
best teacher Raichand

Umashankar_Ji_2131 · Eastern
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20 Chs

what is a star instructor?

"Guys, how long has it been" Vijay said happily.

"Almost thirty years... I didn't imagine you'd become the leader of the Alliance investigation team," Chand said in astonishment.

"You knew from the beginning that I was the same? Then why did you pretend not to know?" Vijay asks Chand about his doubt.

The thing is..." Like I was running away from school and couldn't get in touch with you for days...

Acting like I know you look younger..." Chand replies nonchalantly.

"Oh ... what a shame! We had such a relationship!" Vijay said with a smile, and continue the conversation said Vijay

"I'm sorry if you say so"

"yes I'm sorry." speak a little and exhale

Talking to these people, it was already evening, the color of the sky was light golden, the voice comes from Raichand Academy building.

"Abhay, bring us some drink," said the moon to his son.

, "Yes, father" replies Abhay.

Abhay comes towards the dining table holding a tray and there is a bottle of drink on the tray. And along with it, there is also some potato bhujia in the plate.

"Greet him again. This is a man who was like a brother to me during my school years" Chand pointed towards Vijay and said to Abhay

Vijay laughs and says "He is tall and handsome that one would doubt that it is your son".

"Brother, I am about 50 years old..." said the moon shyly

"Haha!" Vijay laughed. and said "If anyone in our school didn't know that handsome gentleman, he was a spy!"

Abhay thinks to himself while keeping the tray on the table. "It's a relief anyway, it's not a fight, but..."

A strange smile appeared on Vijay's face.

Chand did not understand the meaning of Vijay's laugh.

"I am Raichand Abhay" Abhay calm down tell his name

"Yes, yes, sit down, I'll pour you a glass of wine!" Victory

Abhay said smiling and pointed towards the chair

(So in Raichand Academy)

(The story of his school life which happened more than 20 years ago started)

Chand gets a little angry at Vijay's behavior as he talked about his school life

Abhay looks at father with a smile.

"The Five Great Academies?... In my time we only had the Celestial Martial Academy.... A lot has changed since then" Abhay sipping wine

Seriously thinking in mind.

Abhay was thinking in his mind, then suddenly there is a hand on his shoulder, due to which his attention was broken, and Abhay started looking at the hand with surprise.

"abhay "

" do you know how many ladies hurts your father broken during our school days? " Vijay said Abhay

Vijay was a bit drunk now. Tell Abhay's father about school time in a friendly way.

"ah, brother...!" chand has little fear said

Vijay point out the chand and said abhay with smile " he still handsome, but images how handsome he must have been to get the nickname ; handsome gentleman "

"were you pehaps embarrassed and said you didn't habe a nickname yet?" abhay said looking other where

"than again, it's an embarrassing name yo say when you're close to fifty years old " abhay thinking in mind

ha- ha " it's a nickname

that my friends give me when we were young its was not a proper nickname,hence the reason I said that " Chand giving his explanation said

Vijay moves his leg differently as if it is a secret gesture to call someone.

"Team Leader" A man's voice comes

The guard said to Vijay, "We have completed the transfer of the members of the evil sect."

8 After that victory which comes at once with the speed of the wind, people stand on their heads.

Vijay says taking the clip of the wine. "Ah, Good Jod"

"I still have something to check.... I'll be back tomorrow, so tell them" Vijay told his guards

Everyone says "yes sir" in a loud voice and immediately leaves from there with the velocity of the wind.

"Now that the barrier has disappeared shall we enter it? ... haha"


"yes, win"

it was night

There is a sound of placing glasses on the table.

Vijay was completely drunk now

"Younger brother," said Vijay to Chand.

"Yes, Vijay," replied Chand with a slight smile.

"However... I cannot see Isha..."

When Chand listens to Vijay, he stops drinking wine and gets worried and says in his mind. " did something happen? "

"ah..... it's been a while since she died." chand said low voice

"So it happened… yes, she was very weak," said Vijay.

"yes" some answers

There was silence here for a few moments.

"... Ahh"

Now that I think about it

"I totally misunderstood you! You certainly looked familiar but since I can't remember who you were,...

I thought you were one of those people I saw during a criminal transfer. Vijay said with a smile

Abhay is still silent and is listening to both the people.

"I was almost punished," said the moon with a smile.

"Hahaha! I am the one who was almost killed by your amazing swordsmanship!" Vijay said with a smile

And when the two cups collided with each other.

Vijay asked Chand gravely, "Anyway, does the academy make money? It doesn't look in the best of shape."

"It is enough for a family of two to live and eat," replied Chand casually.

Vijay said to Chand, "You don't need to hold on to your ego, don't you think it is fate that we have met again?"

Vijay stops for a while and then starts saying further. " do you want to teach martials arts here? with your skills, you could teach at the azure dragon academy? "

abhay has surprise when listening the Vijay and thinking in mind " teach kids at the Azure Dragon Academy? "

Chand has still silent. when listening the Vijay.

although I'm thankful,

" this place is good too" Chand replies peaceful voice

" my friend it's different from when we were young " Vijay was trying to convince

" even with proper martial arts, if you don't have money, you have to strave " Vijay said again

abhay has folding hand and thinking in mind " yes, Vijay Sharma words are right"

" plus this days the price for school professor is not normal.... Did not you here about the how much money you make if you become a star instructor at 5 great academies? " Vijay was trying to convince chand

" how would my skills compared to theirs? " Chand sarcastically said

" why not? You absolute have the skills!" abhay thinking the mind and looking her father

" my goodness, you stubborn geezer, would the handsome gentleman skill have been Buried?... Plus with your face even the students would all line up, " Vijay was adamant and tried to convince Chand

" brother you are so.... " Chand reply with shame

" no,I cannot let go of this chance that have come "

Abhay is shocked to hear such benefits from the star trainers of the great academy Vijay and does not intend to miss this opportunity

" I am sorry to interrupt your conversation " abhay said

When Vijay listens to Abhay, he does not understand what he wants to say.

The..... What is Star Instructor? Abhay asked both the people.

Ah, so you see....

It was morning

"Keg... I feel like I'm going to die." Vijay puts his hand on her head and says

"Uncle! Please drink some honey water! I made this honey myself, so it will be a good cure for your hangover"

Abhay standing in front of Vijay with a boil in his hand says

"Thank you Abhay" said Vijay in a low voice to Abhay.

Chand then enters the room and cannot understand what is happening there.

Chand suspiciously asked his son "What about my honey water?"

"The one I give to uncle is the last one? Because we have run out of honey." Abhay smilingly replied to Chand

"Hmm... couldn't you cut it in half and get two cups?" Chand tells Abhay.

"come on... then the efficiency decrease. rather than that, it's better to give the guest proper cup " Abhay winks and smiles and tells his father.

" you are not jealous of the Honey give to your brother you've met after 30 years, are you? "abhay said again

" hahaha!

you've raised your son well!" vijay said laughs and hand hit chand back

chand face has upset ,when listen son saying

"vijay shrma...

he's a rare breed." abhay thinking in mind with simile.

PR/N: Meaning he's a rare person;he's a very nice person.

He's reunited with my father who isn't doing well 30 years after they cut ties.

but seeing how happily he greets him..I can tell how much affection he holds.

" if you get acquainted, He's a good person" abhay thinking in mind with simile and he looking both happy people reunited many years.

"whew.. now i better go." vijay wear coat and said

"ah, abhay. have you thought of what i have yold uou last night?" vijay said to abhay

" i am still thinking " abhay replies to vijay

"i see" vijay said

" is still 3 month left so you don't need to decide right away.." Vijay said with smile

" if you decide you do it come look for me I can always right you a letter of recommendations " Vijay said again

" thank you uncle!"abhay said bow head

"what do you means thanks" Vijay said waving his hand and smiling

"When separation is long, the lame is born"

"I better go," said Vijay and started walking towards the gate.

the door is open

Now all three people come out of the academy and come towards the ground.

"Be careful uncle," said Abhay.

"Vijay be safe on your way" said Chand

"Okay, see you sometime," said Vijay.

Vijay says, "Next time I will bring you good wine, we will drink till we get wasted."

Then Vijay starts running and while running, the air around his feet starts to feel the same.. and after some time Vijay is 4 inches above the air and as soon as he sees it, Vijay starts flying in the air. And he leaves Raichand Academy.

The wind can still be felt around the spot from where Vijay ran.

And both kept watching.

"In comparison, I will go to prepare for the next lesson" Abhay tells his father while walking towards the academy.

"Abhay" Chand calls his son's name

"Yes?" Abhay replied.

"Are you really planning on going to Blue Dragon Academy?" When Chand was telling his son, the seriousness was clearly visible on his face.


Is abhay planning to go to azurd dragon academy in future. Does he really want to go? Always leaving Raichand Academy forever.?