
Being Expelled from the Wealthy Family

hahan_hani · Teen
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40 Chs



Jiangjing University is always very lively at night.

Even if some people did not go home after the exam, there were many people at night, especially the square with the celebrity statue, which was always lively.

Xu Wenyao was not surprised to see Bai Xi staring at the first row of statues.

After all, they are the founder and senior sister of Jiangjing University, and the president will come to pay homage regardless of rain or shine.

Ji Mulan and Old Lady Xu were still standing under the boulder. The dark brown boulder was 4.17 meters high and 9.82 meters wide. On the far left was written the four big characters "Jiangjing University", and further down the characters "Honorary Alumni" were much smaller.

Each name will be recorded in school history.

When He Wengang was admitted to Jiangjing University as the first place, no one paid attention to him and he was forced to graduate by his tutor. It was not until he became an honorary alumnus that he swept the entire Jiangjing University.

Most of the honorary alumni are from Jiangjing. They have received top education since childhood. When others were still studying, they were influenced by their parents and elders and participated in various summer camps and lectures.

He Wen's example is unique.

Butler Xu followed behind Old Lady Xu and sighed, "This is the IQ ceiling."

They were still looking at the boulder. Xu Wenyao was used to it, so he asked Bai Xi: "Do you want to go see other places? Our school's library is very big, with a lot of books, and there are seven cafeterias..."

"No." Bai Xi retracted his gaze, "Come back to read in a couple of days."

She had heard about the Kyoto University Library a long time ago. It has a large collection of books and is a good place.

Bai Xi was really not curious about Jiangjing University at all and didn't even take out her cell phone.

She didn't come to school the last time she came to Jiangjing. Xu Wenyao thought she would not come until school started, but he didn't expect her to come as soon as she arrived in Jiangjing this time.

The group was getting ready to go eat. Bai Xi and Xu Wenyao were walking behind and chatting. No one else could understand what they were saying.

Old Madam Xu and Xu En walked in front and talked to him, "Shujun said she saw the Third Young Master."

"Young Master Xu?" Xu En's expression moved slightly.

Old Mrs. Xu couldn't help but sigh. For her, this was better than the news that Xu Zhiyue was admitted to Jiangjing University: "It has to be the Qi family's circle, enough for them."

Xu En didn't say anything, because it was about the Qi family, and...Xu Wenyao had nothing to do with the Qi family.

Old Mrs. Xu remembered something: "Why didn't you arrange a place for Bai Shi to live?"

Old Mrs. Xu really doesn't like Shanhai Apartment.

"It's been arranged," Xu En glanced back, "but she didn't want it."

These old ladies were not particularly concerned. She turned her Buddhist beads and lowered her voice, "Have you... mentioned the matter of registering our Xu family with Mulan?"

"Don't you know what kind of personality Ah-Sui has?" Xu En's face was stern, but considering Bai-Sui was behind him, he didn't speak loudly. "You didn't want me to register her at the beginning, and now you want her to register her and include her in the family tree? Mom, have you forgotten what phone call you made to her?"

It would have been better if Xu En didn't say anything.

Speaking of this, the old lady's expression became stiff. How could she have known what would happen today?

The old lady really knew Bai Shi's personality. She would respond to soft words but not hard ones. If she had followed Xu En's lead at that time, Bai Shi might have really been included in the Xu family's household registration book.

The top scorer in today's national exam is also from her Xu family.

But there's no point in saying this now.


Mountain and Sea Apartment.

The fiery red sports car was parked right in front of the apartment door.

Most of the people living in the apartment are students from Jiangjing University. Although Jiangjing is rich and charming, they have never seen such arrogant sports cars with "8" logo as the ones in Shanhai Apartment.

Many people stopped to take pictures.

Xu Nanjing took off his sunglasses and got out of the driver's seat. Young Master Xu was used to grand occasions and was too lazy to find a place to park, so he handed the keys to the security guard and got out of the car and went upstairs directly.

Bletilla striata is at 303.

He got off the elevator and looked around. Not very satisfied with the environment, he reached out and pressed the doorbell.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw a cold face.

It's Jiang Fuli.

Xu Nanjing was not surprised. He was just surprised by the paper box in Jiang Fuli's hand. He was stunned for a moment before following Jiang Fuli in.

Baishen's living room is not small, about ten square meters.

Ming Dongheng was moving a flower pot to the balcony.

Jiang Fuli took a pair of scissors and casually cut the tape on the outside of a paper box. Inside was the thing that Bai Mi brought.

As soon as you cut the ginger stem, you'll see a small swinging ball.

Baishen brought both the small pendulum ball and the small blue bottle.

Leng Bai's fingertips stopped at the opening of the cardboard box. After a brief pause, he carried the box to the study.

Xu Nanjing didn't find Baishen, but he saw clearly what Jiang Fuli was doing. He was -

Tidying up clutter?

Young Master Xu finally understood how Ming Dongheng felt in Xiangcheng at that time.

Apart from research, Master Jiang would never waste a second with anyone. His hands used to hold precision instruments, such as the knife that measured gunpowder to the millimeter, and the pen that killed the team members decisively...

Not to mention tidying up the clutter, even the fact that he was willing to pour himself a glass of water made Xu Nanjing doubt the reality of this world.

"Xiao Ming," Xu Nanjing walked to the balcony and talked to Ming Dongheng, "Where is Sister A-Xing?"

Ming Dongheng raised his head and said simply, "She went to have dinner with her mother."

Xu Nanjing hadn't seen Ming Dongheng for a while, and was startled when he looked into his eyes. "Xiao Ming, why are you as scary as Sister Bei Xuan now?"

Ming Dongheng ignored him, handed him the kettle, and asked him to help with the work. "I'm going to take out the trash. When the TV is delivered, please sign for it."

Baishen didn't have a TV, so as soon as Jiang Fuli arrived, he ordered one.

Xu Nanjing realized it later, "Wait, Bai Su has a mother?"

He hadn't checked Bai Shi, he only knew that she had a grandfather and thought that her parents were both dead.

Hearing that Bai Xi had a mother, Xu Nanjing reached out and took out his cell phone to send a message to Gao Yan -

[Latest news: Bai Xi's sister has a biological mother. ]

Queen Mother: […One more is not too much.]


Xu Nanjing helped Bai Mi install the TV before returning home with a reluctant heart.

Chang'an Avenue.

Xu Jueling was confirming tomorrow's schedule with his secretary, "Are Xu Jin and Xu Jinyi familiar with the Qinglong Bar?"

The center of Qinglong Bar has been moved to Jiangjing since last year. There is a sword hanging over the heads of the big families in Jiangjing, and they all know the people behind the bar.

The third floor is an information trading center. The black market that is not open to ordinary people is coveted by all the major families.

"Xu Jin often visits various bars and has more information channels than others. That Xuan Kang... seems to have some relationship with the Jiang family." Having said this, the secretary looked at Xu Nanjing who was yawning lazily.

The third young master was also a frequent visitor to the bar, but he didn't dare to mention Xu Nanjing.

Gao Yan was surprised, "Why did these forces suddenly come to Jiangjing?"

Gao Yan was wearing a dark cheongsam that fitted her figure well. She only had a few fine lines at the corners of her eyes, but she looked very imposing.

She takes good care of herself and looks to be in her early thirties.

"I don't know." Xu Jueling's secretary shook his head, "But the Qinglong Bar has indeed shifted its focus to Jiangjing."

This is strange...

This year, the auction house, which had only been held a few times in the past, held two international auctions in Jiangjing, which were previously only held in Heishui Street.

"Has Mr. Jiang arranged his laboratory?" Xu Jueling pondered for a moment.

"I don't know." Xu Nanjing said casually.

Xu Jueling glanced at him and suddenly remembered: "This matter is not urgent. Is Miss Bai here?"

Hearing this, Gao Yan also looked at Xu Nanjing and sat up straight: "So, does she want to see me?"

Xu Nanjing took out his phone and took a look. She hadn't replied to his message yet. "She's going to visit her uncle tomorrow. I don't know if she'll be free in the next two days."

No time?

Xu Jueling was very surprised. The college entrance examination was over, so why was she still so busy?

"Is her uncle here too?" Gao Yan was also surprised.

She thought Baishen's relatives were all in Xiangcheng.

"Yeah." Xu Nanjing responded lazily. He bought a new motorcycle for Bai Shi, and Bai Shi would definitely like it.

Gao Yan withdrew her gaze from him, and Bai Xi also arrived in Jiangjing.

She took out her cell phone and sent a message to Dean Jian.

[Dean Jian, hello, she has arrived in Jiangjing.]


The next day.

Ji Shaojun got up early in the morning and went to Mu's company. This branch belongs to Manager Xu, who is also the confidant of the old man of the Mu family. After Ji Shaojun changed his surname, he has been learning practical operations here.

After get off work in the afternoon, Manager Xu would go home with him and teach him some practical cases in the evening.

Xiaojie parked the car at the vegetable market and Ji Shaojun went to buy vegetables.

Manager Xu was sitting in the passenger seat. When he heard Xiaojie say that Ji Shaojun's niece was coming, he was very surprised, "Niece?"

"Yes," Xiaojie remembered Bai Xi, "She came to Jiangjing right after taking the college entrance examination."

"So soon," Manager Xu also remembered this, "Isn't Mu Zhao still being kept in the hotel by the professor from Jiangjing University?"

Those who perform well in the exams will be picked up by these schools in advance. The schools will ask seniors and professors to play the Werewolf board game with them, and will not let them go until they sign the agreement.

This is also a great time for a group of freshmen to socialize.

"His grades seem to be pretty good." Xiao Jie said this and saw Ji Shaojun coming back with a bunch of vegetables in both hands. He opened the trunk.

We soon arrived at Ji Shaojun's residence.

Shen Qing, wearing an apron, opened the door and said, "A-Xu and the others will be here soon. Take out her things."

"I know." Ji Shaojun put down the food and took off his coat. He was obviously in a good mood today. "Manager Xu, do you want to stay for dinner? My niece is coming."

He gets along very well with Manager Xu.

Manager Xu taught him a lot. Although the two had different research directions and interests, they had similar personalities.

He is one of the few friends Ji Shaojun knows in Jiangjing.

"Next time I have a chance, I won't disturb your family's meal." Manager Xu looked away when he saw Ji Shaojun taking out a box.

He knew that Ji Shaojun's family had lived in Xiangcheng before. Ji Shaojun was fine, but Shen Qing knew nothing when he first came to Jiangjing.

Ji Shaojun cleaned up the table and asked Xiaojie, "What about you?"

Xiaojie has seen Bletilla striata.

He shook his head and said, "I'll take Manager Xu back."

Ji Shaojun didn't force him to stay.

Xiaojie and Manager Xu left and drove out of the community. Just after passing a road, they saw a black car coming towards them.

Xiaojie looked at the car and said, "That is..."

"It feels like the cars of those companies?" Manager Xu, who was sitting in the passenger seat, lowered the window and looked back, shocked beyond words. They had once been at the top of the pyramid with Jiang Jing, and their experience was broader than others.

"Indeed," Xiao Jie frowned slightly, "This should only happen in Chang'an District and Xingjiang District... Did something happen in Xingjiang District?"

Manager Xu nodded. He could also feel it: "I don't know, but..."

I always feel that it is getting lively.


At Ji Shaojun's residence, the person knocking on the door was Jiang He.

He was short, so Shen Qing picked him up as soon as he opened the door and pinched his face: "He He, you didn't eat well, didn't you grow taller or gain weight."

Jiang He pursed his lips and didn't say hello to Shen Qing.

Shen Qing knew that he had autism, and thought that he didn't dare to speak because they hadn't seen each other for a long time, so she didn't take it seriously.

Place the fruit and new puzzle pieces on the carpet for Jiang He to play with.

Jiang Fuli put down the paper bag in his hand, which contained tea and cigarettes, and greeted Shen Qing and Ji Shaojun politely. He was wearing loose casual clothes today, and his eyebrows and eyes were much gentler than usual, but he still looked cold.

Shen Qing's hair has grown longer, and he is not wearing a hat, and has a neat hairstyle.

Ji Shaojun was cooking in the kitchen. Shen Qing handed her something she got from Jiangjing University. "It's this box, but what is this, A-Xie?"

Bai Xi looked at the cute picture of Liang Zewen on the box and tapped the box lightly with her fingertips: "Souvenir."

Jiang Fuli took the hot water to make a pot of tea, looked at the paper box in Bai Shi's hand, and said nothing.

There were not many people at the table. Only Ji Shaojun was drinking and chatting with Jiang Fuli.

"By the way, Ah-Xu," Ji Shaojun was halfway through his sentence when he suddenly remembered something: "Is your birthday coming soon?"

At the dinner table, Jiang He, who was concentrating on eating and ignoring everyone, raised his head slightly.

Shen Qing had never heard of Bai Xi's birthday. When Ji Shaojun mentioned it, she also remembered, "When is Bai Xi's birthday?"

"August 8th." Ji Shaojun remembered Bai Shi's birthday.

When Bai Xi was living in the Bai family, Ji Shaojun and his family never celebrated her birthday.

This should be their first time celebrating for Bai Xi. Ji Shaojun and Shen Qing didn't want to be casual. They estimated that Ji Heng would also come at that time. "A Xi, how many classmates and friends do you have?"

Ji Shaojun knew that Bai Xi had always had many friends.

There are men, women, young and old, doing all kinds of things.

"No hurry," Bai Xi lowered her eyes slightly, reached out to pick up a vegetable, and said nonchalantly, "It's still early."

Jiang Fuli raised his head slightly and glanced at her without saying much.

After dinner, Shen Qing asked Bai Di to stay here for one night, and Bai Di did not refuse.

Jiang Fuli went back first.


The next day, Baishen got up very early.

Shen Qing was making breakfast in the kitchen, while Bai Xi was doing exercises on the app.

After the college entrance examination, her speed in solving questions increased significantly.

Ji Shaojun had a lot of blank papers. She sat beside the coffee table, pressing the white paper with her left hand, holding a black pen in her right hand, and slowly writing down complicated formulas on the paper.

The doorbell rang, she took a picture and went to open the door.

The ones who came were Xiao Jie and the housekeeper. Xiao Jie wanted to pick up Ji Shaojun to go to the company. When they saw Bai Shen, they were obviously stunned.

"Miss Bai." Xiao Jie spoke politely.

The two parties were not familiar with each other, and Bai Shi's cell phone on the desk happened to ring. She nodded slightly at the two of them and went to answer the call.

Jian Zhongyou who called.

She put the phone to her ear, poured herself a cup of tea, and slowly walked to the balcony, "Looking for me?"

"Am I the last one to know that you came to Jiangjing?" On the other end of the phone, Dean Jian's Guzheng version of the cold time song could be heard, "I found out from Xiaolu's circle of friends."

Dean Jian and Bai Shi got to know each other because of the Yi Chi Yi Wan account.

He and Yichidayiwan are following each other and they have added each other on WeChat a long time ago.

Bai Su lowered her head and took a sip of tea, "No."

Dean Ma doesn't know yet.

Dean Jian paused, this was quite reasonable, "Did you see the simple music score I gave you?"

"I don't understand." Bai Mi said concisely.

Dean Jian was completely convinced and thought Bai Xi was deceiving him: "You even understand the simplified musical notation, but you can't read the simplified musical notation?"

Bai Mi is on the balcony talking on the phone with Dean Jian.

In the hall, the building manager looked at Ji Shaojun who came out of the bathroom and asked, "How long will she stay?"

"Let's go today." Ji Shaojun said hello to the two of them and went to the kitchen.

Butler Lou nodded and said nothing else. Bai Mi's voice could be vaguely heard, saying something about "simplified musical notation" and "guzheng".

"She studied art?" The building manager looked at Xiaojie.

Xiao Jie shook his head. They never mentioned other people to Ji Shaojun. They didn't know what Bai Mi and Ren Wanxuan did.

Hearing this, Manager Lou did not ask any more questions. He just asked casually and did not care whether Bai Xi studied art or not.

Bai Mi went with Ji Shaojun.

After all, she is a girl, so the housekeeper and Xiaojie have to take her to her destination.

"I'm going to Chang'an District," Bai Xi lowered the car window, put his hand on it, and said politely, "Let my uncle go to work first."

"It's still early," Xiao Jie looked at the rearview mirror and said calmly, "I'll take you to Chang'an District first. There's no rush."

He did not reveal Ji Shaojun's workplace.

Bai Mi didn't say anything else and just gave the address of Shanhai Apartment.

Very ordinary apartment.

Bai Xi asked them to park the car in front of the apartment door and got out of the car holding the cardboard box.

This place is very close to Jiangjing University. The building manager took a look at the community and saw a yellow-haired young man squatting at the gate of the community. He was wearing ripped jeans, a black vest, and holding a cigarette in his hand.

It's a bit like the group of unruly young people on Qingshui Street.

Just as the housekeeper was about to frown, Ji Shaojun laughed, "Xiao Mao is here too."

He wanted to say hello to Mao Kun, but Xiao Jie saw that the housekeeper looked a little unhappy, so he drove away immediately.

After the car drove away, the housekeeper spoke to Ji Shaojun, "After a while, when the rumors are not so serious, you can bring her to the Mu residence to have a look."

Ji Shaojun didn't say anything when he heard this. He was not sure whether Bai Mi would go.

The housekeeper thought he had acquiesced, so he changed the subject: "Manager Xu told you about the Yunxiao Street incident."

"Tell me about the bar on Yunxiao Street." Ji Shaojun retracted his gaze.

Butler Lou nodded, "But we haven't found out who is their partner..."


"Sister, don't you want to go to the bar and see Xuan Kang?" On this side, Mao Kun followed Bai Xi into her house.

Bai Shen walked in and shook his head, "I don't have time for now."

As soon as he entered the room, Mao Kun felt the changes. The sofa had changed its position. There was not only a cabbage pillow embroidered by Ji Heng, but also a small cabbage-shaped blanket.

There are many succulent plants on the balcony.

There are also two large empty flower pots.

Mao Kun looked at the flower pot and asked, "What are you going to plant here?"

"Bring some cabbage seeds next time." Bai Shi opened the door of the study, took out the small bronze statue medal from the paper box, and placed it on his desk.

Mao Kun saw her desk at a glance.

It is made of natural wood and two meters long. In the middle is a black computer without a logo, on the left is a pile of documents, on the right is a small bottle of blue crystal flowers, and there is a small pendulum ball.

Then, there was the small bronze statue of the memorial that she had just put up.

Growing cabbage?

This was something Mao Kun had not expected.

There was a clanging sound coming from next door. When I came up just now, I seemed to see that the doors of 301 and 302 were open. "I remember that these two houses were rented out. Have they changed owners?"

Mao Kun closed the door tightly, not quite understanding.

Bai Xi lowered her eyes, sent a message to Jiang Fuli, threw her backpack behind her casually, and said in a leisurely tone: "No hurry, I'll go to the library to borrow some books first."

How could someone enjoy reading and doing homework so much?

Mao Kun touched the back of his head and sent Bai Shi to Jiangjing University, not quite understanding. "Then you go read books, and I'll go find where I can buy cabbage seeds here."


Jiangjing University.

In the computer room, Xu Wenyao received Bai Mi's message and got up to pack his things.

"Have you finished with the data?" The boy with black-framed glasses narrowed his eyes when he saw Xu Wenyao packing up again.

"Almost done," Xu Wenyao explained, "My sister is going to the library. I'll pick her up at the door."

Bai Mi probably didn't make an appointment with Jiangjing University, so she couldn't even enter the school gate.

"Your sister?" Another sunny-looking boy came over. "The one I saw on the app who has been ranked third recently, Xu Zhiyue?"

He is also a top student.

Xu Wenyao remembered that Baishen didn't seem to have an app: "It's another one."

After thinking about it, Bai Wei and Xu Zhiyue will both go to Jiangjing University in the future.

Everyone here is the elite of Jiangjing University. "Do you have time at noon? I'll invite you to have lunch with my sister. She will be your junior sister in the future."

The boy with black-framed glasses ignored Xu Wenyao and stared at the computer in silence.

The sunny-looking boy looked away and said calmly, "I still have some data to finish."

Xu Wenyao was not outstanding among this group of gifted students. Besides, everyone else had chosen a professor, but he had not yet chosen a mentor. The later he waited, the harder it would be to find a good teacher.

These people all say they don't have time.

"I've almost finished the modeling, Lao Xu," the boy sitting next to Xu Wenyao turned off the computer, "Let's go and invite my sister to the third cafeteria for dinner."

The third canteen is a private restaurant. The prices are expensive but the food is delicious.

This is Xu Wenyao's roommate Chen Hong. The two have always had a good relationship.

After leaving the computer room, Chen Hongcai looked back and complained about these people: "This Qi Jun, relying on her cousin being Dr. Zuo's student, is so snobbish. If you say you want to invite Miss Qi to dinner today, they will all guarantee that they will not be absent."

Xu Wenyao never talked about others behind their backs. He just explained, "I broke up with her."

Qi Shuyun was also quite famous in their class. Her teacher was Dr. Zuo, a student of Dean Huang.

It goes without saying who Dean Huang's student is.

She also married into a family of academic elites. After the people in her class knew that Xu Wenyao had broken up, their attitude became less positive than before.

"I don't know why you want to break up with her. Dr. Zuo is in the way... What kind of paper should I write to be favored by him?" Chen Hong's eyes were filled with longing, and finally he sighed, "Oh, forget it, let's go to the school gate to pick up my sister first. Did she get into our school?"

"Just passed the exam." Xu Wenyao nodded.

"I heard that there is a pervert among the freshmen taking the college entrance examination today. He must be someone like Senior He Wenxue. Your sister is amazing. She was able to get into our school this year." Chen Hong was a little curious. He knew Xu Zhiyue, but had never heard Xu Wenyao mention his other sister.

Also got into Jiangjing?

Xu Wenyao's phone just happened to ring. He looked down and paused, "She said she was in the library."

Probably booked in advance.

Xu Wenyao wondered how she, with that otherworldly face, could know to make an appointment in advance.

It's almost noon.

Xu Wenyao told her the location of the third canteen, and the two met there.


At the entrance of the library.

Bai Xi was holding a pile of borrowed books and lazily flipping through her cell phone. Xu Wenyao wanted to take her to the third canteen for dinner.

He took a screenshot of the map and told her to take the campus bus for three stops.

There was a stop at the entrance of the library. She was wearing a green dress with medium-length sleeves. The sunlight shone brightly on her face. Her quilt was half pulled up behind her head, and the remaining black hung lazily on her left shoulder.

She seemed to have emerged from an ink painting. Many people passing by turned back to look at her, and there were also some who tried to strike up a conversation with her using their cell phones.

Bai Shen lowered her eyes and was about to exit WeChat to look at today's challenge question bank on the Jiangjing app.

A message popped up.

Shiyu: [[Picture]]

Shiyu: [No one is at home?]

This is a picture of Shanhai Apartment.

Bai Xi clicked on it and saw that it was Principal Shi recommended by Ji Heng. This person had been added for a few days and only asked one question every day: "Where are you?"

Bai Jian: [I am at Jiangjing University]

Free Pickup: [Three Canteens]

At the same time, at the door of Room 303 of Shanhai Apartment, Principal Shi twitched his lips. He came here yesterday and the other party was at her uncle's house, but he couldn't tell her the address yet.

After three visits to his thatched cottage, he ended up in his territory?

Principal Shi wiped his old face and turned around simply, "Let's go."

"Where are you going?" The director hurriedly followed him. This top scorer in the college entrance examination was really hard to find.

Principal Shi rolled up the documents in his hand. He was anxious. He was afraid that if he was late, he would not be able to catch the person in the Third Canteen. So he did not wait for the elevator and went straight to the stairs. "Let's go to the Third Canteen to block the person."

"Would you like to wear a mask?" the director hurriedly followed.

Jiangnan University, the president's popularity is second only to Academician Ma.


Three canteens.

It was nearly eleven o'clock, and the third canteen was already quite expensive, so not many people came and went.

Chen Hong and Xu Wenyao were standing on the stairs to the left of the cafeteria waiting for Bai Xi. He glanced at the girls who appeared in his sight.

Both of them were very tall. Xu Wenyao was wearing a short-sleeved shirt with fine vertical stripes in white cyan and holding a roll of documents. His facial features were outstanding but not overbearing. He was exceptionally gentle and his temperament seemed calm.

Chen Hong chatted with Xu Wenyao in a casual manner.

In sight, the school bus stopped at the intersection diagonally opposite.

Chen Hong stood up straight immediately and looked at Xu Wenyao, "Is she in this car?"

Several people got off the car, both men and women, but Chen Hong didn't recognize which one was Xu Wenyao's sister. When he was about to turn around and ask Xu Wenyao, he saw the last figure getting off the car from the back door.

The summer sun was dazzling, and the golden light poured on her flowing clothes, reflecting a hazy halo, and that overly gorgeous face reflected a cold light.

The school bus is painted blue, and the body of the bus is decorated with cartoon characters graffitied by the art student next door.

The moment she came out of the back door, it was as if she had traveled from a comic book into reality.

She looked more like a female star active on TV. Chen Hong felt that she looked familiar, but he did not connect her with Xu Wenyao's sister. He tilted his head and spoke to Xu Wenyao: "Why does she feel better than my goddess..."

Before he could finish his words, Xu Wenyao raised his hand.

On the opposite platform, a girl was holding a pile of books and walked straight over when she saw Xu Wenyao.

"Did you go to the library?" Xu Wenyao saw the book in her hand and found that it was borrowed from the school library.

Two are original texts and there are two translated books.

There is also a...

Looks like a music book?

Xu Wenyao remembered that Bai Shi could play the guzheng, and it was not surprising that one of the parts of Ji Heng's cell phone ringtone seemed to be played by Bai Shi.

"I went to borrow some books." Bai Su was holding a book and a bag in her hand.

She was able to enter the school probably because she had made an appointment in advance, but without a campus card, how did she get into the library?

Before Xu Wenyao could ask, Chen Hong finally reacted. He suddenly grabbed Xu Wenyao's arm and said, "Wenyao, is this your sister?"

"Yes, that's right." Xu Wenyao turned sideways, led Bai Xi inside, and introduced her, "Chen Hong, my roommate."

"Hello." Bai Xi greeted Chen Hong politely.

Chen Hong's mind was not fully formed. "Hello...sister."


There were not many people in the cafeteria, so the three of them found a seat in the corner.

Xu Wenyao and Chen Hong went to pick up the food, and the dishes had already been ordered before Bai Shi.

"I thought you were from the Art College next door," Chen Hong sat opposite Xu Wenyao and talked to Bai Xi, "But what major do you want to study? In addition to the three special classes, biopharmaceuticals and plasma are also popular majors at Jiangda."

However, no matter how you look at it, Baishen's temperament doesn't match these professions.

"It should be the physics major." Bai Mi picked up a piece of vegetable and put it in the bowl. Quantum mechanics and plasma both belong to the physics major.

With his other hand, he picked up the Coke next to him and opened the pull ring with one hand.

Chen Hong also picked up the chopsticks, his eyebrows raised, "Then she is the same as us, she is indeed our junior sister from the Physics Department."

Baishen doesn't talk much when eating.

Chen Hong chatted with Xu Wenyao, and both of them were going to attend the summer camp at Boyuan Base during the summer vacation.

Boyuan's summer camp for college students is open to international students as well.

There are many applicants and the competition is fierce.

"All those perverts from Tongfeng and Boyuan classes are here," Chen Hong complained to Xu Wenyao, "You said they were all admitted to graduate school, why don't they stay in the lab and attend summer camp with us?"

The summer camp at Jiangjing University is of high quality, and getting good grades is very helpful for postgraduate and doctoral examinations.

Bai Mi heard a familiar name: "Boyuan Class?"

"There are three special classes in the school," Xu Wenyao explained to Bai Xi, "Boyuan class, Tongfeng class and preparatory class."

"There are three concentration camps for geniuses, and they are all a bunch of perverts," Chen Hong put down his chopsticks. When he mentioned the three special classes, his eyes showed respect. "Most of them are special talents directly recruited by the National Group. These people don't need to take the college entrance examination. The most perverted ones are the Tongfeng class, which has two written tests and interviews."

"Those of us who take the college entrance examination have to go through the secondary enrollment process if we want to enter these classes. Being admitted to Jiangda is just an admission ticket."

I have never heard of Bletilla striata in either the national or provincial teams.

When she was in Xiangcheng, she knew that there was a huge gap in student resource information between Xiangcheng and Jiangjing. Only now did she realize how big the gap was.

"The Tongfeng class is also the ceiling of the international quantum field, one of the three giants of Jiangda," Chen Hong said, and asked Xu Wenyao opposite him for confirmation, "It's just that it's very difficult to get in. Anyway, we don't know the students in the three special classes, right?"

Chen Hong was right, the students in these classes were all top talents at Jiangnan University.

When Xu Wenyao heard this, he remembered something and fell silent.

"Why don't you speak?" Chen Hong wondered why Xu Wenyao ignored him this time.


At the entrance of the third canteen.

A black car stopped.

There were not many cars that could drive into Jiang Da Neng. There were not many people at the entrance of the third canteen at this time, but there were a few people looking over here.

Shi Yu got out from the back seat. He was wearing a dark grey coat. He walked to the cafeteria door and scanned the cafeteria.

There were not many people in the cafeteria, and he saw the three people in the left corner almost at a glance, and his eyes fell on the girl in blue.

She was the only one in the entire cafeteria wearing a long cyan dress.

He walked directly in that direction.

Not far away, someone recognized Shi Yu and exclaimed in a low voice.

Xu Wenyao and his group had almost finished eating. Chen Hong took a piece of paper from the table and wiped his face casually. When he heard a sound, he raised his head and saw Principal Shi, who was intimidating without even getting angry.

"Is that the principal?" Chen Hong's eyes widened. He looked carefully again and confirmed that it was Shi Yu.

Shi Yu's speech at last year's opening ceremony became an instant hit on the Internet, with tens of millions of views.

However, he seldom appeared in public. Chen Hong had only seen him at the opening ceremony. He more often saw Shi Yu's ID photo on the school's official website. The principal was busy, and most of the professors and lecturers in the school could only see him at meetings.

The president of Jiangnan University has many students all over the world, and those who interact with him are all high-ranking members of the school.

There are many students at Jiangjing University who admire him.

Seeing Shiyu at this time, Chen Hong crumpled the paper into a ball, lowered his head to control his excitement, and whispered to Bai Shi: "Sister, that's the president of our Jiang University. You are so lucky to see him as soon as you come here.

Bai Mi also slowly pulled out a piece of paper.

When she heard the word "Principal", she looked up.

Next to him, Chen Hong was still discussing with Xu Wenyao, "Why did the principal come to the third cafeteria today?"

Xu Wenyao also stood up, "I don't know."

As the two were talking, Shi Yu had already walked over to them.

Shi Yu had read Bai Xi's information and her face was very recognizable.

The wooden hairpin can be recognized at a glance.

"Student Bai Shi," he stopped in front of Bai Shi's table and glanced at the food on the table, "Your teacher should have mentioned it to you. Do you have a major in mind? Shall we go to the office to discuss it in detail?"

Lu Lingxi mentioned something about Jiangda's agreement to Bai Mi.

Bai Xi just wanted to ask Principal Shi about the same peak class, "Okay."

She gave the book to Xu Wenyao for safekeeping, said goodbye to him, and left with Shi Yu.

Shi Yu also greeted Xu Wenyao and Chen Hong in a casual manner. Chen Hong raised his hand stiffly to say goodbye to the principal.

Bai Xi and the other person quickly left the third canteen, while Xu Wenyao and Chen Hong were still standing there, like a weathered stone.

The two were not awakened until the aunt who was collecting the tableware in the cafeteria asked them if they wanted to eat.

Chen Hong came back to his senses. He looked at Xu Wenyao in disbelief, hesitating: "Wenyao, was that the principal just now?"

He was just an ordinary student at Jiangjing University. At most, he knew a few student union cadres and was a little familiar with the counselors and teachers of the college, which was considered rare.

He didn't even know the famous professors at Jiangda University, let alone the president.

"Yes," Xu Wenyao was much calmer than Chen Hong. He thought for a moment and explained to Chen Hong, "The principal went to see her and should have signed an agreement with her in advance."

"Why did the principal look for her?" Chen Hong also knew about the school's operations, but most of them were done by the Admissions Office.

At most, we can ask a few professors to talk to the students they like.

"Well," Xu Wenyao also took a piece of paper and wiped his hands slowly before looking up and saying, "She is the top scorer in the national exam this year."


Principal Shi's office.

Bai Mi lowered her head and flipped through the agreement drafted by Principal Shi, which simply allowed her to get a scholarship and travel abroad for ten days.

She tapped the table with her fingertips from time to time, read ten lines at a glance, and finished quickly.

Principal Shi looked at Bai Xi, who was very young, with a casual and lazy attitude, and was overly calm when facing him and the director.

I really can't tell what she is thinking.

Shiyu was somewhat surprised.

"How about it? Do you have any idea about what major you want to study?" Shi Yu put down his teacup and introduced the middle-aged man in the office to Bai Xi. "This is Director Jia, Professor Jia, who teaches quantum mechanics. You can choose any major you want to study."

Dean Jia knew that this was the top scorer this year, so he smiled and greeted Bai Shi, "Hello, student Bai."

Bai Xi closed the document. It listed all the majors of Jiangda University, except for the three classes mentioned by Chen Hong. She did not sign it. The black pen was spinning on her slender fingertips: "I want to go to Tongfeng class."

She had just checked.

Academician Ma, Ma Tongfeng.

This class was founded by Academician Ma.

Hearing Bai Xi talking about the Tongfeng class, Shi Yu was stunned. He leaned back and said, "Mr. Bai, I can arrange other classes, including the preparatory class and the Boyuan class, but... the Tongfeng class is not possible. It has to go through the secondary enrollment in the school. But Mr. Bai, I think it will definitely not be difficult for you."

Next to Shi Yu, Director Jia was not surprised to hear Bai Xi's words.

Academician Ma's class of classmates, not to mention Academician Ma's extraordinary status in the physics world, this major alone surpassed foreign schools in the first two years and became the number one major in the quantum field.

Most of the students in Tongfeng class are national students, and there are only a few who have entered through the college entrance examination in all these years. "Okay," Bai Xi squeezed the spinning black pen and smiled nonchalantly, "Then I will participate in the recruitment after I enter the school."

After she finished speaking, she lowered her eyes and randomly checked the Physics Department on the agreement.

Then return the agreement to Shiyu.

Shi Yu breathed a sigh of relief after finally finding this year's top scholar.

He sent Bai Mi out before sitting back in his chair.

"Tongfeng Class," Director Jia picked up the agreement, looked down at the neatly signed signature, and couldn't help but sigh, "I said the school would be very lively this year. It seems that she and Liang Wuyu are both going to take the Tongfeng Class. I wonder how they compare to those special admissions students."

Secondary admission within the school is not as simple as the college entrance examination.

This is a real fight between gods. Secondary enrollment does not focus on the comprehensive quality of students. It is the same as the national collection.

It's very abnormal that it only tests mathematics and physics.

Entering the Tongfeng class basically means being admitted to graduate school. It is only a matter of time before you go abroad or join a top domestic company or laboratory.

If you are luckier, you might be able to become a disciple of an academician.

Become a disciple of a super sect.

"Don't worry about that. She's a student of our school anyway," Principal Shi stood up, a rare smile on his face. "If she can't go to the Tongfeng class, there are still the Boyuan class and the preparatory class waiting for her."


Baimei came out of the office.

Xu Wenyao and Chen Hong were waiting for her downstairs.

"Have you signed?" Xu Wenyao handed the book to her.

"Signed." Bai Xi reached out to take the book and saw the materials in Xu Wenyao and Chen Hong's hands. "You want to do digital modeling?"

Xu Wenyao was a little curious about what major Bai was studying, but since she didn't tell him, he didn't ask. "Yes, it's the summer camp at Boyuan Base, group modeling, and he and I are going to sign up."

Chen Hong had just finished printing the information, which was quite profound.

Ordinary sophomores may not be able to understand. Bai Xi could tell at a glance that they were doing mathematical modeling. Chen Hong guessed that Xu Wenyao had told her before, "Junior sister, if you want to go to the preparatory class, there will definitely be mathematical modeling competitions in the future. If you don't understand, just ask me and your brother."

Upon hearing this, Bai Xi smiled at Chen Hong.

He said nothing, but just looked forward.

Xu Wenyao was just about to ask her what she was looking at when he saw a tall figure under the tree in front of him, with excellent posture.

He was wearing a pure white top and a black baseball cap with the brim pulled down low. He was facing away from the light, and only his cold jade-like jaw could be seen.

As if sensing someone in this direction, he stood up straight and looked over here.

Even though they were two or three hundred meters apart, Chen Hong could still feel the pressure when the other person glanced at him. In comparison, what his teacher said in class was nothing.

"I'll go back first." Seeing Jiang Fuli, Bai Xi said goodbye to Xu Wenyao.

Jiang Fuli never paid much attention to others, and Bai Xi didn't bring anyone closer to Xu Wenyao and Chen Hong.

Xu Wenyao knew Jiang Fuli's personality. Although they were of the same age, he always had an aura of authority. He stood where he was and watched Bai Fuli leave: "Okay."

Bai Su walked to Jiang Fuli with the book.

He reached out and took her bag, "Did you meet Principal Shi?"

"He said he wants to recruit students again." Bai Xi walked beside him, feeling the hot weather cool down, and spoke to him lazily.

As soon as I heard about Baishen, I knew I wanted to apply for the Tongfeng class.

Jiang Fuli only gave her one word in frustration: "Oh."

Behind the two of them, Chen Hong looked at the tall figure that left and finally calmed down. "He's finally gone. Wen Yao, who is that?"

"My sister knows someone." Xu Wenyao had a feeling that Jiang Fuli was not a simple person, but he didn't know who he was, so he just changed the subject, "Let's go back, Qi Jun will talk later."

The mathematics and modeling class is divided into groups of three. All three of them are excellent students in the class, so they form a group.

When mentioning Qi Jun, Chen Hong frowned.



Mountain and Sea Apartment.

Xu Nanjing threw the car keys to the security guard, stood downstairs of Baishen's building, and called Gao Yan.

"I told you that she hangs out in the library every day. Don't worry." Xu Nanjing looked at the floors above and spoke in a leisurely tone.

On the other end of the phone, Gao Yan scolded him, "I'm not in a hurry, but you are."

"...I'll ask her later," Xu Nanjing remembered something, "Also, Xiao Niao said her birthday is in August, you should prepare for it."

"Who is the bird?"

"He." Xu Nanjing retracted his gaze, raised his chin towards the person next to him, and continued.

Gao Yan didn't care much about why Jiang He turned into a bird. She just said, "Okay, I'll get ready. You can ask her. I've already made an appointment with Master Jian in advance."

Speaking of Dean Jian, Xu Nanjing seemed to be thinking about something.

The middle-aged man next to him saw that he had finally finished the call, and his expression was respectful and flattering. "The first, second, and third floors were sold the day before yesterday. We haven't found out who bought them. Master Xu, if you want to buy it, there's still the fourth floor."

"You don't even know who bought it?" Xu Nanjing glanced at the man.

The middle-aged man didn't dare to speak. Xu Nanjing retracted his gaze and said calmly, "Okay, you guys can handle it on the fourth floor."

After Xu Nanjing walked into the building, the middle-aged man looked up and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"Boss," the assistant beside him asked cautiously, "Why are so many big guys buying houses in Shanhai Apartment recently?"

The middle-aged man didn't understand either. He looked up at the apartment.

Shanhai Apartment is not a high-end residence. Its security and green environment are very average. The house types are not easy to sell and most of them are rented to graduate students and doctoral students.

The high price is entirely due to local advantages.

Why are so many people buying this apartment recently?

When buying, they always buy in several layers.



When Xu Nanjing arrived, it was Jiang He who opened the door.

Jiang Fuli was in the study.

Bai Mi was on the balcony making a phone call. She was wearing a Bluetooth headset and the person on the other end of the phone was Xiao Qi.

She slowly picked up a bag of cabbage seeds from the balcony, tore open the bag, took out five seeds with two fingers and scattered them in the flowerpot.

"He was here this morning." She stood up straight, looked at the seeds in the flowerpot, then picked up the kettle next to her to water them.

Xiao Qi's voice was still gentle, "When are you coming to get acquainted? It seems you haven't been to Jiang Jing's bar before."

"Well, maybe in two days." Smilax finished watering lazily.

After she finished talking to Xiao Qi, she reached out and pressed the earphones to switch to the thesis.

In the living room, Xu Nanjing sat on the sofa, crossed his legs, reached out to pick up an orange and slowly peeled it. When he saw that she had finished her call, he looked up and said, "My mother knows that you are in Jiangjing, and she has always wanted to treat you to a meal. It just so happens that she has a teacher who wants to introduce you to someone."

He is now very familiar with Baishen.

Not to mention the motorcycle incident, the invitation letter from the auction house later also helped Xu Nanjing a lot.

Bai Su walked to the table and poured herself a glass of water. Her cold fingertips tapped the cup slowly and she tilted her head slightly: "Okay, find a time."

She added Gao Yan on WeChat.

The other party didn't say much, just reminded Bai Xi to bring an umbrella when it rains, and sent her messages to encourage her when she knew she was taking exams. They didn't communicate much, but Bai Xi knew that Gao Yan must have paid attention to the weather in Xiangcheng.

So Gao Yan would remind her every time the weather changed.

Xu Nanjing sat up straight, stuffed the orange in his hand into Jiang He's mouth, and took out his cell phone to send a message to his mother -

[You get ready, sister A-yi agrees]


In the study.

Jiang Fuli sat at the table and opened Bai Shi's computer to install the software.

The phone on the left was on, showing Academician Ma's forehead. He had just taken off his coat and sat down at his computer. "Are you all back in Jiangjing?"

Jiang Fuli slowly helped Bai Shi install the software, "Yes."

Ma Tongfeng was obviously in a good mood. He logged into the school backend and said, "She didn't even tell me that she was back. I still have to show her my lab. She's going to take the Tongfeng class exam, right?"

Having won the title of the international No.1 quantum major last year, Ma Tongfeng is obviously very confident in himself.

Young Master Jiang was annoyed by what he heard and reached out to hang up the phone.

Suddenly the screen went black, but Ma Tongfeng was not angry. Instead, he looked up at Director Huang in the office and said, "She's finally here."

Director Huang knew who he was talking about. He paused and asked tentatively, "My junior sister?"

Ma Tongfeng took off his glasses, wiped them slowly, and did not refute.

Director Huang took a deep breath.

From the teacher's visit to the Boyuan base to see a group of senior high school students, he should be able to guess who the teacher's last disciple will be: "Is she going to take the Tongfeng class?"

Many powerful people in Jiangjing sent people to Ma Tongfeng, but he didn't like any of them.

Ma Tongfeng put his glasses back on and smiled, "Yes."

"How will her grades be?" Dean Huang guessed, "The little junior sister should be very good at math."

Ma Tongfeng just glanced at him.

The second admission test on campus only tests mathematics and physics, which is not friendly to most college entrance examination candidates. On the contrary, national college students are very adaptable to this kind of examination.

So the principal and the director guessed that Bai Shi would not do well in the exam, but they didn't know -

In the cesspool of mathematics and physics, there are always a few gods flying around in it.

White mulberry is one of them.

She was very biased in her subjects. She got a "0" in biochemistry at the beginning. If she took the other exams, she would still have a slight chance of becoming the top scorer. But if she only took math and physics, Ma Tongfeng thought -

Students at Jiangjing University will have to live in her shadow for a long time.


Academician Ma opened the document, lowered his eyes and said nothing.

But Director Huang could probably guess it by looking at his expression.

There is no need to mention Academician Ma's status in Jiangnan University and the domestic physics community. Many schools want to invite him to give a lecture. He is a benchmark of Jiangnan University, and many people are proud to enter his laboratory.

He picked up the documents on the table, closed the door gently and left the office.

Outside the door, the vice president was waiting for Director Huang. He glanced in the direction of the office and said, "Academician Ma seems to be in a good mood."

How can I not be happy when I find a student I like?

Director Huang smiled, and the two of them walked downstairs to the comprehensive building.

Several people gathered downstairs in the teaching building. When they saw the two people coming down, one of them saw Director Huang and the others and quickly walked forward a few steps, saying respectfully, "Teacher."

Director Huang looked over. He was also the dean of the Department of Physics and had taught quite a few students.

This is the team member he led before, Zuo Jinhua, who is quite talented.

He nodded slightly towards Zuo Jinhua.

After Director Huang and the vice president left, several students around Zuo Jinhua still looked at Director Huang's back without moving.

Qi Shujun didn't look at Zuo Jinhua until the figure disappeared. "Dr. Zuo, that's Dean Huang, right?"

Upon hearing this, the others also looked at Zuo Jinhua.

They usually only saw Director Huang at commendation meetings, and the reason they could identify him at a glance was because of his smooth head.

"Yes," Zuo Jinhua replied calmly, "Everyone, give me the data as soon as possible."

After Zuo Jinhua left, these people still gathered together.

"I remember Academician Ma has an office here, right? Will Director Huang come to see Academician Ma?"

"It's possible, but why did Academician Ma come to school today?"

While these people were discussing, Qi Shujun lowered his head and pressed his phone, posting a message on his Moments:

[I had the honor of meeting Dean Huang today [Picture]]

She comes from a scholarly family and has a wide social network, so many people liked her posts on her phone.


at the same time.

North City, Song Family.

Father Song stood at the bottom of the stairs, looking upstairs, "He hasn't come out yet?"

"The meal was delivered to his room, but he didn't eat it," Mrs. Song said sadly, "This is a big blow to him. Let's give him some more time."

Song Min did not do badly in the exam this time. He was still the first in Beicheng No. 1 Middle School and was admitted to Jiangjing University as he wished.

The admissions office of Jiangnan University made countless calls to the Song family.

His national ranking is not low, but...

"Is she really number one in the country?" Song's father didn't pay much attention to these and confirmed with Mrs. Song again.

"Yes." Mrs. Song felt bitter when she thought of Baishen.

When Bai Su was sent to Xiangcheng by the Bai family, the first thing she thought of was to dissolve her marriage with Bai Su. The Bai family obviously valued Bai Shaoke and Bai Shaoqi more.

She sought benefits and avoided harm, and she knew very well that the white mulberry was worthless at that time.

He even went to Xiangcheng to break off the engagement with Bai Mi.

Who would have thought that there would be such a big change in just one year.

Mrs. Song was still thinking when the phone rang. The servant standing aside picked it up and looked up, "Madam, it's Miss Bai calling."

Bai Shi was kicked out of the Bai family a long time ago.

The Miss Bai they called was only Bai Shaoqi.

Mrs. Song walked up to pick up the phone. Bai Shaoqi said something on the other end of the phone. Mrs. Song was stunned. "Really? Okay, I'll go to Jiangjing with you tomorrow afternoon."

After hanging up the phone, Song's father looked at Mrs. Song: "What's wrong?"

"Principal Luo helped Shaoqi contact a teacher at Jiangyin," Mrs. Song said, and the gloom she had felt for many days finally dissipated a little. "The other party is said to be a master in Jiangjing."

Jiang Yin?

Song's father couldn't control this, but he knew that the Yin family had always been concerned about Bai Shaoqi, "Why do your brother and his family care so much about Shaoqi?"

The person he was concerned about was not Bai Shaoqi but a man who could play the guzheng and happened to have the last name Bai.

These are things happening in the Jiangjing circle, so people in Beicheng naturally don't know about them.

"Let's talk about it when we get there," Mrs. Song turned and walked upstairs, "Bai Xi... don't mention her in front of your son. Bai Qiming has already returned from Xiangcheng."

"Back?" Song's father was shocked. "What is Bai Xi thinking? Is he really not going back to the Bai family?"

Fighting alone is of little use, and the Xu family has no blood relationship with her in the end.

Mrs. Song didn't know about this.


The next day.

Bai Xi went to the library of Jiangjing University early in the morning. The library was connected to the campus network, where one could find information that was only open to students within the school.

By early July, most students had finished their final exams.

The senior students have also left school, so there are not as many people in the library as before, so there is no need to get up early to reserve a seat.

At noon, Xu Wenyao still gave Bai Xi a message, asking her to go to the third canteen.

The cafeteria at Jiangjing University only accepts campus cards. After Xu Wenyao knew that she was in the library, he asked her to eat with them.

During the summer vacation, the school closed three canteens, but three canteens were still occupied. It was not far from the library. When Bai Mi arrived, Xu Wenyao and Chen Hong had already ordered the dishes.

"She actually met Dean Huang." They were all from the Department of Physics, so Chen Hong and Qi Shuyun were also quite familiar with each other. "It's good to have a backdoor."

Qi Shuyun's family knew Dr. Zuo, who was a doctoral student taught by Dean Huang.

Chen Hong said, and asked Xu Wenyao in confusion, "Why haven't you decided on a teacher yet?"

Generally speaking, students would decide which supervisor they would follow before taking the postgraduate entrance examination by sending an email. Qi Shuyun decided on Dr. Zuo very early on, and everyone who knew her envied her for joining such a super school.

Hearing this, Xu Wenyao lowered his eyes and said, "I'll wait for the results of this summer camp to come out."

Chen Hong knew about the mess between him and Qi Shuyun, so he didn't ask much.

Seeing Bai Xi, he stood up and greeted her enthusiastically, "Xiaomei Bai."

Bai Xi was wearing a very loose white long T-shirt today. The texture was soft and there was black bamboo embroidered on the front. Wu used two hairpins to completely roll up her hair and casually carried a white backpack on her shoulder. The lazy cat lying on it was very eye-catching.

Chen Hong looked at the lifelike embroidered cat and suddenly remembered, "I remember, junior sister, did you come to the gate of our school last year?

Bai Su sat opposite and looked up.

"How do you know?" Xu Wenyao was surprised. Bai Mi came to give him tickets that time.

"Damn it, I was wondering why you looked so familiar to me yesterday," Chen Hong looked at Bai Xi excitedly, "On the forum, there is a picture with 9999+ posts on the school forum, and that's her."

Every school has gossip, including Jiangnan University.

Some of this group of academic elites also have idols. Chen Hong himself is one of them. The forum of Jiangjing University includes not only students from Jiangjing University, but also students from other schools.

"When school starts, this schoolgirl will definitely be famous." Chen Hong took out his cell phone and showed the post to Xu Wenyao.

I also wanted to show it to Bai Shi, but Bai Shi just took a casual glance at it.

Chen Hong comes from an ordinary family, and people like Xu Wenyao, Qi Shuyun and Qi Jun are all goals that he needs to work hard for.

If he could cause such a big stir in the forum one day, he would definitely tag his friends and family to see it, but Bai Shi didn't seem to care about it.


Xu Wenyao and Chen Hong were discussing digital modeling. Bai Xi sat aside and took a photo with her mobile phone for Jiang Fuli.

Then eat slowly.

"Will the schoolgirl be bored?" Chen Hong was talking excitedly. Seeing Bai Xi looking at her phone, he quickly stopped and said, "Forget it, Wen Yao, let's talk about something else."

Chen Hong was afraid that the mathematical modeling class in his junior year was too profound and Bai Shi could not understand it.

"It's okay," Bai Su raised her head slowly, indicating that she was not bored, "Is it just the two of you?"

She felt that it would be a bit difficult for the two of them to do the numerical modeling.

Chen Hong and Xu Wenyao are sensitive to numbers, but lack some skills in designing models.

Chen Hong put down his chopsticks and became more curious about Bai Xi. He didn't know how she guessed that there was another person with them: "There are three of us, and there's also a college bully Qi Jun, but he's too lazy to eat with us."

Bai Ni nodded without asking any more questions. She wanted to go back home in the afternoon and did not stay in school any longer.

After eating, I went to wait for the bus opposite the cafeteria.

The Jiangjing preparatory camp will soon have new members joining the app, and Bai Xi and his team's rankings will also be included in the overall rankings.

She clicked on the challenge question bank and put in the question she had just written in the library.

Three minutes later.

For challenge questions, the score will be multiplied if you answer them correctly.

In the lower left corner, her ranking changed from NO1.68587 to NO1.137174.

The car stopped and she got in and left.

At the station, Chen Hong and Xu Wenyao walked towards the study room. He looked down at his phone, not knowing what he had seen. "Fuck, Wenyao, my Shenyue points have exceeded 100,000."

Hearing this voice, Xu Wenyao knew who Chen Hong was talking about, and he opened his phone to take a look.

"Is this really someone from the lab? They must be the same people from the National Group." Chen Hong raised his head and said in amazement, "They are so abnormal. Will they be able to enter the top ten in total points like He Wen in the future?"

No one thought that this would be the candidate for this year's college entrance examination.



Bai Mi closed the door and left the apartment. The doors of 301 and 302 on the left were open.

Someone was renovating inside, and it seemed that they saw her coming out, so the workers inside started to smash the wall.

She couldn't hear any sound at home, but as soon as she went out, work began upstairs and downstairs.

Bai Shi walked towards the stairs and took another look at the two families.

She lowered her head and sent a message to Xiao Qi, then walked towards the entrance of the community. The transportation here was convenient. Before she reached the bus stop, a silver car stopped beside her.

Xu Wenyao was in the driver's seat. His expression was somewhat cold. "Get in the car. Where are we going?"

"Where are you going?" Bai Xi asked before answering.


Then it's on the way, both are in Yunxiao District. Bai Xi opened the back seat and said, "Take me to the downstairs of Xu's."

"Why are you going to Yunxiao District?" There was no traffic jam at this time, so Xu Wenyao drove the car to the main road and looked in the rearview mirror.

"Looking for someone." Bai Xi lowered the car window and casually put his arm on it.

He looked down at his phone.

It's Dean Jian——

Where are you?

Bai Jian: [Library, study hard]

Bai Mi typed slowly on the keyboard and replied without blushing or beating her heart.

Dean Jian knew that Bai Xi had always loved studying and had even been admitted to Jiangjing University. He looked at Bai Xi's reply and said nothing.

[Remember to read the arrangement I gave you]

Free Pickup: [1]


Soon we arrived downstairs of Xu's building.

There were several people standing downstairs at Xu's building.

At a glance, it was Old Lady Xu and Qi Shuyun, as well as Butler Xu and Ji Mulan. Xu Wenyao's fingertips rested on the steering wheel, but he didn't get out of the car. He only told Bai Mi to call him if there was anything.

On Mrs. Xu's side, Qi Shujun saw that Xu Wenyao did not get out of the car, so she lowered her head and said, "Grandma Xu, Miss Liu has another meeting, so I won't disturb you."

She glanced at Ji Mulan without saying hello and got into her fiery red supercar.

After the sports car drove away, Xu Wenyao turned off the engine and got out with Bai Mi.

"Miss Liu?" Mrs. Xu nodded slightly to Bai Xi in a hurry, and then asked Butler Xu in a questioning manner.

Butler Xu paused and explained, "The Miss Liu that Miss Qi mentioned should be the student of Dean Jian, Dean Jiang Yin, a master of Guzheng, and it seems...she has a good relationship with Mr. Chen."

Of course, Butler Xu didn't know this news, as it was all revealed to him by the Qi family.

"What?" Old Mrs. Xu looked at Butler Xu in astonishment and involuntarily clenched her Buddhist beads.

Ji Mulan didn't know any Miss Liu, nor did she know who the "Mr. Chen" they were talking about was.

But when she heard Dean Jian's words, she guessed that this must be because people like Mr. Chen were similar to the Xu family's "relatives", and they were places she could not imagine.

She took a photo of Dean Jian's letter of apprenticeship for Bai Mi.

Thinking of this, she looked at Bai Shi.

Bai Xi didn't look at her, but just said hello to Xu Wenyao, "I'm leaving first."

Mrs. Xu then looked at Bai Xi's back and paused for a moment, "Where is she going?"

"Looking for someone." Xu Wenyao said in a faint voice.

Director Chen is still in Xiangcheng and hasn't returned yet. Is there anyone Bai Shen knows in Yunxiao District?

Mrs. Xu was surprised, but she didn't ask any more questions. She just looked at Xu Wenyao and said, "Wenyao, I want to talk to you about the woman that Shuyun mentioned."


The deepest part of Yunxiao Street.

This is the "Bar Street".

Yunxiao District is the most economically prosperous place in Jiangjing, and the bar street is even more prosperous and charming. It was just past four o'clock, and there were already a lot of cars parked on both sides of the street.

At the end of the street, there is a castle-style decoration.

It covers a huge area. There is a 50-meter-long path from the entrance to the main gate, and both sides of the road are lined with various luxury cars.

Baishen stood at the gate and looked up at the four big characters above his head -

Qinglong Bar.

On the third floor of the bar, Xiao Qi was wearing a baseball uniform and a baseball cap. He was sitting casually on a chair with one leg propped up, looking down at his phone.

When he received a message, he quickly got up and went downstairs.

Wang Youfeng valued him, and when he came to Jiangjing to open Xuankang, Wang Youfeng gave him the management rights of the bar.

Xiao Qi has been living in an orphanage since he was born. He left the orphanage and came into contact with people in society. He has already developed a good temper and is very talented. Even though he is less than 20 years old, the old foxes here dare not underestimate him.

However, he didn't care much about the bar's affairs. Many people in the bar had heard about him following Wang Youfeng through life and death, but few people had seen him.

On the first floor, the bartender and the manager stepped aside to make way for him and said respectfully, "Mr. Xiao Qi."

Xiao Qi nodded politely to them and immediately saw the white smilax facing the main entrance.

He smiled, "Sister."

When Bai Shi came closer, he did not introduce Bai Shi to the manager and others, but just took Bai Shi upstairs.

At this time, the bar had just opened and there weren't many people.

Qi Shujun had just arrived at the booth on the left side of the first floor. She sat at the edge and could not see those people clearly. She only saw the bar manager nodding and bowing to two people, "Who is Manager Li talking to?"

Everyone looked at Liu Shuhe in the middle.

Everyone in the circle has heard about how mysterious the Qinglong Bar is. Although this bar is more secretive than the Sijing Club, no one dares to reveal anything about this bar.

Because Sijing Club might reason with you, but Qinglong Bar won't.

Liu Shuhe was the only one here who had come into contact with people from the Qinglong Bar, because she was friends with the Second Miss. "It should be the Mr. Xiaoqi they were talking about. As for the woman next to him..."

Liu Shuhe was not sure. They were sitting off to the side and he couldn't even see Mr. Xiaoqi's face clearly. He could only vaguely see the girl in white clothes. She must be very tall.

She looked at the closed elevator, the red numbers stopped at "5L".

In the booth, a group of young people who were excited to come to the Qinglong Bar were silent. They all knew the rules of the Qinglong Bar. The second floor required membership. None of them had been to the third floor. As for the fifth floor...

No one has heard of it.

Many people on the first floor have seen this "5L".

Qi Shujun wanted to say something, but when he glanced, he saw a woman mixing drinks at the bar not far away. She was wearing a silver tank top that revealed her fair and delicate collarbone, with lazy black curls draped over her shoulders. With her left hand, she held the silver cocktail shaker that had spun twice in the air.

She reached out and poured the blue wine into the glass, and the gradient blue wine shimmered.

Very cool way to mix drinks.

Qi Shuyun's expression was extremely ugly. She recognized that this was the girl who had been in contact with Xu Wenyao in recent months.

She's just a bartender?

Xu Wenyao really knows how to insult people.

Qi Shuyun had a cold face and took out her cell phone to send a message to her mother.


A little after five, Qingxin Building.

Gao Yan was wearing a moonlight-white cheongsam with pearl buttons at the collar. She was waving a small black folding fan in her hand and kept looking out the window. "Where's the person?"

Beside him, Xu Nanjing peeled a melon seed and threw it up.

Open your mouth, good, no answer.

He glanced at the melon seeds on the ground and said casually, "Don't worry, Brother Jiang has already gone to pick her up, why are you in such a hurry?"

"Where is she? Why hasn't she arrived yet?" Gao Yan walked back and forth in the carpeted room in high heels, holding a small folding fan.

Xu Nanjing asked Bai Xi and just gave an address casually.

It's not far from here.

Gao Yan paused as she fanned herself. Isn't this the place where Xu Jueling mentioned the Qinglong Bar so often recently? Many forces have sent people to keep an eye on that area recently.

Wasn't she near Jiangjing University? Why did she go there again?

"Madam, please don't be anxious," Uncle Lin poured Gao Yan a cup of tea, "Take a rest first, Miss Bai hasn't arrived yet."

Uncle Lin looked at Gao Yan and Xu Nanjing and couldn't help but look outside the door. He had been curious about this "Miss Bai" for a long time. Gao Yan wanted to adopt her as her goddaughter, but she did not agree. She also solved two major issues for Xu Nanjing this year.

Not to mention the fact that Gao Yan wanted to adopt her as her goddaughter, the fact that she helped Xu Nanjing was enough to make Uncle Lin pay attention to her.

Gao Yan picked up the teacup and sat down gracefully.

I put away the folding fan and picked up my phone to find a message from someone——

[Shushu, I want to look at the 蔹蔹 first]

Gao Shu: [Live]

Gao Yan: [Xiao Jing said she looks better than in the photo, let her appear in the photo with you]

As she was reading the news, Xu Nanjing stood up and opened the door, "The person has arrived."

Gao Yan quickly put down her cell phone and teacup, picked up the folding fan a little nervously, stood up and looked towards the door.

Xu Nanjing had already opened the door, and he stepped aside to let the person outside in.

The first person who came in was not Jiang Fuli as Gao Yan thought, but a tall and thin girl. She was wearing a loose white T-shirt and trousers of the same color. She held a black mobile phone in her left hand, and her snow-white and slender fingertips pressed the screen.

After entering the room, she raised her head slightly.

Gao Yan saw her face clearly. It was as white as jade and had a fascinating radiance. Even though Gao Yan had seen many beauties in Jiangjing, she couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

When she was young, Gao Si was the most beautiful woman in Jiangjing, and the Gao family sent her to the Jiang family.

Now the eldest daughter of the Ming family is also a famous beauty.

But Gao Yan felt that it would be difficult for anyone to have the same temperament as the person in front of her.

As she was thinking, Jiang Fuli came in behind Bai Shi, holding two books. He was wearing soft home clothes, and his drooping hair was still as cold as frost.

"Auntie." Jiang Fuli raised his head and rarely took the initiative to greet someone.

He placed the two books on the table, and the cold and inhuman look on his face disappeared.

Gao Yan came back to her senses. She glanced at Jiang Fuli casually, then moved her gaze to Bai Su. She wanted to reach out to hold Bai Su's hand, but Xu Nanjing held her hand back. Xu Nanjing told her to be reserved with an expressionless face.

Gao Yan glanced at Xu Nanjing and had no choice but to greet Bai Xi, "Xi Xi, right?"

"Hello, Auntie." Bai Xi looked up and greeted her honestly.

Beautiful and well-behaved.

This is simply the girl of her dreams, Gao Yan covered her chest.

Uncle Lin came forward to serve them.

Jiang Fuli put the book on the table, pulled out a chair on the side, and motioned Bai Mi to sit down.

Uncle Lin, who was about to take action, looked at Jiang Fuli's hand on the teapot, was stunned for a long time, then took a step back and pretended to be invisible.

Xu Nanjing was sitting next to Jiang Fuli and was not surprised by this.

Gao Yan calmly watched Jiang Fuli reach out to pour tea, then watched him pass the tea to Bai Mi, and a sentence popped up in her mind: "You have come to this day too?"

She took out her phone and sent a message to Gao Shu, and out of the corner of her eye she saw the book that Jiang Fuli had placed aside.

These are two basic music books.

As everyone knows, Mr. Jiang has never studied music, but he has studied Chinese painting for a period of time. A famous teacher in the industry was almost scared to death by him.

That should be the one from the white smilax.

This child really likes the guzheng. Gao Yan breathed a sigh of relief. She placed a small black folding fan on her thumb and said in a very familiar manner, "Hey, I'll go downstairs and pick someone up. Wait for me for a few minutes."

Bai Mi is there, Jiang Fuli and Xu Nanjing are made transparent by Gao Yan.

Xu Nanjing looked at Gao Yan and Uncle Lin's departing backs and was completely convinced.



Gao Yan came down to pick up Dean Jian.

Dean Jian is the inheritor of culture and the principal of Jiang Yin. He has basically no intersection with Jiang Jing's circle. The only intersection is with Mr. Chen.

Gao Yan knew that she could invite him, and the other party was also doing it for Mr. Chen's sake.

"I don't know if he's willing to take in students," Gao Yan said to Uncle Lin, "Look at Liu Shuhe, he's doing pretty well in the circle now. If he were to take her in..."

Baishen is from Xiangcheng, looks so well-behaved and has no background.

Gao Si could not escape from the Jiang family, a place where people are eaten without leaving any bones.

Gao Yan began to worry about her, so if Dean Jian was willing to accept Baishen...

As soon as Uncle Lin saw Gao Yan's happy face, he knew that Miss Bai was very important to her. At least, Xu Jinyi could not compete with her. "Dean Jian has no shortage of students."

That's true, Gao Yan sighed.

Seeing the old man who had just walked into the hall, she hurried forward and greeted him respectfully: "President Jian, please come over."

Gao Yan knew that Dean Jian was not only the leader of the Guzheng, he was also a distinguished guest of Mr. Chen. The two of them had close contacts, and even the old man of the Xu family had to give Dean Jian some face.

Uncle Lin also bowed respectfully.

When Dean Jian met Gao Yan for the first time, he said neither humbly nor arrogantly: "Madam."

Gao Yan took him directly to the private room. Dean Jian was a leader in the art world, and Gao Yan felt a little pressured in front of him. "He is a youngster in the family and likes the guzheng very much."

As she opened the door, she explained to Dean Jian.

Dean Jian nodded and followed Gao Yan into the room.

Bamboo room.

As soon as Dean Jian stepped in, he saw the person sitting at the table facing him, who said he was "studying hard" in the library.

very good.

Dean Jian thought calmly.