
Being More Social

“Adam can’t talk to girls, he must like men,” “Adam still wears tighty-whities,” “Adam doesn’t like looking at porn,” crap like that. I knew their true reason for picking on me – I was just another geeky, socially awkward kid who had a tendency to talk in a way considered too ‘proper’ for middle school, and an inability to talk to girls. The ‘proper’ talk was how my parents raised me. The inability to talk to girls, well, that was just a gift from God. Adam's Story>>>>>

Fredrick_Udele · Fantasy
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66 Chs


Firstly, she did it with little trouble, despite wearing a seatbelt. I was impressed. Secondly, she wasn't wearing a fucking bra. There she was, her tits on full display, sucking the seatbelt in between them. "Like 'em?" she asked me. In a word, they were amazing. They were big on her frame, but not too big, and amazingly, barely sagged. They were globe-shaped and beautiful, and it took all of my energy not to reach forth and grab them. Each of her tits was crowned by a beautiful pink nipple that was the size of a silver dollar. I had a weakness for large nipples, and her areolae were beautifully large. I started to salivate just looking at them. Either she was cold in the brisk October weather, or she was turned on by this too, because her nipples stood out a visible distance, at least half an inch. To me, there was never a more perfect set of boobs on the planet, and I got to see them up close and personal. I was as hard as rock, and my lust went into overdrive. My dick strained against my jeans, and I had to press down on my jeans to relieve the pain. All I could do was stare as she faced forward and drove. "Don't be shy," she added. "I saw you looking at them over and over. Well, this way you get what you want, and I honestly don't really care. If you like 'em, go ahead." I nodded eagerly and held my stare. The rest of the drive was a blur, since none of us said a word and my eyes were fixed on her beautiful, full breasts.

"I think we're here." Nicole finally said. I took my gaze off of her tits and to my dismay, she was right. We were in my driveway.

"Ah, right." I said, trying to compose myself. "Of course. Thanks for the ride."

She just stared at me expectantly for a few seconds before rolling her eyes. "Boy, you do not know how high school works, do you?" she asked, pulling her seat back. She motioned for me to come forward with her finger.

"Huh?" was all I could ask.

"Get over here. Sit on me if you have to." She told me, her tone getting more and more frustrated.

Confused, I complied. I undid my seatbelt and stepped over the console, until I was right in front of her.

"Have you ever done this before?" Nicole asked me softly.

"Done what?"

"Use your imagination, genius." she told me, grabbing my hands and moving them up to her tits. They felt absolutely amazing… Soft yet firm, beautifully smooth, and very warm. Nevertheless, I was still frozen in place. "C'mon." she coaxed me. "I had the good nature to drive you home, and I'm horny as fuck. So do us both a favor and pay me back for the ride, okay? Just start moving your hands, I'll tell you what to do."

I started moving my hands, planted on her breasts, in circles. "Good," she sighed. "Now squeeze, but not too hard." I squeezed lightly, then caressed her breasts. She leaned back and sighed once more, which I took as a sign. Before I had any idea what I was doing, I took both of her nipples between my thumb and forefinger and rolled them around. I loved the feeling of her nipples, which clearly stood out more than a half inch, despite my previous observation. Her sighs evolved into soft gasps. "Not bad, rookie." she said, slightly out of breath.

I couldn't believe this was happening. One minute, I was a nobody. And just by signing up for a student club, I was already tweaking a girl's nipples in her car. Maybe mom was right. Maybe I just need to be spontaneous.

And spontaneous I was. I looked up to Nicole's face and saw that she had the slightest hint of a blush on her face, her eyes closed in slight ecstasy. Without knowing for sure if I should, I lowered my mouth to her left nipple and started to caress it with my tongue. I didn't dive in immediately, I was subtle. I teased. I lightly brushed my tongue around her areola, earning an 'ooh' from her as my touch became more and more distant, more and more delicate. After about a solid minute of this, I used all the strength my tongue could muster and flicked her nipple.

"Ooooh…" she moaned. "You're a fast learner, aren't you, squirt?"

I released her nipple from my tongue's spell. "Well, I just figured I-"

"Shut it." she commanded as she forced my mouth back on to her nipple. She pushed my mouth too far and my whole mouth was now on her boob, but I figured I should just roll with it. With my tongue still playing with her gorgeous pink nipple, I started to suck. She sharply inhaled, and began to squirm around.

"Oooooh, baby…" she moaned. She opened her eyes and saw my mom's car. She bolted upright and pointed to it. "Somebody's home?!" she asked, genuine fear in her eyes. "What if someone sees us?"

Another rush of confidence filled me, just when I needed it. "Don't worry." I said with a tone of control in my voice. "Mom works from home, at her computer. It's nowhere near the driveway. Trust me, we won't get caught. Now may I continue?"

At first, she was shocked that the shy little kid she was controlling was being so authoritative. Her expression soon shifted from shock to her trademark mischievous smile as she lay back down. "Go to town." She told me as she closed her eyes. Instead, though, I experimented. My tongue, instead of going back to her pink, large nipple, started to lick between her amazing boobs and traveled upwards, stopping to play with her collarbone.

"What are you doing?" She asked, now panting. My tongue started to drift away from her collarbone and she quickly added, "Don't fucking answer that." My tongue went back to work, traveled up to her neck and from there, my primal instinct took over. I tilted my head and began to kiss and suck her neck. She responded in vigor, wrapping her arm around my head and pulling me in.

"Ooooh, Adam…" she cooed. I bit her neck gently, and she yelped. I was worried that I hurt her, until I realized that her squirming got more intense. Biting her neck turned her on! I figured I'd put this information to good use as I trailed downwards, leading with my tongue of course, until it sat on her right tit, playing delicately with her other nipple. After a few seconds of delicate teasing, I dove right in and began to suck her tit for all it was worth.

"Ahh!" She gasped. I sucked harder and harder, causing her to push me further into her chest, mashing my head into her boob until I felt like I was going to suffocate. I still didn't give up, sucking and sucking, until she let me go and I was allowed to breathe again. Once I did, I continued my oral assault on her tit, this time using my teeth. At first, my teeth grazed her nipple, but before long, I was full-on biting her tit. "Yeeeeesssss…" she hissed as I used my tongue and teeth together, torturing and pleasing her nipple.

I noticed that her hips were starting to buck, and her free hand was playing with her unoccupied tit. I took one of my hands and used it to push me further into her breast, until I decided to up the ante. My hand slid down her shirtless body and down to her left thigh, where I began to rub up and down. Nicole was moaning at this point. I decided to keep things going and moved my hand to cup her mound. Her body jolted and she opened her eyes, painting yet smiling at me.

"What's the rush, hotshot?" she asked me. I didn't want to stop, but I knew when someone didn't want to continue. Blushing myself, wondering if I did something wrong, I moved back to my seat in the car.

"Was… was that…" I began.

"You were great, squirt." Nicole said, grinning at me. "I just wanna leave something for next time. That is, if you wanna ever do this again." She added with a wink.

"Fucking yes I do!" I said, realizing only after the language I used. She only laughed and began to put her shirt back on. I noticed that her right nipple was redder from all the attention I gave her. She caught me staring and just winked again.

As I exited the car, I added, "I'm sorry for dragging you all the way out here just to drop me off."

She smiled at me and played with her nipple through her shirt. "Given what you did for me, I think you paid that favor back, and then some." she said slyly. She paused from talking, but kept playing with her tit until her other hand joined in. She began to buck her hips again, and got really into it. Her hands went under her shirt and she kept playing with her nipples, and she began panting. Suddenly, she opened her eyes, and softly muttered, "Fuck." It seemed like I really turned her on, I thought with a wave of pride.

She then looked forward for a bit, then looked back at me. "Do me a favor." she started. "Keep watching this car until it disappears into the distance. Can you do that for me?"

It was a weird request, but I just got to suck her amazing nipples, who was I to argue? I removed my backpack from the car and said "Sure…" hesitantly. She grinned and added, "And keep your phone on. I have a feeling I'll be texting you tonight."

I closed the door after calling out, "Thanks again."