
best teacher Raichand

Umashankar_Ji_2131 · Eastern
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20 Chs

Elixir plant enhanced QI Power and strength

"it's done..!" Abhay's face is clearly happy and he said


" it is a rare elixir but.. "Chand said abhay

Abhay didn't know what to say

Right. He's saying that when it comes to fixing the broken QI MERIDIANS, This won't do anything right?

Since the energy this ELIXIR has admitted is so miniscule.

"But that's because you don't know how to process it " abhay said in mind

I on the other hand, know the required process.

Chand and Abhay started climbing the slope between the forests. And they started moving forward..

But the problem is.....

"I need money! lots of it, to the point where even if i sold all these roots, I'd need more!" abhay thinking in mind.

He sat down on the ground with a shovel in his hand and started cutting the plants.

"first, I need to train a body that can earn that money." Abhay thought in mind.

Abhay took out the plant from the ground, that too with the root, that root was completely different from the rest of the roots, but that plant was not poisonous at all. No it was the root.

"Can i eat all this? " abhay said happily

"... sure."chand said with a smile

Abhay didn't know what to say

"Then again, even if an old man eats this....." Abhay dusting off his hands, he said with a laugh.

" What?!" chand shouting said

Chand angrily hit Abhay on the head and he said "You jerk!!"

When Chand hit Abhay on the head, he moaned in pain. He mouthed "ow !!" Out

" just hurry up and eat it!"chand said angrily

"got it...."Abhay said in pain

abhay has a smile on face

"But with this.... it'll be enough to lay the groundwork for changing my constitution।" abhay thought in mind

Abhay put the plants along with the roots in a white cloth, and tied the white cloth, and picking it up, he started following his father.

" ah, right . there was also a spa. " said abhay

Near the house, there is a deep water pool filled with stones. that water is so clear

" shall we take a bath while we've come? "abhay asked happily

"there's no need. spa, my ass" said chand

Abhay puts his hand in the water and says to his father"don't be like that, come here. The water looks good....."

abhay has shocked and he didn't understand, how to possible.


"and there's a fabulous spa next to the hut." said Balram

Balram and a boy sitting on the table were still inside the jail.

"well? is it's something like... If you train in the spa, your inner q i will quickly increase, or the muscle's fatigue disappear immidentally and you can train without rest...." said boy

" oh my, kids these days... "said Balram

" do you think that there'd be Treasure would be laid all over the mountain.?you jerk!" Balram said

" if that was true, then every bandits in murim would have come academy " Balram said again


"if it's not then just say it's not true what does " Kids these days"have anything to do with it?" boy said irritate

"ah! Master Balram. is an old man? tonight's dinner is meat but you should not eat it ~your teeth will rot~"the boy laughs sarcastically

Balram was speechless after listening to that child.

"N-no you are a cheap jerk!" Balram climbs on top of the table and points his finger at the boy, he shouts angrily.

stupid master balram...

Do I think that there are treasures laid all over the mountain?

" Son are you okay!" chand said worries tone

"....."smile on abhay's face

Then what's this in front of my eyes?

"Than again, since he had no interest in weapons....!" Abhay thinking mind with smile

" The hasuoh isn't the problem right now. " Abhay stood on stone and said

"what do you mean?" Chand asked confused

"look at that." abhay said finger out of direction

Only once in my previous life. abhay said upset

Have i seen a metal that gave the same feeling as that

how could i ever forget it....?

The boy's fire was serious to him.

The boy leapt forward spreading the aura of the eye all around his body and holding the sword in his hand.

The boy had a purpose in his eyes to fulfill

The metal that pierced my heart. " boy said

Suddenly a burst of energy shot out from his heart, the boy's eyes widened in astonishment. It was clearly visible on the boy's face that he could not believe it.

I'm certain.

It's used to make The blood demon divine cult's swords

Abhay hands automatically near the heart

The metal for the legends

Abhay can see a crystal of blue color in the depth of the water pond.



meteor ore

A rare type of metallic Ora only found where a mentor has fallen an item that only one with luck bless by the heaven can obtained.

Abhay goes inside the pond of water and he goes towards where montero ore means starfall

( Weapons made from starfall Ora are all used by Masters,,)

(And depending on the users skills it could even become a divine weapon that can break the heavens )

Abhay put his hand inside the water.

( if the sword that fell into the hands of The blood cult wasn't a starfall sword.....)

( No, if i just had a sword of a similar level....)

Abhay pulls out Star Fall by putting his hand in the water.

Abhay held the starfall tightly in his hand "It's all meaningless thought "said abhay

"what's important is that the material is now in my hand" Abhay thinking in mind

" this is unexpected " abhay said thinking in mind again

Abhay come out the water pound

" what did you find for you to jump into the river with your cloth on? " Chand asked Abhay

" let's just tell the truth rather than being suspected after lying.... " abhay thinking in mind

"....." abhay looking father but no word say

"... it's starfall"said abhay

"huh? starfall? what nonsense...." Chand shocked and saying

" do I looking like I am joking? " abhay said little seriously

"....." chand looking son did not understand what do say

it will be night soon let's had down first

"... A Treasure you cannot take responsibility for well only cause disunity " said chand

Abhay walks towards the house

" if this really starfall, Ore it isn't something you can take responsibility for " chand saig turning back

" if this is expose to the world... It will cause countless bloodshed in order to acquire this " chand said seriously

" Even us, who discovered this, won't be safe " chand said again

"Yeah, that's all true... but" abhay thought in mind

" come on~ let's take it ~ we can just not sell it and keep it!" abhay saying happily

" are you really trying to start a war.....!" Chand has irritated and Angry say

" why would we do such a dangerous thing?!" Chand said irritate again

" even if we just leave it someone well eventually find it. "said abhay

" and since the mountain is not far from our village, the Warriors who hear the rumours will come rushing in " abhay explain chand

" what.... " chand did not understand

" not just the righteous group but Evil sects will definitely come too... Even guys who unsheathe their sword after the slightly provocation. " saif abhay

Chand folding hand and thinking, Abhay suggestions

" can you stop them all? " abhay ask Chand with a smile

"..." chand pass stranger look

" if we just stay quick and leave it in your room,no one well know..... they'd suppose that we brought in some random pretty rock.. so.... "said abhay

"okkay" said chand

".... what?" abhay has a surprise, abhay don't believe that Chand has agree

" I said okay. If I said no, seeing your personality you would probably lay down on the floor " said chand exhaled breath

" let's take it. like you said, we can just hide it "chand said towards One Direction walk

"ah, yes...." Abhay say little Harry

"tch.... I spoke needlessly and only hurt my mouth" abhay thought in mind

"he~hehe~" abhay laughing and tight the White cloth

" I want to go down to master Balram both hasuoh and starfall ore!" abhay thought in mind with a smile

Chand carried the spirit beast on his shoulder, which he had killed a while ago. And seeing his son laughing like this, questions have arisen in Chand's mind.

" what should I do with the starfall?... Shall I make a weapon?" Abhay thinks as he puts a white cloth bundle on his shoulder.

" I can make multiple weapons like that blood sect sword by adding other ores, or I can make a small weapon from the starfall..." Abhay covered his mouth thinking to himself

"stop laughing." While slapping Abhay on the head in the moon, he said angrily.


"ehem" Abhay put his hand in front of his mouth.

"Now then, shall we return?" abhay laughs

Now Chand and Abhay have left the summer house and have now come to their home i.e. Raichand Academy.

" do not use the elixirs until I return." A voice comes from inside Raichand Academy.

" do you take me from an idiot? Go and sell the Tiger Hide from a good price " came a voice from inside Raichand Academy shouting at the dog

".... I'll return soon" comes the voice of the first person.

"yes, travel safely" comes Abhay's laughing voice.

"is what i said" abhay said

."the heaven defying divine arts I'll perform right now" he says while keeping abhay leave on the table.

"is a martial arts that goes against the laws of nature" abhay aatu ural I was doing something mixed.

"the QI cultivation method is also different to the Norm" said abhay

Aatu ural Andar Se liquid ko ek bowl Ke Andar dalta hai

" in the eyes of normal warriors it might as well be a demonic arts " said abhay

" wouldn't it be better to do it now and get punished later?" Abhay said with a smile. And he had Katori in his hand.

"thank you for the food" says abhay while banging the bowl of liquid

It didn't have any effect.

Abhay veins of strength in all the palaces from all sides. The bowl fell from his hand and broke on the ground.

Abhay started to see veins on his hands and face, and there was terrible pain and most of all in that place, but the first time his chest was attacked by the sword of the demonic sects that arts energy. Because of this he died, now he is in Abhay's body.
