

"HAHAHAHA! This power... I have finally awakened it... everything in my life has led up to this." Avan swung his sword once again and the houses from afar was sliced up and all that he could see was cloud, dust and smoke from the fires going everywhere. "I slash my sword and I split the heavens above, I strike with my sword and I destroy whatever is on the other end. I have become my own sword! Now the people who were ridiculing me... no one will ever fight with me again or harm my mother ever again..."

Avan took a step forward and the ground beneath him cracked as if the whole world has split.

Winds of shockwave released everywhere and the mages from the sky above were blown away. But they also couldn't move as there was a hint of paralyze magic with his step.

They tried to motion their hands to cast a spell to protect themselves, but they couldn't move an inch.

"Dark Magic, Flame Magic, Wind Magic, Lightning Magic and now... GRAVITY MAGIC!?" The Tower Master shouted in fear. "What kind of monstrosity has laid bare into our land..! There has never been someone this powerful... The three Archmages, the grand mages, me and the headmaster of the academy... how are we this powerless against this one enemy!"

The headmaster's amulet suddenly started to glow. And it began to burst out a bright light everywhere and they could no longer feel the oppressive magic that were going onto them. But they were all about to fall on the ground so a quick disable of the amulet "Apologies for that. I activated anti-magic."

"Headmaster, who... or what the hell is that thing down there... I know that we've been with peace with the demons, but I can't help but think that this is their work." The Tower Master exclaimed.

"Enough, I won't point such things at races. The problem that we have right now is here, and that's all we need to know." The headmaster of the academy channeled his mana and a giant clock appeared behind him. "This will do the trick."

"Headmaster, this spell, Fate's Clockwork, are you sure that you'll be able to endure the drawback of this! This will make you live whoever is in that armor's life!" The Tower Master began to chant his own form of magic, "Soul Sepa-"

The three Archmages then silenced the Tower Master. He couldn't move nor speak.

"Fate's Clockwork! Show me the life of the person within that armor!" The headmaster's mana began to spread throughout the whole area. And the clock behind him began to spin wildly.

The headmaster's body began to fall on the ground and the grand mages caught him before he fell near Avan.

"Fifteen years of life... I experienced it all... its such a painful journey..." The headmaster then casted a new spell, "Bravery." He began to calm down and is about to explain everything. But suddenly, he heard some voices from the far distance.

"Headmaster! You need to hear something!" Atez's voice became closer and closer until they were all face to face.

"That's Carpei's son. And we know why he turned into that thing." Trega was in her full beast form, enchanted with flight magic by Atez.

"Calm down Atez, what do we do with that kid?" The headmaster replied.

"Avan Neidleest isn't a mana-less child. In fact, he carries so much mana to the point that we can't detect it." Atez then began to send bloodlust everywhere through the use of mana. "Now look at this, I'm trying to exert about 30% of my mana to create this aura around me. But Avan doesn't know how to control his mana. He's blessed with so much mana to the point that his body can't handle it."

"What... do you mean by that?"

"Mass Teleport." A giant circle of bright light filled with magic runes appeared below them. "Casting Removal." And they were immediately teleported a kilometer away from the academy. "Mana Search. Can you see it headmaster... the Archmages and the grand mages here..? This is who Avan Neidleest is."

The headmaster's eyes widened as he saw the academy. "WHAT THE ACTUAL-!?" Avan's entire aura surrounded the entire Academy. The headmaster couldn't believe it. Nor could the grand mages and the Archmages around him. Even though they were all renowned as strong, they still could feel the blood curling fear going through their veins. "How much mana... is stored in that kid's body... that thing can fuel the whole world JUST BY EXISTING!"

"We read mana based on their heart and the flow of mana. But when Avan was born, his mana capacity was already so big that people like me couldn't detect it. He already carried a lot of mana when he was born. Much more than you headmaster. Much more than any living being in the world can carry. We can't read his mana because, we're IN THE VICINITY OF HIS MANA. Its like trying to look at the void. Its there but you can't see it."

"Then how come he couldn't cast spells?"

"I don't know. But something is preventing it. Something is helping him live through that abundance of mana. In your fight against that mage who absorbs mana, you defeated him by overloading him with mana. Because a body of a living being is like a catalyst for mana. That's why we try to train ourselves to make sure that we can handle a lot of mana at the same time. But for Avan, his body is a catalyst of that large amounts of mana. And as he was born he was pale."

"And the last time I saw Avan, he was just skin and bones trying to wield that sword..."

"That's right. There's something helping Avan not unleash his mana, but its not enough to help Avan control the mana inside of him. If this continues... Avan will break. His body would not be able to handle all of that mana."

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