
Belongs To a Monster

Isabella and Lucas have two children, a son Ben, who looks like his American Mom. And a daughter, Shiny, who looks like her Dad, who belongs from African race. Shiny is a girl child with black skin, black eyes, and black hairs. At school ,she is ever being bullied by senior girls, because of her name Shiny and having black skin. " I am so worried about Shiny, Lucas. Is my daughter would ever been married or not? " Isabella and Lucas were talking about the future of their children in their bed in midnight. " You don't worry, as the god sent you for me. She would get someone too. " " Lucas we belong to middle class, we just need a happy and respectfull life in this society. As her mother, I can't stop myself worrying about her future. " After five years...... A man in a black gleaming car, followed by a lot of black gleaming cars entered in Lucas and Isabella house. " Who are you? Why such a big personality is at my house? " Lucas and Isabella asked that man. He got seated on the couch in the living room. His men in black uniforms and black sunglasses, stand at his back with tied hands. " I want your daughter at any cost...... So now say what do you want in exchange. "

Anshu_Kumari_0144 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

The Contract

They all got stand up in a horizontal queue.But they were not able to her. Because she was hidden behind Aiden tall monster like stature.

" Where...? " One of them asked.

Aiden looked back, but he felt someone is hiding behind him, holding his sleeve.

He sighed, and rased her out in a swap, from his behind. And finally, everyone has a look on the girl.

Shiny was not looking at them, because their behavior and their monster house were haunting her. This very time, she only needs help, and to get it, she has to cooperate.

Everyone's eyes started showing it's real colour. They hadn't thought of it, that about the girl the Aiden had told them, would be really so captivating. Captivating like a fairy from Fairyland !!

Aiden get it, that the same thing is happening with them, that had happened to his mind that night. And he blocked their gaze on her, so as they could control themselves.

" Now say, can't anyone loose control, over this beauty.!! You were blaming that I cheated with the Princess. Now say !!"

As he came between their gaze and her, they finally came out of the spell. And they started looking at each other.

They had a desire to look at her, again. They didn't become able to understand it, what this spell is? ,in which they just fell.

They nodded with support that, there was not any fault of Aiden, in kissing or being intimate with her that night.... It was a spell, to which he tried to come out, but mind didn't supported.

His friends went back in their work, but yet looking at Shiny and Aiden, from the corner of their eyes.

" I want help... Please help me !!!" Shiny said between their conversation, as she was in a hurry to away from that awkward looking mansion. She even don't know, where she is... because in the whole way, her head was down. She didn't even looked where this Aiden is taking her.

' You need help!! Correct it .. We need help.. from you. From where you got this Angelic Beauty, after all??' One of his friend thought.

Aiden looked back at her and said,

" What happened....? "

' I think, this Aiden is still not out of her Spell.... Seems like that night , he fell hard in her spell... Asking with so much care!! ' His another friend said in his mind, making a disgusting face.

Shiny told him everything.. While speaking her tears didn't become able to be inside, and it just came out. Her pain was looking on her white, but paled face.

Aiden wiped her tears, he wanted to embrace her in his arms, to make her feel comfortable. But he knows, if he went out of limits, they will inform his Dad. It won't be good to him !!

When he was wiping her tears, everyone's eyes stunned on the both. They were hoping, that he is going to embrace her when he spreaded his arms, but he pulled it back to its position.

" Are we disturbing you?? " One of his friend teased him. But he didn't answered for a few seconds and then said,

" Yesss !! You all just get out of here !! "

They stand up together, and left the continuously glaring at him. Their eyes saying, " Won't forgot your limit !! If we are leaving ..."

He closed the door on their faces, when they get out of the room. He turned to Shiny. Shiny was not able to understand, 'Why his friends are showing attitude to him?? But that was nothing to do with her.. '

He went to the closet and came out with some papers.

" Sign this contract !! And don't worry about your father.. He would be out till tomorrow.. "

Shiny had newed it, this would happen. But why he sent his friend away. I can sign it in front of them too.

She took the paper, which she has to sign in any situation, but yet, she wanted to read the description.

There were only two points -



It seemed like, Mr. Wilson don't like to say a lot. Or it could be, that Mr. Wilson had prepared this contract in hurry, as he wouldn't have the time to keep all the points he wanted to.

Shiny read the two points, the first one was the matter that she had expected, so she didn't mind it. But the second point was a bit sorrowful to her, to leave own family forever.

In reality, the second point was the thing that his friends and he wanted. But it was Aiden's wish, to make her his.

She signed the contract, there was sadness on her face, but yet, she was happy that her family won't be troubled anymore.

He checked the papers, and his lips curved into a smile, after seeing that signed contract by her.

' No matter, you could be mine or not. But yet, I can have, a love life with you. I don't know why, but I want to feel those beautiful moments with you, which I will fulfill at any cost. After all I am the king !!!

And this is a another thing, that I have given special privileges to my friends, but that doesn't mean that they could stop me. '

He was happy to think it that she belongs to him now.

" Let me send you and your mother and brother, to your house tonight. The next day, when I would have completed my promise, then after that this contract will come into effect. " He said it to her and gestured his hand to follow him.

Shiny just nodded at his every words. She didn't wanted to look into Aiden's eyes, who is her master now. She is just thinking, if she would be able to tolerate that rape like torture. Only this thought was buzzing in her mind, and she was not able to think anything except this.

Following him, she reached to his car and got sat inside. There was silence in the car, all through the way. She was lost in her thoughts and he was driving and glancing at her, now and then.

' I am going away from my family....

But no matter, till my Mom Dad and my brother is happy. I am going to harassed and troubled again. But I am happy, the sin for which I had complained to god, that sin won't trouble my family, anymore. I was me who had wished, so I am the guilty and I should suffer... '

They reached the police station. He was waiting for them outside in the car. She came with her brother and her Mamma, whose tears were dried on her face. She was looking so still and statue like person, who have lost its emotions somewhere.

He dropped them to their house and left. Shiny made some food for Ben, as he had to go to school tomorrow. She fed him and put him to sleep. She didn't said anything to Isabella, as she wasn't in a condition to listen anything.

She was wet, so she thought to have bath first, then after look to Mamma. She came downstairs, and still her Mamma was same as she was. She came to the sofa, and got lied in her lap.

Shiny didn't want to give her mother a new shock, that she sold herself to save Dad. She took her mother hand and started stroking own hair by herself.

' Mamma !! tonight is the last night , I am spending with you. After tonight, I won't be able to sleep in your lap. I will miss it, a lot. ' She said it in her mind, because she can't say this to her Mamma.

She pecked Isabella's palm, and her tear fell at Isabella's palm. But she didn't react, with the thought that she is crying because of her Dad problem.

Isabella don't know that she is going to loose her daughter in exchange of her husband.

' I know Mamma, if I you will know, what have I done? You will slap me for that, and like always... I won't mind it. ' Shiny wanted to spend this last night with some precious memories, but that's not possible because of her Mamma's situation .

She doesn't know, if she would get the chance or not, in future, to sleep in her mother's lap, like this.


Good Morning...

Shiny woke up in her mother's lap and today she woke at the time of her Mamma. As her Mamma routine, bathed first and then went to woke Ben. But Ben was already awake, and was looking straight in deep thinking...

" Ben !! what happened ? what are you thinking? " Shiny sat beside him on bed, and asked him softly.

" Big Sis... I won't go to school.... The news has been spread in the whole city. What I would answer if my friends asked me? .....?" Ben wanted to ask one thing more.... But first, waited for Shiny to agree with him to his decision.

" Huhhh... Don't go... It would be better.. " Shiny hadn't thought about it, but thank god he told her before. Otherwise, he would came back from school, having a fight with someone. And Shiny don't like fights....

" Big Sis... !!!"

" Huhh....." Shiny replied to him, gazing into his eyes, waiting for him to speak.

" Big Sis... Who was that person last night, who dropped us here? And how do you know him ?...?" He asked simply, hoping he is his Big Sis's boyfriend, about whom, she haven't informed Mom Dad.

Shiny didn't know what to answer to him. She should tell him or not. She thought there would be no more difference, if she told him everything, as she is going to leave him today, forever.

" Actually... he is a Mafia. He had came to our house, for me. Mom and Dad, both politely refused him. And he didn't reacted, just gave his phone number, so as we could contact him, if we need him. Soo... I... I... " Ben got understand further, what Big Sis is going to say.

" No need to say further.... " Ben knew whatever Big Sis have done, Dad wouldn't allowed her ever. But if, he would be at her place, then he would do the same. But he can't ignore it too, that his sister life would be in hell, from which, he can't save her. As it is too late.....

Shiny heard his words, and she didn't become able to hold her tears inside. She hugged him and her tears started flowing through her cheeks. She had understood, that he won't be able to understand her. But seeing her brother, has been mature..... She hugged him tightly. As she could now say him that it's her last day, in this house.


Everyone was in the living room, gazing at the door. Shiny and Ben both were waiting for their Dad. But there was no any improvement in Isabella situation. It is really a hard time for her.....

" Mamma !! Mamma !! you don't worry. Dadda would be back. Nothing would happen !!!"

Isabella didn't answered, but gazed at Shiny in response. Because there was faith in her words.

" Yes!! Mamma, Dadda would be back.. Nothing would happen !!"

Isabella don't know, why she is believing to her faith. But, it was telling her something. As her mother, she was getting an unusual feeling because of her daughter's words.

Three black cars stopped in front of Isabella's house. And from it, Aiden came out, without waiting for his men to open the door. No one knows why he is in such a hurry !!

Shiny's father came out of the car from other side. Aiden have told him everything, when Lucas had asked him why he is helping him, he didn't ask for.

Lucas now knows that, he is out on bell, and would came out of this allegations, in cost of his daughter. He doesn't know how to behave with Shiny now, as she did it without even consulting him.

He was feeling so helpless of himself, that his daughter is sold while he is alive. And today won't be able to stop Aiden's way, when he would take her away.


Lucas and Aiden entered in the house from the brown woody door. Shiny was talking to her Mamma, when Lucas called them.

" Dad... " Ben and Shiny both uttered simultaneously. They ran to him happily, and hugged him. Lucas took his children in his arms, the smile was visible on his face, but there was sadness too, which he hide with his smile.

" Mamma!! see Dad is back!! He is back. " Shiny said to her mother. Isabella looked at Lucas, tears welled up in her eyes. She slowly walked to him, Lucas was gazing at her.

Suddenly, she fell but like always, Lucas caught her, in his arms. Isabella stood up supporting herself to him. And like love birds they were in their college life , when whenever they meet each other, they first fall in embrace, before talking about any matter, they fell in embrace.

Shiny smiled, when she saw the two love birds, which get caught into that stranger's eyes, who was standing by the door, watching the Melo Drama. And unconciously, his beautiful lips curved into a beautiful smile, which he didn't become able to resist.

They parted away, and started gazing into each others eyes. It was like, they are talking to each other without opening their lips.

Lucas took her face in his palm, wiping her tears away.

"I had told you right !! that I don't like tears in yours eyes, because of me. " He said it softly to her, wiping her tears away, and correcting her hairs which was matted while crying.

Aiden eyes just got stuck on them. It was really unbelievable to him, how a person in love could be this caring, that he won't like tears in his love eyes. No matter that his love tears, shows how much she loves him !!!

Isabella nodded and hugged him again, with happy tears in her eyes. But she doesn't know what she has to cost, in exchange of this happiness.

Shiny face now become sad, because now she has to go. But doesn't want to go anywhere !! But she knows that she had promised him!!

" Thank god.!! I hadn't packed my luggage. So as I could stay here for long, with an excuse of packing the luggage. " She said it in her mind, and she smiled at her intelligence.

" Sir, I think, I should go.... " Aiden said in his loud and cold voice, so as it could reach Lucas.

Lucas heard his words, and got understand what he means by it. But only then, Isabella took her head out, to see who is that person who helped them, just spoke.

She was not amazed to see Aiden, as she had already met him, two days ago. She was so thankful to him.

" I think, he is a good person. Otherwise, he hadn't helped me, even after, we had rejected his wish, for our daughter.

I think, he likes my Shiny... But..... like most of the riches, wanted to have a living relationship with my daughter, first , before marriage. And....

If he would have any wrong intention, then he had tried to spoil my girl, unless talking to us, about our daughter." All this matter, we're buzzing in her mind.

Lucas turned his back.. like a helpless father. He nodded... " Huhhh.... you and Shiny should leave. "

' Shiny.... Why Shiny will go with him? ' Isabella said in her mind. She didn't become to control herself and she asked in surprise,

" Why... why Shiny would go with him? " Isa asked Lucas, looking at his serious face.

"I am out of prison... because of him, that's why... I have thought to agree with his proposal." Lucas didn't wanted to say Isabella, that on the cost of Shiny he is out, and thought to manage her with his lie.

" Butt... Lucas... "

" I don't want any argue over my decision Isa. I think, he is a good person. You don't worry!! "

Lucas managed Isabella anyway. He doesn't wanted to shock her for whatever Shiny had did. He would say her some time else.