

This story is purely fictional, any resemblance to an actual person or place or time is purely coincidental. The target audience of this stories are all genders. This story is also strictly very erotica.

Fredrick_Udele · Fantasy
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27 Chs


On Tuesday, I went to John's house with the boys to give them blow jobs. As usual, John wanted to go first because it's his house. I took off my shirt so that he could see or play with my tits if he wanted. I sucked his cock and nibbled on his balls and got him shooting loads of cum down my throat. Another satisfied customer. When we were done, I went out to the living room with him to get the next guy. I'm not sure why I even did that because I usually just waited for the next one to come in. So, there I am topless with my little titties sticking out and I come out into the living room to find Leslie there with the boys. "What's she .. why is she," Leslie stuttered out? Larry took over, "Leslie, um, well, Beth here, um …" Larry wasn't any better so I opened my mouth. "I'll take this, Larry. Come with me, Leslie, and I'll explain." With that, I grabbed her hand and took her into John's room.

"As Larry was trying to say, Leslie, my name is Beth. For the last few weeks, I've been giving the boys blow jobs. I'd never had a boyfriend before and through strange circumstances I performed my first blow job and found that I really liked it. In fact, I liked it so much that I started looking for other boys to suck off. I met Larry and it seemed that his friends would be perfect because they would appreciate what I do for them and wouldn't tell anyone. I did tell them originally to tell you about it, but I guess they were too embarrassed to do it. So, I'm sorry about that. I have even told the boys that you could be included in this if you want. I also found out in another strange way that I enjoy being with girls. I've found that licking pussy is just as fun as sucking a dick. I would be happy to do that for you, if you want, or I could teach you to give blow jobs and you could help me take care of the boys."

"You've got to be kidding, Beth," Leslie replied. I couldn't do that. And I'm not into girls. This all sounds so wrong." "Leslie," I said, "I didn't think I was into girls either. Not only did I find that I liked pussy, but would you believe the first one I licked belongs to my sister? I had never thought about my sister like that, let alone thought about licking a pussy. But, once I tried it, I was hooked. Now pretty much every time I get together with my sister and her girlfriend, we have a lot of fun together. Look, I'm not trying to push you into something you don't want to do. I'm just saying it would be fun. I know the boys like you and want to still be friends with you so none of us want you to feel left out. We're willing to include you in our fun in any way you want and if you don't want to be included, then you should probably call John first before coming over so you don't feel uncomfortable. We're not hurting anyone here, Leslie. The boys had never been sexual with a girl before and really wanted to have the experience, and I love giving blow jobs so it was just a good fit. We're just having some fun. It's not like I'm actually having sex with them or something. I let them see and touch my tits because no boys ever had. I don't have much, as you can see, so having boys actually like seeing my tits and touching them has been special for me. We're all just helping each other and we'd be glad to include you in any way you want."

"I don't know," said Leslie. "It's none of my business what you guys do together but I don't know that I'd want to get involved. I've never done anything like that before and I think I'd be way too embarrassed to do it. That's why I've always liked these guys. They've just been pals and never tried to get sexual or put any pressure on me."

"I understand, Leslie. Maybe it's time you took the opportunity to start to explore your own sexuality. I'm telling you, just a couple of months ago I was just like you. I'd never had a boyfriend. All the boys just looked past me because I don't have any tits. I didn't really feel much like a girl, let alone a young woman. But now, I feel more alive. These great guys are just as you've said. They treat me really well. They've never tried to do more than I'm willing to do and they appreciate me and my body. It's changed a lot of things for me. I really think you should think about just the two of us getting together sometime. You could come over to my house so the boys don't even know we've been together. Let me try to make you feel good. I bet you've never had anyone give you an orgasm before. I hadn't a couple of months ago. You wouldn't have to do anything with me, just let me pleasure you and see if you like it. If you don't or it just doesn't do anything for you, we just won't do it again. No big deal. And like I said, the boys don't need to know one way or the other unless you tell them. Just think about it. The offer is out there."

We went back out to the boys and Matt came back into the bedroom with me and I gave him his blow job. When we went back out, Leslie was gone. Oh, well, I thought. I took care of the other two guys and no one said anything about Leslie. As I was getting ready to leave, Larry asked if he could walk me home. "Sure," I said.

As we were walking, Larry asked about my conversation with Leslie. I told him pretty much what I'd told her and that I didn't know what, if anything, she was going to do. He told me she didn't say anything about it before she left. We continued to walk on and then Larry said, "Beth, it's really a shame that you don't want a boyfriend, because I really like you and would love for you to be my girlfriend."

"Oh, Larry, that is very sweet of you. I like you a lot, too. But as I've told you, I decided against having a boyfriend and now am having a good time giving blow jobs. I don't think I could be exclusive to somebody right now. And I told you there's an older man I know who's been waiting to make love to me and take my virginity and I'm really looking forward to that. You need to know that it's not going to be a one-time thing. He's way older than me so there's no hope for there to ever be a real relationship, but I do love him and will give myself to him whenever he wants. So, I'm afraid I wouldn't make very good girlfriend material right now."

"I wouldn't want you to change anything, Beth," Larry said. "I like you for who you are and how you are. I wouldn't care if you had sex with other guys. I can handle that. I just want to be able to spend more time with you and hold your hand and kiss you. You already give my friends blow jobs and it hasn't changed the way I feel about you. I like that you are sexy and free-spirited."

"I guess I should also tell you," I said, "there is another boy at school that I give blow jobs to sometimes. And I can't guarantee I wouldn't find other willing subjects. You need to understand that I am really liking my new role as a cum slut. You're a really nice guy, Larry. I do like you a lot. But I think you deserve someone better than me."

We arrived at my house and Larry said, "Beth, just think about it, please? I don't care about that other stuff. I know you do blow jobs because it's fun and you like the taste of cum. It doesn't mean you have any feelings for the guys you're with, though. And the guy who's going to take your virginity is one hell of a lucky guy, but like you've said, that will never be an actual relationship. You have feelings for him, but it wouldn't go anywhere. I would really like to give our relationship a try, if you're willing. Neither one of us has been in a relationship before so we really don't know what to expect. Maybe it won't work out, but I'd love to give it a try. Please think it over. Take care, I'll see you at school tomorrow." With that, Larry left me standing there thinking whether it might actually be able to work.

I'd never thought when I started all this that I'd end up really liking one of the geek squad, but Larry is really a great guy. He gets overlooked by girls just like I always have by boys. Just the fact that he really likes me is something very new for me. On top of that, for as shy as he was when we first met, I bet that took a lot of courage for him to say to me what he just did.

I had trouble sleeping that night. I kept thinking about Larry and what he'd said. Could he really handle me having sex with other people while being my boyfriend? How could he not get jealous? Then again, like he said, he knows I blow all his friends and he still wants to be my boyfriend, so maybe he can take it. Maybe he wants to be in a relationship so badly that he's willing to overlook things most other guys wouldn't. I guess I could give it a try. Worst case is it doesn't work out. The problem there is it might then make it awkward to be giving his friends blow jobs after we break up. But life is about risks. I took a risk when I sucked my sister's tits and sucked Jim's cock, and look how well that has turned out. As they say, no risk, no reward.

I saw Larry in the cafeteria and walked up to him. "Larry, do you really want to be my boyfriend," I asked? "Yes, more than anything," he replied. "Okay then, Larry, take me in your arms and kiss me." "Here? Right now," Larry asked? "Yes, Larry. Right here; right now. And kiss me like you mean it." He did. Larry pulled me into a hug and gave me a pretty good kiss with at least a little bit of tongue. Of course, all the kids around us started jeering and whooping, but I didn't care. When he released me, I said to Larry, "Okay, now I'm your girlfriend. And the key to our relationship is going to be 'no limits'. When you want to kiss me, then kiss me. If you want to hold my hand, take it and hold it. If you want to touch me, whether over or under my clothes, touch me. I don't care where we are; I don't care who sees us; I don't care how many people see us. I'm all in for you and will do pretty much anything you want me to do if it will make you happy. If you wanted me to give you a blow job here in the middle of the cafeteria, I would."

"Beth! I'd never ask you to do that," cried Larry. "I know, Larry, that's not the point. The point is that you just know that I would do it if you wanted me to. We'll talk about this more later. There's more I want to tell you. Let's get some garbage to eat."

After school, Larry walked me home and we held hands the whole way. "Larry, I meant it when I said I'm all in for this relationship. I told you about the guy, Jim, that will be getting my virginity and that I'll probably make love to him many times. I want you to know that after he takes my virginity, I want you to be the next guy to make love to me. And unless you tell me otherwise, the two of you will be the only ones who get to make love to me." "Wow, now that's something to look forward to," Larry said. "I can't believe that's going to happen. But what did you mean by unless I tell you otherwise," he asked? "Larry," I replied, "I told you I'll do anything you want. If you want me to have sex with other guys, I will. For example, if you wanted me to make love to John, Matt, or Billy, I would. I hadn't had any thoughts to do that, but if you wanted me to, I would. I mean it when I said I'll do anything to make you happy and that I'm all in."

"Uh, well I can't see that happening," Larry said. "I wouldn't ask you to do something like that." "Well," I said, "what if after we start being a couple and the guys know we're having sex that they start saying stuff like wishing they could have sex. If you wanted me to be with the guys so they can lose their V-cards, I would. I'm assuming that once I start actually having sex, I'm going to want to do it a lot. But like I said, unless you tell me differently only you and Jim will be allowed to actually have sex with me. That's about as exclusive as I can give you at this point. I also wanted to talk about something else. I told you at school that you can kiss me and touch me whenever you want, and I mean it. I'm not just saying you have permission to do it, I'm telling you that I want you to do it, whether we are alone or even in public. I want you to feel free to put your hands inside my clothes and touch me whenever you want and I want to be touched as much as possible. I'm going to try to wear some more accessible clothes like tank tops and crop tops so you have easy access to my little tits and loose shorts or short skirts so you can play with my pussy. And, of course, I don't wear underwear so you'll have real access. I don't care if you do it in front of your friends or do it at school. Hell, as far as I'm concerned you can do it in front of my parents. I think it would be hot for you to bend me over the side of the couch while my parents are watching TV and just start fucking me."

"Geez, Beth, you're crazy. Crazy in a good way, but I don't think I could ever do those things. I think we'd get in trouble if we did those things in school. It's fun to think about doing those things, but we just can't really do them. But I understand what you're saying. You're just letting me know you don't want to have any boundaries in our relationship. You like PDA, which will definitely take me some time to get used to, and you wouldn't mind shocking other people with our sexual fun. I can't guarantee that I'll be a wild and crazy guy for you. That's just not who I've ever been, but then you've already changed me in some really good ways so I'll try my best to please you."

We got to my house and I took him up to my room where we undressed each other. I'd been naked in front of him before, but he'd never really touched me. I wasn't ready to have full sex yet, but I wanted him to explore my body with his hands, lips and tongue. When he got between my legs, I spread them as far as possible so he'd get a good look at his first pussy. He just looked at it for a while and then ran a finger up and down my labia. I reached down with both hands and pulled my labia apart so that he could see my vagina. Then I lifted the hood off my clit to show him my little pearl. I gave him some instruction on licking pussy and he started tentatively. Once he found out how good it tastes and smells and how much fun it is to bury your face in a pussy and get pussy juice all over your face, he was having a good time and it felt great. For a first timer, he did a pretty good job. It took quite a while for me to reach orgasm, but I did and that was a big accomplishment for Larry. It was the first time he'd given a girl an orgasm. I pulled him up to kiss him and lick my juices off his face. I love the taste of pussy. When he was laying on top of me, his cock was laying just against my very wet pussy. I wanted so much to be able to slip his cock inside me, but I wasn't ready yet and I'm saving it for Jim. So, we made out and he played with my titties and then he kissed and sucked them for a while. I finally couldn't wait any longer and I kind of flipped him over and got down to suck his cock. He was harder than he'd ever been since I've known him. I love feeling his cock going down into my throat. It doesn't go real far, but it does get down there some. I licked and sucked his cock and I played with his balls. It probably didn't take but a couple of minutes and he was shooting his cum in my mouth. The first spurt went straight down my throat so then I pulled back so the rest could go in my mouth. That's the problem with deep-throating. I like to taste cum but when you have the guy's cock in your throat and he starts cumming, it shoots straight down your throat and into your stomach and you don't get to taste that yummy cum I love so much.

We enjoyed each other for almost two hours but I got him out of the house before my mom got home. I'd rather she knows I have a boyfriend before she finds me in bed with one! I can't wait to tell her the news.