
Being Expelled from the Wealthy Family

hahan_hani · Teen
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40 Chs


 Chapter 331 Chapter 332 Choice, Grandpa: Does she have a problem or do I have a problem?

  Among the current members of the Ji family, Ji Shaojun is still at the Mu family, helping Mu Yining.

  Ji Shaorong stayed in Jiangjing to cooperate with Yang Lin's experiments, accompanying Xiao Qi at the same time, and left last month.

  Xu Nanjing and Ning Xiao both know this.

  As for Ji Heng, Bai Qian's friends all know that he is an old embroidery worker. No matter what he embroiders, he is lifelike. He has at least several decades of skill and is an old embroidery master.

  My daily hobbies include fishing, smoking, and making clothes for Bai Zian Jiang He.

  Occasionally play mahjong with Dean Jian and the others.

  "It's okay." Zhang Shize reacted quickly. He stood up from the ground with a normal expression and scratched his head: "I was telling Teacher Chi that time flies so fast."

  Ji Heng glanced at him but didn't say anything. What, he also took down the other peony pot on the balcony.

  This pot of peonies is quite large. The diameter of the mouth of the pot is forty to fifty centimeters, and the soil is a bit heavy.

  "Grandpa," Zhang Shize stuffed the medal into his pocket and hurriedly went to help Ji Heng, "I'll help you move it."

  Ji Heng moved it easily, "No need."

  Xu Nanjing didn't react until the others left the door. Mr. Chen and others were used to it and always thought that all the old people at this age were in the same poor health. Now they discovered that Ji Heng was in really good health.

  "How long will it take for Sister Xian to come out?" Ning Xiao took Xu Nanjing upstairs.

  Now that Bai Zian is away, Ning Xiao has to arrange some things for her.

  Mentioning this, Xu Nanjing looked unhappy, "Sister Beixuan said that she is in Room S1 and is guarded 24 hours a day. It is not easy to come out. She has to wait for Academician Ma or Brother Jiang to come back."

  Academician Ma's situation, coming back should be quite difficult . Well, as for Jiang Fuli, we haven't contacted him yet.

  Since the Snow Mountain Incident, the country has strictly controlled the safety of on-the-job scientific researchers.

  When Jiang Fuli went out, Ming Dongheng was only on the surface, and there were a bunch of special personnel protecting him secretly.

  Now there is another problem in the base, which occurs internally. Bai Qian is the only external person who has contacted the base. Being suspected is still a trivial matter...

  Xu Nanjing is worried that those in the Security Bureau will find someone to blame.


  The next day, the Security Bureau.

  Bai Zian was detained in a completely dark room.

  There were no lights and no doors.

  There is only one chair.

  In the surveillance room, a man in police uniform opened the door and came in.

  The two people responsible for watching the surveillance stood up and said, "Captain Su."

  Su Xu looked at Bai Qian in the surveillance. Under the night vision device, she was still sitting calmly on the chair, her hands hanging on both sides, her eyes slightly closed, her face There was no disturbance.

  "How long has she been like this?" Su Xu asked, tilting her head.

  "From the time we came in until now."

  "Bai Qian," Su Xu looked at the night vision device for a long time and turned on the intercom, "What do the last few codes you told Ma Tongfeng mean? Did he publicize the base news with you to the outside world?"

  Bai Qian Xian didn't open her eyes, and her voice was still unhurried, with her usual leisurely tone: "The answer to a question."

  She was not nervous.

  Su Xu turned off the intercom, reached out for a cigarette, and continued to read Bai Zian's information, narrowing his eyes.

  In his hand is Bai Zian's information from birth to the present.

  "No, there must be something wrong with her," Su Xu put down the information and blew out a smoke ring: "Ordinary people don't have such a strong psychological quality."

  She was imprisoned for a day and a night.

  No one talked to her, no one told her the time, and all her electronic devices were taken away.

  In this case, most people will suffer from neurasthenia within a few hours.

  Bai Zian was not affected in the slightest, which shows the strength in his heart.

  Even those with special training may not be able to achieve this kind of psychological quality. This is not what a freshman should have...

  Su Xu has interrogated many spies and can tell at a glance that Bai Jian has secrets.

  He took the cigarette and went outside, where his men were stopping Chen Beixuan in the office.

  Chen Beixuan did not belong to the Security Bureau, but was the boss of the Chen family's special battalion. People from the Security Bureau did not dare to stop her. As soon as Su Xu came, they let her go.

  "Sir Chen." Su Xu opened the door and let Chen Beixuan in.

  "Captain Su, when can we release her?" Chen Beixuan entered the office, sat directly on Su Xu's seat, put the dagger on the table, her black curly hair was tied into a ponytail, and said straight to the point: "Do you know who she is? "The only person

  at the scene who has contact with the outside world is Academician Ma. Her and Academician Ma's identities are still under investigation." Others may be afraid of the Chen family. They belong to a different camp from the Chen family. Su Xu is not afraid. "The director has already She said that she would thoroughly investigate all her connections."

  Chen Beixuan's cold eyes narrowed and he was full of energy. "I want to see her."

  "I'm sorry," Su Xu sent an email to the above, "even if it's your old man today. Even if I come, I won't be able to see her."


  The incident involving Bai Qian has an impact on the Mu family, the Xu family, and the Bai family.

  The next day, I found out Bai Zian's current relationship.

  On the third day, the research institute that the Mu family cooperated with Xuan Kang was affected, and Xu En's entire industry was also subject to investigation.

  This matter was not made public, but Mu Yining also received the notice from above.

  She has now restarted the four research institutes of the Mu family and received a batch of funds. In addition to the heavy industry research institutes built by the three institutes, the medical research institute is now on the right track.

  But unfortunately, the Medical Research Institute was stopped at this time.

  Jiang Jing has been really active in the past two days. The Mu family doesn't know the news about Bai Qian, and naturally they don't know which joint has the problem.

  But the agency documents have been implemented in the research institute where the Mu family cooperates with Xuan Kang.

  Three other heavy industry research institutes that provide machines for seawater purification projects are also on standby.

  The Mu family started an emergency meeting early in the morning.

  Except for Mu Yining, no one knew the news about Bai Qian, and people were panicked.

  Mu Yining did not hide anything from these people, but directly told Bai Zian's temporary situation. Because of Bai Zian's relationship, they had to cooperate with the investigation.

  The people present were all smart people, and as soon as Mu Yining said it, they knew that this was not an easy matter.

  Even a big family can't stand the shuffle in the scientific research world, let alone the Mu family. The Mu family suffered a heavy blow more than ten years ago, and they must not follow in the same footsteps this time.

  Mu Zhendong looked very unhappy. He stood up from his seat and said, "I remember that Bai Qian was not included in the Mu family tree, so he can't be counted as a Mu family member."

  This meant that Mu Yining should not wade into this muddy water.

  Protect yourself wisely.

  After what happened more than ten years ago, the Mu family was really scared.

  "Impossible," Mu Yining raised her eyes and said in a firm voice, "I will tell dad and help Ayan collect evidence."

  Mu Zhendong pursed his lips and looked at Mu Yining with an expression that said, "Mu Yining "Now is not the time to get angry with me. Regardless of whether something happens to her or not, if something happens to her, our Mu family will not be able to escape from it."

  Now it's not a matter of whether something happens to Bai Pian, but Mu Zhendong and the others know that if something happens to Bai Pian. If Xian is the only suspect.

    In the end, no matter whether the person is her or not, it will probably be her.

  "Uncle Clan, you don't believe her?" Mu Yining said nothing, but Mu Zhao, who was standing behind her, raised his head.

  "Do you believe him?" Mu Zhendong looked at Mu Zhao in confusion.

  Mu Yining lowered her eyes and drank tea, expressing her position.

  Mu Zhendong muttered for a long time, and finally walked away, "I think you guys are really crazy."

  When he went out, he directly asked someone to buy him a plane ticket and count his assets.

  Mu Yining looked at the other people present and stated her position again, "She is a member of the Mu family. I believe her. If there are people here who are afraid of being implicated, they can terminate the contract with us early."

  Next to her.

  Housekeeper Lou looked at Mu Yining and did not interrupt. He just asked Mu Zhao, "Do you... trust Miss Bai so much?"

  "Sister Bai, she got perfect marks in the college entrance examination." Mu Zhao only said one sentence.

  Housekeeper Lou didn't know why Mu Zhao suddenly said this. What does this have to do with Bai Jian's perfect score in the college entrance examination?

  "Her composition is also full marks," Mu Zhao tilted his head and looked at Housekeeper Lou, "The article is very powerful and has been on hot searches. It is impossible to write such an essay without feelings. If you think there is something wrong with her, you might as well believe me. It's Emperor Jiang Wu."

  Butler Lou: "..."

  What are these remarks by Mu Zhao.


  at the same time.

  The Bai family is also facing a similar situation.

  Bai Qiming hasn't heard from Bai Qian for a long time. Bai Shaoqi and Song Ming have been working very well together recently, but Bai Shaoke's apprenticeship process has been somewhat affected.

  The agency documents were transferred to the Bai family.

  Bai Qiming was shocked. They had never contacted Bai Qian and did not know Jiang Jing's current situation.

  Just call Bai Shaoke.

  Bai Shaoke didn't know Bai Qian's situation either.

  But after all, it was a matter of the institute, and he also heard some rumors in the laboratory.

  On the phone, he said in a deep voice: "I have also been kicked out of the research laboratory by the professor. She seems to have a problem with her composition. Dad, you should have made plans..."

  This incident shocked Bai Qiming.

  This kind of thing has never happened to the entire Bai family, and the uncle of the Bai family has never canceled his wish to return Bai Zian to the Bai family tree.

  When this happened suddenly, he was frightened into confusion.

  "Uncle, Qiming," Guo Yueqing has not yet received the certificate from Bai Qiming, but she has already lived in the Bai family during this year's New Year. She held Bai Qiming's hand, "Don't worry, she was not our Bai family last year..."

  "Yes." At this moment, my uncle couldn't care less about the glory of his ancestors and the fact that Bai Qian was the number one scholar in the country that he longed for. "She has been expelled from the family tree a long time ago. Go and report to the authorities."

  Just before this happened . , uncle is still regretting that he should not have let Bai Qian leave.

  At this moment, they were thankful that they had the foresight to remove Bai Zian from the family tree long ago.

  "This won't work," Guo Yueqing lowered her eyes, "Qiming, we'd better send out a news to publicly express our position and that we have nothing to do with her."

  Bai Qiming reacted and quickly asked his assistant to disclose the matter.

  In less than an hour, the Bai family found a reporter to announce the news and drew a clear line between themselves and Bai Pian.

  Even so, the Bai family's business was still affected to some extent, and many projects were stopped.


  The Xu family is also under investigation.

  Many of Xu En's projects were stopped, and he asked Assistant Xu to keep an eye on them. He was more concerned about Bai Zian's current situation than these projects.

  I don't know where Bai Zian is, and I didn't answer my phone calls.

  Called Xu Wenyao again.

  Xu Wenyao ranked first in the written examination and ranked first in the re-examination, and was admitted to Dean Huang's postgraduate program. However, he did not announce it to others and was still following up on an important project of Dean Huang.

  There are no outsiders on weekdays.

  He was also shocked when he received a call from Xu En, "Dad, wait a minute, I'll go find the teacher." After

  hanging up the phone, Xu En only thought for a moment before picking up the key and going to Shanhai Apartment.

  Mountain and Sea Apartments.

  Ning Xiao is not here today, but Lu Xiaohan and Zhang Shize are both at 103 to accompany Ji Heng.

  Lu Xiaohan was holding a camera to take pictures of Ji Heng's fabrics at the bottom of the box in the yard. "Grandpa, are these Yun brocades?"

  Every inch of Yun brocade is worth an inch of gold.

  Under the sun, it shines brightly.

  "Yes," Ji Heng held the cigarette pouch and looked at the fabrics. "There are still a lot of these fabrics left. I will make a set of clothes for you and Aji."

  "Wedding clothes?" Zhang Shize held up his mobile phone and asked Ning Xiao sent a sentence.

  Ji Heng glanced at Zhang Shize but did not refute.

  Someone rang the doorbell, and Lu Xiaohan was still filming, instructing Zhang Shize to move boxes for her.

  Ji Heng took the cigarette bag and went to open the door.

  "Dad," Xu En relaxed when he saw Ji Heng's calm and calm look as soon as he came in, but he still asked, "Where is the man? Why didn't you get through on the phone? What research are you busy with?"

  It is normal for Bai Zian to be busy with research.

  I often don't see anyone for a week.

  Ji Heng is also used to these things. After all, Bai Zian has often studied until eleven o'clock before coming back since high school.

  Before I went to college, I was doing research with Xu Wenyao, and I went abroad to study for more than a month.

  Ji Heng heard the previous words and didn't pay attention until the middle sentence, when his hand holding the pipe stopped and he raised his head: "Can't get through on the phone?"

  On the day Zhang Shize invited him to dinner, Bai Jian sent a message to Ji Heng.

  Said she would be busy for a few days.

  Ji Heng took out his mobile phone and called Bai Zian.

  In the yard, Lu Xiaohan and Zhang Shize felt bad when they heard Xu En's words. Before they could stop Xu En, they both put down their things and looked at each other.

  Bai Zian's cell phone is still turned off.

  Ji Heng looked at Lu Xiaohan and the two, "Xiaohan?"

  Lu Xiaohan thought for a moment. Ji Heng would know about this sooner or later, so she gave a general summary, but she didn't know the specific situation. She only knew that Bai Xian is now in the security bureau and brought Chen Beixuan's words.

  Ji Heng's face was as dark as water. He seemed to be angry and laughed. He put down his cigarette bag with a bang, "Security Bureau? Is there something wrong with the ingredients? Is it her or me?"


Chapter 332 Chapter 333 What are your qualifications?

  Ji Heng's anger obviously exceeded their imagination.

  From the time he met Ji Heng until now, he has always been indifferent and stable. His emotions are not obvious on weekdays. You can't tell whether he is happy or angry just from the surface.

  When Xu En went to Xiangcheng for the first time, Ji Mulan was more anxious than Ji Heng because of Bai Qian's incident, but even then Ji Heng was extremely stable.

  He had seen Bai Zian's aura, and he had once wondered who Bai Zian looked like.

  At this time, Ji Heng's narrowed eyes and the aura gathered around him made Xu En dare not look at him.

  "Grandpa, don't be angry, don't be angry," Lu Xiaohan reacted. She went to pat Ji Heng on the back, "You must be fine. We are also waiting for news from Principal Shi. Brother Xu and Sister Chen are also following. Come in."

  Ning Xiao was asking Zhou Wenqing and Shiyu about this.

  Next to him, Xu En looked at Ji Heng's face and thought that Lu Xiaohan's comfort was indeed correct.

  Ji Heng's expression was not anxious, but...


  Very strange.

  Ji Heng calmed down for a moment and went to his room.

  He took out a sandalwood box from the bottom of the box. If Bai Qian were here, she would definitely recognize it. She had seen this sandalwood box before.

  There are still a bunch of photos in the box.

  The women in the black and white photos were gentle and beautiful. Ji Heng reached out and touched the photos, and then reached the bottom of the box.

  Take out the little badge inside.

  When he came out again, Xu En saw an extra mobile phone in Ji Heng's hand.

  Ji Heng stopped and asked Xu En about the current situation of the Xu family.

  "Fortunately," Xu En's private equity mostly cooperates with overseas companies. Bai Qian is not part of the Xu family and is not his stepdaughter, so the impact is not great. "Mr. Mu's side is not going well for the time being."

  But the Mu family is worried. It's different, Xuankang cooperates directly with the Mu family.

  The Medical Research Institute of the Mu family is not very friendly.

  Ji Heng pursed his lips and said, "Let's go, take me somewhere."

  Zhang Shize and Lu Xiaohan haven't learned to drive yet, and in the entire 103, Xu En is the only one who can drive now.

  Xu En quickly took the car keys and followed Ji Heng.

  Ji Heng and Xu En went out, while Zhang Shize and Lu Xiaohan stayed in 103, looking at each other.


  Jiang Da.

  Xu Wenyao called Dean Huang.

  Dean Huang asked him to do the data with peace of mind, saying only: "Don't worry, she will be fine."

  After hanging up the phone, Dean Huang looked at You Xinzheng sitting in the office, his expression was not very good, "Senior Brother "No news from the teacher?"

  "No." You Xinzheng shook his head.

  The two were silent for a while.

  What happened in the snowy mountains twenty years ago was not the end. The impact this time was more serious than that time.

  Academician Ma and Jiang Fuli are two.

  "Senior Brother, you should hurry up and get ready." Dean Huang put his hands behind his back and looked out the window, "Junior Sister, she signed a 925 secret contract, and she must be prepared to go to the front of the screen to recruit disciples for the teacher. "Yes."

  Both of them knew that Bai Zian's research direction was the teacher's research direction.

  If Ma Tongfeng really couldn't come back this time, they had to be prepared to let her come forward.


  Not many people know about Bai Zian.

  Wen family.

  As soon as Wen Zhixia finished talking about the promotion project with Uncle Wen, she received a WeChat message from a former classmate of Beicheng No. 1 Middle School, and the other party sent a link——

  [I remember last year, the Bai family was still saying that Bai Jian, the national champion, was from their Bai family Man, why are you breaking the news with her now? ]

  Last year, members of the Bai family went to Xiangcheng several times but failed to restore Bai Qian. Wen Zhixia had also heard about this.

  But I didn't take it to heart.

  Until now.

  Wen Zhixia clicked on this news. The news was very simple. Bai Qiming publicly distanced himself from Bai Qian, saying that Bai Qian was no longer in the Bai family's household register as early as last year...

  According to Wen Zhixia's research on the Bai family, Bai Qiming would never I will post this news for no reason.

  When they saw Bai Shaoke's talent, they did not hesitate to ruin their reputation and were willing to visit the thatched cottage to invite Bai Shaoke back.

  Now that Bai Qian has shown far greater potential than Bai Shaoke, Wen Zhixia doesn't believe that the Bai family will give up on Bai Qian so easily.

  She pressed her phone and sent it to Bai Zian.

  And put a question mark.

  Wen Zhixia was not surprised that Bai Zian didn't reply directly. Bai Zian was sometimes busy with experiments and didn't bring his mobile phone with him.

  She will reply when she sees it.

  But this time, until eleven o'clock in the evening, Bai Zian had not returned.

  Wen Zhixia frowned. She had just finished taking a shower. While wiping her hair, she called Bai Zian and turned off her phone.

  She paused with her hand on her hair and turned to send a message to Lu Xiaohan.

  Among the friends Bai Zian met in Xiangcheng, she was also relatively familiar with Lu Xiaohan.

  Bai family.

  As soon as the news was released, Bai Qiming sat in the office, breathed a sigh of relief, and called Bai Shaoke and Bai Shaoqi.

  "Has this affected you?" he asked.

  Bai Shaoke has returned from the laboratory. He cannot stay in the school for the time being, only in the hall of the Yin family.

  Standing by the floor-to-ceiling window with her mobile phone in hand, "I don't know the situation yet, but the teacher said that I can follow up on the project tomorrow."

  In the hall, Mrs. Song looked at Mr. Yin, then at Song Min and Bai Shaoke, slightly hesitant. "What happened to her...? Did the Bai family really sever ties with her publicly?"

  Although Bai Qian was expelled from the family tree before, Mrs. Song knew that the Bai family leader had always been unwilling to accept it.

  Everyone knows that Bai Qiming has been coming to Jiangjing frequently in the past year, hoping to have the opportunity to bring Bai Pian back to the Bai family.

  Bai Pian didn't give them a chance, but the Bai family wouldn't give up.

    Once it was made public this time, the media and the public knew that it was basically impossible to get Bai Zian back.

  Song Min pursed his lips slightly and remained silent.

  "I heard from Shao Ke that the matter is not trivial," Mr. Yin put down the teacup in his hand and said calmly, "It's best to let go of the relationship."


  Gao Family.

  Gao Yi slowly put down his tea cup and raised his eyes slightly, "I have asked people from the Security Bureau about this matter. You should not go back to Mu's house for the time being, so as not to get dirty."

  Mu Youjun was shocked when he heard this. Startled.

  She remembered that Bai Qian had a good relationship with the Jiang family member before, but now it seems that the two of them really have nothing to do with each other?

  Otherwise, why didn't the Jiang family protect her from coming out?

  She left the room uneasily.

  Call Mu Yining. Mu Youjun is a member of the Mu family after all, so naturally he will not sit idly by.

  But this time...

  "Yi Ning, what did she do?" Mu Youjun was also thinking, "There is nothing the Gao family can do now. Have you contacted the Jiang family?"

  Mu Yi Ning was also confused and said decisively: " There is absolutely no problem with Ah Zhen.

  "It's not her problem now, you know?" Mu Youjun walked out.

  Mu Yining probably knew about this.

  Mu Xianguang came out to contact his old friends. When they heard that the Security Bureau was responsible, most people were helpless.

  "What should I do? There's nothing you can do?" Shen Qing stood beside Ji Shaojun, holding onto Ji Shaojun, his eyes were red, "Look for Xiao Chen, and Mr. Le..."

  Ji Mulan held the child, Also sit on the side.

  At this time, she didn't dislike Shen Qing.

  Also watch Mu Yining.

  Among the people Ji Mulan knew, the one with the highest status was Mu Yining.

  "Calm down, we don't have to deal with them." Housekeeper Lou poured water for Shen Qing, "The Security Bureau is under independent supervision. The only one at the same level as them is CLA..."

  "CLA?" These Neither Shen Qing nor Ji Mulan had heard of it.

  The two of them didn't know what kind of organization this was.

  When Shen Qing heard that Director Chen didn't work this time, he couldn't help but sit aside and said in a daze: "Then... what should we do now?"

  Housekeeper Lou did not explain any more, just looked out the door, "We will talk about it when the master comes back."

  Mu Mu . Xian Guang has already gone out to contact old friends.


  Small dark room.

  Bai Zian is still sitting on the chair, and the people here are playing psychological warfare with her.

  A dark room with no concept of time and no electronic products will cause a person to have a nervous breakdown for a long time.

  There was no expression on Bai Zian's face.

  She leaned slightly against the back of the wooden chair, narrowed her eyes slightly, put her right hand on the right armrest, and tapped the armrest with her long fingers.

  Very regular.

  She had traveled through a sea of ​​corpses before, so the psychological warfare she faced was nothing to her.

  She has been arranging the keys given to her by Academician Ma in her mind.

  Where is this string of keys used?

  It was rare for her to have such a quiet place to think.

  Su Xu is still outside.

  In the monitoring room, there are people watching 24 hours a day, constantly observing Bai Zian's situation.

  "Captain Su, she has always maintained this posture." Seeing Su Xu, the person in charge of custody stood up and marveled at the perseverance of the little girl in front of him, "There is no point in continuing like this."

  Su Xu frowned, alarm bells rang in his heart , a person like Bai Zian is definitely the most difficult person to become a prisoner.

  "Team Su, there's another call from Jiang University." Outside the door, Su Xu's men were holding mobile phones. "The president of Jiang University said that we arrested someone from their class and are reporting to the superiors."

  The Chen family can't help it . to them, but Jiang Da can report it to the superior.

  Domestic researchers are basically from Jiangsu University, and they are not vegetarians.

  Su Xu looked at the surveillance page. In the surveillance video, Bai Zian was still sitting leisurely. She seemed to feel Su Xu's prying eyes. She suddenly opened her eyes and looked keenly at the surveillance camera Su Xu was staring at.

  In the surveillance camera, her almond-shaped eyes were clearly colorless, but extremely captivating.

  Su Xu couldn't help but take a step back.

  After a long while, he came back to his senses.

  As if he didn't believe that he was frightened by a yellow-haired girl, he pursed his lips and said, "Why is Jiang Da here joining in the fun?"

  The intercom in his hand rang, and Su Xu picked it up, surprised: "Sir?"

  "Bai Qian is still here with you? Let her go. "Yes."

  Just one sentence.

  However, Su Xu was very suspicious of Bai Qian and asked him to let him go now?

  He turned directly to his immediate boss.

  At twelve o'clock in the evening, the lights were still on in the director's office.

  When Su Xu entered, the director was getting tea leaves to make tea.

  "Sir," Su Xu went straight in, surprised that he was making tea so late, "There is almost progress, please ask me to release her now."

  "Release," the director, wearing a formal suit, raised his eyes, "Her family There is no problem. You should have found out after a few days of investigation. "

  "She has a lot of problems and there are doubts about her." Su Xu looked at the director. He realized that Bai Zian was definitely a very scary person with this kind of mentality. "You have a lot of problems. I also saw that her mentality has not changed after being in the darkroom for several days. There is definitely a big problem with her composition. I applied for an inventory of her family and connections!"

  At this time, a voice as thick as a bell came from outside, "Investigation. With my granddaughter's network, I dare to ask what qualifications your security bureau has to investigate us. If you want to investigate us, then let me, an old man, and her uncle be investigated together."

  Ji Heng came in from the door.

  With a frosty face, he slapped the two badges in front of Su Xu, looked at Su Xu calmly, and said firmly: "Together with her grandmother."


  Chapter 333 334 CLA founder

  Su Xu did not expect that someone would come in at this point.

  He looked up at the old man standing opposite the director.

  The old man in front of him has some white hair, but a pair of dark eyes that are full of energy. He is wearing a horn gray gown, with a straight collar and a straight placket, and all buttons are buttoned up neatly.

  Neat and clean.

  He turned slightly sideways and looked at himself.

  Although he was just an old man, Su Xu felt a little breathless.

  "Mr. Ji, how can we investigate you?" The director opposite had put down the steaming teacup in his hand and said quickly, "Hello, I am Pei Xi. I have sent someone to pick up Classmate Bai. Don't worry, We have absolutely no intention of doubting your family. All these words are just misunderstandings."

  As he said this, he picked up the phone on his desk again and asked, "Where is Mr. Bai?" He

  also investigated for several days, except for Academician Ma. There was no evidence of that phone call.

  Apart from that, the Mu family and Bai family didn't find anything.

  As for the Ji family...

  that's even less clear.

  Thinking of this, Pei Xi looked at the two badges on the table and did not dare to speak.

  "Bureau Pei, Ren Xiaokang has been brought over."

  After hearing the reply, Pei Xi breathed a sigh of relief, hung up the phone, and served Ji Heng tea.

  "Mr. Ji, please have some tea first." Pei Xi walked outside and handed the tea in his hand to Ji Heng. "Classmate Bai will be out soon."

  Ji Heng turned his eyes to the door.

  Within a minute, someone came in from the door with Bai Qian.

  Bai Zian was imprisoned for a few days, and his physical condition was somewhat reduced, but his mental state did not change at all, and he was still wearing the plain dress from that day.

  Seeing that Bai Qian was still intact, Pei Xi couldn't help but wipe the cold sweat from his forehead.

  Fortunately, this girl has a stable mentality, otherwise it would be difficult to pass this level.

  "Grandpa?" Bai Zian didn't expect that it was Ji Heng who picked her up, and she was quite surprised.

  She expected that there were still three days left.

  "Well," Ji Heng remained silent as always. He could see at a glance that Bai Qian was in good mental and physical condition. He was relieved and said, "Go back with me."

  He did not speak to Pei Xi, nor did he look at Su Xu next to him.

  Just take Bai Qian away.

  Pei Xi naturally didn't dare to say anything, and even sent the two of them out with a smile.


  Xu En's car kept parked.

  He sent Ji Heng to two places today. In the afternoon, he first went to an unknown street, which is now a heavily guarded forbidden area.

  The gun in the hand of the soldier standing guard next to him was obvious.

  He sat in the driver's seat, not even daring to move his hands, his heart hanging in his throat.

  It wasn't until he saw Bai Zian and Ji Heng coming out of the door that he breathed a sigh of relief, opened the driver's door and got out.

  "Aji, are you okay?" He first looked up and down at Baiji.

  The clothes are clean and tidy, except that he looks a little thinner.

  In very good condition.

  "Go back first," Ji Heng, who only brought a mobile phone, "signed to Xu En to get in the car first, Aji hasn't eaten yet."

  The group left.

  Pei Xi slowly breathed a sigh of relief, and walked to the office after the butt of the car was out of sight.

  "Pei Bureau," Su Xu followed Pei Xi next to him. He didn't understand: "Why? You can also see that there must be something wrong with this person after she has been here for so long, so you just let her go? No one will investigate? "

  The two returned to the office.

  There are two badges on Pei Xi's desk.

  "Su Xu, do you know them?" Pei Xi didn't answer, just pointed at the two badges, raised his eyes, and asked.

  Su Xu lowered his eyes and squinted.

  There are two badges, one is a bit old and has a small leaf with the letter A on it.

  He didn't recognize this.

  The other badge is a little newer. Instead of letters, it has the number "8" on it.

  It looked familiar, but Su Xu really didn't recognize this badge in his career. "What is this? People's Medal of Merit?"

  "It's normal that you don't recognize this badge," Pei Xi pointed at the slightly older badge with a heavy look. He said, "It's the badge of underground intelligence in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China. We only have eight in the entire country."

  Su Xu was stunned.

  After Pei Xi finished speaking, he pointed to another badge, "This is the badge of Mr. Ji... However, he later secluded himself behind the scenes."

  Pei Xi did not say much else.

  "It's normal for the descendants of Ms. Ji and Mr. Ji, their granddaughters, to have such strong psychological qualities." Pei Xi didn't know much, so that's all. "You said they come from such a family? What problems can arise with the composition of a person?"

  At first, Pei Xi also felt that Bai Qian had a big problem.

  The calm temperament she displayed didn't look like a college student at all.

  Now I feel that with such grandparents, it is not strange at all for her to be like this.

  "You have to be lucky that Bai Qian has a good psychological quality and nothing happened to her, otherwise he would really care..."

  Pei Xi looked at Su Xu.

  This time I didn't say enough.

  But Su Xu understood what Pei Xi meant.

  If they really get to the bottom of it, Su Xu will most likely be suspended for observation, and he will be the one under investigation.

  While the two were talking, the office phone rang again.

  This time it was still Shiyu.

  Shi Yu always spoke politely, "Director Pei, I want to know how our students in the same peak class are doing now..."

  "Principal Shi," Pei Xi sat down and spoke to Shi Yu this time in a much gentler tone, "Classmate Bai We have gone out safely. Everything before was just a misunderstanding. There is no problem with classmate Bai's family background."


  Shanhai Apartment.

    It was already one o'clock in the morning when Bai Zian came back.

  Lu Xiaohan and Zhang Shize were not asleep yet.

  When the three of them came back, Zhang Shize cooked them a pot of noodles.

  Several people gathered around the table in Hall 103 to eat noodles. Zhang Shize was used to being in prison. He crossed his legs. When Bai Qian came out, others relaxed a lot. "Sister Qian, are Brother Jiang and the others okay? When can they come back?"

  " It's almost time." Bai Zian ate the noodles slowly.

  When she said this, Zhang Shize felt relieved.

  Xu En sat aside, lowering his eyes and eating noodles slowly.

  Bai Zian's troubles were not small this time, and the two places Ji Heng took him to were not easy.

  Xu En also knew about this, but he had always been clear about his identity and never asked questions that shouldn't be asked.

  Wait until you finish eating.

  He just drove back to the lounge of the office building in Yunxiao District.

  After dealing with it all night, he didn't call Ji Mulan until the next morning.

  No one knows that Bai Xian came out in the middle of the night, and Ji Mulan is still at Mu's house.

  Ji Mulan is reading to a half-year-old child.

  When she received a call from Xu En, she gave the baby to the nanny and asked the nanny to breastfeed him. She took her cell phone and went to the yard to answer the question, "My dad?"

  Xu En never let her take care of her children.

  It was only when he took Xu Siqi back to Mu's house that Ji Mulan could intervene.

  "Just asking you, do you know what dad does?" Xu En stood by the floor-to-ceiling window with a very relaxed expression.

  "He changed his surname and learned embroidery from my mother." Ji Wanxin had already passed away when Ji Mulan was born, so he really didn't know much about the previous generation.

  Xu En knew that Ji Mulan and Ji Heng had a close relationship. He lowered his eyes and looked at the traffic downstairs, "Your father has a lot of brocade."

  They were all old materials that could be passed down.

  Ji Mulan has never worn clothes made by Ji Heng. When she was born, everyone around her admired imports and wore small Western clothes. Traditional clothes were rarely worn, and the most was cheongsam.

  "This..." Ji Mulan was stunned. She had never known Ji Heng before. She looked at the flowers in the yard and said softly: "Those were all left to him by my mother."

  Ji Mulan had never even been to his storage room. .

  After hanging up the phone, Xu En was also surprised.

  When he first met Ji Mulan, he knew that Ji Mulan was very talented, and he only thought that she was one of the ordinary people in Xiangcheng.

  Think again at this time.

  Ji Heng was from the Mu family at the time, and if Ji Heng could change his surname, Ji Mulan's mother's family would not be worse than the Mu family.

  He only knew about the Mu family, but he didn't know who Ji Mulan's mother was.

  He must have had a high status at the time.

  Otherwise, Ji Heng would not have left the Mu family and even changed his surname to "Ji".

  Previously, he only felt that Bai Zian was full of secrets.

  I think Ji Shaojun is very capable.

  Now I feel that both Ji Heng and Ji Shaorong are not simple.


  Just like Bai Zian was quietly taken away for investigation.

  She returned to Shanhai Apartment calmly.

  Although the matter was not publicized, the project of Mujia Medical Clinic was no longer stuck. Xuankang was closed for seven days and reopened after making a fuss.

  Because the Xuankang headquarters suddenly closed down for seven days, all kinds of news became very popular online.

  In this hot spot, Xuankang has reopened.

  Xiaoqi, a business genius, took this opportunity to market in a down-to-earth manner, attracting the attention of another group of people.

  Xuankang, who was rumored to be rectified just a few days ago, took off.

  "Miss Bai is back?" Chen Beixuan, who was still busy at the Chen family until taking off, heard the news about Xu Nanjing and stood up from his seat: "Can Su Xu let her back?"

  Chen Beixuan still knew Su Xu well. .

  He dared not give Mr. Chen any face.

  "I don't know," Xu Nanjing pressed his eyebrows. During this period, he couldn't sleep well because of the incident between Bai Qian and Jiang Fuli. "She didn't say, but..."

  Xu Nanjing narrowed his eyes slightly, thinking of You Xinzheng and Huang Yu. large.

  Academician Ma is not here, but his eldest disciple is.

  His connections in the circle are still there, and there are many friends all over the world. If you knew that he had accepted a closed disciple before leaving, Bai Zian's status in the circle would go without saying.

  Of course, Xu Nanjing also remembered that Bai Qian had signed so many iridiums for the Mu family, which he didn't know about... The more

  he thought about it, the more surprised Xu Nanjing became.

  He vaguely remembered that Bai Zian seemed to have no use for any of his trump cards.

  "But what?" Chen Beixuan took his coat and walked outside.

  Xu Nanjing leaned against the window on the second floor and looked at the running water downstairs. "Brother Jiang, you'd better pay more attention before he comes back."

  "As you say." Chen Beixuan took the car keys and got in. "I'll go to Shanhai Apartment to take a taxi." The floor is paved."

  After this incident, Chen Beixuan did not dare to take another step away from Bai Qian.

  At least she had to hold on until Jiang Fuli came back.

  Mountain and Sea Apartments.

  The door of 103 was closed, and Ji Heng was catching up on his sleep.

  When Chen Beixuan arrived, Su Xu was outside Gate 103.

  "Su Xu?" Seeing him, Chen Beixuan stopped pressing the elevator hand and looked at Su Xu, "Why are you here?"

  Su Xu turned sideways. He was wearing casual clothes today and was holding a brocade box in his hand.

  Pei Xi asked him to return Ji Heng's two badges. He looked at Chen Beixuan and recalled Pei Xi's words last night -

  "The original member of the CLA and one of the eight elders."


 Chapter 334 Chapter 335 Departure

  CLA has always been mysterious.

  The relevant personnel inside have been carefully selected.

  Su Xu originally came to CLA, but he didn't meet the standard in special training. Even though he was dismissed, he was still an outstanding person among ordinary people, so he could stay with Pei Xi.

  Whether it's the CLA people or Pei Xi and the others, everyone has gone through rigorous background checks.

  Su Xu did not know the history of CLA. He only knew that there were eight members in the first generation. The last time he sent news to the country, only one elder and a baby survived.

  But he really didn't expect that the old man last night was the only living member of the first generation of CLA. Counting the current CLA bosses, they should all be Ji Heng's descendants.

  Their first-generation honors were really too heavy, so Ji Heng just took out one.

  But what he took out was still two.

  Su Xu looked at Chen Beixuan now, less tense than last time: "Come and apologize to Mr. Ji."

  He was very polite.

  Chen Beixuan narrowed her eyes. Why didn't she know that people like Su Xu were suddenly polite?

  103. Ji Heng opened the door wearing a coat.

  He was not surprised to see Su Xu and turned sideways to let him in.

  "Mr. Ji," Su Xu bent down as soon as he entered the door, raised his hands above his head with some shame, and handed over the brocade box, "This is your thing."

  Among the eight people, one came back alive to establish CLA.

  He kept his name anonymously, but was suspected by them, so the old man had to take out these two badges.

  Su Xu didn't sleep all night last night.



  Bai Zian hasn't gotten up yet.

  She barely slept in the darkroom. After eating noodles last night, she had time to tell Xiao Qi, Xu Nanjing and others that she was safe, and she still hasn't gotten up yet.

  Jiang He was sitting on the sofa in the hall, slowly turning the Rubik's Cube.

  Lu Xiaohan sat next to him and watched TV.

  It was Zhang Shize who opened the door for Chen Beixuan.

  "Hello sister," Zhang Shize called his father and said hello to Chen Beixuan before talking to his father, "Sister Qian? She's back... Yes, it's okay. You're not coming back?"

  Chen Beixuan looked at He glanced at Zhang Shize.

  She had a good memory, and she remembered that the untouchable middle-aged man she saw on the stairway last time seemed to be Zhang Shize's father.

  "Sister Chen." Lu Xiaohan put down the remote control and stood up.

  Only Jiang He was still sitting leisurely in the corner on the left side of the sofa, with his legs crossed and turning the Rubik's Cube.

  Ignore Chen Beixuan.

  In the entire Jiangjing, except for people like Bai Qian and Jiang Fuli, there really wasn't anyone who dared to talk about Jiang He.

  After all... no one knows whether Jiang He is the second Jiang Xijue trained by Jiang Fuli.

  Chen Beixuan was used to it. She stood aside with her arms folded and talked to Lu Xiaohan, "How many of you are there?"

  "You mean Xueshen and the others?" Lu Xiaohan poured tea for Chen Beixuan, "They are still in the laboratory. "

  In mid-July, the autumn recruitment has also begun, which is an important period for seawater projects. Even if Jiangnan University takes the postgraduate entrance examination, only so many people can go ashore, and large enterprises have to replace a batch of blood.

  Chen Beixuan thought of Ning Xiao and nodded.


  Gao family.

  Gao Yi and his group were sitting in the living room, chatting about the Mu family.

  Although the Gao family was surprised to hear that the Mu family had renewed their cooperation with the seawater project, they didn't care.

  They have already obtained half of Tadong's shares from Mu Zhendong.

  As for the Mu family, which seems to be on the rise this time, the Gao family is not afraid. The Mu family is just struggling now. After all, what the Mu family lacks most is manpower.

  This time it involves the Security Bureau, and many professors know it.

  Everyone has a crisis of trust in the Mu family, and there are not many people who want to put their names on the Mu family. In this case, even if Mu Xianguang has connections, it will be of little use.

  "The autumn recruitment is coming soon. This wave of fresh blood from Jiang University is very important to us." Gao Yi looked at the people in the office. "My suggestion is to increase the stakes and try to find more honorary professors so that more people can be admitted." Fresh blood is flowing into our research institutes and enterprises. Without Academician Ma this year, there will only be more people flowing to us. "

  The research institutes are also rated, and equipment, researchers, and research sites are all indispensable."

  The Gao family not only lacks the Central Research Institute, but also lacks a leader. Although they have tried their best to promote Gao Jiachen, Gao Jiachen is still too far away from people like Academician Ma.

  "It's hard to say," an old man raised his head, "You know there is He Wen..."

  Last year, more than half of the people went to Jiang's family for He Wen.

  He Wen's charisma at Jiang University is too high.

  Not to mention, there are still those who are in the first place. The Gao family does not have a high advantage no matter how they look at it.

  You said that the Gao family gives preferential treatment, but can they be as wealthy as the Jiang family?

  "What do you say about the second one?" Gao Yi also felt troubled when it came to the congratulations. "Have you contacted anyone else?"

  The pick-up god was unparalleled in the preparatory camp and the Jiangnan University Forum.

  Some people are even asking how long it will take for him to reach the upper limit.

  This kind of enthusiasm, even the congratulatory messages in the past two years, is far less than that.

  "It's strange," another person shook his head, "No information about him can be found, and Jiang University also said that this is student privacy and will not be reported."

  The Gao family really had no control over Jiang University's decision.

  "It would be great if we could recruit him..." Gao Yi said solemnly.

  That would solve the two problems of the Gao family at once. According to that person's current IQ, it is only a matter of time before he becomes someone like Jiang Fuli or even Academician Ma.

  As for his appeal...

  with the number of fans he has on the app, that's even less so.

  After several discussions, they decided to follow the previous plan and release Gao Jiachen to attract talents.

  Just because of Gao Yuan, the prestige of the Gao family in the scientific research community is still affected to some extent. Fortunately, Academician Ma did not get involved this time.


  Bai Xian's room, when she woke up, it was already night.

  When she came back last night, she sent messages to Xu Wenyao, You Xinzheng and Dean Huang, and then went to bed.

  When she woke up, these people all responded to her.

  You Xinzheng: [There are many people who want the position of teacher. The situation of the teacher this time is not satisfactory. Junior sister, this time I am also targeting you.]

  Bai Qian went back one by one.

  Then click on the dialog box above.

  The chat history between her and Jiang Fuli still stayed at eight days ago.

  He stretched out his hand and tapped Jiang Fuli's profile picture twice -

  [I patted "Teacher Jiang" and worked with classmate Bai to build socialism]

  Bai Zian looked down for a while, then went to the bathroom to take a shower.

  After taking a shower, Wen Zhixia's message came again.

  Dog Friend: [Are you awake? ]

  Dog Friend: [I'm here to find you]

  Dog Friend: [Link]

  Bai Zian took a towel and wiped his hair a few times, then picked up the black hair dryer in the bathroom, plugged it in, and dialed Wen Zhixia's voice.

  "What's wrong with you?" On the other end of the phone, Wen Zhixia had already gone to get the car keys.

  "It's confidential," Bai Qian turned on the speaker and slowly leaned against the pool to dry her hair. "They were interviewed, so they were scared."

  Wen Zhixia was surprised, but thinking about the hair dryer design this time, she felt that it was vaguely understood. He said something and sneered: "This Bai family..."

  "I was expelled from the family tree during the summer vacation of my senior year of high school." The sound of Bai Zian's hair dryer was not loud. She combed her hair leisurely and was not angry, " You don't have to come over, I have to go to Mu's house first."

  "Okay, if you need anything, just call me." Wen Zhixia hung up.


  "Is Miss Bai okay?" Old Mrs. Wen was leaning on a cane, a little worried.

  "It's okay," Wen Zhixia held the phone and thought of Bai Qiming, with a sneer on her lips, "The Bai family..."

  Sometimes they regret it.



  When Bai Pian arrived, Assistant Wang was on the phone in the courtyard outside the conference room.

  With a respectful look on his face, he said, "Professor Yin, there are no problems with our research institute now. The Institute of Medical Sciences still cooperates with the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Do you think we should continue our previous cooperation?"

  On the other end of the phone, Professor Yin hesitated, "Wang Assistant, Mr. Mu and Mr. Gao contacted me last week..."

  Most of these professors were invited by the Mu family one by one.

  Mu Zhendong naturally also has a list.

  The situation of the Mu family was not good before, and these professors were not fools when it came to secrets. Naturally, they had some channels to know about this matter.

  It's just...

  that the Gao family didn't do it justice by standing behind the in-laws' family.

  Assistant Wang pursed his lips, continued pressing the notepad, and made the next call. He didn't see Butler Lou coming in with Bai Xian.

  Bai Zian did not disturb him, but entered the conference room.

  In the conference room, Mu Yining was discussing with people from the engineering department the general direction of the three research institutes this year.

  Seeing her coming in, everyone in the conference room stood up.

  Ji Shaojun and Ji Mulan are also there.

  Ji Mulan is not involved in the business, but she also has shares, and Mu Yining will not avoid her no matter what.

  Housekeeper Lou served her a cup of tea.

  "Don't worry about me, you can continue talking." Bai Zian sat in the last position, resting his elbows on the armrests, lowering his eyes and calmly brushing away the tea foam.

  That's what she said, but the people in the conference room looked at the woman standing behind Bai Zian, playing with a dagger.

  Even if they are curious about what Bai Zian is doing and why he is involved in secrets.

  But because of Chen Beixuan, they didn't dare to look here out of the corner of their eyes.

  Only Ji Mulan, who was sitting in the other corner, also took a tea cup and glanced at Bai Xian. She was wearing a black jacket today, a simple style, and she drank tea with her eyes lowered, giving her a wild sense of mystery.

  Just sitting there and drinking tea casually was obviously the most casual and lazy posture in the room.

  But inexplicably the most aura.

  It's really different, Ji Mulan thought in a daze.

  Outside, Assistant Wang came in with a notepad and mobile phone and reported the matter to Mu Yining.

  "This is simply too much!" A member of the Mu family stood up, slapping the table, his face red with anger, "This, this Gao family, and Mu Zhendong..."

  He wanted to scold, but he was worried about Bai Qian and Chen Beixuan being there, so he didn't. Swear loudly.

  "Are these professors important?" Ji Mulan didn't know much about these things, so she just asked subconsciously.

  "Our three research institutes have restarted. Although they have applied for funds, there are very few researchers," Mu Yining tilted her head and explained to Ji Mulan, "There is also this year's autumn recruitment. We need fresh graduates from Jiangnan University to serve as grassroots personnel. They They all have social experience. I wanted to find a group of professors to calm the scene and attract some fresh blood."

  Not to mention the annual ratings of the institute, but Mu Yining didn't know much about these, so she didn't explain it to Ji Mulan . .

  They speak quietly.

  But Bai Zian heard it.

  She leaned back on the chair, tapped the tea cup with her fingertips, and raised her eyes thoughtfully: "Attract... fresh blood?"


Chapter 335 336 Showing a trump card  Chapter 335 336 Playing a trump card

  Even though Bai Qian is a junior, her composure and the cards she plays are far superior to those of her peers.

  Mu Yining no longer treats her as a junior.

  "This year's autumn recruitment, the Mu family has not participated in twenty years," Mu Yining continued to explain, "the three research institutes are short of fresh blood, undergraduates, masters, and doctoral students. We will hold information sessions and double selection meetings They will all be carried out simultaneously, and these newcomers attach great importance to the nominal professors."

  Mu Yining roughly told Bai Zian about the double selection meeting and the introduction meeting.

  The four Mu family research institutes, including the medical research institute currently cooperating with Xuankang, have been able to stabilize.

  The other three institutes are in trouble. No one from the Mu family is engaged in this field anymore. Now that the institute has been restarted, with the help of the Xu family and Xuankang, there is no shortage of funds and resources, but only elite talents.

  Autumn recruitment is a good opportunity to attract talents.

  But Jiang University's Qiuzhao Fairy Fight, they don't have any strength, who dares to submit their resume here.

  Originally I wanted to rely on a few old professors to support the facade.

  Who knew that before Mu Zhendong left, he gave away the contact information of Professor Yin and others.

  Bai Zian put down the tea cup and understood.

  We need a gimmick to attract this group of graduates participating in the fall recruitment.

  "Everyone go back and think about the plan. We will have a morning meeting tomorrow."

  Bai Zian sat here tonight. She didn't need to say anything to basically set her military morale.

  The burden on everyone is much lighter and their energy is high.

  Bai Jian watched the Mu family leave without saying a word. He just followed Ji Shaojun and walked out slowly.

  "A little thin." Ji Shaojun put his hands behind his back, not too surprised that Bai Qian came out.

  Bai Zian slowly followed him.

  When she woke up, she knew the situation in the Mu family. Xu En and Xuan Kang were more or less affected by her. She could predict these things, and Mu Yining's reaction was probably also expected by her.

  "Fortunately," Bai Zian lowered his eyes, stepped over the threshold, and said calmly, "How many professors do you still have to be named?"

  He was not very energetic.

  Ji Shaojun glanced at her sideways and knew that there was still no news about her teacher and Jiang Fuli. "Professor Yin and the others are gone, so there are probably two or three of them."

  Bai Zian slowly lowered his eyes. He took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Zhou Wenqing -

  [Professor Zhou, do you have time to chat tomorrow? ]

  "Ah Zian, are you leaving now?" Mu Yining wanted to chat with Bai Zian more, but Bai Zian left in a hurry.

  She knew what Bai Qian's appearance at Mu's house meant.

  With this appearance, those in the Mu family who were wavering and wanted to leave the Mu family with Mu Zhendong would naturally have a choice.

  "Grandpa is waiting for me to go back for dinner." Bai Qian received a message from Professor Zhou and made an appointment at Jiang University's library near the physics building tomorrow. She held her phone.

  At the gate, the Mu family had already driven Chen Beixuan's car over.

  Chen Beixuan took the key and assumed the role of Ming Dongheng.

  Mu Yining and Ji Shaojun watched her leave. After the car left, Assistant Wang asked in a low voice, "How did Miss Bai get out? Doesn't it mean that the Gao family couldn't do anything?"

  Mu Yining shook his head gently.

  Ji Mulan stood aside and never said a word to Bai Zian from beginning to end.

  The phone rang, and it was the Song family's number.

  She has always been in contact with Mrs. Song.

  "How are you doing now?" Mrs. Song asked gently.

  Ji Mulan naturally knew that Bai Qiming had publicly drawn a line with Bai Xian in the newspaper. There were many people in Beicheng on her phone, and someone pretended to casually forward the news to her.

  Ji Mulan said calmly, "It's good. I just sent Ah Zian to the car."

  In one sentence, he conveyed the news that Bai Zian had come out safely to the Song family.

  No matter what Mrs. Song's reaction was, she hung up the phone directly.


  The next day.

  Jiangda Library.

  Bai Zian took the black computer and combined it with the information from Jiangsu University's Department of Physics and Academician Ma's USB flash drive cracking key in the quiet two-person data room.

  When Zhou Wenqing arrived, Chen Beixuan was wearing black casual clothes and sitting next to Bai Qian with his arms folded.

  As soon as people come in.

  She moved out of the way.

  "Teacher Zhou," Bai Qian handed Zhou Wenqing the cup of coffee he just bought next to him, closed the computer, and leaned back a little: "How many companies have you named?"

  "Me? Just a small company." Zhou Wenqing Unexpectedly, Bai Zian asked him this question, but he still answered truthfully.

  Before he was promoted to deputy dean, he was an ordinary professor at Jiang University without any powerful backers.

  Not many companies are looking for him.

  It was also because of Bai Qian that he had the opportunity to be promoted.

  Promoted to deputy dean at the beginning of the year.

  He is second only to Dean Huang in popularity in the School of Physics.

  After he was promoted to vice president, many companies approached him, but Zhou Wenqing did not agree to any of them.

  The deputy dean of the Department of Physics of Jiangnan University is more than one level higher than an ordinary professor.

  In this way, after Dean Huang is promoted to principal, Zhou Wenqing is very likely to take over Dean Huang's class.

  Of course, during this period, Zhou Wenqing also wanted some political achievements and projects.

  He also cannot choose projects blindly.

  "Professor Zhou, you should know about Academician Ma and Ning Xiao's project." Bai Qian sat up straight and raised his eyes without following Zhou Wenqing. "Three of the Mu family's research institutes are involved in machine production. They are basically starting from scratch. I would like to invite you to become an honorary professor."

  Zhou Wenqing looked at Bai Qian in surprise.

  He thought that Bai Jian, like Academician Ma, didn't care much about these things. "Classmate Bai, what does the Mu family have to do with you?"

  Bai Jian only replied lightly: "My uncle's family."


  Almost as soon as she finished speaking . , the word "good" popped out of Zhou Wenqing's mouth.

  He inserted the straw into the coffee cup and held it in both hands. "Classmate Bai, when can this contract be signed?"

  Zhou Wenqing was quite anxious.

  This opportunity is rare, and he naturally knows who Academician Ma came to the same peak class for. Just like Bai Qian, who knows where he can go in the future?

  This was her uncle's business, and she mentioned it personally. Zhou Wenqing naturally understood the value of this.

    Bai Pian picked up the phone and asked Ji Shaojun.

  It was finalized two days later.


  Zhou Wenqing took the coffee and left happily.

  Chen Beixuan went to wait outside the door while the two were chatting.

  Lower your eyes and post a message in the group.

  Chen Beixuan: [Xiao Ming hasn't replied yet, but @Xu Nanjing, are you really not going to get involved in the Mu family's matter? ]

  At Mu's house last night, Chen Beixuan naturally heard Mu Yining's words.

  Naturally, she also knows these things about the Mu family.

  This autumn move is indeed not easy for the Mu family.

  Xu Nanjing: [^-^]

  He made a smile with his hand.

  Looking mysterious, Chen Beixuan raised his eyebrows.

  It wasn't until Zhou Wenqing came out that she put away her phone and went back in.

  In the lounge, Bai Zian turned on the computer again.

  After checking WeChat, there was still no news from Academician Ma and Jiang Fuli.

  She knew that this matter must be too confidential and blocked, but there was no news, which was inevitably annoying.

  Bai Zian looked at it for a while.

  His fingertips stayed on the touch screen, then he raised his head, pondered a little, and discussed with Chen Beixuan: "I don't need your protection, you can do your own thing."

  Chen Beixuan shook his head, "Miss Bai, just pretend that I don't exist."

  Recently . Jiang Jing was in chaos, and if something happened to Bai Qian in her hands, she really didn't know how to recover.

  Bai Qian's eyes fell on Chen Beixuan's face, but in the end he said nothing.


  Another day passes.

  Online recruitment is imminent, major companies have issued official statements, and the employment forum of Jiangsu University is even more chaotic.

  A gathering place for the nation's elite.

  Whether they stay in China or come from abroad, they all like to get first-hand news here.

  Well-known professors from Jiangsu University and some employment guidance teachers will also analyze a bunch of companies here.

  "Mr. Mu, when will our official announcement be released?" Assistant Wang is also trying to contact more professors, but compared to those on the forum, it is really not enough.

  "Wait a minute," Mu Yining raised her hand and looked at the time on her watch. "It seems that Aji has made an appointment with a professor for us. I heard he is from Jiangsu University and will come over to sign a contract with us soon."

  Ji Shaojun said.

  They made an appointment at ten o'clock.

  "Miss Bai?" Assistant Wang was surprised. He followed Mu Yining, "Who did she date? Isn't Miss Bai just a freshman?"

  Mu Yining was also surprised.

  Professors at Jiang University, even if they are not clique-y, can't just make an appointment.

  When the two of them went to Ji Shaojun's office, it was still ten minutes before ten o'clock.

  "It seems to be one of her teachers." Ji Shaojun didn't know.

  Nine fifty-nine.

  There was a knock on the door, and Mu Yining quickly put down the contract drawn up by Ji Shaojun and stood up.

  Outside the door, Bai Zian came in with a middle-aged man wearing a suit jacket.

  Assistant Wang followed the two of them.

  "Hello," Zhou Wenqing, Ji Shaojun and Mu Yining shook hands one by one and introduced themselves unhurriedly, "I am Zhou Wenqing."

  Several people sat down around the coffee table next to the sofa.

  Mu Yining handed the contract to Zhou Wenqing.

  The salary provided in the contract was very high, which surprised Mu Yining, but Ji Shaojun said that the contract was given by Bai Zian, so she did not question it.

  Zhou Wenqing had already read the electronic version of this contract.

  He glanced at it briefly and signed his name on the back.

  When Mu Yining took the stamp, he could see clearly the three characters of his name -

  Zhou Wenqing.

  She silently wrote down the name.

  After signing the contract, Zhou Wenqing declined Mu Yining's invitation for lunch and just smiled, "I have a lecture in Linshi at two o'clock in the afternoon, and the car is waiting downstairs."

  Professors give many lectures, and Mu Yining Ji Shaojun and Ji Shaojun had no choice but to send Zhou Wenqing away.

  Bai Qian accompanied Zhou Wenqing downstairs. The two of them walked in front. Zhou Wenqing whispered to Bai Qian, "I had a meeting with Dean Huang last night. Don't worry, nothing big will happen."

  He saw that Bai Qian had recently Absent-minded.

  Zhou Wenqing's car left the Mu Building, but Bai Qian did not leave.

  Only following Ji Shaojun.

  Mu Yining was a few steps behind the two of them. Before she entered, Assistant Wang exclaimed in a low voice, "Mr. Mu, look!"

  He handed the page on his phone to Mu Yining.

  Mu Yining stopped, took the phone, stood there and lowered her eyes.

  It's a Qiandu page.

  The name being searched was Zhou Wenqing.

  An ID photo with a white background and a black suit. They had just met Zhou Wenqing and naturally recognized his face. In addition, there was a long list of titles.

  The last step is

  to serve as the deputy dean of the School of Physics of Jiangnan University.

  "This Professor Zhou is the deputy dean of the School of Physics." Assistant Wang took a deep breath from the side.

  Just when they thought Qiu Zhao was hopeless, Bai Qian calmly showed his trump card.

  Especially since she was so at ease.


 Chapter 336 337 Add One More

  Assistant Wang finished speaking and looked through the crack in the door to see Bai Qian inside.

  Vice dean of the Department of Physics of Jiangsu University.

  Assistant Wang had only heard of this level of Gao Zhi professor from the Gao family and the former Ren Wanxuan.

  At its peak, the Mu family could hire one or two academicians to take charge.

  It is difficult to invite Professor Yin now, but who knows, Professor Yin was not invited, but Zhou Wenqing was invited.

  Assistant Wang has been following Mu Yining for seven years. He only knows about the company and not the three research institutes.

  But even he.

  You can also feel Zhou Wenqing's oppression from Qiandu Qianke.

  He was a little drifting. Ever since the Mu family got a grassroots job in the seawater engineering project, he had a feeling of unreliability in his heart. Now...

  he feels very hopeful.

  Mu Yining calmed down and returned the phone to Assistant Wang.

  Enter the office.

  In the office, Ji Shaojun's secretary poured a cup of tea for Bai Zian. There was no sense of urgency and tension in the office as before.

  Bai Zian stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window in the office, picked up the cup of tea casually, tilted his head and thanked the secretary, and looked at the passing cars through the window with his dark pupils.

  "Why isn't Miss Chen with you today?" Ji Shaojun thought of Chen Beixuan.

  During this period, Chen Beixuan would follow Bai Qian wherever she was.

  I didn't see anyone today.

  Bai Zian shook his head.

  But Chen Beixuan was not here, so it was just right.


  at the same time.

  Jiang family.

  Opposite the heavy door is a medical research institute with complete equipment.

  At this time, the downstairs of the research institute was heavily guarded by men in black.

  Jiang Xijuan, Ming Dongheng and Chen Beixuan gathered outside the door of the top-floor nursing room. They could only see the person lying on the bed through the glass.

  The elevator door opens.

  Gao Shu hurriedly climbed the stairs to the fifth floor without waiting for the elevator.

  She was wearing a black dress, with a colorful silk scarf slightly raised around her neck, and wearing high heels. She stood panting in front of Dean Gu and raised her eyes: "Dean Gu, what did you say about him?"

  Jiang Fuli kept hearing the news. After being blocked, as soon as he entered Beijing, the Chen family sent someone to notify Gao Shu.

  "It's the same as when he was eight years old," Dean Gu took the report handed over by the doctor next to him, raised his eyes and said seriously, "There is no external injury, the indicators are normal, but he is unconscious."

  Gao Shu took a step back.

  Falling into a trance, even she did not dare to recall what happened when Jiang Fuli was eight years old.

  Rebirth from despair.

  At that time, Gao Shu also saw many people for him. Later, he was diagnosed and treated by Luo's old Chinese medicine doctor, and it took another week for him to wake up.

  After that, two medical research institutes tested Jiang Fuli's blood problems every year, but no problems were ever found.

  The Luo family didn't give an answer either.

  I was afraid that he would have the same problem again, but fortunately he never fell into a coma again.

  Everyone, including Gao Shu, felt relieved. Who knew that at this time, Jiang Fuli would fall into a coma again.

  "This matter must be sealed," Gao Shu took a deep breath, "Don't let other people know."

  Otherwise, the Jiang family will fall apart overnight.

  "Also," Gao Shu thought of something again. She turned her head and looked at Ming Dongheng, "The situation is tense now. You have to go over there, and be careful not to reveal the news. The Mu family is also at a critical moment now, so we can't let her get away." Heart."

  No one knew who was responsible for what happened to Jiang Fuli and Academician Ma.

  There must be a group of people who know about Jiang Fuli, and they will not fail to find Bai Zian. At this time, Bai Zian's safety is also the top priority.

  "Let Xiao Ming guard here." Chen Beixuan knew that Ming Dongheng was now stronger than her. She squinted her eyes, "Miss Bai's place has always been protected by me and cannot be replaced."

  Bai Jian was not stupid either. As soon as Ming Dongheng appeared, She should have known that Jiang Fuli had returned to Beijing.

  Now when it comes to matters within the circle, students like Bai Zian cannot be involved.

  Gao Shu looked inside the glass window.

  "When will the Luo family come?" Gao Shu remembered something and asked Dean Gu again.

  Luo Family, the leader in traditional Chinese medicine, is now on the verge of being replaced by Xuankang.

  But the Luo family has a history of more than 300 years, and Gao Shu has heard of Luo's acupuncture technique.

  Dean Gu tilted his head slightly, "I replied, but they have a condition."


  Dean Gu: "They want to acquire Xuankang."

  They were chatting at the door.


  Xu Nanjing also hurried over.

  After passing through the people holding hands around the yard, Xu Nanjing saw an old man with an old face at the gate on the first floor.

  He stopped and greeted respectfully, "Steward Jiang."

  Steward Jiang turned his back to Xu Nanjing. Hearing the words, he turned around and said, "Master Xu." Steward Jiang

  stayed at Jiang's house and rarely came out. Even Xu Nanjing, when he saw I don't go to Jiang Guanjia often.

  "How is Brother Jiang?" he asked.

  "It's still the same as before." Butler Jiang pondered for a moment and shook his head.

  Xu Nanjing nodded and walked to the stairs to go upstairs.

  Butler Jiang looked at his back and suddenly asked, "How is Miss Bai doing now?"

  Xu Nanjing was not surprised how Butler Jiang knew the news about Bai Qian, so she turned around and said, "She is fine and is taking care of her family affairs."

    Jiang The housekeeper turned sideways and said softly: "That's good."

  He waved his hand and asked Xu Nanjing to go upstairs.


  Gao family.

  Gao Yi gathered a group of cooperating professors.

  He held the wine glass and asked the people around him, "Old Wu, what is the specific situation now?"

  "Professor Xu was persuaded by me. There are not many professors in the Mu family who can handle the autumn move the day after tomorrow." Wu Family Station On Gao Yi's side, it was also the medium through which Gao Yi wanted to annex the three Mu family research institutes.

  After hearing what the Wu family said, Gao Yi nodded.

  From the beginning, he conveyed friendly messages to the Mu family, and also had a relationship with Ren Wanxuan, but later because of Bai Zian, Mu Yining refused to give in.

  Gao Yi was also angered.

  Gao Yi toasted to the two people around him and smiled: "Lao Wu, Professor Yin, you two need to pay more attention to the autumn move the day after tomorrow."

  "I'm not important." Professor Yin accepted a large amount of scientific research funds from Gao Yi and said with a smile: "With Jiachen here, there is no need for me at all. The tiger father has no dog son, and Jiachen is your strongest facade. "

  Everyone likes to hear nice words.

  Although Professor Yin is a bit exaggerated, this statement does have some truth to it.

  Although Gao Jiachen's reputation in the scientific research community is not as great as that of He Wen, he is still somewhat famous.

  "After the Autumn Recruitment, they won't be able to recruit suitable manpower and won't be able to hold on for too long." The Wu family members also raised their wine glasses and said slowly: "When the time comes, as long as we take the opportunity, we will definitely give them a heavy blow and take over. Heavy metal resources, but..."

  At this point.

  The Wu family members paused for a moment, then he raised his eyes and lowered his voice, "But I heard that they are related to the Jiang family."

  Although he was from the Gao family, he was still afraid.

  "Don't worry about this," Gao Yi put down his wine glass, his eyes sparkling, "They shouldn't have time to worry about it for the time being."



  Chen Beixuan returned to Shanhai Apartment again.

  When she arrived at 303, she saw an old man sitting on the sofa.

  "You..." Chen Beixuan squinted and recognized, "Principal Shi? Why are you here?"

  Chen Beixuan graduated from a military academy. She was not familiar with the leaders of Jiang University, but she had met Shi Yu at Chen's house.

  Still recognize it.

  But Shi Yu didn't know Chen Beixuan. He stood up with a solemn expression: "Hello, I'm looking for someone."

  Looking for someone?

  Chen Beixuan secretly wondered, was he looking for Bai Qian?

  Just as I was thinking about it, someone knocked on the door.

  Lu Xiaohan opened the door with the chess pieces.

  Zhang Shize was wearing a white T-shirt, with a short haircut, and was holding a wooden stick in his hand, playing with it casually. He looked upright and handsome.

  As soon as he came in, he met Shiyu's eyes.

  Zhang Shize "123" turned around and reached out to close the door again.

  Shi Yu stood up suddenly and blocked the door, "Student Zhang, you have perfect scores in biology and perfect scores in chemistry. It would be a pity not to come to our Jiangsu University. Schools of Physics, Chemistry, Materials, Life Sciences, and Mathematics. You can choose whichever department you want." Which..."

  Zhang Shize scratched his head, "Principal Shi, I really can't do it."

  "Why? You are ranked tenth in the country. Even if you don't choose our school, please consider other schools."

  Zhang Shize propped the wooden stick on the ground and said helplessly: "In this case, Teacher Chi should sue you to the Supreme People's Court."

  He did not want to move out of Chi Yundai.

  But he had rejected Shi Yu so many times, but the other party still refused to give up.

  Shi Yu: "Teacher Chi?"

  "Chi Lu, Chi Yundai, Teacher Chi," Zhang Shize said silently, "If you can persuade him, I will go to Jiangda immediately."

  Shi Yu: "..." Forget it, I can't offend him. rise.

  Lu Xiaohan shrugged indifferently, and called to Chen Beixuan: "Sister Chen, Sister Qian is in the study."

  Chen Beixuan also clearly heard the conversation between Zhang Shize and Shi Yu.

  She knew that Zhang Shize did well in the exam, but she didn't expect that he would rank among the top ten in the country.

  Of course, what is even more surprising is that Zhang Shize is a student accepted by Demon Chi Da?

  "Miss Bai is in there?" Chen Beixuan thought for a while, but without avoiding suspicion, she knocked on the door of the study and said hello to Bai Xian.



  Bai Jian and Ji Shaojun's WeChat voice.

  "Uncle," Bai Zian looked at the file on the computer, scrolled down, opened WeChat again, and turned to the sentence You Xinzheng sent her, "The official autumn recruitment is tomorrow?"

  You Xinzheng: [ It doesn't matter. Your teacher has also named two companies. Where do you want to go? ]

  "Yes, we originally planned to recruit some people from other places," Ji Shaojun thought about Zhou Wenqing and thought for a moment, "There is no need to worry now. Professor Zhou said that all his students will join the job."

  All of his students are Graduate students and Ph.D. students basically study materials science.

  match of major.

  "Okay," Bai Pian narrowed his eyes slightly and thought for a moment, "How many people do you need?"

  Ji Shaojun heard Bai Pian's words.

  After a moment of calculation, he said, "Three institutes require a lot of grassroots personnel. Yi Ning and the others are just trying to expand their influence. Now Professor Zhou has enough."

  He had just heard Bai Qian's introduction.

  Bai Qian slowly compressed a document with one hand and sent it to You Xinzheng through internal channels. He also printed out the document sent by Ning Xiao: "Then add one more."

  "Add one more? Who else?" Ji Shaojun Confuse.

  Waiting for the printing process, Bai Xian closed the mailbox and pressed the page on her mobile phone with her fair fingertips, looking at the ranking on the app -

  NO2. Bai Jian 55871475.

  She picked up the printed document and leaned back on the chair, taking it easy. He replied slowly: "It's free."