By 616mcu, HAZZARD_OVERFLOW, Star is a very special person. Never has there been a person to share such excitement, such zaniness, and such lovability. No body could ever compare, except maybe the little gem boy she has come to know as "brother."
Love and infinity
The cemetery slowly opened its doors, the gates opening as they entered, moving to a tall abandoned mansion, bats scattered about, moving through the empty and creeking halls, behind a secret bookcase and down to the basement, where rituals of dark nature were commenced, inside a coffin they wait … until a zombie Star jumps out with a laugh, blood splattering into Tales of the Stary Dimension
"And cut!" Marco shouted. "Excellent job Star."
"It better be, that was like the tenth take in the row!" Star shook her head. "Ugh, this fake blood is getting in my eyes and mouth, so gross. Who's idea was it to switch out the ketchup with tomato juice?"
"Hey, it looks realistic." Jana complained. "I also ran out because of the shoddy camerawork."
"My work isn't shoddy." Steven complained from behind the device. "I'm going for a home movie type deal. Do you know how long it takes for us to do this just using practical effects instead of magic? I want people to appreciate the creativity that went into this."
"You do realize that the intro we're satirizing is from a show that a lot of people know for the puppet with bad puns, right?" Kelly asked
"What are you on about? The puns are great." Star nodded. "After all, I'm dying to get this started. Eh?" They all stared at her. "Oh everyone's a critic."
"Technically everyone is." Marco concluded. "Everyone that chooses to read this story is by definition a critic, especially those that leave the camera's light still on?"
"Ah crap, it's still recording!" Steven scrambled with the device.
"Wait, I saw you press the button … has it not been recording till NOW!?" Jana groaned.
"Damn it Steven, I can't keep rising from the coffin forever … unless I get an eternityto spare." Everyone stared at her. "I need something!"
"We're already running behind, and we still haven't even gotten to the theme of this multiverse chapter." Kelly sighed. "Just skip to the exposition and we'll edit the intro later."
"Fine, I better be getting my wages in Goblin Dogs for this." Star grumbled before getting into character. "Greetings, boys and ghouls! Tonight, we have an especially terrifying topic to cover…romance." Everyone gave a genuine scream of horror. "That's right, love is in the air, the sparks are flying, let's hope things don't get too heated."
Connie continued to duke it out with the princess. "For the last time, he dumped you, just accept he moved on!" When Rhinestone invited her to the underworld to watch his band perform, getting into an argument with his ex-girlfriend was not exactly on her itinerary of things to expect.
"Move on? You probably just seduced him! He was happy with me!" The princess came at her with a spider blade with fangs as the edge. "We were meant to be together!"
"Oh really? You sure that you constantly trying to stab people isn't part of the reason why you're not together!?" Connie defended herself with a large shield that the boy provided for her in case of emergencies.
"Oh please, it's just spider bites. I get a thousand of those a day and I'm perfectly fine."
"If by fine you mean carrying more anger issues then the Butterfly siblings combined, then sure, let's go with that."
"What you see as mere anger I see as righteous passion." The girl managed to stop attacking for a second and looked up at the red lit moon sky in awe. "When we strolled through Mewni together, there was hardly a peasant that wasn't afraid of us, Mewman and Monster alike. The entire dimension was practically our oyster to enjoy."
"You do know he likes Earth more than he likes Mewni, right?" She asked with a raised eyebrow, bashing the girl from behind the back. "And he likes having conversations with people without scaring them."
"Pffft, like he needs other people to talk to when we're together." The girl tackled her to the ground. "I'll let him play his little games with the earthlings before knocking some sense back into him. You being out of the way ought to quicken the pace."
"Alright, you're untalkable. I should have done this to begin with."
"Do what?"
"Amethyst, Princess Spider-bite destroyed the last of our Liquid Nitrogen!" Connie called out to the purple gem.
"Okay, pimple face, you're outta here!" Amethyst, as the band's drummer, grabbed the bitch of a princess with her whip from the stage and tossed her out the nearest door.
"I'll be baaaaaaaa…." Wow, so this is what it was like to see Team Rocket in action.
"Man, she's such a headache to deal with." Heckapoo, Rhinestone's bass player rolled her eyes as she looked to the boy in question. "Why did you ever date her to begin with?"
"She's super strong willed and her temper is very alluring." Rhinestone shrugged. "Broke it off because I wanted to not be angry all the time."
"Hmm …." Hekapoo looked thoughtful. "With what Amethyst has been saying about you two I thought Connie would have been more violent."
"Amethyst!" Rhinestone scowled. "Don't start spreading those kinds of rumors! The last thing Connie needs is a bad reputation on earth! I get enough of that being on Mewni."
"Chill dude, I say it in the best possible way." Amethyst sighed. "You guys are pretty handy with gem monsters. A nice little power couple in action."
"Meh, I don't mind." Connie shrugged. "It's just rumors, they die out when the truth happens."
"I don't have time to argue, the show is starting." Rhinestone growled. "Alright, places everyone, and match my pace."
"You're on electric keytar." Hekapoo pointed out.
"Did I stutter?" The boy lit himself in a suit of electricity.
"Fine, fine, we match your pace, no need to get moody." The demon rolled her eyes as the performance started, and everyone in the underworld was instantly raving and cheering at it.
This was one of the few times she could say she saw Rhinestone let his guard down. Watching him this close up on that stage, it was quite the sight to see him so happy-why was the red moonlight shining on the two of them now?
Eclipsa watched her daughter fumble around. "Not going to dance with your date?" She teased.
"He's not my date." She blushed. "He was just the only person I knew who was free other than Connie, and she's busy with the gems."
"Oh yes, Rose's adopted little bundle." She never took the woman for the motherly role despite her desire to be one. Then again, that's what happens when you lose touch for twelve years traveling the timestream on the run. "I mean, you definitely should dance, your brother's getting into it with his lady." She watched the boy be spun around by the emergenic Jana.
"That's him though, he likes being a dork with his witchy girlfriend." Meteroa sighed as she crossed her arms. "That's not how I roll. I don't care about dancing under pretty moonlight and gazing into his annoying brown eyes."
"Oh, so you admit you're a … how did that show say it, a tsundere'?" She asked with a smirk.
"Why did I let Connie get me into anime?" Her daughter groaned. "I don't care about him, I really don't! He just has a nice bacon-y smell that I don't mind being around."
"Do tread carefully with that, Meteora. You don't want to find yourself feasting on his flesh from repressing certain urges." A very tricky thing considering her father was a notorious Mewman eater.
"The moment I feast on his flesh is the moment Jana shows off a super power." She joked, looking as the dancing couple held each other … and became a blinding white light. "Oh come on!"
"Wha..what's happening… is this…us… me… what's going on?" The figure's skin was a near complete white almost on par with Earl's, with gray ponytails in the shape of mini hammers hanging off of their head while their clothing was now a pure black tux with hints of a dress around the pants. "This… this… this feels SO AMAZING!"
"What the heck am I looking at?" Marco asked.
"They fused!" Eclipsa shouted with joy. Her baby boy was becoming a man. "Oh isn't this amazing?" She looked at Earl … who looked away while clenching their arm tightly. "Oh… right." She forgot that she was a homeworlder. She may have not been loyal to Homeworld, but Earl didn't exactly share Rose's values either.
"Steven… Jana… what the heck happened to you?" Meteora cautiously approached her brother's fusion.
"I … we … we're all Stevana!" They shouted. "Oh this is cool, what should I do first? Fight a bad guy, a flip, try on a dress?"
"Well, you were dancing, and this still is a party." Eclipsa rubbed the beautiful creature's face. "I believe this is the part where you young ones try to, 'kick it up a notch' as it were."
"Oh yeah …" They smirked. "Time for a shapeshifting dance off, you with me sis!?"
"Anything to make tonight's snooze fest better." Her daughter cheered gleefully. "Any Chance you can get the stick in the mud here to loosen up as well?" She pointed to Marco.
"Hey, I can loosen up." The boy blushed. "In fact, I'll be the judge and beat boxer."
"Beat boxing champ!" The fusion laughed. It was amazing to see her son so happy with a girl.
Toffee was thoroughly disappointed. "I told you to capture the blue one … so tell me, why did you take the girl with purple skin?" He asked Ludo's minions, who seemed almost as incompetent as the man himself.
"Sir, most of us are color blind." The chicken replied. "Either through birth or accident after Star Butterfly blasted our retina."
"Of course, you kept trying to take my wand, monsters." The girl in the cage frowned. "Now let me out or face my wrath!" The Mewman freak blasted her accused magic at the cage to no avail.
"You're incredibly lucky my plan involves you just as much as it does your little crystal boy toy, otherwise I'd rip those wings and arms right off of you." Toffee bluntly reiterated.
"I mean she does have six of them, she shot off one of my arms and I'm perfectly fine." Fly guy brought up.
"You know, my boyfriend used to have this idea about advocating for peace beyond just the kingdoms." The princess muttered. "But it's people like you that just keep getting in the way and make it impossible."
"You think we care about peace?" Toffee asked. "What I care about is getting rid of the abominations that plague this land." Magic, gems, Mewmans, all of it.
The door opened, the Rose Guard standing strong as the boy in question strolled in. "So … you're Toffee?" The brat looked at him questioningly.
"Indeed." The lizard bowed his head formally, adjusting his coat.
"…Seriously, that wasn't a joke you made up?" The hybrid looked to Rose.
"Why does everyone think my name is a joke?" He asked. "We have someone named Fly Guy, and your friend is named Rose Quartz, and the princess is Star Butterfly." Toffee groaned. "For corn snakes, your full name is Steven Diamond Universe."
"You're named after little sweet pieces added to chocolate and ice cream when you're supposed to be an intimidating monster general." The pink gem rolled her eyes. "Thirty years, and you haven't learned a thing in all that time."
"I'm not changing my birth name because I could lead an army." He growled. "Now I suppose it's time to bargain."
"Yes." The boy agreed. "You're going to let my love go, and then you're going to help us."
That…that was not what he expected the brat to say. "Excuse me? I'm the one that has what you desire held captive." Toffee pointed to the caged princess. "Why would I give into what YOU want?"
"Because you're not in control of the situation here, 'Toffee'." The boy snarled his name as he reached for a scythe that was within his gem stone. "You're going to do as I say, or you will face hell."
"I refuse." He refuted. "In fact, I should probably crush your love here and now." It's not like decapitation stopped him before..
"Oh, is that what you want to do? Crush what I love because you just hate the fact I exist?" A surge of a blue aura surrounded toffee, and an overwhelming feeling of… emptiness and despair filled his very being.
"What are..what are you.." His voice shook… Toffee…was stuttering!?
"You pathetic little gutter lizard. So much ego for such a little insect. You try and try to crawl out of the garbage you live in, but you keep falling, and failing. You're nothing but a sad joke that no one bothers to remember, let alone respect."
"You think this will … stop me?" He could feel tears run down his eyes. This wasn't possible, he felt much worse than this. He had to subject his mind and body to pain daily to become immune to it. THIS! WAS! NOTHING!
"Oh, believe me when I say emotional pain can be so much more painful than anything physical." The hybrid sent out a single hand and lightly pushed toffee to the ground with barely any effort. "Do you know why you need this army? It's because your nothing without them! You're no different than Ludo. Such a waste of a life. Too bad you can't end yourself and get rid of the pain."
"I … would have done so much … once she … destroys …" He tried to fight it, push himself beyond the pain. "I won't … surrender …"
"Wow, I wonder just what Seth would think of you now. His most trusted general, he practically gift wrapped all of Mewni for you to take over, only to run with your tail behind your back because you lost one finger, probably the one you used to suck on before crying yourself to sleep every night."
"I … will … destroy …" Fight fight fight fight. You're stronger than this, you're stronger than him, you're stronger than the Rose Guard bawling her eyes out.
"Yes, you destroy and nothing else. Your nothing but a wild animal that needs to be tamed and leashed. You know nothing but destruction… which is why your perfect for destroying White Diamond."
"Wha …" The aura finally stopped, as he gathered a moment to breath. "What are you …"
"You're going to help me shatter White Diamond. What happens after that is up to you … maybe a castle or two. I apparently can give you and monsters your own planets."
A whole planet…away from Mewmans, away from magic, away from those damned gems. "What guarantee do I have if I were to partake in this alliance?"
"If they win, Mewni is destroyed, your options are slim as it is." The young diamond shrugged. "Sure, you can probably find another dimension, but you know how relentless my kind is. They will travel to every universe they can and use up every resource they can. And if you hate gems as much as I think you do, you know just how vital I am to Homeworld. Whatever plan you were just cooking up… it requires me one way or another."
Toffee merely growled, staring at the boy with boiling rage. "If we succeed, and the monsters get no compensation … I will hurt everything you care about."
"Good, because if we succeed and you think even for a second of harming anyone aside from who I tell you to, I will throw you into the vacuum of space and personally see if you can constantly regenerate over and over again inside of a star." The diamond brat held his hand out. Do we have an understanding?"
"It appears we do." He gripped the hand tightly, already regretting this.
"Do I not get a say?" Star asked from the cage. "He kidnapped me!"
"Sorry sweetie, got caught up in the moment." The boy chuckled. "You can blast him repeatedly until you get your frustrations out. He's a lizard, ain't like he's going to die that easily." Like he said, very fast regret.
"Alright … and done." Marco sighed. "We finally got through it all in one take." After so many tries.
"Steven, next time, stick to writing the script." Jana groaned. "Your talents are not in filming."
"Hey, I think I did great during the chase scene."
"You broke the camera and destroyed all of our film, we had to do everything from the top." Star deadpanned, finally cleaning her face.
"You're just lucky everyone was so frustrated by that point it put all of us on the same wavelength." Kelly added on. "Musical numbers are your thing, not directing.
"Hey guys, I brought snacks." Lars came in, carrying a tray of macarons.
"Finally, lunch! I'm starving!" Star grabbed a handful for herself. "Thanks Lars! Your the best!
"No prob, just being awesome as always." Lars leaned against a bookshelf, trying to act cool … until it flipped to reveal a hidden staircase … that he began to fall down. "Ow! Agh! Pain! Ow! Help!" Eventually there was a large thud, everyone staring at the opening. "I'm okay! … I'm just … gonna climb back up-SECOND FLIGHT!" Cue the bigger batch of screaming.
"Wait, has that room been there the entire time?"
"I mean, we rented this place for the film, we never asked for a tour." Marco noted. "You think there was a better filming spot down there?"
"Only one way to find out." Star lit up her wand as the group went down the deep and dark staircase, moving down until they reached the broken body of Lars … and three books on pedestals.
"More stories? I thought we were limited to just the three?" Jana asked.
"Guess whoever's in charge must've gotten a creative streak." Steven shrugged.
"Meh, it's probably just shipping universes." Star grabbed one of the books, flipping it over. "Like here, it says that the difference in this universe is …" Her eyes widened as she looked into the content. "... Holy fuck." She whispered out in absolute terror.
"What, what?" Steven looked at the pages. "…Oh crap, how's that possible?!"
"Don't leave us hanging, tell me." Marco pleaded.
"We um … you know how Yellow Steven is considered a 'bad end friend' like Bill Dipper?" Steven asked.
"Well … we found yours." Star handed over the book. "Demon Marco."
"Wait a minute." Jana noted. "Does this mean we have to film for these three universes too?"
"Looks like it." Star sighed. "At least this one sounds just a little more pleasant." She held up another book. "Let's see where this rabbit hole leads us."
"You can do it, Nora, you can do it!" Star Universe cheered on her younger sister Nora as she held a melting Cookie Cat in her hands. "You can freeze it if you just focus on being cool!"
"I am cool, the coolest little sibling …" The ice fell off. "It's no use, I saw it was gonna fail anyway."
"Aw, don't be like that sis, don't give up just because you see somethings going to fail." Star patted her sister as they sat in the living room of the temple. "If I did that, I would've never hunted down my first dear. We all enjoyed deer jerky that night."
"Yes, and cemented me forever being a vegetarian, as fate decreed." Nora sighed.
Star groaned, noticing the warp glowing as their, basically, moms returned. "Hey Rose, did Garnet get so pessimistic all the time just because she could see the future?" She asked.
"No, that was just Sapphire." Rose giggled, remembering fondly her former teammate. "When she first fused, it was the first time in her life that she saw something go off course."
"Sapphires were known for giving answers, but when Garnet formed, she was the one asking all the questions." Pearl continued. "With Rose's leadership, she learned to take the futures she could see and make them work for her, instead of the other way around."
"So mom could see more than one path …" Nora stared at the gem in her hand, Star getting a brilliant idea.
"Hey Nora, let's fuse!" If fusion let her see more than one path, then surely that was the answer to their problems.
"Yeah, let's do it!" Amethyst, being the amazing big sis she was, cheered in support.
"Oh, Ah, I don't, I don't think that would work out too well.." Nora responded hesitantly. "Besides, Garnet was both Sapphire and Ruby, wouldn't it work out better if it was with her?"
There was a tenseness to the air. "We still don't know where to find them …" Rose spoke with some trepidation.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bring up bad memories.." Nora began sinking her head.
"It's fine, Ruby is a toughness firecracker. Wherever she is, she's probably busting up heads somewhere." Amethyst waved off.
A thunderous growl shook the house around them, before a pink portal appeared in the middle of the room, and out came an equally pink lion that was being ridden atop a curly cubed hair led short boy whose head was lit up on fire. "Come on, Leo, work with me for just once in your life? Mom's going to be pissed knowing we left the scissors out in.." he looked around at the place around him.
"... Hey there …" She waved. "I'm Star Universe." She answered after a second.
"Dante. Just Dante." He waved back. "Sorry for barging in, Leo just kind of likes doing whatever he wants."
"Leo?" Rose asked as the pink lion seemed oddly fond of her judging by all the sniffing.
"Yeah, he's my mom's." The boy patted the creature. "Stop sniffing strangers, it's rude." The lion huffed.
"It's a very creative name." Nora spoke with sincerity.
"Thanks. I wanted something simple that truly captured the spirit of this fine fluffy being." He patted the rump of the lion. "Well, I should get going now. I knew I should've never left Ponyhead in the same room as discarded dimensional scissors. I'm going to be grounded for fifty years again."
"You don't seem a day over Seven." Nora commented.
The child smirked. "I'm the eternal child of the Neverzone! Away, Leo!" The creature jumped into a pink portal.
"He seems like a fun guy." Star commented.
"Yes … fun guy …" Rose was quiet. "I'm going to go … check something." She said before running.
"What's got her in a rush?" Amethyst questioned.
"Maybe it had something to do with the boy?" Star shrugged.
"He did seem lovely." Nora nodded. "If he wasn't a child I might have given him a shot." Pearl looked like she wanted to scream for some reason at that. The gems could be such weirdos at times.
Marco picked up the red bucket, sloshing it around. "Still a good gallon in here." If he had been told over a year ago that a giant hand would make the world mad max, he would have laughed.
"We have to make a gallon last a whole month… it's a wonder why we haven't died yet." Spoke the only companion he could count on in this new world, which was weird considering he didn't want anything to do with her before all of this started.
"Ease up on the doom and gloom, Jana. It's not doing anyone any favors." He trudged along, his demon arm carrying most of their load.
"Hmm … you know, we don't have to stick around." She noted. "You have scissors, everyone we care about is gone … we literally have no attachment to the earth."
"It's the exact opposite actually." He noted. "Heckapoo closed off earth from the rest of the multiverse, and there's someone to avoid here." He looked around, trying to find any signs of thieves and stranglers.
"Marco, you're a half demon, who exactly would scare you other than full blown planet snappers?" Jana asked, casually handing him some water.
"Quite a few actually…quite a fe.."
Snap !
" Die!" He let his demon rage overwhelm his body and did his best to target the purple ball of light that was now trying to surround them.
"Hey, the only reason I covered you is because I knew you'd try and kill me!" He glared as the purple kid showed himself.
"Stay back!" Jana held a pipe, aiming it menacingly at the kid.
"Alright, if the fire guy isn't doing anything, what makes you think a pipe-ow!" Marco watched as she wailed on the guy. "Quit it, that hurts!"
"Steven, what's taking so long-hey get off him!" A familiar voice called out as a new figure enters the scene, pushing Jana away.
"Alright, what's the deal…Jackie?" Marco's rage calmed down as the mixed feelings of confusion and relief entered his head.
"Wait, Marco, is that you?!" The new girl asked in a shout before it turned into excitement. "Marco, Jana, it's you!" She grabbed both of them and scooped them into a hug. "I thought I was the only one left!"
"And I thought we were the only teens left." Marco deadpanned. "How did you survive?"
"Oh, it's all thanks to this sweet little guy right here." She smirked and turned to the purple kid, who was rubbing the bruises on his arms from the pipes. "When everything was falling apart, he managed to grab me and keep me safe in this weird alien temple we were able to hide in for six months."
"You can thank my mom for that. She was never the cleanest gem in the world, and all the junk she collected made it a pretty effective post-apocalyptic bunker."
Marco stared at the boy, and the gem in his chest. "Do you know what happened with the giant hand?" Considering the giant hand came from a giant gem … he may have been reaching, but it never hurt to be suspicious.
"Some blonde girl blasted it with a wand shooting lasers at it. I wasn't too involved, but my family was working on this drill thing to break it apart." The boy looked dejected. "A lot of good it did."
"No use dwelling on it now, Steven. We just have to focus on the good while we can." Jackie patted the boy on the back. "You guys don't mind if we group together? Steven's got a lead on where to find magic water that can heal anything."
"I'm good for that, we're running low anyway." Jana looked at their storage. "What about you Marco?"
"I.." He looked at his options. He trusted this new guy about as far as he could throw him without the demon arm, but he did trust Jackie, and the only force of positive reinforcement he's had since the incident was Janna … "Fine, but I reserve the right to kill."
"Technically that's pretty much everyone's right since the world's gone to shit, but what do I know?" Steven shrugged before…kissing Jackie on the cheek. "I'll scout ahead, you catch up with your friends."
He knew it was the Tom talking … but he really hated that kid.
Pearl guided her Diamond … Steven, through the halls. "The zoo." The boy spoke, staring with awe. She would have given a more in depth explanation … if she could speak. Steven looked through the glass. "They're like me … but less free." The boy looked slightly melancholy. "Heh, I didn't even think that was possible, but apparently it is."
She understood his downward attitude. The diamonds, especially Blue nowadays, hardly let Pin-let Steven out of their sight. Before, her diamond would complain about not having enough attention, now her son was complaining about having too much. Irony at its finest.
"Ah, my Diamond." They turned to Holly Blue, who saluted them. "It is a pleasure to be in your presence." She greeted with the utmost respect.
Steven merely hummed in acknowledgment, before adopting a look of confusion. "Why does that one have marks on their cheeks?"
"Ah, you have quite the keen eye, my Diamond. For you see, the Zoo doesn't just inhabit humans." The head of the zoo explained. "Long ago, your predecessor had a colony on earth, as you are now doubt aware of."
"Yeah, it was almost stopped by that nasty Rose Quartz, but mom beat her rebellion." The boy said in a robotic tone, likely tired of hearing the same spiel over and over again.
"Well, there was a certain offshoot of humanity that lived on the second moon of the planet. They were certainly more…feisty, shall we say, than your average organic life form."
"Feisty?" The boy asked.
"They managed to go toe to toe with a few Quartz Soldiers in groups." Well that alone was an impressive feat. "Luckily their time here has deprived them of their battle instincts over the centuries."
The blonde that held Steven's attention was smiling almost in a similar manner to Spinel, wildly and without care as she hung herself upside down from one of the trees as she swung back and forth. "Heh, she looks pretty lively."
"Yes, unfortunately there's some things that can't change even after over a century." Holly Blue groaned.
"Why would you want to change it?" He asked. "It makes her unique … I'd like to play with her like Spinel and I play sometimes."
"My…My diamond.." Holly Blue looked like she was sweating from such a thought. "N-not that I am one to question your…interests and orders, but you actually want to… engage with these organics personally?"
"I'm part organic myself. I should get to know them, shouldn't I?" Steven asked, half curious and half accusing.
"We'll, yes, I suppose that makes some semblance of sense, but still, you're a diamond.."
"And as a Diamond...heck, as your Diamond, you have to listen to what I have to say, right?" Steven asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Yes of course I do, and I love to please you." She nodded. "I just, would feel bad if, another Diamond perhaps, caught wind of this." She brought up.
The boy looked at her, then at the girl, then at Pearl for a brief moment. "Well if they don't hear about it … perhaps I may put in an excellent review of your upkeep." Steven spoke with a hint of mischievousness. "Perhaps even a personal one directly to your original Diamond, Blue?"
The gem's eyes widened, standing straight and saluting. "Not a word shall escape from the lips of any gem here." The boy was a splitting image of his mother's playful nature…Pink would've been just as proud as Pearl was.
"Okay, how do you keep creating this stuff?" Marco asked as he was looked at the Butterfly siblings' latest paradox of the space time continuum: a laptop that showed off videoclips of multiple universes.
"We talked to Eclipsa about it the last time it happened." Steven shrugged. "Apparently ever since Star caused the first paradox by not doing that math problem, we've become a sort of 'nexus' for stuff like this."
"Aka, when we use our magic together on random objects, we get to view other universes." Star continued. "Gotta say, it's a nice change of pace to see more than just the three we usually see."
"So you just naturally became Omnitraxus's headache?" Jana asked. "That sounds fun … also did you get possessed by Tom?"
"Don't remind me of that one, there's a lot in that universe I don't want to think about." At the very least he wasn't the only one who was out of luck when it came to Jackie.
"Yeah, I'm still weirded out by me having a twin in the Garnet one." Steven pondered out. "Or me getting raised by Heckapoo.."
"Or me getting raised in a zoo because apparently homeworld won the war in that one." Star grumbled. "You know, with everything that we know, do you guys think we should try talking to these other us's? Give them a little heads up on a few things?"
"I mean, if we ever possess a phone we could try it." Steven shrugged. "We already jump to universes all the time, and so far we haven't found-" He was interrupted by the space guy of the ages showing up once more, anger evident in his skull.
"Curse you, Steven Quartz DaMayo Universe Butterfly." He grabbed the laptop and left without saying anything else.
"Okay, does he not know it's not just me doing this? Or that I'm not doing it on purpose?"
"I think he's giving Star a pass because she's a princess and he's just holding all that boiling rage inside." Marco thought aloud.
"Funny, because I'm pretty sure he's the guy I don't like the most out of the commission, except for Glossaryck, but.." Star pointed to the dead eye blue man.
"It's really hard to hate him like this, no matter how much I want to." Steven sighed. "And sadly, he's the only one that can figure out our dream problem."
"Oh, I can do that." Jana casually pointed out, like it was no big deal … would have been nice to know BEFORE HAND!