
Your First Day

"I don't belong to you anymore, I love another woman so just take this money and abort it" a rude voice said mercilessly.

"Day ... you don't want our baby?" a shaky voice managed to say since her tears were scrolling down her cheeks like a rainfall.

"Mahiyah, it's all over ... I already fell in love with another woman and in my eyes now you are nothing neither this trash" he said while walking out of the door.

Mahiyah ran back of him with her big tummy. "What about those moments we spent together? and what about our affections for each other?" Mahiyah yelled while looking at his back.

He stopped right were he was. "IT WAS ALL A MISTAKE" he said without any guilt and walked away without looking back.

"DAY ...." Mahiyah yelled while he was disappearing from her sight and before she passed out.

When she got back into her senses she found herself into a hospital ward. "You are awake?" the doctor asked. She just stared at the doctor without saying anything.

"How is my baby?" She asked worriedly while she sat up by laying on the bed head.

"Your baby is fine and healthy. You are fine too" the doctor said with a smile.

"Thank you doctor" Mahiyah said putting a slight smile on her face.

"Who bought me here?" Mahiyah asked while looking here and there at the ward.

"A young handsome guy, who was passing by your home saw you was passed out on the road so he bought you here" the doctor replied.

"Where is he right now? I would like to thank him personally for this favour" Mahiyah said.

"Oh ... but he already left cause he was in a hurry but he had left something for you behind" the doctor said while handing a box to Mahiyah.

"One last thing ... he already paid for your ward and other fees including for your future delivery and he also booked a delivery room accordingly to your delivery date so don't worry " the doctor said and left hurriedly.

"What? Did he paid behalf of me? He helped me a lot but I can't even thank him properly" Mahiyah said with a sad tone.

Mahiyah opens the box. She gets surprise when she sees baby's toys for both boys and girls. A slight smile appears on her face. She notices there was a blue card at the corner of the box. She picks up the card and read the cursive letters written on it.

"Pregnancy is like a box of assorted chocolates. You never know what you are going to get. Congratulations on creating one sweet treat. Whether a girl or boy, there is no greater joy than the news of you being with your child"

~ Happy Pregnancy ❤

Mahiyah couldn't hold back her smile while reading this card since she was getting a feeling of being cared by someone even though he is stranger. Mahiyah keeps the card back to the box and prays happiness for the stranger who helped her a lot without a reason.

3 months passed quickly. Mahiyah was waiting for this day for months. She haven't slept for 24 hours, now she finally get to meet her baby.

"AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH" Mahiyah was yelling in the operating room. She have been through painful labour.

After a long time of trying finally the crying of the child echoed at the operating room which gave a bright smile on Mahiyah's face even though she was still in her labour pain.

"Congratulations, You gave birth to a baby girl" the doctor said while smiling at Mahiyah.

"Thank you so much doctor" Mahiyah said.

The nurses bathed the baby and bought her to Mahiyah after doing the newborn tests. The baby stopped crying when she came on Mahiyah's arm . When Mahiyah took her daughter on her arms Mahiyah's daughter was looking at her face and spend a lot of time studying her face.

"Jeongsan" Mahiyah called out in a soft tone.

Jeongsan start to react to the sound of her voice. She was using all his five senses which includes smell and touch to further identify and become attached to her. Jeongsan cries, sleeps, and at times look at Mahiyah's eyes directly although her vision is blurry she can best see something such as her face that is 8 to 15 inches away. Jeongsan grab her finger when she placed it in her palm and of of course she will want to eat.

Jeongsan slept for next 24 hours but Mahiyah waked her up to feed after 2 to 3 hours so that she get used to the process and start eating well. Mahiyah hold Jeongsan on her arms to feed her milk. As Jeongsan sucked on her breast, this action triggered hormones to tell her body that it's time to make milk. A nurse breastfeeding counselor help Mahiyah and her baby overcome any hurdles. Mahiyah "forgot" the difficulties of labour as soon as she catch a glimpse at Jeongsan.

Mahiyah received a parcel. She opened the big box and was surprised to see that there were all necessary thongs available which is needed for the baby. There was a card inside the box. She took it our and read.

"Congratulations, from today, every day is a blessing as you will wake up to see your bundle of joy. I wish you all the best and my endless love for newborn baby"

When Mahiyah scrolled her eye down she was surprised to know that this card was written 3 months ago when she came to the hospital after she passed out during six months of pregnancy.

Soon Mahiyah got discharged from hospital. Her life got totally changed. She barely can rest. She do all the households and on the other hand she takes care of Jeongsan at the same time.

4 years passed.

"Jeongsan, come here" Mahiyah shouted as she chase her four year old daughter around the shop. She just giggles as she runs around the store, trying not to be caught by her mom. "I am gonna get you" Mahiyah laugh as she catch up to her, pick her up under the armpits and place her in the seat of the trolley. "Don't run off like that again, okay? You scared mommy" Mahiyah looked sternly at her as she start pushing the trolley around the isles. Jeongsan just looks up at Mahiyah with her big deo eyes and pouts. ":Don't give me that look, you have been a naughty girl" Mahiyah try to remain unaffected by her cute little face. "I promise to be a good girl if you buy me banana milk" she smiles at Mahiyah.

Mahiyah chuckle at her words and playfully roll her eyes at her "You are really my daughter, aren't you?" Mahiyah said as she pinch on of her cheeks before heading towards the fridge section.

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