
Belief is all you need

With belief, man was able to succeed in endeavors that killed other species. With gods, we could progress faster and further. And she will guide me, so I can also guide you towards a better future, one that has only one god. Me.

DaoistCpDMGE · Fantasy
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17 Chs

No 7

After I drank all the potions I bought I went back to the kingdom and slept in my designated room in the tower.

The next morning I went to eat and take a quick bath.

The tower was pretty advanced technologically, even tho the technology was mainly composed of magic formations.

The water could be set to any desired temperature and there was even a room that, once entered would instantly apply nourishing oils to one's body.

All of these aspects meant that if anyone stayed in this tower for at least 4 months, their charm would raise by at least 2 levels.

Such an advantage cannot be given to anywho.

All the people who live in the tower are scholars, combat, tactic geniuses, and more.

As I was walking through the halls I noticed that there were some portraits along the walls.

All of them were women and most probably the previous queens of the empire.

I noticed some weird similarities through all of them tho, their eyes are ember but this generation's magic queens are blue.

Does that mean she is more special than the previous ones?

I turned away and went on my way towards the training grounds, today I had a practice lesson.


5 months passed and I sort of got the gist of how to manipulate energy pretty well.

I can say that taking on 1 000 demons would be my limit currently.

Since that potion only healed me so much.

I am already thankful I can have my skin and eyes back so I guess I am satisfied for now.

-Are you awake?

I turned around and saw the lady appear in my room.

I never manage to guess when she will appear, it's like a ghost who comes when you expect the least.

-Yes master.

I bow my head in greeting.

-I told you, you're not my disciple.

She maintained a neutral expression as she said those words, understandable since I called her like that for 5 months.

-I may not be your disciple, but you are the one who taught me, master.

She remained silent and went to the window, with her hands behind her and looking in the distance, began telling me about my first mission.

-You are to go and retrieve some lost soldiers that went into an abandoned mine. Usually, these missions are taken on by adventures, but the last two teams that went in never came out so you are tasked with retrieving them alive or dead.

-May I ask a question?

-You can

While she turned her head to me I also looked up and spoke

-What were they searching for in the mine?


She began pacing around while speaking

-It is rumored that the mine was abandoned because the walls had eyes.

I remained still and stared at her with a questioning look.

-Yes, yes, I understand your doubts, however, the ghost may as well be a demon or a spirit.

The difference is...

Seeing my face she answered:

-One of them kills and the other directly eats them alive.

-I see...

And so I began the first mission that would lead me toward killing demons.


The mine entrance was well hidden and the chances of someone accidentally discovering it were minimal so I didn't need to worry about children going in to play only to end up like packaged Ikea furniture.

I went forward and started searching.

For 4 hours I continuously searched, and searched, and searched, until I stepped into something moist and slushy.

I thought it was shit, turns out it's mangled flesh.

I looked around the room and found out that someone munched onto these people like chewing gum and then spit them onto the whole floor.

The smell was out of this world, as some might say.

I turned to look back only to be met with a direct head hit.

My body was thrown into the walls which caused the whole mine to shake and immediately collapse.


A child was running after his favorite chicken.

The poor bird ran as if her life depended on it.

He kept chasing and chasing until he got to a forest.

As he continued chasing the bird he found a small depression in the ground.

It looked like an inflated balloon popped while it was buried and left an uneven potion on the floor.

He got close and hit the ground to see what will happen.

Only that, after he hit the ground a few times a hand reached out and gripped his leg.

The child screamed and started running like he was about to get eaten.

The hand slowly crawled out and searched for a while, but soon found another gap and slipt back in.

After 20 minutes some villagers came back with some reinforcements.

6 female soldiers and 1 male came together after they heard the noise and also felt the earthquake.

-Are you sure this is the place?

A woman asked.

-Yes! A hand gripped my leg and I started running Immediately as I felt it.

-And that hand was coming out of the ground and wasn't attached to anybody?

Asked the male soldier.

-Yes, yes!!

This answer made the villagers a bit embarrassed, they thought that the story was made up by a child for some attention.

But before they could berate the kid a figure jumped out of the ground and landed not far.

The soldiers looked over as the man took a stance with his sword in hand.

As the dust settle what met the people wasn't a demon but a handsome silver-haired man that was barely clothed.

His figure was dirty and rugged but his body was without a scratch.

He looked over and raised his brows.

-Oh you also came to this place for the mission?

His question brought the women back to reality as the man looked over at his comrades for answers.