
Being a villain in my own novel is fun!

After Atlas's got into a fight with his mother and stepfather Atlas runs away from home. He writes the final three chapters to his web novel in the park . Sadly for him at that time there was a drug deal going on. Atlas gets killed after a long chase by the gangsters only to find himself in the body of Damien Junior. The main villain in his light novel! Atlas decides to live a good life without anyone getting in his way this time. Everyone! That included the main character, the side characters and even the extra's. Atlas decides to steal everything from the main character and make everything his own.

Sime_Kurosaki · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
145 Chs

Removal of the fake queen

"If you do not want anything bad to happen then don't do anything stupid." I said out loud. "No sudden movements, no heavy breathing, no looking at me the wrong way but most importantly you cannot release your internal energy. Is that clear?"

Everyone in the room nodded and let me know that they understood.

I took a deep breath and picked up a small metal stick one inch wide. In the middle of the metal stick there was an incense and a small glass covered the top and prevented the smoke from rising out immensely. Only a small amount of smoke came out of it.

"Stay still..." I said to luck as I placed the metal stick in her ear. The metal stick was a medical instrument that used to be used a lot in Murim a long time ago. It was the equivalent of a modern day medical tube except that it had a completely different use.

I spread her ear and stuck the Ukolnga in her ear. I pricked my ear and paid all my attention to what I was doing.


The faint sound of a bee buzzing could be heard. The buzzing was growing louder and I immediately removed the ukolonga from Luck's ear. That was too close. Had I irritated the Drert queen bee then she would have come out but not before doing immense damage.

From my pouch I brought out a smaller pouch that contained green dust. I blew it in her ears and listened to the sound of the buzzing tone down. What I had just used was a sleeping agent.

For normal bee's beekeepers used smoke to

I jammed the okolonga in lucks ear one more time and gently moved it down. The okolonga grew thinner the deeper it went it. I felt a slight weight on the metal and I released my Hyoksi suddenly without warning.

I then pulled out the okolonga and inside the metal part that was covered with a glass dome there was a bee. The bee was not like a normal bee. It was 2 the size of a queen bee and it had green and blue strips. It had two horns on its head and several bone spines around its thorax.

I placed the bee trapped in the okolonga in my pouch before using a cotton bud to clean her ears.

"Done!" I said.

Luck looked at me like I was crazy. "Just like that?"

"Yep!" I threw a small bottle filled with tablets at her. "Just eat this unless you want to go in remission." The tablets were to destroy the eggs that the queen laid inside her head. The only downside was that she would lose a few brain cells. And possibly 1 to 3 percent of her brain but who cares?

Fun fact! 8% of a humans brain could be destroyed and it wouldn't have that much affect on a persons day to day activity.

"Ok, now show me to the library!" I announced.


2 weeks had passed by since I healed Luck and gained 7 martial arts scrolls. I was currently a few tens of kilometres outside the city. Next to me was Muvolik and the dumb lion. Thomas rode on his back as I decided he would be safer with me than at home.

"We need to reach the top of that mountain within 10 minutes." I said. The mountain I pointed at was 4000 metres high but the surprising thing was that it was actually pretty small in this world. In this world mountains on average reached 18 million metres high. A mountain like this could be considered a very small hill.

Both the lion and Muvolik rushed up the lion and so did I. I was much faster than them. I had already reached the top of the mountain by the time they took their first step up the mountain.

Recently I had been growing stronger and stronger and now I could grow stronger no more. I had hit a plateau! For me to grow stronger I needed to break my limits. One way I could do that was by fighting areally strong opponent in a life or death battle but currently I could find no person as strong as me. The other was simply working out but that would take to long and the payoff wouldn't be that great.

I had reached a point where I could do one finger push ups for 8 hours and not break a sweat and still continue for hours on end without even beginning to feel tired.

I walked around the mountain while listening to the power rangers dino thunder theme song. From this high up altitude I could see the city we had left. It was only 20 or so kilometres away.

I decided to sit down and read my novel. I mainly read on how Damien was defeated.

Truth be told Damiens defeat felt kinda stupid but I was given no choice. In the novel he had grown so strong that he was above everyone to even consider them anywhere on his level.

This lead to his hubris which then lead to him being outsmarted and then defeated.

Right now I believe that it was stupid but back then I had no choice.

I had no way to kill Damien of. He was too powerful. He was immune to poison, he was immune to reality bending, soul manipulation, mind attacks and everything that could be considered a threat.

This was where the Ragnarok Purgatory blade came in. The reason for Damiens fall.

The reason for the strongest man to fall and to cease existing.

