
Being Expelled from the Wealthy Family

hahan_hani · Teen
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40 Chs



Without any warning or preparation, Bletilla striata appeared in front of the teachers of No. 1 Middle School in this way, catching all the teachers off guard.

Lu Lingxi stared at the computer screen and scanned the entire report from top to bottom again.

She was usually calm, but now she was dazed and confused.

Not the fourth or third as the dean of studies had boldly imagined, but the first.

It's been difficult for Xiangcheng to produce a student who could be admitted to Jiangjing University over the years, and he got first place in the national exam?

This has never happened in the history of Xiangcheng No. 1 Middle School.

At the beginning, the principal of No. 1 Middle School only dared to dream of surpassing Song Min and getting the first place in North City. Song Min was also a rare genius in North City, and the principal felt that being able to surpass him was already their limit.

But now, there are more than one people whose scores exceed Song Min, and Ning Xiao has easily surpassed Song Min to become the top ten in the national exam.

And white smilax...

It's even more incredible.

The provincial top scorer and the national top scorer are two completely different concepts.

No one would be surprised if a student from Jiang Jing scored the top score in the national exam.

After the national exam was unified, many people were not satisfied. For example, the resources and education received by students in Xiangcheng and Jiangjing were completely different. Due to the information gap, it was extremely difficult for students in Xiangcheng to stand out.

All the teachers present knew that Bai Mi was switching from liberal arts to science.

In this case, Bai Shi directly got the top score in the national exam.

The only sound in the conference room was the air conditioner, and everyone, including the principal, just watched with bated breath.

Each of these people has experienced countless ups and downs, but now in front of Bai Mi's abnormal ranking, they are still shocked and unable to express their thoughts at all.

Several minutes later, the head teacher of Class 8 was the first to come to his senses. He compared it with Bai Shi's ID number, re-entered the number one by one, and pressed the Enter key with a "click".

It's still the same score and ranking.

The sound of the Enter key seemed to press a switch for everyone in the conference room, and the principal was unable to support Director Pan.

Director Pan took the phone and tremblingly informed the Education Bureau office of the good news, "First, first in the national exam."

The dean took off his glasses and wiped them with the corner of his clothes: "Principal, your banner is still not prepared enough."

The principal only secretly prepared a banner with the words "provincial top scholar" in it.

"Teacher Lu, your Class 15 is really..." Tang Ming's head teacher came back to his senses.

Others congratulated Lu Lingxi one after another, "Congratulations, Teacher Lu, for having such outstanding students like Bai Shi and Ning Xiao."

Lu Lingxi listened to what other teachers said and recalled that when Bai Shi first came to Class 15, she scored 85 points in comprehensive science. Who could have thought at that time that a year later, Bai Shi not only did not have to repeat a grade, but also got the top score in the national exam.

"Okay," Lu Lingxi took a picture of the computer page with his phone, and then said, "There are still two students in our class who haven't checked their scores yet."

It's Yang Lin and Lu Xiaohan.

"Oh, yes." The principal was so happy that he was about to ask the factory to print the banners. "There are two more students."

Lu Xiaohan scored 654, Yang Lin scored 691, the same as Tang Ming.

But because Yang Lin's student number was earlier than Tang Ming's, she was ranked ahead of Tang Ming.

"Your class did really well in the Chinese exam this time." The head teacher of Class 8 looked at the Chinese scores of several students. Lu Xiaohan scored 141 in Chinese, Yang Lin scored 140 in Chinese, and Tang Ming only scored 129 in Chinese.

Lu Lingxi is indeed a good teacher. The average Chinese score of Class 15 is 10 points higher than that of other classes.

"They should all write pretty good essays." Lu Lingxi was not surprised.

Beside him, the principal couldn't retract his raised lips. "Yang Lin, Lu Xiaohan and Tang Ming are very good students, very good!"

Any one of these three people's scores could break the historical ranking of Xiangcheng No. 1 Middle School if it were put in Xiangcheng.

"Please write the red list as soon as possible. We will celebrate at the school gate at 8:08 tomorrow morning." The principal is already contacting people to prepare an expedited banner.

"Hang up, hang up all of them," Director Pan had finished his call. "We also have several 1

He and the principal looked at each other and saw each other's inner thoughts. This time, Xiangcheng No. 1 Middle School was really going to soar to success, with the top scorer in the national exam and two students in the top ten in the country.

Six of them are in the top fifty in the province.

Low-key life, high-profile work.

But Xiangcheng No. 1 Middle School did so well in the exam this time that it may not be able to keep a low profile anymore.


Xingyi martial arts school.

Bai Shi arrived early and was bending down to remove the last silver needle from Xu He's thigh.

Lu Xiaohan was holding a camera and filming the details.

"How do you feel?" She stood up slightly, lowered her eyelashes, and asked about Xu He's condition.

Xu He stood up, clenched his fists, and the muscles in his arms bulged. He could feel the abundant strength in his body. After more than two months of acupuncture, he had completely recovered to his previous state.

"Miss Bai," Xu He looked at Bai Xi, his serious face unable to hide his excitement, "I seem to have fully recovered.

"Yeah." Bai Shi put away the silver needle and nodded slightly.

The phone vibrated a few times and Bai Su took out his phone.

Beside him, Master Jin asked Bai Xi, "Miss Bai, are you going to Jiangjing?"

"Soon." Bai Xi nodded. She swiped the screen and saw several text messages.

[Hello, classmate. I am Mr. Chen from the Admissions Office of Jiangjing University. I wish you excellent results in the college entrance examination! We will arrive in Xiangcheng at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning! I hope to discuss the details of study and major with you in detail! If you have any questions, you can call this number?

In addition to Jiangjing University, there is news about other schools.

Baimei has not experienced the wars of modern schools.

If her phone didn't rarely receive spam messages, she would have almost thought that these text messages were advertising marketing.

Beside him, Xu He quietly asked Master Jin, a little hesitantly: "Miss Bai is going to Jiangjing?"

He had been in Xiangcheng for more than two months and hadn't seen Xu Nanjing. He thought that the Xu family had forgotten about this place, but from what Bai Mi said, she wanted to go back?

Master Jin nodded, "Miss Bai is going to Jiangjing to study."

Going to Jiangjing to study?

Xu He followed Master Jin in surprise and accompanied him to send Bai Di out.

Lu Xiaohan put away the camera. Today, several screened students were scored, and Ji Heng invited these hard-working children from Class 15 to have dinner together.

Lu Xiaohan was just about to show Ji Heng the recorded graduation video. After confirmation, she would upload the last video of their senior year to the account, officially bidding farewell to their senior year.


Jiang Jing.

Old Mrs. Xu paced back and forth in the study.

Xu Zhiyue sat in front of the computer, entering his admission ticket number and ID number.

Behind her, Ji Mulan was also staring at the computer screen.

Xu En seemed calm as he held the teacup.

"Madam, the young lady also said that she got all the points she deserved this time," Butler Xu smiled, "The test paper was so difficult this year, there is no doubt that she will be ranked second in the country."

The old lady turned the sandalwood Buddhist beads in her hand without saying a word.

"Don't put too much pressure on Yueyue." Xu En looked at Xu Zhiyue's slightly trembling hands.

Xu Zhiyue carefully pressed the enter key, and a line of scores appeared -

Name: Xu Zhiyue

Language: 141

Mathematics: 142

English: 150

Science: 292

Total score: 725

City ranking: 2

National ranking: 3

When Ji Mulan saw this excellent score, she couldn't help but cover her belly, which was already visibly pregnant.

Ranked third in the country

This was the first time she had felt such a straightforward high score.

"725, a few points higher than your estimate," Old Lady Xu stood behind her and saw Xu Zhiyue's score at a glance. It was higher than her estimate, which meant that Xu Zhiyue performed better than expected. It was normal for her to rank second in the city. "What a pity, why did you meet the Liang family in the college entrance examination today..."

The old lady was halfway through her words when she suddenly saw the last line, "… National ranking, third?"

The housekeeper was also shocked and said, "Miss, besides that classmate Liang, is there anyone else who scored higher than you this time?"

Xu Zhiyue couldn't think of it either.

She pushed up her black-framed glasses and took out her cell phone to ask about Liang Wu Yu's score.

Xu En stood behind Xu Zhiyue. He didn't know much about this year's college entrance examination, but he had heard Xu Zhiyue and Xu Wenyao analyze the difficulty. "Third in the country, Yueyue is already very good. Wen Yao was only in the top ten. I just don't know who will be second." There is no doubt that Liang Wu Yu is the first.

Old Mrs. Xu had always thought that Xu Zhiyue would get second place, so she couldn't help feeling a little disappointed when she heard that she got third place.

But even if it was third, it was a high score that the Xu family had never had before.

She held the Buddhist beads, clasped her hands together, and chanted "Buddha bless you." "Butler, have you found a hotel?"

At this time, Xu Zhiyue also received the screenshot from Liang Wuyu. She said softly, "No, this year is wrong. Liang Gou is not number one, and the number one is not from our school."

"What?" Xu En was startled.

Jiangjing High School has always been the best school in the country. Every year, the top scorer in the national exam comes from here. This year, many people in Jiangjing are betting on whether the top scorer will be Liang Wu Yu or Xu Zhiyue. No one thinks that the top scorer in the national exam will not be from Jiangjing.

Xu En lowered his head and stared at the screenshots on Xu Zhiyue's phone.

[Name: Liang Wuyu

Total score: 736

City ranking: 1

National ranking: 2

"It turns out that it's not him," Xu En looked at the incredible score. The test questions this year were so difficult, and 736 points was not the top scorer in the college entrance examination: "Where did this dark horse come from..."

"Our principal is also investigating," Xu Zhiyue muttered, "He didn't even get first place with 736 points. How abnormal was this person's test scores?"

Ji Mulan was happy for Xu Zhiyue. Even though she was ranked third in the country, it was something she had rarely seen before.

The Xu family was so solemn about Xu Zhiyue's third place, if the first place in the national exam appeared in the Xu family, I wonder what kind of sensation it would cause?


Director Chen was invited to Ji Heng's house for dinner today.

He and Ji Heng had just finished fishing yesterday and were now sitting leisurely at the stone table in the yard.

Ji Heng was the one who cooked, and the neighbors next door also came to help. Director Chen was kicked out of the kitchen as a guest.

Beside Director Chen.

Tang Ming was biting a leaf, sitting on a rock beside him with a bitter face, one leg slightly bent.

His expression was not very good, and Director Chen subconsciously thought that he did not do well in the exam, so he did not take the initiative to mention their results.

Until Tang Ming talked to Lu Xiaohan: "Is Yang Lin really 691?"

The banyan leaves fell lightly on his legs, and he reached out to flick them away.

"Yeah," Lu Xiaohan looked at him sympathetically, "How come you only scored 691?"

Tang Ming was disheartened. He had already anticipated what kind of expression Jiang Fuli would have when he came over later: "My Chinese score was too low. Don't you think your Chinese score is too abnormal?"

Director Chen sat next to the two of them.

He bit the cigarette and started to feel something was wrong halfway through listening.

Director Chen participated in the gambling pool for this year's Jiangjing College Entrance Examination. Having been away from the college entrance examination for too long, although he did not care much about it, he had vaguely heard that the questions this year were difficult.

"You scored 691 in the college entrance examination?" He still remembered Bai Mi's total score of 450. When he heard that Tang Ming scored 691, he subconsciously asked back.

Tang Ming saw Jiang Fuli's cold and upright figure appear outside the courtyard gate. He said with a bitter face: "Uncle Chen, can you please stop poking my wound?"

691 points in the college entrance examination, a wound?

Director Chen's mind was a little confused.

Jiang Fuli came with some wine. He held the wine rope with his bony fingers and placed the jar of wine casually on the stone table. The wine half covered his eyebrows and cast a light shadow.

Tang Ming quickly got up from the ground, "Teacher Jiang..."

Jiang Fuli was wearing simple casual clothes. His light eyes swept coldly over Tang Ming. His facial features were deep and sharp. He walked past him without saying a word, as if asking, "Who are you? Do I know you?" It seemed that he already knew that he and Yang Lin had got exactly the same score.

Tang Ming: "…"

Director Chen finally came to his senses, "Xiao Tang, you scored 691 in the college entrance examination this year?"

"Hmm." Tang Ming was depressed.

Director Chen subconsciously asked, "It's so high, why do you look like that?"

"Ah," Tang Ming raised his head and said numbly, "Sister Xi scored 750, and the God of Study scored 718. And I, like Yang Lin who didn't study much, only scored 691. I'll probably have to sleep with my eyes open tonight."

Baishen, 750 in the college entrance examination? Ning Xiao, 718? Both 691?

Director Chen raised his head slowly. He confirmed that Tang Ming was not joking: "..."

After a long while, he turned his head to look at Tang Ming who was standing next to him with a depressed look, then raised his head and caught a glimpse of Ning Xiao who was carrying a stack of fruits, then looked at Lu Xiaohan who was taking pictures with a camera, and finally his gaze fell on the direction of Bai Shi's room.

The sun shone through the cracks in the banyan tree and fell into Director Chen's eyes. Director Chen was in a trance and suddenly realized -

Who among the people around Jiang Fuli is simple?


The door of Baishen's room was open.

Jiang He was playing chess beside her.

Her piano was placed by the window. She was sitting on the piano stool, playing the arrangement sent by Dean Jian. She pressed the strings with her left hand and lazily picked up the ringing cell phone with her right hand.

The person who called was the principal of Xiangcheng No. 1 Middle School. "Student Bai, congratulations!"

"Thank you." Bai Mi reached out and plucked the strings slowly. The sound was as warm and cool as ever, and the tone was casual and lazy.

Even though the principal had expected Bai Xi to be calm, he didn't expect her to be this calm.

"The Education Bureau and local TV station reporters want to interview you." The principal was silent for several seconds before continuing to ask, "Is it convenient for you?"

"No." Bai Xi refused.

The principals were not surprised. "Okay, our school has prepared scholarships for you. You can come back to pick them up when it's convenient for you. There will be a celebration ceremony at the school gate tomorrow. But I suggest you don't come in the short term. The school phone has been flooded with calls from reporters..."

Bai Xi listened carefully to what the principal said before hanging up the phone.

There was a shadow over his head. Bai Xi put down his phone and looked up at Jiang Fuli who came in.

He stared at her with his cold eyebrows downcast, his casual jacket zipped up neatly to the collar, "Top scorer in the national exam, will you go to the grassland first or Jiangjing?"

Bai Su came back to her senses. She looked past him and towards the banyan tree outside the window that was swaying in the wind: "Grassland."

She guessed what the principal said, that there were many reporters and people stationed in Xiangcheng recently, and then thought about the several text messages she received on her mobile phone from various universities, and paused, "Why don't we leave early?"


Jiangjing Affiliated Middle School.

The principal and the grade director were holding the score sheets.

They stared at Liang Wu Yu and Xu Zhi Yue's rankings and looked at each other in bewilderment.

"I originally thought that this year's candidates were at a disadvantage because of Liang Wuyu and the other two," the principal of the affiliated middle school looked up and put down the transcript. "Now it seems that Liang Wuyu and the others are more regretful to have met this student. Where is this student from?"

The head teacher glanced at his phone and said, "Xiangcheng, there is another person named Ning Xiao..."

"Xiangcheng?" The principal narrowed his eyes and it took him a while to remember where Xiangcheng was. "This year's college entrance examination, Jiangjing University will also be very lively..."

Jiangjing University.

Bai Shi's score was locked, and the admissions office took a long time to find Bai Shi's score. At this time, in the principal's office: "Principal, this is the information of Bai Shi, a student from Xiangcheng No. 1 Middle School."

"Full marks?" The president of Jiangjing University took the transcript, looked up and down at the scores, and couldn't help but said, "No, Liang Wu Yu is rare in recent years. Where did she come from?"

The admissions office was also puzzled.

The principal finished talking to himself and slammed the table: "I'm going to Xiangcheng with the admissions office. I was wondering why the college entrance examination questions this year are so difficult. We must keep her. Have you checked which major she likes?"

The admissions office staff followed her and said, "Don't worry, everything has been arranged. The car is downstairs. It doesn't matter which major she likes. We have arranged a doctoral student in each major..."

"Xiangcheng..." President Jiang University strode out of the office door, whispering these two words.

He knew that this year's college entrance examination might not be easy, but he didn't expect it to be so exciting.

This is simply a fight between gods. How many years has it been since the college entrance examination was so lively?

Full marks.

The last time was when Jiang Xijue was taking the college entrance examination!

The scores are blocked in order to prevent the media and businesses from over-hyping the top scorers in the college entrance examination and causing inconvenience to the students.

However, this year, a dark horse from Xiangcheng emerged from nowhere in the college entrance examination, crushing all the geniuses from Jiangjing Affiliated Middle School and taking first place with full marks, like a drop of water entering a frying pan.

"Xiangcheng No. 1 High School's dark horse in the college entrance examination" still made headlines in major media at noon!


Chapter 217 I heard that you are Bai Su's father, so I came to visit you.

At the Song family, Mrs. Song was holding a pair of scissors and trimming the branches of flowers intermittently.

But his eyes were looking in the direction of Song Min.

"Are you still worried about his grades?" Father Song looked at Mrs. Song's absent-minded look and laughed. Song Min had never made them worry since he was a child, especially in terms of grades. "Strange, why didn't the principal call today?"

Mrs. Song's thoughts drifted away. She cut the paper with a "click" and said nothing.

Song Min sat on the sofa, leaning slightly against it, clicking on the magnifying glass of the website on the right with his fingertips, and looking at the results page with a slightly cold gaze.

The page rotated for a while before displaying his results and ranking.

[Total score: 686

Provincial ranking: 5

National ranking: 36

700 points is a watershed. One point below 700 points can result in a difference of several places.

Especially for those with scores of 400-500, there are nearly one million people in the province, and one point may mean a difference of tens of thousands of places.

This time, the national ranking was still within Song Min's estimation, but the provincial ranking made Song Min stand up.

He didn't say anything for a long time. Song's father hung up the phone and walked over to him. "What's wrong? Didn't do well in the exam? It's okay, it was just a mistake..."

Song's father was surprised, because Song Min's teaching resources have always been good. With the Yin family around, the teaching resources he got were always difficult for students in North City to get, such as the Boyuan base last time.

Even if Song Min didn't do well in the exam, he wouldn't think Song Min would be that bad.

Until he looked down and saw Song Min's ranking of fifth in the province on his phone.

"So many people in your class ranked in the top 30 in the national exam?" Song's father frowned, feeling that something was wrong.


The Bai family also felt something was wrong.

After estimating her scores, Bai Shaoqi knew that she would have a chance of getting into Jiangjing University. She had been close to the Beijing Conservatory of Music and the Jian family during this period. Jian Rong and Bai Shaoke were friends, and she herself was a member of the North City Music Association.

Knowing that she is a good student of Beicheng No. 1 Middle School, Principal Luo also hinted that he would highlight her when the Jiangjing Music Association recommends members this year.

She had a smooth journey and was successful on both sides.

Bai Shaoke followed behind Professor Jiang and helped him. The Bai family was ready to open the ancestral hall to celebrate.

They were all waiting for her to come back.


"Eighth in the province?" When Bai Qiming heard Bai Shaoqi's ranking, the smile on his face stopped. He narrowed his eyes and looked at Bai Shaoqi, "Why is it only eighth in the province?"

Bai Shaoqi's ranking had never been lower than the top five before.

Butler Bai stood behind Bai Shaoqi and said, "Sir, although Miss is ranked eighth in the province, her national ranking is still 201. With this ranking, she can enter Jiangjing University and choose a very good major."

Jiang Jing has a group of specially recruited summer camp students who do not have to take the college entrance examination.

Half of them are college entrance examination candidates, and another small half are foreign students.

When Bai Qiming heard Butler Bai talking about Bai Shaoqi's national ranking, the smile on his face returned and his voice became much gentler, "Shaoqi, this is true, can you enter Jiangjing University?"

Although it was strange, Bai Shaoqi was very confident about his ranking, "Yes, this ranking can get me into Jiangjing University, but it's difficult to get into popular majors."

Bai Qiming himself didn't expect Bai Shaoqi to be able to win the provincial championship like her brother.

It is difficult for one family to have two heroes, and Bai Qiming was beyond his expectation that she could be admitted to Jiangjing University.

"It's good to be admitted to Jiangjing University." Bai Qiming's stern expression disappeared. He tapped the table with his fingertips, obviously in a good mood. He tilted his head and instructed Butler Bai, "Go find a reporter to announce this news. Also, ask the clan leader if he is free the day after tomorrow."

He has already booked Jiahao's banquet hall, which is also a good opportunity to expand his network.

When Bai Shaoke passed the imperial examination and became the top scorer, he arranged for many reporters to hype it up. The Bai family's stocks soared at that time. Although Bai Shaoqi was a little behind, it was also a good story that two people in the family were admitted to Jiangjing University.

Bai Qiming was in a good mood.

Butler Bai responded with a smile.


The next day, Xiangcheng.

The principal was happily hanging red lanterns and a bunch of banners on the gatehouse with the security guard.

There were two large rows of fireworks on both sides of the gate.

"This one a little to the left, and a little higher..." The principal held a firework and placed it in the middle, then turned around and directed the security guards to hang the banner.

The school gate was crowded with people, mostly parents of students who came to share in the joy.

Since the year before last, in order to shape students' values, the Education Department has been very opposed to hyping up topics such as top scorers in the college entrance examination, and the principal did not invite reporters to publicize it.

When the time came at 8.08, the principal set off the fireworks on time.

In an instant, fireworks exploded in the clear sky. Today, Xiangcheng No. 1 Middle School was as lively as New Year's Day.

The principal turned around and looked at the several banners behind him——

[Congratulations to our school's Bai Shi for winning the first place in the national college entrance examination in science?

[Congratulations to our school student Ning Xiao for winning the sixth place in the national college entrance examination in science?

[Congratulations to our students Yang Lin and Tang Ming...]


The sound was deafening.

Smoke was everywhere.

The principal looked at the first banner as if in a dream. He was the top scorer in the national college entrance examination in science. Since the scores were released yesterday, the principal's office and the admissions office have been flooded with calls.

All major universities are looking for information on Bletilla striata.

"Is it a provincial key school this year?" Director Pan covered his ears with one hand and said in the principal's ear with a smile. He received the notice to upgrade to a key school last night.

The principal tilted his head and whispered in Director Pan's ear, "You don't know, the admissions office's phone has been flooded with calls."

Xiangcheng No. 1 Middle School has produced a top scorer in the national exam. Even if we don't publicize it, we can't hide it from others.

Some media have already taken advantage of the popularity. Fortunately, they did not expose the photos of a few students, otherwise the Education Department would have to take action to rectify these practices.

The names of Baishen, Ning Xiao have been promoted in the media, and the students who have left Xiangcheng to study will transfer back this year.

In addition, more students will choose Xiangcheng Middle School for the high school entrance examination this year.

The source of school students is also very important, otherwise why would those universities compete with each other for top college entrance examination students every year?

Today, Xiangcheng No. 1 Middle School has fun with everyone.

The official reporter of Xiangcheng Channel got the first-hand information yesterday and conveyed the teaching philosophy of Xiangcheng No. 1 Middle School. She asked the principal a few official questions.

The principal straightened his clothes and answered cautiously: "The reason why other students in our school did well in the exam is because of the study method that Bai Shen shared with Ning Xiao..."

The study method of the national top scorer? !

The reporter's eyes lit up: "Excuse me, can we talk to these students online? I believe all students are very curious about these students who have done so well in the exam.

The principal paused.

He imagined what kind of responses the reporter would get when he interviewed those people.

Bletilla striata——[Because the Wenchong program does not have the major I like]

Ning Xiao——Forget him, he is so cold, he might just say [Oh].

Yang Lin - I don't know where she works and I can't find her at all.

Tang Ming——[Why did I only get 691? ]

Thinking about it this way, it seemed a bit arrogant. In order to avoid the reporter having a heart attack, the principal politely declined on behalf of several students, "Several students are too busy to connect."

In the crowd.

Both Mrs. Zhang and Mr. Zhang went to grab two portions of wedding candy.

Aunt Zhang looked at the names on the banners. They were all familiar names. She stared at the banners in a daze: "Aze was supposed to graduate with them."

"He's coming out soon," Zhang's father patted her shoulder, "this isn't entirely a bad thing for him."


Evening of the 27th.

Because the heat is so intense this time, Baishen has to leave early.

Before leaving, the group gathered at Zhang's house again.

In order to celebrate their successful graduation and great success in the college entrance examination, Aunt Zhang bought a lot of food and invited Chi Yundai from the cake shop to come over.

He was right next to the school and was the first to learn that Bai Mi had scored the top spot in the national exam.

He held a cigarette between his fingers, and as soon as he arrived at Zhang's house, he couldn't help but look at Bai Shi.

I didn't have time to cook. When Bai Mi was pruning the flowers, I asked Lu Xiaohan beside me, "Is Miss Bai really the top scorer in the national exam?"

"Yes, what's wrong? Chi Lu, you've asked me several times." Lu Xiaohan looked at Chi Yundai in confusion.

In Lu Xiaohan's eyes, Chi Yundai is a better lawyer than Zhao Jingzhou. She thinks Chi Yundai should not be so shocked because Bai Xi got the top score in the national exam.

Chi Yundai pressed the lighter with his fingertips, and the blue flame rolled towards the cigarette, "It's okay."

His eyes swept towards Bletilla striata standing by the window. She half lowered her head and slowly and methodically pruned the flowers in her hands. Her almond-shaped eyes were calm. To her, it seemed that passing the national exam with the highest score was not as important as the flowers in her hands.

Lu Xiaohan is not from Jiangjing, so she doesn't know what it means to be first in the national exam, but Chi Yundai knows——

If Bai Mi had not gone astray in the future, her achievements would definitely not be lower than He Wen. If she were to go to Jiangjing, the school would also be lively.

The Zhang family's courtyard was very cool. Tang Ming was picking vegetables and couldn't help but ask Wen Qi, "Brother, how did you do in the Chinese test?"

Next to him, Lu Xiaohan put down the camera and looked down at him.

"That's how I took the test."

Lu Xiaohan's College Entrance Examination Composition "Graduation Photo"

[It was a very ordinary senior year of high school. Lu's mother was relieved and no one was late every Monday morning after that.

The court is still the same court, nothing has changed, except that Beibei and his friends no longer play court there.

This year's graduation photos have been taken. Our senior year of high school has come to an end, and his senior year will start all over again. Why should we cling to that graduation photo with an empty spot? ]


In North City, the Bai family is also very lively.

Guo Yueqing stood beside Bai Qiming to welcome the head of the Bai family. This was her first official appearance in the Bai family.

A banquet will be held at Jiahao Hotel tomorrow, so Bai Qiming specially came to receive the people from the Bai clan in advance today.

Chief Bai discussed the matter with the ancestral hall. "After dinner tomorrow, go back to the clan. Everyone in the clan is waiting to put her on the family tree. When will Shao Ke come back? I heard that he has entered the laboratory."

Bai Shaoke is about to enter his sophomore year. After entering the laboratory at this time, it will be no problem for him to be admitted to graduate school or get a doctorate.

This is a great event for the Bai family.

Bai Qiming smiled and said, "His mentor recently left the laboratory. It seems that something unexpected happened, so he is very busy and can't come back for the time being."

The clan uncle patted the boy's shoulder and said, "Bai Han, your cousin Shaoqi and your cousin Shaoke were both admitted to Jiangjing University. Your cousin Shaoke is the provincial champion and will be a doctor in the future. You should learn from them, okay?"

The boy glanced at Bai Shaoqi, pouted, and looked around: "I don't want her, I want cousin Bai Shen."

When the word "Bletilla striata" was mentioned, the atmosphere became tense.

Chief Bai remembered who Bai Shi was, smiled faintly, and said nothing.

The clan uncle also glared at the boy and complained that he had said the wrong thing.

Bai Qiming frowned.

Guo Yueqing stood in front of Bai Qiming wearing a cheongsam. Seeing other people's reactions, she concealed her emotions.

At this moment, the servant outside came in, "Sir, the principal is here."

He is the principal of Beicheng No. 1 Middle School.

Bai Qiming smiled, "You should come to congratulate Shaoqi. Butler, go and ask Shaoqi to come down and stop practicing the piano."

This is the principal of North City No. 1 Middle School. Patriarch Bai and Bai Qiming and his party all stood up and went out to greet him.

At the gate, next to the principal stood a middle-aged man in a striped shirt. He wore glasses and had a coat draped over his arms, looking very respectable.

The Bai family was surprised to see who this person was. Then the principal of North City No. 1 Middle School introduced him, "Mr. Bai, this is the director of our city's Education Bureau, Director Li."

Director of the Education Bureau?

The Bai family and their group were extremely surprised.

Chief Bai looked at Bai Qiming in surprise, his expression was obvious: How do you know the director?

Bai Qiming is in business and his connections are not that strong. They are just one of the wealthy families that can be found on the market. Last year, Bai Shaoke, the provincial champion, also issued an announcement letter from the Education Bureau.

How can he invite the director?

Bai Qiming's mind was distracted. He just shook his head at Patriarch Bai and quickly started talking to Director Li.

But before Bai Qiming could say anything, Director Li smiled and raised his right hand.

He shook hands with Bai Qiming, lowered his brows slightly, and introduced himself: "Hello, Mr. Bai. I heard from the principal that you are the father of classmate Bai Su, so I came to visit you specially. I hope I don't make you feel presumptuous."


Chapter 218: 218: Coming to Jiangjing, Ji Mulan received a call (Part 2)

The top scorer in the national exam appeared in a small town outside the northern part of the city, and the Education Bureau of the northern city also received the news immediately.

Although the media did not dare to hype the event too much, colleagues were well-informed and calls of congratulations came in one after another.

Not to mention Xiangcheng, even Beicheng has never had such a glorious moment. Among the four major cities, the education in Xicheng is much better than that in Beicheng. This time, Beicheng is superior to Jiangjing.

Director Li received a notice from the Jiangjing Education Bureau early this morning that education funding has increased.

Both the Beicheng Education Bureau and the Xiangcheng Education Bureau are going to be promoted, and Director Li will soon be transferred to Jiangjing.

This is the performance brought by the national top scorer.

Director Li immediately sought information about the top scorer in the college entrance examination, but even as the director of the Education Bureau, he could not find any news about this student, Bai Su.

No matter how much information he searched for her, there was nothing. He only knew that she graduated from Xiangcheng No. 1 Middle School. The news about her was blocked, which was not surprising. The higher-ups have always given careful protection to special talents. That's why Director Li felt that she was no ordinary person.

Just when Director Li was about to go to Xiangcheng No. 1 Middle School to discuss this dark horse with the principal of Beicheng, he found out that she used to be from Beicheng.

Her father is in the North City.

Only then did he hurried over with the principal.

Director Li was polite, but Bai Qiming was confused. "...Bai Shi?"

Patriarch Bai was also surprised, because he knew that Bai Xi was the daughter of Bai Qiming who was removed from the family tree.

Butler Bai has already made tea for Director Li and the principal.

"Yes, Bai Shi got the top score in the national exam this time, Jiangjing University takes it very seriously," Director Li sat on the sofa, his arm still draped over his coat, and smiled at Bai Qiming, "I think the people from the Jiangjing Admissions Office will be here soon. By the way, isn't Bai Shi going back to North City yet?"

The college entrance examination scores were released the day before yesterday, and the news was spreading like wildfire among Xiangcheng and major universities. Director Li thought that the admissions office of Jiangjing University would go, and he didn't know that the president would go in person.

Bai Qiming has been planning many matters for Bai Shaoqi's going to Jiangjing University without being distracted.

He has always been behind in information in this area and has never paid attention to other people. As long as Bai Shaoqi does well in the exam, it's enough. The Song family didn't contact him. He always thought that Song Min was the top scorer in the college entrance examination and didn't pay much attention to it.

As for the white sedge...

If someone hadn't mentioned her today, he would have forgotten that she was also taking the college entrance examination this year.

"You said she is the top scholar in the province?" Bai Qiming involuntarily put his hands on the armrest and raised his head, his dark pupils trembling violently, "My daughter Bai Shi?"

Next to him, Chief Bai heard the "provincial number one scholar" and put down his teacup with a "pop".

He looked up in a daze.

Guo Yueqing, who was sitting next to Bai Qiming, was dignified and still had a gentle smile on her face.

But her slightly pale fingers still betrayed her mood.

When Principal Beicheng heard that Xiangcheng No. 1 Middle School had a top scorer in the national exam named Bai Shi, he knew that he had lost the bet this time. "Boss Bai, Bai Shi is not the top scorer in the province, but the top scorer in the country."

"The top scholar in the country?" The head of the Bai clan, who had been very calm, stood up suddenly, and was shocked: "Are you sure it's Bai Shi, from our Bai clan?"

This reaction...

Director Li was confused. He put down his teacup and felt that things were not what he imagined. "You... don't know yet?"

Bai Qiming sat on the sofa looking shocked and distraught. Director Li felt something was wrong and stood up to say goodbye and leave.

Principal Beicheng didn't know that Bai Xi had severed ties with the Bai family.

He came here today also for Bai Shi. After all, Bai Shi was a member of the Bai family. He didn't want to have a grudge with Bai Shi because of Bai Shaoke's matter. He felt something was wrong at this moment and left with Director Li nervously.

After everyone left, the hall of the Bai family remained quiet.

Butler Bai, who was always smooth, also stood there in a daze, holding the tray.

Upstairs, Bai Shaoqi changed his clothes and walked down the stairs, looking slightly surprised: "Dad, clan leader, what's wrong with you?"

This sentence was like a stone thrown into the calm water. Chief Bai covered his chest and looked at Bai Qiming. "Qiming, take me to Xiangcheng to find her. No matter what, we must let her return to our Bai family and recognize her ancestry."

When Bai Shaoke was the provincial champion, the Bai family ignored the fact that he was an illegitimate child and visited him three times.

Now that Bai Shi is the national top scholar, even the Bai tribe leader is willing to humble himself and go to Xiangcheng in person to invite Bai Shi back.

Up to now, the Bai family has never produced a national number one scholar.

Of course, the Bai family only knew that Bai Shi was the top scorer in the national exam, but they didn't know how important this was.

Even so, it is enough for them to rush to Xiangcheng overnight. As for tomorrow's celebration banquet?

They don't have time to care about it now.


Early morning on the 28th.

The vast grasslands near the border are often

The plane's wheels rolled on the concrete ground, and the wings on both sides swept across the sides before slowly stopping.

The airport staff put the stairs in an orderly manner and waited for people to come down.

Bai Mi stepped down on the carpet and raised her head slightly. This was her first time here.

At the bottom of the stairs, a man in ethnic costume saw the two people coming down, walked up and respectfully handed over the brochure, "Master Jiang, this is the scenic spot arrangement we have prepared for you."

Jiang Fuli was holding a document in his right hand. Upon hearing this, he changed hands and took the manual.

"Take a look and tell us where to go first." He lowered his brows indifferently, glanced at it, and then casually handed the manual to Bai Mi.

The man dressed in ethnic style then raised his head cautiously.

My eyes fell on the girl standing next to me. She was wearing a long skirt with the hem slightly lifted up, reflecting the blue sky behind her. The azure pattern on the hem was just the right amount of smooth and meticulously crafted.

Bai Shi glanced at the manual, which showed several routes planned out.

Tomb of the Tibetan King...

Her bony fingers stopped at the last line, and she paused slightly: "Here."

Jiang Fuli handed over the manual and said, "Let's go here."

Neither of them was obviously serious about traveling.

After the two of them left, someone looked at the route that Bai Shi pointed out and asked in surprise, "Didn't we close this place off to outside tourists?"

"Banned?" The middle-aged man in ethnic clothing looked up and said softly, "It depends on who you are targeting."

The young man scratched his head.

don't know.

The middle-aged man held the manual and dialed the phone with his other hand. "As for their family, our boss doesn't even know which direction the door of his mansion faces."


It's not officially summer vacation yet.

Not many people come here to travel.

Bai Su was holding a bottle of water and standing at the foot of a hill.

The grave keeper next to him introduced to Jiang Fuli, "Go up this mountain road and you will reach the Tibetan king's tomb."

"Do you still have a gravekeeper now?" Jiang Fuli looked towards the cemetery he mentioned.

The old man's hair was all white. "I should be the last generation."

He led the way and walked into a "no-passing" path. "We rarely let people come in to disturb them now. Occasionally, reporters come to interview them... Look, it's right in front."

Bai Shi followed the old man and listened quietly.

She followed the old man's gaze and saw a very ancient cemetery.

The name of the cemetery is also printed next to the gate tower.

"Princess Huai'an is not here?" Bai Xi looked at the name over and over again, tapping the mineral water bottle with his fingertips.

"Princess Huai'an?" The old man was stunned, then he remembered this person and casually pointed to the mountain next door, "She is not qualified to enter here, she should be on that hill..." Before he finished speaking, Bai Shi walked over there.

The old man was surprised. He was stunned for a moment and followed him, talking to Jiang Fuli, "Master Jiang, that place is not a scenic spot, and it has not been repaired. The road is not easy to walk on..."

"It's okay," Jiang Fuli stopped halfway up the mountain. He looked down at the time on his watch and said calmly, "Let her go and have a look."

The old man didn't dare say anything.


On the mountain.

The hill was built very casually.

Bai Mi tried to identify the words on it, and it took her some time before she found the four words "Princess Huai'an" on the tombstone that had never been repaired.

She stood in front of the grave, looked at the surroundings, and then sat down casually on the ground.

Bai Su was wearing plain clothes. She reached out to wipe off the yellow mud on the tombstone, then picked up her mobile phone and took a picture of the tombstone.

After she took the photo, her index finger just tapped the phone unconsciously.

Coincidentally, the cell phone rang. It was Lu Xiaohan.

"Sister Lu, are you out?" In the video, there was a crowd behind Lu Xiaohan, and she was holding a camera. "Is this... the prairie?"

"Yes," Bai Shi rested his elbows on his knees and said lazily, "Are you fleeing?"

"Hey, these college people are looking for you and the academic god, but I don't know why they are looking for me," Lu Xiaohan said helplessly, carrying the camera, "When are you going to Jiangjing?"

Lu Xiaohan's grades are not good enough to be admitted to Jiangjing University.

But Communication University is enough.

She plans to visit the Communication University first.

Hearing this, Bai Xi raised his eyebrows, his brows tinged with the arrogance of a young man, "Today."

"In such a hurry?" Lu Xiaohan calculated the time. "Then I have to wait for two more days. My parents will take me home to worship our ancestors. Oh, they will also pay respect to grandpa. You should ask grandpa to pay attention. As far as I know, the uncle of the god of learning will also go to pay respect to your grandpa. I won't talk about the other people in Class 15. They all know where your home is."

Everyone knows who helped Ning Xiao and others achieve such success.

Class 15 also knows this.

Bai Su changed her hand to hold the phone: "...This is too exaggerated, tell them not to go."

Lu Xiaohan looked at the camera dimly: "I haven't finished yet. The principal and others are also going to visit your grandfather, as well as people from the Xiangcheng Education Bureau."

Baishen: "…"

She hung up the phone and silently said "sorry" to Ji Heng in her heart.

As soon as the call was hung up, Bai Xi saw the photo of the tombstone taken on the mobile phone.

The tomb had not been repaired and was old and dilapidated. She sighed and murmured, "No, Third Princess, how can I show it to my brother like this?"

A few steps away.

Jiang Fuli did not come closer.

He stood by the side of the road and answered the phone. A female voice came from the other end of the phone: "I heard you are going back to Jiangjing?"

"Okay, I'll be back in the evening." He stood in the sun, his profile cold, looking only in the direction of Baishen, his tone nonchalant.

Bai Su was still sitting in front of the tombstone. She was wearing loose plain clothes, and she looked extremely thin. In the light, her whole body was shrouded in a layer of light.

At this moment, he was sitting there casually, with a pretty face, but he looked like a depressed cat that couldn't find the way.

"I thought you were going to stay in Xiangcheng for five or six years." The tone on the other end was surprised.

"That's what I had planned," Jiang Fuli saw Bai Su standing up, so he retracted his gaze and said slowly, "Aunt, if there's nothing else, I'll hang up now."


Jiang Jing.

Ji Shaojun's residence.

After finishing a day's course, he looked at the building manager, seeming to want to say something but stopping himself.

The housekeeper held up his cane and looked up, "If you have something to say, just say it."

"A-Xu will arrive in Jiangjing this afternoon," Ji Shaojun paused, "I want her to come here for dinner."

Bai Shi did very well in the college entrance examination. Ji Shaojun and Shen Qing were originally going to return to Xiangcheng, but unexpectedly, Bai Shi came directly to Jiangjing after the exam. The two didn't understand why, but they didn't rush back and forth.

Shen Qing and Ji Shaojun wanted to cook by themselves, but this was the residence arranged by the Mu family for Ji Shaojun, so they had to ask the housekeeper.

White smilax?

Housekeeper Lou was stunned, remembering that Ji Shaojun had returned to Xiangcheng for Bai Su's college entrance examination some time ago: "She came to Jiangjing so early?"

"Yes, Ah-Xu she..." Shen Qing opened his mouth and was about to speak.

The housekeeper nodded and interrupted her, "She's the only one, right?"

"Not only that," Ji Shaojun thought for a moment, "Xiao Jiang should come too."

The housekeeper stood up with his cane and nodded, "Even if you want to entertain her, don't forget to study."


Bai Mi did not tell anyone else about her visit to Jiangjing. She was afraid of receiving phone calls recently. Dean Jian and Academician Ma did not know about it yet.

But Ji Heng had already informed Ji Shaojun and Xu En in advance. After all, he was worried because he didn't accompany Bai Xi to Jiangjing this time.

Xu family.

Old Mrs. Xu was preparing to entertain the guests. Although Xu Zhiyue did not rank second in the country this time, she was at least third.

The location was set at the Xu family's old house.

Old Madam Xu was still holding the Buddhist beads in her left hand as she spoke to Butler Bai, "Has the news about Zhiyue the Third been passed on to our family?"

A big family like the Xu family has countless descendants, so why would they pay attention to the college entrance examination?

If the news had not been passed on specifically, the Xu family would never have known it.

"Don't worry," Butler Bai nodded, "I've already told the clan members, and several of them have explicitly said they want to come."

Old Madam Xu turned the dark-colored Buddhist beads and looked at Xu En again, her face full of smiles. "Bai Xi and the others have also arrived in Jiangjing, right? Invite them to come as well. You should also take a few days off and not be busy with business all day. Yueyue, this is also a great event for the Xu family."

"By the way," Mrs. Xu thought of Bai Shi, and she looked at Xu En and Ji Mulan, "How did Bai Shi do in the exam this year? Does she have a chance to enter Jiangjing University?"

Ji Mulan's expression paused, she didn't know.

Xu En picked up the teacup, "She did very well in the test."

Xu Zhiyue did very well in the exam, but Xu En did not specifically mention Xu Zhiyue's results when he called Ji Heng.

It would be too ostentatious to specifically tell Ji Heng that Xu Zhiyue ranked third in the country, so Xu En only told Ji Heng that Xu Zhiyue did well in the exam.

Ji Heng also only said that Bai Shi did very well in the exam.

Both were very polite and didn't show off too much.

Ji Mulan stood up. No matter how well she did in the exam, she could not compare with Xu Zhiyue.

Ji Mulan prepared to go outside to get some fresh air.

As she walked out the door, her cell phone rang. It was Beicheng's number. She paused and picked up the phone.

"Mulan," a slightly old voice came from the other end, "I am the patriarch of the Bai family, you should have seen me."

"Chief Bai?" Ji Mulan walked to a flower. She held her phone in one hand and stroked her belly with the other. Her eyes narrowed slightly and her tone was not very good. "What do you want from me?"

The other party's attitude towards her was not surprising, and the tone was slightly flattering, "Mulan, this is it, do you know where Ah Xu lives? We have arrived in Xiangcheng, but her phone is unreachable and we can't find her. After all, she has the blood of our Bai family in her veins. I hope you can tell her that as long as she is willing to return to the Bai family, the ancestral hall will open the middle door to welcome her. No matter what she asks for, our Bai family will agree to it."


Chapter 219 Returning to her place

Ji Mulan did not have a good relationship with the Bai family.

As soon as the news about Bai Shaoke came out, the Bai family ignored Ji Mulan's personal request to invite Bai Shaoke back. She had always been proud, but she suffered setbacks in marriage and children.

She also felt bad about it.

The Bai family's current attitude...

Ji Mulan thought about the college entrance examination. She knew that Bai Shi might have done better than she thought, but it didn't mean that the head of the Bai clan would call her, right?

"A-Xu?" Ji Mulan stopped and said calmly, "Why are you looking for her?"

She knew that Bai Xi had moved her household registration to Ji Heng's name, but she didn't know that Bai Xi had been removed from the Bai family's family tree.

"Qiming and the others also did something wrong in Shao Ke's case. It was fate that played tricks on us. But now you have married into a good family. It is a blessing in disguise," the Bai clan leader persuaded softly, "I know the Xu family is wealthy, but Bai Xu is the last name Bai after all. She has the blood of my Bai family..."

The people of the Bai family are accustomed to favoring boys over girls. If it weren't for Ji Mulan's support when Bai Su was born, she would not have been qualified to be included in the family tree.

Now, for her, Chief Bai has actually learned to be servile.

"She won't be proud of your Bai family's blood," Ji Mulan sneered, "When you drove her out, you didn't go to Xiangcheng to find her. What's wrong now? You suddenly think she is a member of the Bai family. Forget it. She doesn't even want to enter the Xu family, and you still want her to go back to the Bai family."

What a shame.

Without waiting for the other party to speak, she hung up the phone and blocked the number.

Then he stared at the screen, picked up his phone and called Ji Heng.

The two of them never talked much. Ji Heng remained silent when he received the call. After Ji Mulan came to Jiangjing, she became more and more estranged from Ji Heng and Bai Mi.

After having new expectations, I think about Bletilla striata much less.

She didn't say much, just reminded Ji Heng that the Bai family had come to look for her. After a pause, she asked, "How many points did she get in the college entrance examination? Why did the Bai family come to look for her?"

And open the sect gate to welcome you?

"She?" Ji Heng's voice was calm and indifferent on the other end of the phone. "The top scorer in the national exam..."

"What?" Ji Mulan paused, her eyes widened. Xu Zhiyue also only had 725.

"The national top scorer, you can search Xiangcheng News." On the other end of the phone, Ji Heng heard someone knocking on the door, so he casually said something to Ji Mulan and hung up.

Ji Mulan was still standing there in a daze.

Inside the house, Xu's housekeeper smiled and called Ji Mulan to come in for dinner.

Ji Mulan went in dazed.

Old Mrs. Xu glanced at her but didn't care and continued to look down at the list.

She pointed at a name with her hand holding the Buddhist beads and tilted her head to instruct, "You must invite someone from the Qi family to come over, especially Shuyun."

The housekeeper nodded, "Don't worry."

Xu En just came out after washing his hands and saw that Ji Mulan was not in a good state. "What's wrong with you?"

"I..." Ji Mulan sat down, holding the teacup in both hands, raised her head, and said in a dazed voice, "Dad said that Ah-Xu was the top scorer in the national exam, with full, full marks..."

Opposite her, Old Mrs. Xu, who was pointing at the list, suddenly looked up.



Ji Heng hung up the phone and went to open the door.

There were three people standing outside the door. Ji Heng knew Bai Xi's head teacher, Lu Lingxi, and was puzzled: "Teacher Lu, this is..."

He looked at the two people beside Lu Lingxi.

The man on the left is wearing a dark grey coat, has a crew cut, has a strong outline, and has one hand behind his back, looking very imposing.

Lu Lingxi looked serious. She turned slightly to introduce Ji Heng, "This is Principal Shi. He is the president of Jiangjing University."

There are many people who want to know the news about Bletilla striata.

Lu Lingxi didn't know why these people didn't find Bai Xi's home address, but she didn't reveal it.

But the president of Jiangjing University is different. Lu Lingxi knows that Bai Xi wants to go to Jiangjing University.

It was fine that Bai Xi's classmates came to see him in the afternoon, but now that he saw the president of Jiangjing University coming over, Ji Heng: "..."

He began to think seriously about whether Bai Mi's statement that she wanted to go out and relax after the stressful exams in her senior year of high school was a lie.

"You said that Bai Shi went out?" Shi Yu stood up anxiously after hearing the news about Bai Shi. "Where did she go?"

Arranged to travel by other schools?

Ji Heng made tea for them. "She should be in Jiangjing now."

After traveling thousands of miles to Xiangcheng and finally learning that Bai Shi was going to Jiangjing, Shi Yu breathed a sigh of relief. He took out his mobile phone and saw a text message, which immediately arranged the nearest train to Jiangjing for him.

Shi Yu put his phone back into his pocket and lowered his head to take a sip of the tea that Ji Heng had brewed.

The tea soup is clear and has a long aftertaste.


After he finished drinking, he glanced at the furnishings in the yard, then looked down at the tea, feeling that something was wrong, but because he was concerned about classmate Bai, he didn't think much about it: "Mr. Ji, can you give me classmate Bai's contact information? I want to discuss the direction of the professional exhibition with her in detail."


at the same time.

A car from North City stopped at the gate of Xiangcheng No. 1 Middle School, and Bai Qiming got out from the back seat.

This is his first time in Xiangcheng.

He looked at Xiangcheng No. 1 Middle School, whose gate tower was not very high. At first glance, the teaching building and library inside were not outstanding. The outer wall showed traces of history. His eyes moved to the banner on the main gate.

[Congratulations to our school's Bai Shi for winning the first place in the national college entrance examination in science?

Chief Bai got off the car in front and asked about the school security guard Bai Shi.

Many people have come to Xiangcheng No. 1 Middle School in the past two days, and some are even taking photos with Xiangcheng No. 1 Middle School.

The security guard looked at Bai Qiming and the others and couldn't help but smile, "You can ask Teacher Lu, she is Bai's homeroom teacher, but you may not be able to find her now, you can come early tomorrow to wait for her."

"Where did she go?" Bai Qiming retracted his gaze and frowned.

The Bai tribe leader handed over a red envelope, and you could see how thick it was.

"I'm only telling you," the security guard put one hand on his face, lowered his head and said mysteriously, "She took the president of Jiangjing University to Bai's home."

"President of Jiangjing University?"

"Yes." The security guard stopped here and did not tell the Bai family any other information.

Chief Bai walked back to the car with heavy steps, and tried to call Ji Mulan's cell phone, but the call was no longer connected. "Bai Qiming, look at what you have done!"

If we say that Ji Mulan hung up the phone on him and Bai Shen blocked him at the beginning, Chief Bai was still somewhat angry.

As the head of the family, he had never been ignored like this before. When other members of the Bai family went to invite Bai Shaoke, Guo Yueqing was very polite to them.

But now... hearing that the president of Jiangjing University had come to see Bai Xi in person, Chief Bai was left with only regret.

The national top scholar, the president of Jiangjing University came to Xiangcheng in person.

This kind of talent might not appear in the Bai family even if they were given another hundred years. He has already realized this.

Bai Qiming returned to the car and tilted his head to look at the head of the Bai clan, disappointed: "What's the point of saying this now? Let's wait and see. She is not a good person. Shao Ke works so hard in school, and his future achievements may not be worse than hers. How many people have you seen who can enter the laboratory in the second semester of their freshman year? He is about to attend the Boyuan summer camp. At this time... you take a look and decide what to do."

If Bai Shaoke continues to look for Bai Mi, he will definitely be disappointed.

He was also someone the Bai family had finally managed to find, and it was another matter of choice.

Chief Bai looked up and said nothing.

"Jiangjing University's summer camp is open to top students from home and abroad. Your resume will be useful if you are admitted to graduate school or doctoral programs. You may be able to enter a key laboratory in the future." Bai Qiming lowered his voice, "You know Shaoqi Guzheng. Shao Ke has a good relationship with the Jian family."


Jiang Jing, Ji Chang

Jiang Fuli and Bai Di got off the plane.

Ming Dongheng had brought their luggage back to Jiangjing in advance. Jiang Fuli was carrying nothing, and Bai Di was only carrying a black bag.

Ming Dongheng had arrived early and was waiting for them at the airport. Jiang He leaned on the window of the business car to watch them.

Jiangfuli is several steps behind Bletilla striata.

Ming Dongheng sat in the driver's seat and looked back, "Where are we going?"

Just as Jiang Fuli was about to speak, Bai Xi gave him an address.

Ming Dongheng searched and found an apartment very close to Jiangjing University.

Xiaoqi and Xuechun have been in Jiangjing for a few months, and the place was arranged by them.

The phone rang, it was a WeChat notification. Bai Xi lowered her head and looked over. Ji Heng recommended a business card to her. She called Ji Heng and told him that he had arrived in Jiangjing before adding the person.

Shanhai Apartment is located on Siyang Road next to Jiangjing Avenue, two stops away from Jiangjing University, not far away.

The layout is two bedrooms and one living room.

The living room is very small, and Xuechun designed one of the bedrooms as a study for Bai Xi.

The things are very complete, you can enter the house normally with your bag

Jiang Fuli gently put her piano aside, then walked around the entire apartment, with no other expression on her face, just casually commenting: "School"

Bai Xi ignored him and just handed him the box, asking him to go to the study and put her books in place. Ming Dongheng moved the sofa to a suitable location and saw Jiang Fuli's tall, cold and inexplicably depressed back.

He lowered his head and didn't dare to speak at all.

Jiang He collapsed on the white sand, hugging her little cabbage pillow on the sand, her eyes bright.

Jiang Fuli was in the study, arranging the bookshelf slowly and leisurely.

Most of the books Bai Mi brought were introduced to her by Academician Ma, and some were thick stacks of printed documents. The bookshelf was placed on the left side of the entrance, and there was a small desk on the right.

Jiang Fuli was sorting the books, his light phoenix eyes looking at the apartments on both sides, and his slender fingertips tapping on the black book cover.

He seemed to be thinking about something.

He took out his cell phone and slowly sent a text message to Jiang Xijue.


Sijing Club.

It was still the game set up by Xiao Bingwen.

In the box, Xiao Bingwen looked at Qi Shuyun who was beside Liu Shuhe, "Your sister ranked third in the college entrance examination this year?"

Qi Shujun subconsciously slowed down his movements. Their Qi family was at most a family of scholars, and Xu En and his family were just wealthy families, which was a far cry from this circle of power and nobility. "Yes, Young Master Xiao."

Xiao Bingwen was surprised, "Then she is very good. This year's college entrance examination is a bit scary."

Even Liang Wu Yu was surpassed, which attracted a lot of attention.

Xiao Bingwen participated in the gambling pool and knew about this matter, but strangely, he did not find any specific information about this person.

Xu Nanjing sat next to Xiao Bingwen, shaking his wine glass with his head down.

The dim light hit his face, and he casually lowered his head to flip through his phone. After a while, he found Bai Shi's friend's circle of friends.

Eat a big bowl: [[Picture]]

A screenshot of the dialog box between her and Bai Shi, one in Xiangcheng and the other in Jiangjing.

Xu Nanjing paused and commented: [Sister Wan, Sister A-Xu is here in Jiangjing? ]

He only added two of Bai Xi's classmates, Ning Xiao and Lu Xiaohan. Sister Wan was the nickname that Wen Qi gave to Lu Xiaohan, although Xu Nanjing didn't know why Lu Xiaohan had the nickname "Sister Wan" when she was called Lu Xiaohan.

One minute later, after eating a large bowl, reply: [1]

They all learned the "1" Dafa.

Xu Nanjing stood up, picked up the key that was placed aside, and said to Xiao Bingwen without turning his head: "Sister A-Xu seems to have come to Jiangjing. I will go find her."

"She's here so early?" Xiao Bingwen was surprised and stood up to see Xu Nanjing off.

Everyone sitting in their seats stood up.

"Shuhe, who is the person that the Third Young Master is talking about?" Someone asked Liu Shuhe, who was familiar with Xiao Bingwen. They didn't hear the name clearly, but they knew it was not a simple person from Xu Nanjing's attitude.

"I don't know." Liu Shuhe looked at the attitudes of Xiao Bingwen and Xu Nanjing and thought for a moment, "But the Third Young Master... doesn't seem to have this attitude towards the Second Young Lady."

"Second Miss?" Qi Shuyun didn't quite understand their circle.

The only person she knew was Yu Hongyi.

Liu Shuhe looked down at her and explained to her in a low voice, "The only one who can be called the second lady in the circle is the one from the Xu family, Miss Jinyi. Just don't offend her."

The Xu family is now riding on the favorable wind and becoming more prosperous. Although Xu Jinyi is the daughter of Xu Jueming, everyone knows that Xu Jueling's wife Gao Yan has no daughter and treats Xu Jinyi as her own.

And Gao Yan...

She was the former best friend of the young lady of the Jiang family. Her status in the Jiang family was unmatched by anyone else.

Therefore, Xu Jinyi has a high say among Jiang Jing's group of young masters and young ladies.

Everyone calls her "Second Miss".

When you mention Xu Jiaqi Shuyun, you probably know which "Xu" it is.

Qi Shujun looked at the direction Xu Nanjing left and finally confirmed that this person was the target of Old Lady Xu and the others, the Jiangjing Xu family.


Mountain and Sea Apartment.

When Mrs. Xu and Xu En arrived, Bai Di just came downstairs.

The old lady turned her Buddhist beads, looked at the environment of the community, and complained to Xu En, "The environment here is so bad, why did you let her live here?"

Knowing that Bai Mi was coming, the old lady couldn't sit still and asked Xu En to bring her to see her.

Ji Mulan followed behind Xu En, looking at Bai Shi, a little dazed.

Bai Su was wearing plain clothes, with her hair tied up lightly, a strand of silk sticking to her snow-white face. Her skin was as white as ice under the streetlight, and she looked almost the same as in her memory.

"A-Zi has her own ideas," Xu En glanced at the old lady and said to Bai-Zi, "You and Wen Yao have agreed to visit Jiangjing University, right?"

Bai Mi nodded, greeted Xu En, and didn't look at Ji Mulan. As for Jiang Fuli, she left him behind to clean the room.

Old Mrs. Xu glanced at Bai Xi and went to see Jiangjing University?

That's right, people who come to Jiangjing like to visit the school first.

Old Mrs. Xu was not surprised. Bai Xi was from Xiangcheng, so it was inevitable that she was excited about being admitted to Jiangjing University.

Nearing eight o'clock.

Jiangjing University has a large flow of people. At this time, many college entrance examination candidates are checking in at the gate. Xu Wenyao is waiting at the school gate. When he sees Bai Mi and others from a distance, he raises his hand towards them.

"Sister A-Sui," Xu Wenyao felt dazed when he saw Bai-Sui. He just knew that Bai-Sui was the top scorer in the national exam this year. "I'll take you to the celebrity statue site first."

He is a member of the school and can bring his family in as long as he registers.

After walking along a main road, you will see the statues in the Jiangjing University Square, two rows of dozens of people in total.

From a distance of a hundred meters, Bai Shi could see the bronze statue in the front.

In the dim twilight, you can see that the bronze sculpture has been well restored. The statue has one hand behind its back and the other hand holding a book. It is reading with its head down, and the wind has blown wrinkles on its collar.

He has an immortal look and seems as if he can ascend to heaven in the next second.

This is Liang Zewen.

Seeing these statues, even old lady Xu clasped her hands together solemnly and looked at them devoutly.

As the end of the semester approaches, many students come here to carefully pay homage to these statues and the huge stone at the back of the statues.

"These are all statues of famous people, you should know them." After Xu Wenyao looked at them, he focused on introducing them to Bai Xi, "This is the senior sister."

Old Mrs. Xu looked at the first statue, her eyes filled with eagerness and envy, "How proud people with this surname, Liang... would be to see this statue."

Ji Mulan beside him was also staring at all this in a daze.

The people around here are all the top students in the country. This is a holy place. Everyone who passes by can't help but look up and reminisce about the days when the senior sisters were full of vigor and vitality, and the days when the imperial teacher was in charge of all the strategies.

Turning my eyes, I saw the huge rock behind the statue, with lights on all around it.

Ji Mulan saw many names engraved on the boulder, neither biographies nor introductions, and subconsciously asked, "What is this?"

Old Madam Xu looked over and said softly, "This is where the elites of Jiangjing University gather."

"Yes, this is also the dream of everyone who is admitted to Jiangjing University," Xu Wenyao walked over and pointed at one of the names, looking a little excited, "The last one engraved was Mr. He Wenxue, he is a student from Xicheng, but he is the only name on the list in recent years. If the contribution is great enough, a bronze statue can be rebuilt and placed at the back, but this is even more difficult."

When he said this, he was very serious and obviously had great respect for He Wen.

Ji Mulan looked at the names above and couldn't hide her horror. It was the first time she was so close to these people.

"It is too difficult to stand out from the world's top talents, let alone the statue," Old Lady Xu sighed as she looked at the name, "just looking at the names on this boulder, there have only been three people in our family in the past hundred years."

"I think Sister A-Xu has great hope," Xu Wenyao turned to Bai-Xu next to him after hearing this. "Sister A-Xu broke through the fog in Xiangcheng and was admitted to Jiangjing University with the first place. I think..."

When Xu Wenyao said this, he paused for a long while.

In the past two days, Bai Mi has left an impression of a big devil in the hearts of Jiang Jing's senior high school students.

He felt that after graduation, Bai Xi would be able to have her name appear on this boulder like Senior He Wenxue. Jiangjing seemed to be getting lively.

Old Mrs. Xu also looked at Bai Shi, and her hands holding the Buddhist beads tightened slightly, obviously realizing this.

Bai Shen's phone vibrated. It was Xu Nanjing asking her where she was. She casually replied with an address.

Listening to Xu Wenyao's words, she did not respond. Her eyes fell on the statue beside Liang Zewen that Xu Wenyao had emphasized, and she raised her head slightly.

The statue is a profile of a man holding a spear, mysterious and dangerous.

The light cast a cool glow on the statue.

Break through the fog?

Rather than breaking through the fog, she simply returned to where she belonged.

The high-spirited senior sister from Jiangjing University is finally back.