
Chapter 0


I cannot believe this is happening to me. I glance at the grey-haired girl with streaks of aqua blue in front of me, claiming to be one of the fates of this world. How did I even end up here?

"Excuse me, what do you mean 'no,' have you not heard what I said? You, Jeon Jungkook, are chosen to be one of the holders of the Bellets. This means that it is in your destiny to be able to change the course of our world. Were you even listening to me, or do you want me to repeat everything I've just said?"

She looks at me, and I can clearly see some kind of annoyance in her eyes. "I heard what you said. I just can't believe that this is all happening." I am afraid of the future. So after what just happened, I'm getting sucked up and being called the Chosen One?

"I get that, sweetie, but you just can't say no to your fate, this is how the gods of destiny have made it, and we can't do anything about that." Xenon held her hand out to help me stand up. "So what do you say? Want me to explain everything again before you make the decision?"

The dark cave doesn't make it any easier, especially since time is ticking until the end of this world comes. If I think about it, it's actually another chance, another trial, another way to achieve my goal. I can't even do much since every crossroad leads to another unpredictable future. And as Xenon said, this is my fate. The gods will compensate me for this, so I look at her.

"Okay, one last time…."