
Best Daddy Ever

When Mahiyah struggles to be a single parent, she meets Jungkook. They kept crossing each other's road. Everything was going well but things changes when they fall in love with each other.

Blue_Rose_7 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Banana Milk Guy!

After an exhausting day of work, Jungkook had to do his weekly shopping. He really weren't in the mood for shopping, all he wanted to do right now was sleep. He were basically dragging the basket around the shop, it only contained the bare necessities but for him it was like he were lugging a tonne of bricks around. He decided that tonight he were going to gave a movie night by himself so he picked up a packet of popcorn and then headed towards the fridge section to get his favourite drink, banana milk.

Once he got there he realized it was the last bottle and he didn't hesitate to put it in his basket before grabbing some other items needed from this isle. As he were able to leave the section he heard crying of a little girl.

"I am sorry Jeongsan but they have run out" Mahiyah said to her daughter. "No, I want my banana milk" she cried. It broke Jungkook's heart hearing her cry so he looked down at the bottle in his basket and sighed.

Jungkook walked over to Mahiyah who appeared to be the young girl's mother and lightly tapped her on the shoulder. She immediately turned around and her eyes met his. Jungkook stood frozen for a couple of seconds, taken aback by the woman before him. Beauty was an understatement.

"Uhm, can I help you?" Mahiyah said, snapping Jungkook back to reality. "oh yes" he said awkwardly as he pick up the banana milk bottle from his basket and hand it to Mahiyah. 'Here, take mine, it was the last one but I don't mind". Mahiyah was little hesitant to take it from Jungkook's hand but did it with a smile.

"oh, thank you so much, but are you sure? we can just get another flavour" she suggests. "No, no take it" he smile at her. Mahiyah bowed at Jungkook thanking him once again before turning around to face her daughter.

"look Jeongsan what this man just gave us" she said as she handed the bottle to her daughter. Her little face lit up instantly as she took the bottle from her mom and hugging it tightly. "Now what do you say to him ...?" Mahiyah said in a soft tone. "Thank you" she said acutely. "That's okay sweetie" Jungkook said to Jeongsan with a smile.

Eventually, Jungkook made it back home with his shopping bags. "I need to give some time to myself as well" he sighed, he put all the shopping away, wiped the sweat from his forehead and headed upstairs to shower, letting the water take over and relax him after his busy day. After a while he turned off the shower and got changed into some comfortable clothes before heading back downstairs to watch the movie.

However Jungkook weren't really focused on the film because he were too engrossed in his phone ... or to be more specific what was posted on Instagram which he couldn't believe.

A couple of weeks ago, his now ex girlfriend cheated on him with his now ex best friend and when he found out she said it was a mistake and that she didn't even like him in that way. Obviously he didn't believed her pathetic excuses and left her. And it was clearly the best thing to do, because her recent posts are dedicated to his ex best friend, pictures of them kissing, smuggling and their little dates they would do been on recently. So she lied to him and cheated on him. How pathetic! It makes him question whether zge actually loved him in the first place. Jungkook roll his eyes and call it a night, hoping that tomorrow would be better than it was today.

"Here you go, ond black coffee, and one place ice tea" Mahiyah smile at the customers as they take their drinks from her. She only been here for thirty minutes and already she were exhausted. The bell of the cafe rung, notifying that someone had entered and she looked up to see who it was but instantly regretted it. It's been years that she saw him again. It was Day and his new girlfriend.

Mahiyah looked away and pretended to act busy so she doesn't have to serve them. Despite not being able to see them,Mahiyah could hear them both laughing. Mahiyah rolled her eyes due to their laughter. Tears started forming as Mahiyah saw how happy they looked together as she turned around slightly. The bell of the cafe rung again. "Mahiyah can you receive the customer, I wi serve this two" one of her colleagues said. Mahiyah agreed and headed over to the furthest till away from Day, hoping that he won't see you.

"Can I help?" Mahiyah asked, as she logged into the till. "Mommy look, it's the banana milk guy" Jeongsan said while running towards her mommy. "Banana Milk Guy? oh yeah so it is" a deeper voice replied.

Mahiyah looked up at the person in front of her, realizing it is the guy whom she met in the shop last night. Jeongsan was on Mahiyah's arms and her little hands were wrapped around Mahiyah's neck.

Mahiyah's eyes widened slightly as she makes eye contact with Jungkook. It was actually like standing in front of a God because he looked unreal. His soft wavy hair nearly covered his eyes and his big doe eyes that Mahiyah were getting sucked into was just jaw dropping.

"Hey, are you okay?" he suddenly asks sounding concerns. "me? I am fine" Mahiyah said with a smile. "Why are you crying Jeongsan asked while wiping her tears. Mahiyah furrowed her eyebrows in confusion and wiped her cheek with her hand, noticing that her hand was wet. "oh I am sorry" she bow at him.

"No need to apologise, I was just worried that's all, bad day already?" Jungkook asked. "you could say that" Mahiyah said while looked at the couple laughing at the table in the corner before rolling her eyes at them.

Jungkook followed her gaze and weirdly, instantly knew what was going on. "I am sorry, Mahiyah" he said after turning back and looking at her name tag. "Don't be, my position is clear in both their livesso their is no point dwelling on it" she shrug.

"so anyway, what can I get you?" Mahiyah asked. "Let me guess, banana milk?" Jeongsan said cutely while looking at Jungkook before he could say anything. Jungkook nodded at Mahiyah gently.

"Go and take a seat and I will bring you your order in a minute" Mahiyah smile at Jungkook and watch him head over to a table. Jeongsan gets off Mahiyah's arm and follow Jungkook from behind.

Mahiyah were quick with his order and decided to put a yellow and white stripped paper straw in the glass with little bananas printed on it

As Mahiyah were on her way to Jungkook's table someone purposely bumped into her, making her spill the drink all over herself. "oops i didn't see you there" the girl chuckles as Day did. Mahiyah looks at them in disbelief.

"Hey! apologise to my girlfriend right now" Jungkook said, standing up, walking over to the laughing couple.