
Bend, Don't Break.

I lived a simple life. not anymore, I'll tell you my story, if you tell me yours one day. I live to share stories through runes to make others feel the emotions they contain, read the first chapter of my story and it will show you why. read my whole story and learn how. -------- Also I want a better cover art, but I least I don't have to steal someone else's drawing. that baby is a Jack original. (seriously though if someone is an artist please help! leave a review I'll get back to you, I don't have money though... but I'll put your name in the synopsis!)

Jack_Wilder · Fantasy
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10 Chs

How it began.

I live a very simple life before all of this. Before runes, before magic, before dying, and before her. It wasn't a lot but it was enough for a simple guy like me. Waking up and eating, going to work at the local library, and going home after the day for a meal and some rest before it started again.

I had friends and family but I was always a little too tired or busy to hang out eventually people stopped asking me to go with them, I'd ask to hang out every month or so but not more then that, I was afraid of bothering them.

I loved the library though, you could learn all kinds things there, well I mean it is a library, they had a book for everything, Chinese literature, cook books, comics, manga in the back. But why I loved it was because of the people there, I really enjoyed looking at their faces and seeing the emotions the books they were reading imparted onto them. When you read you feel the emotions that the characters feel, their love and trials, their pain and joy, it wasn't a lot but something always got to the reader, you feel excited when the characters succeed and anxious when they struggle. The books and more accurately the words, they had this mysterious power to make you feel something without being anything but words. It's amazing, I always wanted to make something that gave someone that feeling. And then once day it hit me.

Well it being a truck but hey! It is what started me on this journey.

You see, I woke up thay day in my small roughly 40 square meters apartment. It was by no means big but I enjoyed the closeness of the walls, but other then change, eat, brush my teeth and mark my calendar I didn't do much that morning. Or any morning actually, the library was close enough for me to walk to so I started walking. I said good morning to the neighbors and helped Mrs. Johnson the widow, move her plants to the sun and I'll help her moved them back tonight too. Continuing on to the library I make my last stop at Chris' bakery, a favorite of mine with a sandwich that literally had my name on it, as an old friend Chris likes to poke fun at the weird spelling of my name but I don't mind it's been a few years since high-school and I never imagined him to start a bakery, and much less to call it "Chris' Baker", it's a good name though, a little bland but so is my life though.

I got to work and after some small talk with my boss started organizing books in the youth section, It was one of my favorite sections as the people there had some of the best emotions, often ones of Romance and anxiety, no doubt do to the action book here which more often then not include some form of romance. I can't say I didn't enjoy seeing someone read a book I read and watch them have the same expression as me, it's validating, like I wasn't weird for feeling stressed with the characters.

But before I knew it I was finished and moved on to the mystery section, there I saw confusion and that bright "Ah ha" moment many have. I also saw people laughing and people saying the mystery was too simple. Hey, not all stories are good I guess. soon that too was past and I continued moving through the library, enjoying all the sights and the feeling of the small aisles giving me a warm embrace of comfort.

Lunch came and went and the sandwich with my name on it was gone like it was never there. Next I worked the front desk where people asked me both to find books and to check them out for them. A good chance to rest and relax after moving around all day. Then just like that my simple day was over, nothing to highlight nothing new. Just a simple enjoyable day. Until I went home, I had a ways to go before I got to Mrs. Johnson house. But today I was just unlucky.

Because while I lived a simple life, the world around me didn't, I was crossing a road when a truck chased by thirteen Cop cars appeared around the corner they turned towards me and kept speeding up, guns started firing between the two parties and a stray bullet hit my leg! The searing pain made my leg collapse under me and along with it my chance to escape. I crawled as fast as I could but I was closer to the middle of the road then the edge. Every second they got closer the the gun shots louder, I looked at the truck and panicked even harder, I didn't want to die! I wanted to live and I wanted to work and read! Mrs. Johnson needs my help I can't die here! Please! Save me anyone!"

Before I even knew it my internal thought became shouting, and I started crying.


And then it was over, the truck hit me and I lost consciousness, I later learned that the truck drivers had robbed a bank and was on the run for what had been a fifteen minute chase. I was the only causality of the robbery and the one who shot me was actually one of my father's friends. But that's a story for a little later. As I said getting hit by the truck was the opportunity of a life time one that ended mine too.

My name is Kou, rune name, Haust and this is how my simple life became one filled with emotions, runes, and death, and an important life lesson. You may bend, and you may cry, and you may have the whole world against you. But no matter what happens you may bend, but you must never break.

Hey you made it this far! thanks! what do you think? I work on the story because I like to. I want to keep working on it a lot so some motivation would be nice, I'd love to read some comments. don't even care if they are good, I want this book to make people smile and cry to feel good and feel love. to feel like someone can relate to the characters. I don't know I'm just a dude with a dream.

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