
best teacher Raichand

Umashankar_Ji_2131 · Eastern
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20 Chs

please show as your skills

"Are you really planning on going to azure Dragon Academy?" Chand asked Abhay seriously.

"Would you mind if I say I am?" Abhay asked Chand

Chand has no words to say after son's words

"Though I do. Looks like you won't listen," Chand said.

"Yeah. Since it seems my feelings have become relative, I…" Abhay turned to walk in.

"Have you really not given up?" Chand asked Abhay

"Murim is not the world you think you want" Chand says as Abhay comes in front and blocks his way with the speed of the wind.

"I know too" said Abhay

"What do you know!


Do you know that you became a martial arts master by defeating the evil sect because you were lucky!


If they hadn't let their guard down, it would have been a futile fight!" Chand tried to convince Abhay by shouting and coaxing him.

"I have also calculated all that" Abhay is thinking in his mind.

Chand put a hand on Abhay's shoulder and said, "Abhay. I have killed my whole life to retrieve your power to heal your life."

"But your body can't be fixed." Saying this to Chand, she felt very sad as she had tried hard to cure Abhay but was unsuccessful.

"Yeah...it was me" said Abhay

"And knowing that you want to enroll in that Blue Dragon Academy?" Chand shouted to Abhay

"Why enroll?" Abhay said in confusion

"Obviously if there is no QI you will be teased... there will be many people who will try to start a fight with you. You will not last even a month with that body of yours" Chand explains to Abhay.

"No, wait. I think you are misunderstanding something..." Listen to your father first

Chand shouted to Abhay and shook Abhay explaining

"No one could cure your illness! We couldn't even figure out what your illness was called!" Chand said to Abhay, crying and trembling

Chand cried out and said to Abhay, trembling.

When the moon shakes Abhay with its power so much that Abhay starts feeling dizzy.

"I get it.... enough..."

Abhay said

Abhay starts feeling dizzy and is on the verge of falling.

" I know? Even the name! And how to fix it! The problem is the fact that you have invite a lot of money into it but I know? "Abhay thinking in mind when feeling dizzy.

" so stop shaking me!"abhay thinking in mind said again

my nick will break at this rate!

" please listen to your father for once. You're Turnings 27 this year।.... You enroll into the azure dragon academy from this how would you feel if you want around being beaten by kids? " Chand asks Abhay in a worried tone.

. " just meet a nice girl in the village, get married and..." said chand

" what are you saying? I have no thoughts of enrolling Into The azure Dragon Academy? " abhay shouting and said Chand

"yes, And have a child and.... huh?"Tries to pacify Chand. But suddenly stops saying something.

" what? you don't? "Chand shouted shocked and confused.

All the three expressions can be seen together on the face of the Moon. He is stunned, confused. And he is happy too.

"that's why I told you to drink in moderation.. don't you remember what I say last night?" abhay explain Chand

"hi.... huh? ah.। the, the..."The sound also comes out of Chand's mouth that he feels ashamed of himself.

"What are you going to do?" Chand looked as surprised and asked Abhay

"I'm going to make money! Money!" Abhay explained

"I'm going to apply. after hearing about it, it seems like a place where it can save my aptitude." said abhay

"... why a workplace....?" asked chand

" whew... "Abhay let out a deep breath.

" don't you think you should live in luxury thanks to your son by the end of the year? "abhay said to with smile



Two men are fighting on a stone platform, with green light spreading around them, and an aura surrounding them.

A person throws a powerful punch. The other person dodges the punch.

" slow!"

" faster!"

That person punches the person in front so hard that he flies in the air.


"If you die before learning the 18th Strike of the Outlaw Ceremony, I'll be in the punch, kid!" Balram Yadav said shouting.

"Keagh!" Boy

"Not now..." the boy says with a smile on his face.

It didn't look like he was tired of fighting, it looked like he was having fun now. You can believe so. A 2 to 3 year old child doesn't get tired whenever you play him no matter how much you play him. But the one who is playing it will definitely get tired.

The field from which the boy was speaking was on top of a wall some distance away. When Balram had taken him there by punching him.

The boy stands up, and with lightning speed, with strength under his feet, leaps towards Balarama.

Electric waves were visible around the boy.

And the boy gets a big smile on his face and yells "It's not over yet!"

Just then Balram's punch stops just an inch ahead of his face and the boy is shocked. That boy does not understand anything.

"I can break your head. Do it right." Balram was saying seriously.

"I... I understand" the boy says a little scared.

"Let's take it this far today. Ah, baby." Balram turns away from her.

"Hey... why, Master Balram!" the boy says.

"I will tell you, where in the world have I hidden my nectar and treasure so..." said Balarama.

"you do it"

"I am not asking you to take it yourself... I am" Balarama looked at her and said

"When you are the only one left after I die, I am asking you to use it," said Balarama, looking gravely at his hand.

"No, by the way..." said the boy confidently.

"Why are you saying all this suddenly? To satisfy my hunger." the boy spoke

"Isn't it better for you to take it and save it until it comes to nothing?" Balram says with a smile


There is a deep silence between the two.

And both start looking at each other.

"Ah... but what should I do? Today's meat side dish only serves one person?" The boy looked at Balarama and spoke very innocently.

"This jerk! Do you think I'm doing this for another serving of meat side dish!" Balaram shouts at the boy.

"Um... come to think of it, was there more meat?" the boy said with a smile

Now listening to the words of the girl, a different pleasure of eating food is clearly visible.

"Do you want me to teach you another technique?"

Blue clear sky, cool breeze blowing all around. Big forests and mountains.

Two men walking through the woods. One Chand Raichand and the other Abhay Raichand.

While the chand was moving forward, Abhay was following behind the chand at some distance.

Abhay was tired of walking. Thinking in his mind he says "He has hidden it deep enough..."


"What is that?" Ask Chand Chowk.

Abhay was completely tired of listening to his father, he asked confused "What!"

Beyond where the moon stood, a violet hue spread from the woods a short distance away.

"I feel a strange aura," said Chand.

"Looks like we've come to the right place." Abhay guesses that it is from his father.

"Because you used to go around saying all kinds of things saying that you would first learn the arts of matrimony," said Chand, turning to his son.

Taking his point further, Chand said "I had come with you thinking that you would do the same but…."

"Is there really nectar here?" Abhay said.

"...have you lived your whole life being cheated on?" Abhay starts moving forward.

"..." Chand kept looking at his son.

Abhay had a smile on his face and was looking at his father.

"It's here. The place where the marking begins," said Abhay, keeping his hand on the stone, thinking to himself.

While moving ahead, Abhay was thinking in his mind, "Look, the marking is still here.

Chand was watching his son go ahead

"Follow me carefully" Abhay tells his father with a smile.

"Oh my god....it looks like you are possessed by a demon," said Chand.

Both walked for a long distance and walked for a long distance, kept walking for about 10 minutes.

As she moves forward, she feels her aura getting stronger.

As the abbey passes by a small piece of stone, it fills up with more

"Uh, there..." Chand said a little apprehensively.

Abhay Chowk goes

Because there is a house in front of the abbey, there is a house in the middle of the forest,

"There's a summer house," said Chand, explaining to his son.

"See, I was right, wasn't I?" Abhay said

"Thank you, Master Balarama. I will use the nectar you left," Abhay was thanking Balarama in his heart.

Abhay guessed and said to his father, "He must have hidden the nectar somewhere...and I will remain hidden."

"I really don't know what. The rumors from the wandering pharmacist were true..." Chand said to his son.

"Ah, no." the chand said

"It is a rule for practitioners of Mary to never let their guard down until the very last moment. We do not know what a trap this may lead to"

Chand looks back and sees that his hands are stuck to his sword, he was careful that he is ready to fight anything and he says.

"There will be no trap. Rather..." said Abhay.

"instead?" the chand said

Only then does the moon feel a lack and it becomes careful.

"wh... what is it?!" Chand puts his sword forward, he puts his son behind and he is ready to fight for the danger in front.

Only then a figure is seen on a huge stone near the house in which there is a red colored light. Which looks like an eye in a way.

"please show me your skills father"

"huh? what? what? skills?" Before this he asks his son, when he looks back, what does he see, the son doesn't follow him, he ran away from here a long time ago. the chand went on completely shocked

The tiger roared towards Chand

Jumped, took my feet to die

Chand could not understand what to do and what to say "?!"

what to do chand next step, chand fight against a tiger?,