By 616mcu, HAZZARD_OVERFLOW, Star is a very special person. Never has there been a person to share such excitement, such zaniness, and such lovability. No body could ever compare, except maybe the little gem boy she has come to know as "brother."
Yes, yes they do
"... YOU CAN!?" Everyone shouted with surprise, Jana rubbing her eardrums at the noise.
"Geesh, I know you guys are really excitable, but tone it back just a little. It's torture on the ears."
"Jana, we've been trying to figure this dream thing out for over a MONTH by this point!" Star screamed. "Why didn't you say anything before!?"
"You never asked." She shrugged. "Not asking is essentially saying you got it covered."
"Jana, you're one of my best friends." Steven started. "But please don't be a Glossaryck. Next time if you have something, offer it."
"Oh shut it!"
"Fine, fine, point taken." Jana relented. "Anyways, you guys said this happens everytime you go to sleep?"
"Yeah, we sleep, we share a dream, and then we fuse to follow this weird whining sound." Star answered. "We don't know what Starry's trying to find because we always wake up before then."
"Then it's simple." Janna took out the watch she swiped off from Marco. "I'll hypnotize Starry and force them to stay asleep. That way you have all the time in the world to get where you want to go.
Her favorite tease scoffed. "Oh please, hypnosis insn't-"
"Chicken butt." She snapped her fingers, watching Marco go down like a light.
"Chicken butt?" Steven said with a snort. "I'm both concerned and amused."
"Mostly used that trigger for the split second of sheer confusion on his face." Jana explained with a grin. "I also left something that lets him think he let me into his house, and a third for the passcode of that really hard to open wallet."
"That explains why you always know all his passwords." Star nodded with approval. "Well played, Jana Banana. Well played."
"I aim to please." She mocked-bowed. "So are we doing this or what?"
"Yeah yeah just let us …" Steven paused. "Have we ever fused on command as Starry Quartz?" He asked with confusion.
"Not really, unless that time with Toffee counts, though that was accidental mostly, and across dimensions." Star shrugged. "There's a first time for everything, bro. Might as well start now."
"Alright …" He held out his hand. "You always were the better dancer."
"Don't you forget it." Star laughed as the two twirled around and in practically a blink of an eye, the two sank into each other and became an awesome glowing literal dragonfly-like creature.
"Damn, that never gets old. There's just so much weight getting lifted off when we do this." The fusion giggled happily before turning to her. "Alright miss Banana, I'm ready when you are!"
"Alright then, just sit back and relax." She smiled, leading them on a bed. "You're drifting … further and further … into a calm blue sea …"
"Calm see..heh…we've almost died at sea so many times-" The fusion bug fell asleep mid sentence, though their giant eyes were only half closed, pupils gazing intently at the watch.
"Now stay asleep, stay asleep, stay asleep for as long as possible." Light snoring was heard from the fusion, meaning her job was done.
So all she needed to do was wake up the other guy in the room. "Hey Diaz, get up!" She slapped his face.
"Who, what's it, where am I?"
"You fell asleep as I was explaining, so rude." She faked a hurt tone. "Anyways, got it covered. Starry's asleep, so we just have to wait for the fun to start."
"How can we be sure that this'll…" Marco was stopped as a bright multi-colored portal was opened, and the sleepy Starry Quartz moving right towards it. "So that's taken care of…what now?"
"Spin the bottle? I can call Sadie here if you want to make it extra steamy."
"Don't you ever get tired of the teasing?"
"Not as long as you keep reacting to it."
"Dear, if you're not going to leave the fur, can you at least start picking up after yourself." Kelly heard the voice of her mom call her from outside. Downside to your mom being your house was that she couldn't ignore whenever she talked to her. "My hair is starting to smell like popcorn and week-old sweat."
"Yes mam." She muttered, slowly stuffy everything inside her own head. Maybe then it would actually feel warm and important.
"Kelly, I haven't seen you like this in months, and your emotional slump usually gets kicked out of you after a day." Her mom's voice kept hounding at her as Kelly stuffed the trash where it belonged. "I thought you finally broke your bad dating habits and dumped Tad."
"I did … I also kinda … broke up with Steven." She clarified. "It was … mostly mutual at the time. A lot of shouting and stuff." She was allowed … no she wasn't.
"Such a shame. I thought he was a good influence on you, and his shield was strong despite it not being his hair."
"Yeah, he was…and then I had to ruin it because I don't know how to move on." Kelly took a look at the mirror she recovered from Ponyhead and smashed it to the ground. "All I had to do was delete some dumb messages, and I would have been happy!"
"I get you're having a breakdown, but that better not be the five hundred punch phone I got for your birthday young lady!"
"Whatever, it's not like I have anybody important to call." Kelly muttered. "Fighting as payment is stupid anyways."
"Kelly, don't you dare speak that sacrilege! You know the town will exhile you for that language!"
"Steven didn't like fighting … and now he's gone … because of a big stupid fight we had." She grumbled, putting away more things in her hair. "Why didn't we just talk about it like normal people!? Why can't I be normal!?" She pounded the ground. Why didn't she take his pacifism more seriously? Did she ruin his philosophy and that's why they argued so violently? Was she just a terrible person that corroded everything she touched..
"Okay, you're getting out." Kelly heard her mom speak before she stood up, walking away from her usual spot, and leaving Kelly outside, exposed to the world around her. "I've come to expect your bouts of self pity, but I'm not going to let you sit in the dark and hate yourself for the rest of your life." Her mom groaned. "You're literally free to do anything, you just can't do it in my hair anymore."
"Alright …" She dragged herself up. "... Maybe I can make camp in the woods …" She did it before with Steven … Great, now those memories are gonna come back. "What else do you want to remind me about, universe?"
A portal opened, Starry Quartz soaring through and past her, into another portal.
"Starry Quartz?" Great, not only was that a fusion, it was a fusion with Steven. Now Star and him were now doing that sleep portaling thing to who knows where and doing who knows what.. They were probably in trouble..Steven was probably in trouble.
No, she shouldn't go, Steven didn't want her around. The moment she would show up it would just be everyone telling her to leave again….
But if there was anything she learned from Steven, it was to help people in trouble, even if they hated your guts. Because the truth is, even if he did hate her, even if she was mad at him…she couldn't find it in her to hate Steven. That was something she couldn't say about Quad.
Not there, not there, not there, not there … there. There was home. They flew through the portal, flying through and emerging from the other side … "Oh gross, gross, there's goop in my mouth." HOW DOES IT HAPPEN EVERY TIME … every time?Where are we? I … know this place …" It definitely looked very familiar, and there was just this sense of feeling they belonged here.
"You're here." A young and squeaky voice called out to them. Kneeling down, Starry saw a tiny baby unicorn, which jumped on them and began licking their face.
"Aww, aren't you just so precious?" Starry rubbed their hands across their mane, and suddenly found their hands filled by dozens of baby unicorns, each one looking at them with excitement.
"You're here. You're here." They all cheered gleefully.
"Yep. I'm here…wherever this place is?" They looked around. A lavender purple sky with what looked like golden water around them, with crystal structures of all kinds planted all over the place.
"Don't you know?" The small white unicorn looked at them curiously. "You're in the realm of magic."
"The realm of magic?!" Didn't Toffee come here? Yeah, it looked completely different last time I came. Nothing but black goop and a pot of soup. "You guys certainly know how to fix a place up. Nice job."
"Oh don't be so modest, mother, father. We have you to thank for the peace we have now." The whining sound that they've been hearing for over a month started to ring as an adult sized unicorn with shiny blank eyes that marched their own.
"Oh right, we technically made you …" During that confusing moment of fusion. "Could … could we look for other terms?" They asked. They did not need the universe to keep teasing them about romance. I'm a papa! I'm a mama! … Glad their components didn't see it. "So, you've been making the sound that we've been hearing every night?"
"Of course. You brought us into existence and peace, you should be allowed to live with us."
Aw, my kid wants some family bonding time! Yeah, I'm going to be an awesome mom! Well things have been stressed for them, so this was probably expected. "Alright, we can play a bit." Starry Quartz smiled. "But after we have to get … get back to …" They paused. "Where did we come from?"
"I don't know. This is the only world that I know. A world I wish to share with my entire family."
Super cute … wait, guys, where do we live? We live … somewhere. With … someone.Something is wrong. "Why can't we … remember?"
"The realm of magic is stronger than the mind can fathom … only infantile souls may dwell unphased." Their child explained.
Damn it, the one time gl…gl…who am i getting angry at now? Why would you be angry at the unicorns? I'm not mad at them, I'm mad at … someone else … Do we know anyone else?
"Given time, your minds will adjust after a century or two of exposure. For now, just ease you minds and let yourselves rests. You deserve it after all the good you've done." That's good, they won't have to keep forgetting stuff … they felt themselves getting smaller, happier and giddy.
Marco pov-Kelly pops in, Marco using all seeing eye spell to find them
Marco panicked, double checking the map. "Alright, so they went here, then here … there's nothing after that."
"Clearly there is!" Jana shouted, pointing at the staticy mirror.
"Hekappo said the laws of magic don't function at a certain point. We shouldn't be able to enter that place, even if we were Starry Quartz." He reaffirmed. "They've gotta be somewhere on the map …"
A familiar snipping sound was made, and for a split second Marco allowed himself to hope that it was Star and Steven, having happily come back to the castle no worse for wear and completely unaffected by tonight's events. He couldn't help being massively dejected, if somewhat curious, when it turned out to be Kelly, her hair still more dishelved than usual and wearing a shirt covered in grease stains.
"Oh, it's you." Jana rolled her eyes. "What are you doing here?"
"Yeah … Saw a giant dragonfly make a hole where my home used to be, and thought you'd need some backup to close the portals." The girl admitted. "So where did the fusion end up this time."
They needed all the help they could get. "They're off the map."
"… We have a map?"
"Nothing official. Ever since I got my scissors, I've been making my own in order to mark everywhere we've been." Marco presented his homemade map to everyone on a nearby table. "This is the map of every dimension we've gone in our corner of the multiverse. Going by where Starry Quartz flew, however, they aren't in any dimension that we've come across before."
"Alright, let's try to open up some new dimensional holes there then." Kelly opened up another portal, and hopped right though…only to get pushed out violently. "What the heck?! I was focusing on trying to find Steven!"
"Scissors don't work on finding who, just where." Marco realized with horror. "If we don't know where they are, the scissors won't work."
"Alright, then we just go to the edge and move past there."
"Doesn't work if we can't find them." Jana reminded.
"Well … what about that?" Kelly pointed to … the wand.
"Globgor!" The blue man held the item in his mouth like he was a dog. It was sad when the man acted more like a common house pet than the pink Lion and the Centipeetle.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, I don't know if that's a good idea." Jana for once actually looked hesitant to do something wild and crazy. "Voodoo and curses are my thing, but this is tapping into some crazy powerful magic."
"Come on, we've done plenty of things far more crazy and stupid." Kelly waved off. "Like going against Toffee."
"Lets face it, this is also the kind of thing Star would do in the exact same situation." Marco agreed.
"Fine, then the only question remains … who picks it up." They all stared at the object in question, almost feeling the pressure it gave off.
"Globgor!" And he wasn't helping at all.
Everyone looked tense. The only other person in the group that had ever used the wand before was Steven, and he had that whole magic bond thing…wait a minute. "I was under the blood moon light with Star, and that supposedly bonded our souls together." He cautiously approached the wand. "If that's the case, maybe this won't be so bad…" He picked it up.
"Ah, we're all going to die!" Jana hid behind Kelly as a human shield.
"Geesh, really feeling the love, so glad that I came back here." Kelly groaned.
He stared at it … as nothing happened. "Hmm … just like the warship … no change whatsoever … wow, we might actually be soulmAAAAAAA!" He screamed as he was dragged around the room.
"Duck and cover!" Kelly shoved the girl down.
"Why do you smell like moldy cheese!?"
He held on to dear life as the wand spun him around like a top, before finally freezing and place and flashing. Before long, the wand changed shape, becoming a dark greenish blue with spikes covering it, with a little metal spear resting at the top of it with bat wings on the side. A little purple crystal rested right in the middle.
"That's your wand?" Kelly looked at it with awe. "That's way more badass looking than anything I was expecting from you."
"Wait, just a moment." Jana walked up with a marker, poking it. "Now your moles match."
Of course she'd joke about this. "The spell book, flip it to the all seeing eye."
"Starting off with dark magic, because clearly this isn't dangerous enough." Jana nonetheless held it open.
"It's the only spell we have that can possibly locate them, and we don't have time to experiment to find another way." Kelly firmly reiterated and nodded. "Do it, Diaz."
Breathing deeply, he held the wand high in the air, and prayed that this wouldn't shatter his soul later. "I summon the All-Seeing Eye to tear a hole into the sky." He felt something warm forming on his cheeks, but he couldn't waste time focusing on it. " Reveal to me that which is hidden. Unveil to me what is forbidden."
The ball of darkness opened to see a golden lake next to a crystal island, where Mewni corns rested … along with what looked like a four year old Starry Quartz. "Ohhh … pretty lights." They spoke, waving their arms around. Something clearly went wrong.
"Starry, listen to me, something went wrong! You need to come back!" Marco shouted.
"Nah hoodie man, I'm good here, I have plenty of fun and friends and families."
"Steven!" Kelly yelled, almost pushing him out of the way. "I'm sorry! I know you probably hate me for what I did, but I don't want to spend the rest of my life with you not in it! Please, please come back!" The girl let a few tears fall down.
"Pretty…pretty bush…pretty bush sad…." Starry Quartz looked like the gears in their heads were turning. "Pretty bush shouldn't be sad…"
"Yes, please! Remember Kelly! Remember Jana! Tom. Me..! "Marco touched the image in an attempt to see his friends again, only for the thing to react violently.
They defused as they entered Mewni again, bodies collapsing. "So … we have a kid." Star noted as she felt her mind restore itself.
"Yeah … that's a thing …" Steven agreed, feeling the floor. "Why does my mind warp every time I go to a really weird dimension?"
"Who knows, maybe it's just the universe's really, really twisted sense of hum-focus Steven! Our friends probably blew themselves up!"
"Only a little bit…not much more than usual." Marco said, as he landed ontop of Jana, who landed atop of Kelly. "Kelly's hair took the brush of the explosion."
"Marco! Thank you, thank you!" She grabbed her absolute bestie in the whole wide world and gripped him tightly. "I mean, that was completely stupid of you to do, but thank you." She took a look at the wand he was holding now. "Since when is that a thing?"
"Since we realized it was the only way for us to reach you." Kelly spoke up as the rest of them picked themselves up from the ground, the air immediately feeling awkward when Steven and Kelly finally managed to look at each other face to face for the first time since their fight. "So…I guess I'll just leave…"
"Thank you." Steven caught Kelly's arm and pulled her into his own hug, a hug the girl definitely did not deserve, but one Star wouldn't interrupt for Steven's sake alone. "I'm…I'm glad you're doing okay."
"Not really, haven't showered in about a week and my mom kicked me out like I was Rad." Kelly snorted. "Something tells me I've had it easy compared to you though."
"Turned into a monster again for a few days, cried myself better, saw a bunch of different universes again, and got brainwashed with magic into staying in another dimension with my sort of unicorn kid with Star."
"Wait, you have a kid?" Kelly asked … before snorting. "I don't know whether to say bullet dodged would be appropriate here."
"Yeah, the details are pretty messed up when you think about it long enough." Steven returned the laugh. Finally, these two stopped acting like idiots and were talking like normal people.
"Glad to have you back, dude." Jana said as she sent a playful punch to Steven's arm. "Although the bug look works surprisingly well for you."
"Thanks, I worked hard on the insect theme." Steven joked. "Oh, I learned something while I was one with the universe." He turned pink, then back. "I can be a conscious nightlight!"
"It's more than that bro, you got a power up! One you can use when you want now! Speaking of, check this out!" Star jumped into the air, and let her extra arms and wings poof into existence, before poofing them out of existence. "I don't have to be asleep anymore! I can transform at will!" The sky was hers to rule now!
"And I can use a wand now!" Marco shouted.
"Chicken Butt." Star snapped her finger as he cocked out. "Wow, this is fun."
"Feel free to use it. I got about a dozen more triggers to try." Jana laughed. "Looks like things are finally looking up.
"Yeah, looks like it.." Kelly laughed a little, before looking at Steven again. "I know it might be too soon, but..are we still..?"
"I.." Steven looked hesitant to say anything, before sighing. "My family is throwing a Stump Day family reunion, and..and I'd love it if you'd be there. We can talk more about this..about us then."
"You mean that weird holiday Tom talked about where you worship a stump?" Marco asked ignorantly.
"We don't take the name of the Stump in vain." Star and Steven said at the same time in complete unison, causing everyone to laugh. This only cemented in Star's mind just how important her relationship to her brother really was, and she was damned if she was going to let anything break it.
"But seriously though, diss the stump again and I throw you into the void." Star threatened.
"Understood, listen to the stump." The boy nodded.