinced her that they were siblings so that they could two time her. 'Well played siblings' she murmured to herself.

"Babe tell her. Come on babe tell her what are we exactly" Rea said with a smirk on her face.

"I'm really sorry Kwanele but Rea was never my sister nor my lover" he started with an apologetic voice. "But we are legally husband and wife."

"I don't care what you are. Get out!"