
14. Chapter 14

Breakfast was a bright affair once again, with much laughter and talking over one another.

"We should play Pall Mall today!" Daphne announced in a rare lull in the conversations, making her husband sigh. "It's a perfect day for it!"

Kate looked to Anthony, who was smiling as he nodded.

"I believe you will enjoy it." He assured her. "But be aware, my siblings are the worst cheats."

"Remind me, Anthony, why can't we use the red mallet?" Benedict called innocently.

"And tremendous liars." Anthony concluded, not even looking at his brother. "Everyone knows that was a perfectly legal move."

"The ball is simply gone." Benedict told Kate. "Anthony hit it so hard it landed in the middle of the lake."

"What he fails to mention is that he had hit my ball into the middle of the wood the turn before." Anthony interjected. "It is not my fault that I was capable of finding my ball and you were not."

"I know exactly where it is! It's in the middle of the bloody lake!"


"Sorry, mother." He quickly placated.

"Say you'll play with us." Daphne begged, turning to Kate. "And you, Miss Edwina?

Kate nodded enthusiastically, but Edwina shook her head.

"I fear this will be too competitive for me. I am sure I will quite happy with our mamas."

"Finally, someone of intelligence." Simon quipped.

"Tell me, will you be playing, your Grace?" Kate arched an eyebrow at him.

"I never claimed to be intelligent, Miss Sharma." He shot back. "I did marry a Bridgerton after all."

The assembled Bridgerton children protested in defense of themselves and Daphne smacked his arm as Kate laughed.

The others returned to individual conversations and Anthony leaned closer to Kate.

"I hope you know that I plan to put your declaration that you never lose to the test." He said softly with a wicked grin.

"I would point out, my Lord," Kate said returning his grin with a sly one of her own, "that you have yet to win against me. Why should today be any different?"

"Because today we are playing Pall Mall. There is nothing I take more seriously."

"Well, then may the best woman win."

"I intend to." Daphne interjected, making Kate laugh and Anthony scowl.

"To the field of victory." Kate toasted.

The others raised their glasses. As they drank, Kate felt Anthony's eyes on her and met them with an amused glance. He raised his cup in a private toast and Kate returned it before turning back to Daphne.

This would be fun.

"That'll fix Colin." Daphne said, satisfied with herself as she placed a wicket over a tree root. "Last year, he put one behind the goat shed."

"Will you finally tell me the rules to the game?" Kate asked dryly.

"Pall Mall is less about the rules, more about the goal."

Breakfast had barely ended when Daphne had grabbed her arm, announcing they were going to place the wickets as she dragged Kate out of the room.

"Which is, of course, to hit your ball through each wicket." The Duchess continued. "The first player to send their ball through each wicket wins. Simple enough, though if you're feeling devilish, you can use your turn to knock an opponent's ball as far away from their next wicket as you would like."

"To infuriate your opponent, I gather?" Kate commented.

"Precisely." Daphne replied, grinning. "It is a poor player who plays the game, and a wise one who plays their opponent."

Kate just laughed.

"I believe I shall enjoy this game."

"I thought you might." Daphne said, chuckling. "Now. Benedict is a solid shot, but he avoids conflict. Colin is crafty. He will strike when he thinks you are least expecting it, so always be expecting it. Eloise concentrates on defeating her older brothers. The hope is that she gets so absorbed by them that she forgets about you. I, of course am a complete enigma who will divulge none of my secrets."

"Of course." Kate agreed seriously. "And Lord Bridgerton? Let me guess. A ruthless, cutthroat player."

"Why, you have made his acquaintance." Daphne replied with a smirk. "That is not to say he has no honor. You have raced him, so you know he is usually the most genteel sportsman. Except as far as this field is concerned."

"He himself has warned me of this. You all seem to take this very seriously."

"Bridgertons tend to be rather competitive."

"No!" Kate exclaimed with false shock, making Daphne lightly elbow her with a laugh.

They fell quiet as they looked over to where the families were gathering at a pavilion the servants had erected. Off to the side, Anthony was laughing at something Simon had said. Kate glanced at Daphne and was surprised to see that she looked close to tears.

"Are you alright?" she asked, gently touching the other woman's arm.

"Yes." Daphne assured her, smiling brightly. "I'm just so glad Simon and Anthony seem to have started to repair their friendship."

"I wasn't aware there was a rift between them." Kate said. "Lord Bridgerton always speaks highly of His Grace."

"I suppose no one has told you the truth of my Season, have they?" Daphne asked. "No, they wouldn't. It was all very scandalous. As far as I know Anthony, Benedict, Colin, Simon, and I are the only ones who know the full truth. I think Mother suspects, but she is too happy seeing me married to Simon to ever bring it up." Daphne shook her head ruefully. "Anthony almost ruined my Season. He drove away all my suitors until all that was left was Mr. Berbrooke."

Kate winced, having met the man herself.

"Quite." Daphne agreed with a rueful smile. "It was horrid. Anthony agreed to his proposal without even consulting me. I was desperate and the Duke offered an arrangement. He needed a shield against the mamas, and I needed to seem desirable. And it worked. I caught a prince! But…he wasn't the one I loved. Simon was. And he was happy to play the part of doting suitor, but he was determined to never marry. The problem was we couldn't stay away from each other." She fell silent and Kate let her have a moment. "Anthony caught us in a compromising position. I have never seen Anthony that angry. Never. He demanded Simon marry me and when he refused, Anthony challenged him to a duel."

"What?" Kate's jaw dropped as her eyes shot to the two men clearly joking about something below them.

"Simon was determined to not trap me in a marriage he thought I did not want, and Anthony was convinced he needed to defend my honor." She explained. "I barely made it to the dueling ground before they killed each other. Simon and I spoke, and he agreed to marry me. It took a while for it all to truly work out and I could not be happier with my marriage as it stands now, but I genuinely thought their friendship would be the true victim of everything that happened. I just so happy to see them being friends again."

"A duel?" Kate repeated angrily. "Of all the idiotic, moronic, stupid things to do!"

Daphne just laughed.

"I could have killed them myself." She assured her. "But it all worked out in the end, so I find it hard to hold on to my anger."

"I'll be happy to maintain it for you, if you like." Kate said petulantly, but Daphne just shook her head, wrapping her arm around Kate's.

"I would rather you join me being thankful that they are both still here to annoy us. Please don't let what happen distress you."

"Very well." Kate agreed with a huff. "But I must tell you that I am feeling less good about my decision to allow your brother to assist me with Edwina."

"Don't worry, we'll hide the pistols."

"Benedict said the same thing." Kate told her ruefully. "I just didn't know what he meant."


They looked over to see Eloise glaring at them from a distance.

"Stop hogging Kate and allow the game to begin!" she shouted to the obvious displeasure of everyone near her.

Daphne just waved at her with a shake of her head.

"I wish you luck on your first game of Pall Mall, Miss Sharma."

"Thank you, your Grace." Anthony caught Kate's eye and gave her a wicked grin. "I believe I will need it."

They rejoined the ground, who were standing around a collection of mallets.

"Let's toss a coin." Colin suggested.

"Last year, we promised to let the youngest pick first!" Eloise protested.

"We pick based on alphabetical order." Anthony interjected. "That's the precedent."

"Why do I feel like this is not just a game?" Kate muttered to Simon, who laughed.

"I think you'll find, Miss Sharma, that Pall Mall is never just a game. Not when playing with Bridgertons."

"Have you played before, your Grace?"

Simon shook his head as the siblings continued to squabble.

"This is my first year as well." He told her. "Perhaps we should team up?"

"No colluding!" Colin, Eloise, and Anthony yelled in unison, making Kate start and Simon laugh.

"Everyone, please." Daphne said loudly to be heard over her siblings. "Now, the only fair thing to do is let our newcomers choose their mallets first. Simon, Kate?"

Kate motioned Simon forward.

"After you, Miss Sharma. I insist."

"Thank you, your Grace." She replied demurely, dipping a small curtsy that made the others groan.

"You shall find, Kate," Benedict said, ignoring the glare from Anthony as he used her given name, "civility has little to no place in Pall Mall."

"Imagine my surprise." She replied dryly.

She stepped up to the mallets and looked them over before settling on the black one.

"The mallet of death." Eloise whispered almost reverently.

"Would you look at that, Brother?" Benedict seemed beyond gleeful as he taunted Anthony, who was glaring at Daphne.

"You put her up to this." He growled at his sister.

"I did no such thing!"

"Is this yours?" Kate interjected, pulling his attention back to her.

"Not at all." He replied stiffly. "You're welcome to it."

Colin looked incensed.

"You threatened to beat me last time I touched – "

"You exaggerate." Anthony cut him off, now glaring at his younger brother.

"Are you the superstitious sort?" Kate asked with poorly disguised glee. "I know some men cannot perform without their familiar tools…like a child with a blanket."

The others tried to suppress their laughter as Anthony finally turned his glare on Kate, who simply smiled brightly.

"I can play perfectly well with any mallet." He told her. "I wish you the best of luck. Are we to stand around deliberating all day, or shall we play? Hastings, pick a mallet."

Simon grabbed the orange mallet with no protests. There was a moment of stillness before the Bridgertons lunged for the mallets. Anthony, who had been rather distracted by the sight of Kate with his mallet, was the last to move and, consequently, was left with the pink mallet.

He gave is a sneer before snatching it up.

"Shall we play youngest to oldest?" Colin suggested, smirking at Eloise.

"And let you all learn from my mistakes?" she shot back. "I think not, brother dear. I suggest oldest to youngest, which makes you first, Anthony, as you are the most ancient among us."

"I'm so sorry, sister dear, but Hastings has a few months on me." He told her with a sneer.

"I feel like I am intruding upon a family spat." Kate said to Simon, no longer even bothering to try to hide that she was talking about the rest of them.

"Then you clearly have never seen a Bridgerton family spat." He replied. "They get much bloodier than this."

"What did we say about colluding?" Colin scolded.

"How would we even begin to collude?" Kate demanded. "Neither of us has played before and not one of you have deigned to explain the rules!"

"Just follow along." Daphne advised. "You'll figure it out as you go."

"Hastings, hit the bloody ball!" Colin called. "We haven't got all day!"

"Colin, don't curse!" Daphne exclaimed. "There are ladies present!"

"You don't count."

"There is a lady present who is not your sister." She ground out.

Colin looked over at Kate.

"Do you mind?"

"Not at all." She replied, highly amused.

"Good." He turned back to Simon. "Hastings, get moving."

"I would like to point out once more that I have never played Pall Mall before." He said to no one in particular as he pulled his ball from the pile. "And as Miss Sharma pointed out, you all are utterly unhelpful when it comes to explaining the rules."

"Just give the ball a good whack in that direction, darling." His wife instructed, pointing to the first wicket.

"Isn't that the last wicket?" Anthony interjected.

"It's the first."

"It ought to be the last!"

"I set up the course, and it's the first!"

"I think this might get bloody." Kate said drolly, making Eloise laugh.

"I believe I'll take Daphne's word for it." Simon interrupted, smirking at Anthony.

"She did set up the course." Kate added innocently.

Anthony turned to her with the most betrayed look that almost made her burst out laughing.

"Well, she did!" she protested, a few giggles escaping at his wounded expression.

"Look at what you've done." He growled, swinging back to glare at his sister, who completely ignored him.

"I do believe I adore you, Kate Sharma." The Duchess said, linking her arm with Kate's.

"Hastings, control your wife."

"Not within my power, Bridgerton."

"God help me." Anthony muttered.

Simon drew back his mallet and sent the orange ball flying across the field.

"Well done, Simon!" his wife cheered, making Colin look at her with distain.

"One never cheers one's opponents in Pall Mall."

"He's never played before." Daphne said dismissively. "He's not likely to win."

"Bad sportsmanship is an enshrined part of Pall Mall." Benedict told Kate dryly.

"I gathered." She replied, just as dryly.

"My turn!" Anthony declared.

He glared at the offensive pink ball one more before pulling back. The ball flew off in an impressive arch before hitting a tree and dropping like a stone to the ground.

"Brilliant!" Colin said cheerfully. "Benedict, go."

"Oh, is it my turn?" the second eldest Bridgerton asked. "I had forgotten what order we were born in. Would you care to refresh my memory, little brother? Perhaps you could draw me a chart."

"Just hit the ball, Ben." Eloise whined.

Benedict sneered at his siblings before hitting his ball and sending it a respectable distance towards the first wicket.

"Finally." Colin sighed, readying his ball.

"I think you'll find I'm next, Mr. Bridgerton." Kate interjected.

Colin turned to stare at her as she smirked.

"I am six and twenty, after all." She continued. "Remind me, how old are you again?"

"Back in line, little brother." Anthony mocked.

Colin grumbled but stepped aside to allow Kate to step up to the starting point.

"I don't suppose a practice swing is allowed?"

The no that came back at her was quite loud, having come from five mouths.

"I'll take that as a no, shall I?"

She caught Anthony's eye and he gave her a smirk that caused her to have to reign in the juvenile impulse to stick her tongue out at him. Instead she just glared playfully at him before lining up her shot.

"You may want to stand back." She warned. "I take no responsibility for any injuries."

She pulled the mallet back and sent the ball flying…straight into the same tree Anthony had just hit.

"Oh dear." Daphne said as Colin finally got to take his turn.

"Why 'oh dear'?" Kate questioned suspiciously.

"You'll see," was all the eldest Bridgerton sibling would say.

Kate looked over to Anthony as Daphne took her swing and decided he looked far too pleased with himself for her comfort.

"What are you going to do to me?"

He leaned forward with a look that was anything but gentlemanly.

"What am I not going to do to you might be a more appropriate question."

Kate's blood burned in her veins as her eyes locked with his. She suddenly was not entirely sure they were still talking about the game.

"My turn." Eloise announced, flouncing to the starting point.

Kate tore herself away from Anthony's gaze, but could still feel it on her as she watched Eloise send her ball past Colin's.

"Play of the game dictate that one follows one's ball." Benedict explained as they all separated.

By the time she made it the tree, Anthony was already leaning against, his ridiculous pink mallet swinging from his loose grip, obviously waiting for her.

"Something I can do for you, my Lord?" she demanded as he watched her, not unlike a cat watching its prey.

"You really ought to treat me with respect." He told her with a slow, sly smile that was somehow more sinful than any she had yet seen.

"And why would I do that," she asked primly, "when whatever plan you're concocting in that brain is most likely going to make me want to have you drawn and quartered?"

"So bloodthirsty." He tutted, his voice low and dangerous. "You'll do well at Pall Mall…eventually."

Kate's heart dropped.

"What do you mean?"

"For the love of God, Anthony." Colin yelled. "Take your bloody turn!"

"Right." He said, suddenly business like as he looked down at their balls which were lying right next to each other in the grass. "Wouldn't want to keep dear, sweet Colin waiting."

Kate watched in growing horror as he put his foot down on his ball and drew his mallet back.

"What are you doing?" she demanded.

His mallet came down and his ball stayed put while hers went flying down the hill, far away from the first wicket.

"You fiend."

Anthony grinned at her.

"All's fair in love and war."

"I am going to kill you."

"You can try." He conceded. "But you'll have to catch up with me first."

Kate considered the mallet in her hand and his foot.

"Don't even think about it." He warned.

"It's so very tempting." She replied sweetly.

He leaned closer and she felt the now familiar burn as he invaded her space.

"We have witnesses."

"And that's the only thing saving your life right now."

He just smiled.

"I believe your ball is down the hill, Miss Sharma. I'm sure we'll see you in a half an hour or so, when you finally catch up."

"That's why I said, 'oh dear'." Daphne said as she marched past them, following her ball that Benedict had also sent down the hill.

"Really?" Kate replied sarcastically before turning back to Anthony. "You'll pay for this."

"Promises, promises."

Kate briefly considered that the only witnesses to his death would be his family, who would certainly understand, and her own, who she was confident would help her escape back to India.

"I can think of other punishments that would be more enjoyable." He said softly, stepping even closer with a wicked smile.

Kate took the mallet of death and placed it in the center of his chest, using it to push him back a few steps.

"But rather less like a punishment, my Lord."

"Kate, stop fighting with Anthony and take your turn." Benedict yelled.

"You heard the man, Miss Sharma." The Viscount told her, laughing.

She gave him one last glare before stalking after her ball.

She needed to win.

Edwina was feeling out of sorts.

Watching the Bridgertons and Kate yell insults at each other as they fought their way across the lawn, she knew she had made the right choice to not play. It all seemed very violent. Frankly, she was surprised the Duchess was playing. She had expected the former Diamond to be…

Well, rather more like her, she supposed.

But there she was, yelling and playing just as hard as the rest of them. Edwina found it exceedingly strange.

Everything Edwina had done in the last years had been to ready herself for this Season. She had learned to dance, to speak fashionable languages, how to talk properly, dress properly, behave properly…Everything needed to get her here.

So why did she feel like this?

"Miss Sharma fits right in, doesn't she?" Lady Bridgerton was saying to her mother.

She turned back to the game, watching as Lady Danbury coached Eloise through a shot before returning to the other matrons. Behind the group, Kate and Mr. Benedict Bridgerton seemed to be picking on the poor Viscount. She watched as Lord Bridgerton shook his finger at Kate, making her laugh brightly, before a smile broke across his face.

It was very strange.

Edwina was happy for Kate, truly she was. It was clear to anyone with eyes that Lord Bridgerton was courting her sister. Well, except for Kate, but, if her actions since arriving at Aubrey Hall were any indication, even she seemed to have realized.

"They do make a lovely couple." Her mama was saying. "I do not believe I have ever seen Kate so happy."

That wasn't true. Edwina thought. Kate was always happy with her. Happier than she ever was with other people. She wasn't happier here. She was just…different.

Daphne said something that made Kate laugh gaily and Edwina pondered the previous Diamond again.

Last Season's Diamond had married a Duke. This Season's was having trouble holding on to a Lord, given that Lord Lumley hadn't even come to see her the day before she left Town.

Meanwhile, Kate was well on her way to marrying a Viscount.

Kate, who had never wanted to marry, never even considered it, who spoke fondly of being her children's favorite aunt, seemed poised to get everything Edwina had worked so hard for. Everything she deserved. Everything Kate, herself, had assured Edwina that she would get and seemed so far out of reach at the moment.

Edwina took a deep breath.

Clearly, Kate was distracted. She would come to her senses soon and in the meantime, Edwina would have to fend for herself.

"Lady Bridgerton," she said, bring the matrons' attention back to herself and away from Kate. "What can you tell me about the guests arriving next week?"

The last Diamond caught a duke…

Why should she settle for less?

Kate had managed to get the hand of Pall Mall fairly quickly and had somehow found her ball next to Anthony's once again, this time at the edge of the woods.

"You have the chance to best him." Eloise crowed gleefully.

"That would not be very sportsmanlike, would it?" Colin asked dryly.

"I believe I was informed that unsportsmalike conduct was a requirement for this game." She shot back.

"A fast learner you are, indeed, Kate." Benedict said, laughing.

Kate turned to Anthony and briefly mused on the fact that it was supremely unfair that he was still so handsome after this long playing the game but refocused quickly.

"What do you say, my Lord?" she taunted. "Are you in a losing mood?"

"My mood shall remain unchanged, regardless of your choice." He replied easily.

"Ah, is that so?" she tapped her chin thoughtfully. "You would bravely bear the crushing shame of defeat?"

"I don't suppose it would do any good to ask you all to play pleasant?" Every other person on the field turned to stare at Simon with incredulity. "I thought not. Carry on."

"In light of my brothers' and sisters' tactics, Miss Sharma conducts herself with much grace indeed."

Anthony was goading her. Kate knew he was goading her.

"Huh." She clicked her tongue and Anthony's smile dropped. "Then you shall not mind this."

With an almighty swing, she sent his pink ball flying deep into the woods.

"Well done!" Daphne exclaimed.

"I knew I liked you." Eloise agreed.

Kate heard all of this distantly because her focus was on Anthony. She had expected him to be angry, or at least put out, but the look he was giving her sent heat rushing through her whole body.

He should look away. He knew damn well that he should look away. Practically his whole family was standing around them and the only thing he wanted to do was grab her so he could kiss that adorably smug look off her face.

Anthony needed to look away.

"That was a lovely shot."

They turned to where Colin now stood.

Right where Kate's ball lay…next to Colin's blue ball.

"I do respect you for your choice, Miss Sharma." He continued. "I hope you can respect mine."

Before Kate could respond, his mallet came down and sent her ball flying right after Anthony's.

"Now," he spun on his heel to face them with a grin, "you two better go fetch them. Unless you would like to quit, here and now?"

Anthony and Kate's eyes met, and it was decided.

They had a new enemy.

"Absolutely not."

"Shall we?"

With that, they walked into the woods.