
Belongs To a Monster

Isabella and Lucas have two children, a son Ben, who looks like his American Mom. And a daughter, Shiny, who looks like her Dad, who belongs from African race. Shiny is a girl child with black skin, black eyes, and black hairs. At school ,she is ever being bullied by senior girls, because of her name Shiny and having black skin. " I am so worried about Shiny, Lucas. Is my daughter would ever been married or not? " Isabella and Lucas were talking about the future of their children in their bed in midnight. " You don't worry, as the god sent you for me. She would get someone too. " " Lucas we belong to middle class, we just need a happy and respectfull life in this society. As her mother, I can't stop myself worrying about her future. " After five years...... A man in a black gleaming car, followed by a lot of black gleaming cars entered in Lucas and Isabella house. " Who are you? Why such a big personality is at my house? " Lucas and Isabella asked that man. He got seated on the couch in the living room. His men in black uniforms and black sunglasses, stand at his back with tied hands. " I want your daughter at any cost...... So now say what do you want in exchange. "

Anshu_Kumari_0144 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

I Am Shiny... Shiny Roggers

She took strides, towards the Senior Officer cabin. She was a meter away, when she heard a familiar voice, which stopped her legs, in her way.

" Mr. Moore ..., don't torture him, please... He is special to someone I like. I don't want to see tears, in her eyes. "The person said, who was seated, opposite face, to the entrance.

"Okay, You don't worry... "The officer said and smiled.

" Mr. David Martin, So, now what is your next step? Would you need my help? " The Officer said to the person, whose face was opposite to the Shiny.

Shiny was not able to see that person's face, but can recognise it, that it's David.

And hearing all these things, she was red in anger and wanted to just smash that David.

' He is playing this game with my family, only to get me.. Disgusting... Such a disgusting person... He didn't satisfied with even taking advantage of me.

So now, using my family, is compelling me be his. I would never..... I would never..... you disgusting, pervert !!! '

David took a sip, from the cup, ordered by the officer for him. He smiled and said,

" No, now you don't have to do anything. I have to do, the whatever have to.. "

"""" BAAANG !!!!!! """""" Shiny opened the door in anger. They gazed towards the person who was in the cabin now.

Seeing her, he got stand up, facing her. The officer was just looking at them with curiosity.

" How dare you..... How dare you.... How dare you? " Shiny came and started scratching and scrabbling him. He was tall, so she didn't become able to reach his face. But wherever she reached, she just scrapped it with her nails.

When it became unbearable to David, he caught her hand in air, tightly.

" Stop.... Shiny... STOP...!!!!! " David at last became able to took her attention.

Shiny's eyes were weary and pathetic, her beautiful face, had lost it's lustre, because of her cry. She was looking at him, and were trying to reach his face to scratch it, till he didn't grabbed her hand.

" Shiny !! you want your Dad, out of the prison ...., right." David said and Shiny get his words, as he was telling what she wanted.

" Soo... , nothing just !! you have to marry me.." David said it so easily, but it was not easy to say yes, to Shiny.

Shiny knows it that, this David love, is not love. He just want her to make his, as she is the rarest thing found on this earth. He just wants to keep her in his house, just like an decorating element. As he never seen a girl like her, who can make anyone sick of her beauty, who can take anyone's attention, without using any aids, like other girls use.

She pulled her hand, David left her hand. She started gazing down and said,

" It means...you did all this,....only to get me."

" Yeah !!! .... " David said without any guilt. He has been reached his last limit, to get her.

Shiny turned her gaze to him, and her anger again covered her face, and she said,

" If you think, that you can get me, hurting my family. Then you are wrong Mr. David Martin.... YOU ARE WRONG... "

" Think once again,, Shiny.!!! This is not the question of your life. It is a question of your whole family life. Because.... if something happens to your Dad, then how your family will survive.. " David said it and gave Shiny , his card, to call him, when her decision got changed.

He left while she was standing there like a statue, because he was right and his words were buzzing in her mind.

She thought to talk to the Officer. Because, if he feels some pity towards them, then help them. But as she looked at him, he shrugged his shoulders and said, " I can't do anything.... I am sorry."

She turned her legs out of the cabin, without solution and without any hope. Her head were sinking, she wanted to cry, but if she would cry, then how she would control Ben and her mother.

She was looking straight, as if nothing is coming to her mind, to cope with this situation.


Isabella was crying, but when she saw Shiny, she walked to her.

" Shiny... !!! what happened ?? What the officer said ??" Isabella knew that, Shiny can't do anything in this, but yet hoping that she would say something good.

Shiny shooked her head slowly in despair. Isabella went back to the bench in despair. Ben took her to the bench, holding her all through the way.

Her mom situation was so wrong, her eyes had turned red, her face had filled with tear lines, and due to crying her nose had turned red.

Shiny wasn't able to think any other idea to overcome this problem. Only then, she felt that card in her hand, that David had given her.

Seeing that card, something knocked her mind. She came to the bench, where Isabella and Ben were. She threw all her belongings from her bag, to the bench, and started finding something.

" Big Sis !! what are you doing ?" Ben asked Shiny. But she... , " Shuuuu!!! You don't worry ,, Ben. I won't let anything happen to Dad. I won't... ' She said caressing his hairs.

And again started finding, finally she said, " I got it!! " . There was a another card in her hand, like David had given to her.

Now, in her one hand there was David's card and in the other was Aiden's card.

"You take care of Mamma!! I am coming with help... Okay... " Ben nodded and till he gazed at her sister, till she didn't disappear from his eyes.

He was wondering, where Big Sis went. And from whom, she would ask help, there is no one in this city, who can help us. Not in this city, not even outside of this city !!!

She was happy, that now she can save her father. She went some distance away from the police station. And finally, took out her phone. She typed the number, she had got from her bag. But as she was to tap the Call button, her fingers stopped.

' Am I doing right? These both cards would give me the same future. Is I am choosing the right one....

I think I am right. Even if, this Aiden would keep me as his who're, but yet, I would be able to take revenge from this David and that Avery. Because of whom, today I am going to sell myself, to a Mafia. The Mafia whom she loves !!! And I hate..... !!!!

God !! Please me courage, so as I could bear his sufferings in future. '

She tapped the Call button.

" Ring... Ring... Ring..... "


He was in his room. His friends, urf punks were playing video games. He was too having fun, till his phone bell hadn't ring.

He picked up the phone.

" Hello...!!!! " He holded the phone in his hand, covered the voice box of phone.

" Hey !! Everyone keep your volume down !! " He silenced everyone. They silenced, for his phone.

" Yes....!! " He said again.

" Hello, Am I talking to Mr. Aiden Wilson.. " The voice was weary and hoarse.

" Yes, you are..! " He replied to the girl's voice.

" I am Shiny.. Shiny Roggers." She said hesitatingly.

He smiled, when heard her name. He knows who the Shiny Roggers is? The girl, about whom he had asked for details from his men.

" Yes... my dear litt.... ( He paused, and corrected his words.) I mean, yes.. what is it?" He said it, hiding his identity from her. Because even now she doesn't know, that the person she had cursed is him..

" I want your help !! Would you help me? " He heard her words and thought what problem is that, which is troubling my kitten...

" I will give anything you wish. PLEASEEEE!!! " He listened and and smirked in a husky way.

'You better know, my little kitten, how to lure a man. If you would ask someone like this, then who would say no to you. Anyways !!!'

" OK.... I am coming.. to pick you up. I want to clear it first, what you can give me, in exchange. " He was smiling, that was visible on his face. It was showing how much happy he is...

But he hadn't thought, that she would meet him, before Fresher's Party. But this is called destiny, dear...

" Who was it ? " One of his friend, asked him.

" Hadn't I told you? That girl, I had met in Flore's resort ...And she had got run away... She... She was that... "

" Are you going to date her, Aiden...? " His friend again asked.

" Nooo !!!" Aiden said directly.

" Then why are you being so happy? You know it right, that you have to marry, the Dragon Princess of Red Mountain. " He said in scary way, because he was fearing that he doesn't get fall in love with any other girl.

" I KNOW.... Now, can I go... " He said irritably.

" Yes, you can, but remember, who you are. And for what you are taking her here, among us.. " He reminded him what he is.

Aiden left after nodding to his words.


It was raining, and till now, she was soaked in rain. But yet, to her, her soaked clothes were not discomforting her.

But, it was attracting attention of every men, in 18 to 30. She was feeling uncomfortable because of them. But she was used to it. From the day she started turning from ugly to beautiful, she attracted everyone's attention.

And now, this beauty looks like a curse to her. Because of which, today her Dad is in prison, her Mamma and her brother, situation is not good. Because of only this sin, not only she, her family is also suffering.


A black Audi, stopped in front of her, which took her out of her thought. The person inside, said, " Come inside !!!"

The car door opened, and she sat lowered her eyes. He looked at her with his beautiful brown eyes. She was looking so pity. Her whole situation was in front of him. He wanted to say something to her, before he took her to the villa, as he was ordered by his friends.But gazing at her situation, he gulped his words inside, and took her straight to the villa.

Her eyes was lowered, as she don't wanted to see his glory. Because she knows, this person with this glory, will ruin her glory, after today.


They reached the villa. The big majestic black gate, opened and he parked his car, in front of the villa.

Even now, her eyes were looking down. Till now, she hadn't even had a look at him.

" Come out !!" He said so straight, as if he is following his friend suggestion, which looks like a order more than a suggestion.

She unfastened the seat belt, and came out of the car and turned her head up to the villa.

Her legs staggered back, when she gazed at the villa. More than majestic and beautiful, it was looking like a place where monsters live, to her. She was really feeling the fear inside herself, that rose seeing that beautiful castle like mansion.

" Let's go.... " He said and she followed him.

Going inside, it was black everywhere, everything was made of black, with dim light, where definitely she can't study in that light.

She took a deep breath to overcome the fear inside her. Aiden could feel her breath, and gulped when he felt it, because his monster was yearning for this girl is now here and he is not able to take her breath inside his breath.

They, finally reached the room, from where he had went to take her. As she entered in the room, her eyes started finding the clock. She gazed at the clock, and it was 12: 15 PM.

All those negativity, we're terrifying her, added to that clock which was showing midnight.

" She came...!! " Aiden said to everyone.

' Why he said it like that? Do I have to please everyone here, including him, after this contract?

Nooooo..... If it would be like this, then I am going to accept this. ' Shiny's mind were thinking what it can.