
best teacher Raichand

Umashankar_Ji_2131 · Eastern
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20 Chs

Abhay practice "The Eighteenth Strike of the Outlaw"

The bowl falls on the ground from Abhay's hand. Along with this, the liquid inside the bowl also gets spilled.

"Guh!" Abhay's arm and facial nerve begin to bulge, and he gets a terrible pain in his chest and holds his hand there. He was unable to tolerate the pain at all.

the vein in her arm was blue

"This is just the first step." Abhay says while motivating himself.

Abhay dares to stand up, somehow sits down on the ground after tying a square.

"I can't fail!"said Abhay

Now he can sit in the posture of meditation, and the qi generated from the elixir liquid starts circulating in Anil ji's whole body.

"Move!" shouts Abhay.

On his face, blue veins start emerging all over his body.


"I've reached this point in the past" Abhay said in mind.

Sweat started pouring down his face.

"kugh!" said Abhay in a tired voice.

"the blood flow in my eight ancillary * meridians is blocked, by a large pile of contaminated QI" said abhay in mind

* eight ancillary meridians: the eight meridians that have nothing to do with organ function.

Abhay is still meditating and thinking in mind "The accumulated contaminated qi from just living normally, would have been enough to kill me before I turned 30 years old."

"Let's see who wins!" Abhay is shouting


Purple aura around the abbey when mediating



"Kwak!!!" Abhay is in pain

Abhay is moaning in pain


"If I lose consciousness now, I'm finished." Abhay said his mind

The air from inside the abhaya spread all around in the form of energy. As the branch of a nearby tree breaks, everything around becomes useless.

"phew..." abhay said relief

" i succeeded.. " said abhay

"I've managed to create an "inner Dan"inside my body" Abhay said in his mind

An aura of blue color emerges all around Abhay. A big smile comes on Abhay's face.

The blue energy gets united in Abhay's two hands.

"the strength in my fists feels completely different from before" Abhay said in his mind and all four of the fists are electronic energy. And a little surprised too.

"And this is just the beginning." abhay said in his mind again

A satisfied smile appears on Abhay's face.

Stands from the wood platform. And foot techniques are asked at the place where martial arts training is held.


"by using the stimulation from the herb, I've now reached the first phase of the heaven defying divine arts" Abhay said his mind

(tl/n: star = stages = level = phase)

Abhay stands in martial arts position.

If i wish to get t to a higher phase, I'll need the help of many more elixirs and formation.

At least, my lifespan has increased by three years after reaching the first star.

abhay move fist at used of martial arts techniques

even so, i can't start training in the heaven defying devine art yet.

"my body needs to get a lot stronger before I'm able to handle the insanely powerful QI of those techniques..."abhay thinking in mind

"thus, my first task will be to solve these problems " abhay thinking in mind again

and turn this weak body into an indestructible one.

balram Yadav, the bandit King's unique Martial arts.

eighteen strikes of the outlaw

abhay has moved with used fist power

"there's no better martial art than this for training the body" Abhay thinking in his mind and similes on face.

and continued martial art move.

abhay used eighteen strikes of the outlaw

Practicing martial arts goes from morning till evening.

"I can only train as much as my body can with stand..." says abhay thaki Hui awaaz mein.

Abhay's body starts trembling badly.

"This is my current limitation" says Abhay.

abhay had reached the point where the use of his full power is about to end, if I do more than that, he may get internet injury or he may even faint.

"I guess I will keep training till that come home" said Abhay

"Once I muster the first half of the 18th strike of the outlaw, to I will be able to gain to Sixth Sense." abhay says in his mind.

While meditating abhay generates energy of green color in his hand.

as long as i keep training someday, i will be able to master the second half as well

at that point I will surpass the bandit king himself in outer arts.

" but will one be satisfied with just that? " said Abhay in his mind.

i still have

the crazy demons martial art

the ice moon godliness divine arts

the swordmaster sword techniques,


the heaven defying devine art

" just how strong will I be if I master them all? " Abhay says with a smile. and practice martial arts at the same time

"I'll definitely become the strongest under heaven!" abhay says smiling

It was night, the moon was spreading its light all around, the stars were twinkling, the weather was perfect,

"Son!" a voice comes

"Daddy's home!" Chand keeps coming inside the gate of raichand academy ground

" do you know how much money I got from selling the tiger skin? It will blow your mind away!" Chand hangs a bundle of white cloth on his shoulder and says while being happy.

, He gets surprised when he sees the moon in front of him.

"A-abhay!?" the chand's anxious voice

Abhay was lying in a bad condition on the ground at some distance from the chawl "ah..."

The chand passes by while running towards the star.

"you're back" says abhay in a tired voice

"No, what happened to you? Have you been in the state the whole time?" Chand asked Abhay a question in a faint voice.

"er, about that... The medicine was a little strong than I thought " said with a small smile.


"No way. You didn't eat the hasuoh by yourself, did you?" chand asked Abhay.

"n-no, not that.." Abhay dodged and said laughing.

"didn't I tell you to wait until I came back because it is it was dangerous!?" Chand said seriously.

please forgive me just this one time... Abe tries to convince his father with a twinkle in his eyes.

"Even though I've already warned you!" Chand had caught the broom in his hand and he said seriously.

"w-wait! let's talk this out! no violence!" Abhay says nervously and stops his father.

"You little brat!" Chand runs towards Abhay caught by broom to hit

Abhay runs away from there in fear and he nervously says "calm down and listen me!"

"get over here! stop running away!" Chand shouts angrily.


"... although I was badly beaten, life went back to normal after that"

tighten your fist

"Every morning and evening I meditate and focus the contaminated qi into my inner charity"

Abhay generates green energy in his hand.

"I will also strengthen my body and increase my resilience using the robber's eighteen attacks."

Martial arts techniques like Abhay Move Fist.

"Finally. The day I've been waiting for has arrived"

"Letter for you!" The voice comes from Raichand Academy.

"I have received a letter from our previous guest, Vijay Sharma, regarding something I inquired about earlier."

Abhay has a scroll in his hand which is a letter.

Opening the rope of the scroll, he falls on the letter written inside.

[Blue Dragon Academy has announced that they will be recruiting new trainers.]

Abhay receives a joining letter from Azure Dragon Academy, a new instructor

Abhay once again spread a smile on his face.

Would I want to join Azure Dragon Academy as a new instructor after reading Abhay's letter? Will Chand let him go?