
Ben 10 in Attack on Titan

Just check it. Peace ✌️.

LoneWolfAuthor · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Chapter 3

[New Quest Created!

Today Save the people and stop the titans' invasion.

Reward: one alien form, level up.

Penalty: -100% power]

'Huh. I have now a penalty. Well, nothing can come for free.' he thought and started to kill titans. Then killed all titans which came his way. Before the cadets or titans can react ben killed them.

As Ben had gotten a better view of the city and saw Several desecrated corpses of people mostly wearing the same clothes as Mina filling the land. It was enough to make a man nauseous just from the sight of all that carnage.

Seeing them made ben about to vomit and Though ben did immediately feel that sensation, he was able to suppress it as soon as it appeared, but a grim expression now formed on his face. He was sure he will get nightmares of this image.

"If only I had alien x or clockwork, maybe I could have saved them." Said Jetray sorrowfully.

[Even if you get them you won't be able to use them because of your Low level. (noob) ]

'No, why is this so unfair? Then how many levels should I have to reach to use those level aliens'

[ Level 10 is the maximum level, you should be level 9, if not you can't use them. Jetray is a gift from god. Its level is 6]

"Okay for now with my Jetray I can comfort. And I can kill all titans with this." Said Jetray almost in a growl. Images of downed Titans, with steam coming out from their necks came to mind, indicating that he must have killed them along the way.

'First I should find that GOOD BOY character, I mean he is one of the main characters who give speeches about talk no just like Naruto. He will help me now.' Ben thought while remembering Attack on titan's cover page.

Not too long after he said this, his eyes fell on a rooftop that had a boy, on his knees, dressed in the same clothing as the frame was relatively small and lacking in muscle but not the definition. He had large hazel eyes and a small pointed nose that was distinctly a bit red. His blond hair was styled in a long undercut with bangs over his entire forehead. He had noticeable defined eyebrows and sideburns. The boy looked frozen in position, almost like he couldn't move.

'Someone's still on those rooftops, but why he is not moving.' Thought Jetray.

"Maybe he is terrified about them like Mina. Hey, he looks the same as that man on the cover page" As Jetray said this, he flew toward the boy and landed beside him. Even then, the boy did not react, at least initially. The boy's eyes slowly began to look up at Jetray, almost as if he was waking up from sleep. After a few blinks, his eyes managed to stay open. That is, only for them to widen upon seeing Jetray. Ben felt the sudden uneasiness from the boy and looked down at him.

'Oh man, he's even more scared than Mina was. Girls are better than him, they at least talked to me. Shit, what a drag' Thought ben as he noticed the boy's mouth which was now open, begin to shiver.

[Of course, girls are better than idiots like you.]

'What Sis you are supporting them like you are a girl' ben said to her.

[of course, I am a girl you idiot.]

"Uh...Hi, are you okay?" Ben asked with a weak smile. Big mistake, as almost immediately.

"AAAAHHHH!" Shouted the boy as he began to flail wildly.

[ hahaha, I knew this was going to happen.]

"hey no, stop being like that. I'm not going to eat you. You are safe okay." Said Jetray in a tone of assurance. Though this did nothing to calm the boy down, his whole body started to fear. Once Ben's eyes fell back on the boy, he stopped speaking.

"Umm, dude?" Said Jetray in a tone of confusion. The boy was holding a sword with his right hand that was violently shaking.

"S-Stay back! i-i-i'm warning you, don't come closer." Shouted the boy fearfully.

"That's not how you hold a sword. You are using it like a tennis bat. Well, you don't know about it." Said Jetray as he noted that the boy was holding the sword with the back of his hand. As he made this observation, the boy held the sword with both hands by his chest, the blade just inches away from his jaw.

[hahaha, What a cute one he is]

"Listen, I can see that you're scared. No, not even scared, terrified. I haven't even been around here for up to an hour, but after seeing what's happened to this place, I can't say I blame you." Said Jetray as he held his hands up and approached the boy slowly. The boy's shaking remained.

"But I want you to know, I'm not here to hurt you; I'm here to help you. I would have wanted nothing more than to get here sooner, but I can't change the past yet. Now that I am here though, promise you that no one else is going to die. You're going to get through this, and everything's going to be alright." Reassured Jetray as he now inches away from the boy, his hands still held up, but with him kneeling on the ground. The boy's shaking had ceased, and slowly, he dropped his blade.

"You can tell me what you want to say. You can share your burden with me, I can listen to you. Then you feel ok" Asked Jetray softly. Upon hearing those words, the boy dropped his sword on the ground and fell to his knees. His face became extremely pale, causing Jetray to look at him with even more worry. Somehow though, he mustered the strength and began to speak.

"The Colossal Titan...it came back... broke through the wall. The Titans... got in. They killed...They killed...because of me. Erren.." "The boy mumbled, but upon saying the last sentence, his eyes widened, as if a sudden realization just then clenched his head tightly, and fresh tears began to stream down his face.

"I'm dead weight! I should just die." Shouted the boy with his head cast to the ground, and his tears falling like raindrops. Ben then put both hands on his shoulders.

"Hey, hey, stop it, man." Said Jetray in a bid to calm him down.

"Damn it! It's my fault" Shouted the boy with his eyes closed tightly, even more, shaken than before.

"Look at me." Said Ben in a soft tone. This caused the boy to open his eyes, his tears no longer falling rapidly, and his eyes now focused on Jetray's.

"Listen carefully; you are not dead weight, and you are not going to die here. You are just weak that's all. It's not your fault. I am truly sorry for what happened to the people that died here today, and I can tell that some of them must have been your friends." Said Jetray in a comforting voice.

"But I need you to keep it together for now, this is no time to be sad. If we don't take action now, many more people will die, and those that sacrificed themselves would have died for nothing." Said Jetray in a stern tone.

"So please, I need your help to convince the people here so I can save people without wasting time. I can't tell everyone about my origin and waste time. If you. Help me to convince others, it will help me a lot. I will save them." Asked Jetray in a pleading tone. The boy looked at Jetray with a confused look and would do so for a few more seconds. Eventually, with a sniff and a voice crack, he would begin to speak in a low voice.

"Y-y-y es, I will help you."

"Alright, thanks dude, though I'm going to need more than that." Said Jetray as he got up and looked at the boy with a somber expression as if he was wishing he didn't have to say what he was about to.

"Can you be my eyes and ears around the sky? I'm kinda new around here." Asked Jetray. Once again, the boy looked at Jetray with a confused look. But unlike before, it wouldn't last long.

"O-o-ok." He answered weakly.

"Nice." Said Jetray with a smirk as he then flew behind the boy and clamped his legs on his shoulders.

"Now then, Please try not to look down, as you may experience motion sickness." Joked with Jetray in hopes of deflating the tension.

"Huh?" Said the boy in a tone of confusion, even more, sincere than the one he held before. This only caused Jetray's smirk to widen.

"And we have to go." Announced Jetray as he took to the skies, causing the boy to yelp in fear.


Jetray, with the boy from earlier still clamped underneath his feet by his shoulders. Jetray soared through the skies, albeit slowly with a look of focus. This was in stark contrast to the boy, whose face was no longer that of fear, but rather one of pure awe. He can't believe how Jetray easily killed All the titans. Jetray took note of this and smiled.

"So um, dude. It's going to be pretty weird to be calling you dude all the time. You have a name right?" Asked Jetray in an attempt to make conversation.

"Y-y-yes, my name is Armin Arlert." Answered Armin in hesitation.

"Alright, Armin. My code name right now is Jetray, but my real name is Ben. I'll explain what I mean by that later." Said Jetray, already expecting the look of confusion on his face. Armin would eventually nod slowly in agreement.

"I'm sure you have a lot of questions for me. I've also got some for you, but I'm willing to hold out on them to help us better understand each other." Reasoned Jetray.

"Uh...ok.Thank you for your consideration." Said Armin weakly, though his tone was sincere.

"Don't mention it. ask me whatever question you want." Said Jetray.

"Uh, o-o-ok." Said Armin as he slowly regained his composure. He allowed the silence to hang in the air before he spoke up again.

"Jetray. What exactly are you? You don't seem like a Titan in the slightest." Asked Armin curiously.

"That's because I'm not. I'm something much more complex; an alien." Said Jetray in a tone of pride. It seemed like he was expecting a certain reaction from Armin, as the one that he got caught him off guard.

"What's an alien?" Asked Armin, even more, confused than before.

"You've never heard of aliens before?" Asked a dumbfounded, Ben. Armin simply shook his head.

'most of the anime characters know what ALIEN WORD means. How can they be this dumb' Thought ben, He then cleared his throat. "Well then...An alien is a sentient life form that lives outside of Earth beyond the stars. They come in all shapes and sizes. Right now, I'm an Aerophibian that I call Jetray." Said Jetray, carefully looking at Armin to gauge his reaction.

"Right now?" Asked Armin, not quite understanding Jetray's choice of wording.

"Yeah. I was saving this for later, but since we've already started, there's no point in not saying it. I'm a human like you." Said Jetray.

"Really?" Asked Armin with wide eyes, causing Jetray to smirk.

[Yes, after being bitten by the bird, he became a bird. He is a birdman]

'I am not birdman' Thought Jetray triumphantly, failing to notice that Armin's eyes were now fixated on something else.

"Yeah, well..not completely human like you..." Began Jetray sheepishly.