
Benign Incursion (Arcane/HP)

Join Harry and his 2 relatives in an unwanted excursion outside of their home dimension at a young age, into one with beings beyond power Harry could ever imagine. Some will die, some will go insane, most will change, civil wars will be fought, but through it all, Harry will get strong. Give feedback if you want me to stop sucking at writing. (Been told the start is a bit bad, but gets better. So if you find anything from plot, grammar, to character actions, that is bad, please leave a review.) *WARNING - Mature themes and violence.* (dropped)

SadKite · Book&Literature
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

Chapter 11

Its not perfect, nothing I do will be perfect with my lack of experience. BUT I AM LEARNING!


Harry had just killed an Enforcer.

The remaining Enforcer stares down at the unmoving body, "Brock?" he asks in a clearly wavering voice.

The Enforcer, not receiving an answer kneels next to the body. He takes his mask off with an audible hiss of gas and looks down onto his partner's face.

Seeing the apparent glassy eyes and non-breathing state of the body allows the Enforcer to realize the truth quickly, "Brock! Please no. Don't leave me…" He cries out throwing himself over the body.


In the Deputy Sheriff office of Piltover are two men and the deputy himself.

These two men are one Brock Gordon, Son of a long-time citizenry family of Piltover, And one Mirko Torek, the son of a highly affluent and influential family in Piltover.

His family, while nowhere near as rich as the Tariosts, or as influential as the Kirammans. But they still are from the Bluewind court and are thus a clan.

A rumor has recently been spread around the ranks of the Enforcers, a rumor that normally would be overlooked. But this time the rumor involves a clan, so here the Deputy is chasing it up.

"Are you two comfy?" The gruff deputy asks.

Brock and Mirko both nod firmly.

"Now, I know that both of you have indeed heard the rumor. So, I won't have to clarify anything," the deputy states with a formal, tough, tone with a touch of something hidden beneath it.

He then continues on, "this issue is a small one so the Sheriff will not be informed. All that needs to be done is to move on and not push the false rumor further, if that happened then it wouldn't be good for any of us." He pauses and lays his gaze between the two of them.

"And if the rumors continue or change from their false reality… let's just say that you'll both be cleaning out your lockers." His tone turns hostile and reveals the previously hidden underlining emotion in the deputy, disgust.

The two listening in on the obvious threat numbly nod their heads.

"You two can leave now…" The deputy huffs as he waves towards the door."

As they were about to leave, the deputy quickly adds, "oh, and you two have the afternoon patrol during the speech tonight!"

The two leave quietly, after this they walk to the Enforcer barracks.

The Barracks are completely empty leaving the two to unwind from the meeting with the deputy.

Brock kicks a bench hard while yelling, "I can't believe that monster! He's worse than the fissure trash," he vents.

Mirko grasps Brock's hand with his own softly, "I know the deputy is scum, and I completely agree that his a monster. But how long are you going to hold that hatred towards the Undercity…"

"This isn't about the Fissure, this is about us!" Brock shouts.

Mirko, being the ever calm one just shakes his head, "I don't care about the deputy. That man and his threats can't do anything to us, so just ignore and forget about it, I care more about how you still haven't forgiven Undercity for what happened all that time ago."

"They killed him, my father was protecting us, and they blew him up along with a bridge! I've told you this before, I will never forgive them, all they believe in is chaos," Brock says with a fire burning in his eyes.

Mirko sighs in response. Nothing he says will change Brock's mind, not even if they're in love.

Brock, seeing Mriko's frustration changes the subject, "Come on, lets get ready for the afternoon patrol shift."

They both slowly change into the Enforcer garb, pistol, baton, and mask in companionable silence.


Mirko, crying into his dead lover's still warm chest, has a swirl of dangerous thoughts and emotions thrashing through his mind.

'Brock's right, everyone from the Underground is scum. Even the kids are monsters.' He slowly switches from mourning to a rage filled anger as he lifts his head up to look at the shell-shocked Harry still standing there looking at his gloves.

Mirko's thoughts finally come to halt with one, 'they are a threat, a threat that needs to be destroyed, drowned out at its roots.'

He steps up onto his feet and reaches down to his waist where his pistol is kept.

The attention brought to the instrument of death finally drags Petunia out of her psychosis.

She grabs hold of the still shocked Harry and carries him into her arms and starts running.

She barely makes it around the corner of the alley when a clear shot rings out slamming right into where she was a second ago.

With the newly instilled fear, she runs faster then she ever has before.

In the darkness of the early night, she manages to weave through the streets, always out of aim for the gun, but never lost.

The sounds of the gunfire and running waking up the few citizens of Piltover that didnt go to the Progress Day speech.

As this chase happens, Harry is still lost in his shock. He's going over what happened in his young brain and slowly realizes what had happened.

The resistor blew out from the heightened capacity of both gloves touching together, a simple and obvious mistake which lead to him killing someone.

Harry stops again on the fact he killed someone; it just couldn't compute to his young brain that he had snuffed out a life of another human being. So, he just continues on spiraling into his own spout of psychosis.

The Petunia continues her weaving through the streets all the way to the bridge. Unfortunately, the bridge is too open for Petunia to safely run across it.

The sound of the citizens of Piltover yelling out at the commotion in the streets they ran down causes her to make the decision to start sprinting across the bridge.

As she runs she can clearly make out the running behind her over everything else.

She clearly hears the Enforcer stop and takes this as a sign that he's about to shoot, she quickly dives to the left right as a shot passes by.

She hears the running pick back up and she does the same.

They finally both get to the end of the bridge and into the slums.

In her happiness of getting over the bridge, she takes the distinct lack of noise behind her as the Enforcer giving up. This is proven wrong when a shot whistles in and collides with her leg.

Dropping Harry from the shock, he falls ahead of her.

Mirko catches up quickly and slowly walks over to stand over Harry, the clear sound of reloading the clip of his gun sounding out.

Petunia seeing what is about happen clambers over to Harry to covers him with her body.

She manages to make it just in time before a sudden bang and and searing, unbelievable pain blossoms from her back.

All sound halts, it's almost as if the world is holding its breath for what had just happened.

A second loud bang resonates from behind her along with a clear squelchy thud as it embeds into her.

Petunia doesn't even make a sound; she just hugs Harry even tighter. Her entire being is currently centered around protecting Harry, the pain isn't even realized.

Four more bangs sound out along with the squelch of the bullet burying itself into flesh.

Harry, hearing all this, draws the connection between the issue of death he was currently stuck in psychosis over and Petunia. He quickly comes to the realization of the current circumstances, and he does the only thing that he can think of at the time, cry.

Cry louder then any other time in his entire life, the sounds is more reminiscent of the cry of a banshee rather than a child.

As his cry sounds out, a breeze wafts across the street as if acting in response to his plea for help.

Next a huge brunt of wind radiating in magic slams into the Enforcer throwing him to his feet, and his gun far off into the darkness.

Harry quickly comes to and slips out from the wheezing Petunia and runs straight to the Enforcer, switching on his gloves he slams them onto Mirko's chest repeatedly. Slowly the slamming of electrified fists turns into scratching and clawing. A minute goes by, and Harry finally stops and takes in the view of a darkly charred clothed chest of the now very dead Enforcer.

His battle fueled mind briefly reflects on this. A gale of wind magic slammed into the Enforcer, but for the first time in Harry's small life this magic was not from him.

He snaps back as he hears the wheezing of Petunia still and quickly runs over to her.

With a terrified shrill as he kneels next to her.

With her lungs punctured she can't speak but her eyes say enough, they look on at Harry with such love and happiness for his survival that they sparkle. They also tell him to live.

She lifts her shaking hand up to his cheek and rests it there feeling his warmth, he responds with holding it in his own hands bringing a soft smile to her lips.

Harry starts back up with his banshee like screaming, tears flowing down his face.

Minutes go by and finally Petunia draws her last breath still smiling.

And like that, Petunia passed from the world.


I really didn't want to do this, I cried and felt sick to my core a few times while writing this. But I need to do this.

(I don't at all condone any actions and threats shown in this chapter, this is set up for a story route I'm going to follow for Vi and Caitlyn's hinted relationship in the show. I want more chaos and greyness in the fight between Zaun and Piltover.

Two of Piltover's finest protectors being a part of something that the bigoted section of Piltover rejects would be an interesting story and show off the 'No side is completely right,' part of the story I really like.)
