
Being More Social

“Adam can’t talk to girls, he must like men,” “Adam still wears tighty-whities,” “Adam doesn’t like looking at porn,” crap like that. I knew their true reason for picking on me – I was just another geeky, socially awkward kid who had a tendency to talk in a way considered too ‘proper’ for middle school, and an inability to talk to girls. The ‘proper’ talk was how my parents raised me. The inability to talk to girls, well, that was just a gift from God. Adam's Story>>>>>

Fredrick_Udele · Fantasy
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66 Chs


I presented my paper to the office and the secretary looked me up and down. "You're applying for student council?" she asked, with a bit more condescension in her voice than I'd like. I nodded. She shrugged and continued. "Alrighty then! The elections are next week. Other than you, three other people have applied. You have until after next week's assembly to put up posters and do anything else you want to get your fellow students to vote for you. Then next week on Monday, you'll have to give a speech at the assembly."

Oh boy. Speeches. This was going to be fun… But if anything, I was a guy who saw things through. I told myself I would, and so I shall. But posters? That seemed… stupid. It seemed like a childish way to make the class listen, and certainly wouldn't show any leadership qualities…

At once, the idea came to me. I knew what I was going to do.


When I got home, mom was still at the computer. She worked from home – an idea she had when I was 5 to avoid spending too much on babysitting. "Hello, sweetie!" She yelled across the house when she heard the door slam. "How was school?"

I don't know why, but I had a newfound confidence. With all of the confidence I knew I didn't have before, I swaggered up to mom's desk, leaned on it, and simply stated, "I'm trying out for student council."

Mom looked like she didn't believe me for a second. "Really?" Was all she asked.

I shrugged. "You wanted me to be more social. Does this work?"

Mom gave me a smile that was half genuine, half 'You smart-ass.' "Well done, Adam. I'm proud of you for doing this. You'll be glad you did it too!" She then put her headphones back on, wordlessly telling me it was back to work for her. I flashed her a thumbs-up. In my head, all I was thinking of was May.


The next day, I went to school in a business casual shirt, and set up a single poster in the main hallway. 'Adam Watson – Your Grade 9 Rep' was what it said. I stood under it all the time until classes were in session. Anyone who approached me in the hallway got a hearty handshake and a speech with more fake confidence than I knew I had.

"Hi, I'm Adam Watson, and I'm running for a Student Council position this coming week. Tell me, have there been any school issues on your mind?"

On the inside, I was terrified. On the outside, I was sparking conversations left and right.

"What do you feel is missing from school?"

"What do you think can make this school better?"

"What do you think the student council should be doing for this school?"

The last one was a sneaky attempt on my part to figure out what student councils actually did for high schools. The campaign, however, was a huge success. Although the school hallways were littered with posters for the other three candidates, people began to approach me in the hallway of their own free will. I started to keep a notepad with me to keep track of their requests and complaints.

Over the next couple of days, my unusual approach to school politics was working. Adam Watson, a nobody, was securing the vote of anybody who knew what the school lacked. That is to say, everyone outside of grade nine. In terms of grade nine, Mr. Graves was absolutely right, it was a popularity contest.

In class, at least for three of them, I couldn't but help but stare at May, the girl I was smitten with. I had never felt this way about a girl before, and couldn't stop myself from daydreaming about kissing those full, beautiful lips. Lust tainted my mind as my daydreams quickly turned into images of me grabbing her ass and pulling her into me, that beautiful smile of hers turning mischievous as my hands wander from her ass, exploring every inch of her, ending with my hands on her beautiful tits.

"Do you like them?" she would ask innocently. I would nod slowly and thoroughly. "Well then I guess it's not fair that this old thing is blocking them, is it?"

My mouth would go dry, my dick as hard as steel. Her eyes would move down my body and sparkle when they got to its destination. "Well, what's this?" She would ask, her innocent tone gone, replaced by a naughty, mischievous voice, slightly breathy with her panting. Her hand would shamelessly grab me through my pants, and she would press her body up right against mine.

"Looks like someone's excited." she would whisper right into my ear, before gently biting on it. She would take a few steps back and start to remove her dress.

"Oh, May…" I couldn't help but tell her. "I want to see you so badly. You're so beautiful." I stared at her as she was getting ready to show me her beautiful body.

"Most people are, Scout, when you finally see them." she replied in a flat tone.

Huh? No way that's what she said. I shook myself out of my imagination and heard Mrs. Jackson reading aloud To Kill a Mockingbird to the class.

God dammit. It's not bad enough that she has to read it aloud as if grade nine students can't read themselves, she also took me out of my fantasy.

I couldn't help but fantasize. It was the only contact I had with her. Even though it was Friday when I was letting my imagination do its work, I barely talked to May ever since that Monday. Even in drama class, we barely crossed paths. Though I had to say I'm glad she switched into that class. She was a fantastic actress.

At the end of Friday, I was back under the poster, waiting for people to leave before I had to pack up for my 3:30 bus. Not a lot of people talked to me, though, seeing as it was the end of Friday and they wanted to get home. Plus, I felt with a twinge of pride, most of them had already talked to me.

However, one girl upon seeing the poster stopped in her tracks. The first thing I noticed about her was her smile. The grin she put on when she saw my poster was enough to light up an opera hall. She approached me quickly after she made the discovery.

"Hey there! I dig the poster. Mind if I get a picture of you with it?"

A picture? I felt more and more like a politician. My eyes scanned over her. Jet-black hair ran all the way down to her ass (which I had to admit, was incredibly shapely). She had just the right amount of tan to look really, really attractive. Her blue eyes, which looked drop-dead amazing paired with her hair, stared right into my soul. Although the big show-stopping number was her breasts. She couldn't have been anything smaller than a solid D-cup, and she wasn't shy about it, given her v-neck that exposed ample cleavage.

She coughed loudly, and I realized I must have been staring too long. I blushed profusely, and she noticed. To my relief, though, she laughed. "You may not want to blush right before I take a picture, hotshot." She looked down at her breasts then back at me coolly. "Besides, I get that a lot." she added flatly, like she didn't care. "So, picture? Yes or no?"

"Sure!" I exclaimed. She set up her camera as I shifted myself closer to the poster. She readied the shot and looked at me through the lens. "Give me one of those big ol' politician smiles." she suggested playfully. Sighing internally, I grinned like a tool as she snapped picture after picture. After a few too many, she stood up and smiled. "I think I got enough. Thanks!"

"Enough for what?" I asked her.

"Oh, didn't I say?" she flashed me a mischievous grin. "Nicole Baker. I run the school paper, and the yearbook." she outstretched a hand.

"Nice to meet you." I said hesitantly as I shook her hand. I turned my head, still shaking her hand, and noticed my watch. 3:37. "Oh crud!" I yelped.

"You're not the best at shaking hands either, but I wasn't gonna say anything." Nicole said, another smile forming.

"It's not that. I missed my bus!" I exclaimed, still looking at my watch.

"Jeez, you're screwed, aren't you?" Nicole said with absolutely no concern in her voice.

"It's not funny, I don't have any other way of getting home!" I said, quickly packing up my poster. Not that it would help much if I was stranded.

Nicole just laughed and crossed her arms. "Relax, kiddo," she said calmly. "I can drive ya home."

"Really?" I asked her, my eyes lit with relief. She simply nodded, and picked up her camera bag.

"Let's go." was all she said as she walked towards the front doors. I followed, not knowing what I was about to get into.


"So, you can drive?" I asked as she unlocked her car, trying to make conversation. When I got in, she looked at me with one eyebrow cocked.

"No, I can't. This is all illegal. I even stole this car." With lowered eyelids, she rolled her eyes and started the car. Taking my silence as a sign, she continued. "I'm old enough, you know. Most grade 12's and some grade 11's are able to drive. It's not like I'm the odd girl out."

I noticed a problem with being around her – I could not stop staring at her breasts. As she backed out of the spot, she caught me looking and smiled slightly, lowering one eyebrow. "Something on your mind?" She challenged me, grabbing her boob and squeezing it.

My mouth hung open at her obscene gesture, but she just laughed it off. "You're not the first, squirt." She said, starting to drive. "And you definitely won't be the last. Now, what's the address?"

Nervously, I gave her my address. She nodded slowly, her smile only widening. "I think I know where that is." She told me. "Just sit back and enjoy the ride."

Frankly, I was still trying to catch my breath. I can't believe she just did that in front of me. I was not used to her spontaneous nature at all. Maybe the spontaneous life wasn't for me…

All of a sudden, the text alert on her phone went off. "Hey Adam, can you get that?" she asked me. I nodded. With her eyes still on the road, she handed me her phone. I turned it on, and it read '1 new text message.' Well gee, thanks.

I unlocked the phone and gasped. Holy shit! This girl had fucking porn open on her phone! It was a picture of a guy plowing a girl with long black hair, a cheesy orgasmic look on both of their faces. She chose the girl's look intentionally, no doubt, which made me chuckle, but I was still in shock.

"So what does it say?" she asked me impatiently. I immediately exited the internet app, and looked at her messages. Some guy named Phil Love was asking her if she thought it was a success. I had no clue what 'it' was, but I knew not to pry.

"Phil Love asks if you think it's a success." I said flatly.

"Oh, okay." she responded. "Tell him, 'I hope so, we'll have to wait and see.'"

As I typed, my curiosity got the better of me. "What's the success?" I asked.

"Extracurricular thing." Was all Nicole said. "Hey, do me a favor. I may need to contact you about the picture thing, so I assume you have a phone… Could you add yourself to my contacts?"

"Uh, sure." I said as I tried to figure out how her phone worked. When I got to her contacts, I was surprised at how many she had. I guess being in grade 11 gave you time to become popular, especially if you're not shy like she was… After I input myself as a contact, I looked over her other contacts and found Phil again. Phil Love? Seriously? It sounded like a porn name. I immediately got a wave of jealousy after the thought entered my mind that she and Phil were a thing. "Are you and Phil…?" I asked her hesitantly.

She turned to me for a second, and grinned. "Aw, is someone jealous?" She asked me. I simply shifted in my seat. "Nah, I'm not the type to get tied down. No strings attached, that kind of thing."

My mouth went dry, and I caught myself staring at her tits again. "I see." was all I could muster.

She caught my glance, and giggled to herself. She came to a red light, and rolled up the windows. "Y'know, like this." she said simply as she lifted her shirt over her head.