
Bend, Don't Break.

I lived a simple life. not anymore, I'll tell you my story, if you tell me yours one day. I live to share stories through runes to make others feel the emotions they contain, read the first chapter of my story and it will show you why. read my whole story and learn how. -------- Also I want a better cover art, but I least I don't have to steal someone else's drawing. that baby is a Jack original. (seriously though if someone is an artist please help! leave a review I'll get back to you, I don't have money though... but I'll put your name in the synopsis!)

Jack_Wilder · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Cooking up a plan, literally.

I woke up in the middle of the night. Small sounds were all around me, Crickets maybe, but not the same sound this was more of a soft melody. But when I opened my eye that pink spider was on my eye again.

"Hello there." I wispered. Most people would probably freak out right now, grab the spider and throw it. But I am not a mere man, unlike most people. I freaked out to the point of not being able to move my body. It happened last time the spider was on my face but this time was worse.

I gently got it off of my eye, and put it on the ground and went to stoke the fire. It followed me this time. I added a little wood to the fire. I wanted to keep the fire alive for as long as possible. But I knew that was unrealistic. Instead I should focus on doing what I needed to and hopefully get enough supplies to be able to leave this forest.

I had another dream about my family again. But it was cut short due to my cute friend here.

"You know you scare me everytime you do that." I said to the spider. Who was staring at me from across the fire on a stick. I was sitting in the ground and poking the fire with a stick.

I felt a wisper on the wind and I saw the fire grow for a second do to the new oxygen.

"At the very least you could be on my forehead, it would be a lot less surprising. "I spoke to the spider. Who stood there staring at me. It swayed back and forth in the wind that continued to carry thoughs, my father saying. "I understand son" when I broke a vase. My mother saying "I'll be close." When I scrapped my leg. I don't know why I was remembering these things, but I missed my family. This only served to reinforce my will to get out of this forest.

"I wish you could talk. I wish I wasn't alone again." I spoke to the spider, my voice trailing off. I live my old life in a dull daze. I am happy that I died. I see this world in a new light. Before I didn't have any friends. But in this life I wanted many. I didn't know if there were people but if there were I wanted to find them.

I sat there for another hour or so. Voices coming into my head that comforted me. Eventually I felt tired again and went back to sleep. The spider followed me but didn't come close. Staying about a meter or so away. I honestly didn't care if the spider watched me while I slept. I didn't think it could hurt me if it tried. And it was kind of cute... in a weird spider way.

I didn't dream again. I just closed my eyes and opened them when the sun kissed my eyes. Yes both of them. The pink spider was on my chest instead of my eye. I don't know why and I don't think I can understand why it was on my eye and why it isn't now. I picked up the spider and put it down next to me.

I got up and tended to the fire, I looked at the spider and saw that it had followed me to the edge of the shadow the leantoo provided.

"You don't like sunlight?" I asked the spider. The spider of course didn't answer. But stared at me.

I finished tending to the fire and went back to the spider. I reached down and provided shade to it with my hand. The spider stepped into the shadow of my hand and continued down my arm to stand on the ground close to my leg. It reminded me of how dogs waited at your leg for attention.

I suddenly had the urge to pick up the spider. I put my hand in front of the spider and it climbed on to my hand. I got a much better look at it. I noticed that it didn't have any hairs on it or anything really. This was a really confusing spider, it didn't have any holes in it's body, it didn't have any hair, it was extremely smooth. How did it eat, how did it survive? For a moment I was lost in thought and let the spider's leg touch sun light. Immediately the spider reacted moving to the back of my hand away from the tiny patch of light. I quickly moved my hand back and I apologized.

"I'm so sorry I didn't mean to" I said as apologetic as I felt. Which is to say a lot. "here let me put you down. I don't want you to get hurt."

I put my hand back on the ground and after some encouragement it stepped off of my hand and into the shadow of the leentoo once again. Then I saw it's leg.

The leg that touched the light was, ethereal, a mist I could see through, barely holding its former shape. It looks like the spider wasn't putting any weight on it.

I felt bad. So I apologized again and left to go eat something. I went over to my favorite bush and started up a conversation. One that Mr. Bush wasn't fond of keeping. But to be fair I was eating his stems. I took what I needed from the plant. Then I went back to the fire and sat down on the grass.

I had fire now, so my plan was simple from here on out. Originally I wanted to set up base here but I was getting tired of this place. So I adjusted. The fact that there was a bear so close had certainly helped though.

My plan now is to see if I can make a charcoal filter for water and rehydrate myself. Store some water and food then make my way out of this forest. Additionally I'll see if I can find a river and follow it. Cities often start at rivers so I will hopefully find something. And at the very least I would end up by the ocean, which would let me decide where to go next while also allowing me to fish. Assuming I can figure that out.

I'm also going to see if I can hunt something, smoking even the smallest amount of meat would be a windfall for my situation. I don't like killing but I need to survive.

So how do I make a filter. I am going to take this plastic water bottle I just happen to have cut off the top and the bottom place some of the cloth from my clothes in the smaller gap and place active charcoal in the bottle ten filter the water.


Now I just need a bottle... and clothes... a knife... and some way to activate the charcoal...

So anyway I am going to try boiling the water.

It's just as hard because I need a container that can withstand the flame and still pass the head on. Luckily. I actually can think of a plan for this. And it all goes back to out good old friend Mr. Bush, his leaves can hold water decently enough. And to check this I went over and pulled out one of his stems, and dipped it into the pond. It could hold a decent handful. Which was perfect because I don't think I could heat up much more then that at a time.

So my problem is that I really need to heat up the water to boiling. Or close to it. The leaf can handle that... probably. But I can't just put it over the fire. The leaf might catch fire. I have two options i let the fire die down to just hot coals this should release a lot of heat but not light the leaf. And secondly I could heat up rocks to irresponsible degrees and then dip them into the water releasing the heat they have into the water.

I will be using both at the same time. anything and everything to clean up that water. my sick stomach is salivating at the thought of clean water that wont make it hurt. no actually it just growling.

With all of that said I got started on the single most important step of my journey in this world.

I need some motivatation. pass me a single stone maybe? just a little

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