
Belief is all you need

With belief, man was able to succeed in endeavors that killed other species. With gods, we could progress faster and further. And she will guide me, so I can also guide you towards a better future, one that has only one god. Me.

DaoistCpDMGE · Fantasy
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17 Chs

No 8

-Oh, I didn't think we would meet here.

One of the women approached me and handed over a coat and some pants.

-Oh, thanks, mine was pretty rough. As I go to the main room and witnessed the corpses a creature appeared behind me and punched me into the wall.

The others got close and heard our conversation.

-Creature? Can you describe its appearance?

The man asked while opening his notebook.

-Well, I didn't see much of it but I bought a glimpse at its arm. It had green scales that had some symbols on each one.

-What symbols?

I used energy to draw the exact picture into the air.

-I see...

The speed at which he was writing and drawing was impressive for any human being that wasn't augmented before.

-Any more details?

He lifted his head and looked at me.

-Yeah, his punch was strong enough to burst a commanding general to pieces.

His hand stopped abruptly and everyone's eyes looked toward me.

-What did you say?!

-I said that-----I HEARD YOU!

-But to think that such a creature would appear here...

-A commanding general was a pillar of the empire, there are only 10 of them and each one is powerful enough to stall the demon army for a few good minutes.

It's indeed a scary thought, that if anyone was in my place they would've been blown to pieces.

Such creatures are scary enough to make the whole empire gather an army to extinguish them as fast as possible.

In my previous world, a commanding general would be able to resist small-scale warheads.

So for these people to find out that demons have brought the big guns in such a small amount of time shocked them rightfully.

I looked in the direction of the tower and made a hand signal. Shortly after light came from the sky and approached me with incredible speed.

-I would like to talk more but I'm afraid time doesn't allow me. So I wish you a great afternoon.

Before they could even respond the light completely swallowed me and we both disappeared.


-It seems they are not willing to wait anymore.

She was thoughtfully looking in the distance through the tower window.

-I can take a small army and go create a distraction to collect as many bodies as possible.

Since that guy seems to be above my power I cannot afford to remain in this stage, I have to get an upgrade in power, and I gotta do it fast.

-No, it's too risky, I cannot get too close, or else I would be noticed. It's pure insanity to go and try to rush in so carelessly.

She looked at me and gave a decisive answer. If I insist then most likely I would be sent into solitary confinement.

There's got to be something to be done, at this pace the demons might really...

As I was thinking about a way to convince the queen to allow me into enemy territory a loud alarm started through the whole kingdom.

-This is...

I lifted my eyes and went to the window. Only for me to see that a red patch of land was moving towards us from the sea.

But to people's horror, it wasn't land but a demon, a huge aquatic creature.

The lady next to me instantly flashed towards the beast as I started to get cold feet.

Something bad will happen...

I looked in the opposite direction and saw a small dot in the far distance. It wasn't thanks to my eyes that I was able to see it, it was thanks to the system.

It showed me the name of the person in the distance. Zotal.


The fight between the queen and the aquatic dragon wasn't fierce. However, the creature is known for its magic negation and incredible physical endurance.

So the queen was forced to keep attacking until a part of the creature's shell began to crack and break. Which took hours.5 to be exact.

At this time she wondered why didn't that guy appear to help. Shouldn't a creature with this big of a body be like a luxurious stake for him?

A bad feeling crept into her bones as soon as the thought came.

It should be tempting, but he isn't here for a reason.

She immediately turned around and flashed towards the tower. There she didn't see him anywhere but a bright explosion immediately caught her attention.

The shockwave was so strong that she had to create a shield for the whole area so it wouldn't be wiped clean. The explosion that followed was even more powerful.

A mushroom cloud rose in the sky as a never seen earthquake shook the whole continent. It could be felt from hundreds of kilometers distance and the cloud was even more evident.

When the explosion cleared um and she went there to examine what was left, nothing remained...

The whole place was burned and razed to the ground. In the epicenter of the explosion, a deep pit could be seen, where a sword lay stabbed in the dirt. The picture showed what destruction a spell could bring upon the environment, but also the material that the sword was forged from.

When the saw that the man she was searching for was nowhere to be seen a grave feeling rose in her heart.

"Where is he?"What happened to him?"Who did he fight?"

These questions sank into her heart and she began shuddering just from imagining his possible fate.

Even tho she didn't give him the official rank of disciple she treated him no differently.

He also didn't address her as a subordinate to a superior but more like a student to a teacher.

After 5 months of being with one another, catching a sort of attachment was inevitable.