I just really like stories, and music, and well people too, especially nice one.
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hello. author here. I'm taking this chance to be a little more serious about why I am writing this story. I will let you decide if you want to read this. it isn't necessary for the story. just some thoughts. this story is near to my heart because it's supposed to journey of self discovery. I just feel like I could really show you guys this really beautiful world. I believe more then anything else the imagination is the strongest stage. I have spent like... 200 ish hours researching how to show not tell and I don't plan on not stopping that learning. I would really like for this story to do well because it would mean people are enjoying it. (it also helps with my biggest problem of motivation) ultimately I don't particularly care if this does well. as long as one person likes and enjoys it I think I'll be happy. i would love to hear your guy's thoughts on my story. I know it isn't perfect or very long right now. but I'm keeping a schedule for updates now. and I have been able to stick to it for a while. so keep following along. thank you for reading this. have a nice day.
I find that hard to believe. everyone would have noticed. they are extremely prominent and something people's eyes would be drawn to.
Reminds me of a quote. "the only difference between a doctor and a necromancer is timing." I'm assuming that necromancy also includes healing magic here. which would make sense to me.
I agree. I also wouldn't see the big A right next to luck as I looked at my stats. and As I had to look RIGHT AT IT to get to my skills. sure I was complaining that my stats sucked. and I would absolutely want to know which one was my highest. but just like the main character. I'm just an idiot .
I'm not saying you are wrong... because you absolutely aren't wrong. but I would like to offer an answer... uh... um.... huh.... no I take it back.
whaaaaaaaaaaaa- cheating? pfff. no~... you can't prove anything.
Zeus actually isn't in charge of the Gods. and is not in fact in the overseerer. or all father. or anything like that. he is about 5 generation down from the top. and 3 generations down from the one who made the earth and sky (who are Zeus's grandparents.) so infact Zeus is only the current leader of his pantheon, the boss will always be mother earth, or Gaia. but then again this is a parody of the greek pantheon so uh... sure. in really nitpicky today. sorry author.
tis true, I can't imagine a more perfect one.
I have no words but I must respond...
Two things honey and a hatchet. one this story is really good. it feels like... well real people, they act in ways they should and they feel like they are in love, like really in love, something a lot of "romance" writers don't actually do correctly, I was only going to read a chapter or two but I found myself really invested in the relationship between the too main characters. it's a joy to read and I highly recommend it. but there is the hatchet. the book is has terrible world building, which isn't a deal breaker as the characters are what in here for but there is a lot details that are only partially explained, and maybe the powers are only temporary? it's unclear on the book but there are hints both ways. I think it needed to be clearer the rules of the story, the stakes and the possible rewards, and most importantly the power system they use, we need to be able to understand how strong our protagonists are compared to everything that could harm them. and the school system needs some clarification, also note to the author, so spoilers from now on. short circuiting, you introduced it retroactively, which is something you shouldn't so often, you need your readers to trust you so when your plot twists happen you don't have them not believing you are going to retroactively give him/her a power up, you still can but be careful, reader trust is more important then any plot point, and another note, if you wrote a pure romance story without any r18 I'd definitely read it. I had to skip over those parts for personal reasons, so if you do end up making one in sure it will be great, thanks for making me smile and laugh the whole time, and good luck, I known you are going places