
Being a Titan in the Multiverse

"The Story of how I became a Titan in the Vast Omnivers and had Fun in every way imaginable on my Adventure" I do not own any Art or Franchise that will be used in my Fan-Fiction

P_J_Sch · Video Games
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Time skips, Operations and Forging

*Captain's Quarters, 2004 January 1st*

":Captain's Log entry four, at the beginning of the New Year, the Crew and I have been fairly successful in the past four years in keeping hidden and not engaging in fights against Decepticons or other hostile forces:"

Was said as a microphone recorded the Log entry that Trypticon was currently making, he was no longer in his Ship Mode but in Station Mode, orbiting the Sun at the same speed as the asteroid Psyche 16 which they hid behind

It was hard to get right but worth every effort put into hiding behind the 226-kilometer-wide asteroid, not only did it hide his one-kilometer-wide Station Mode, which was now renamed into 'Chaotic Watcher' instead of Trypticon Station, but the asteroid was a treasure trove of metals

Thanks to the Geth Consensus and its 20.000 functioning individual AI programs, SIVA became not only Nanites of construction but mining as well, The Consensus would send mining Crews of 20 Geth Platforms via a Phantom to the surface of Psyche 16

The Mining Crew then would use SIVA to excavate metal from the Asteroid by turning the metal into dust from a solid whole and depositing the metal dust into containers that the Phantom ships would carry back to Chaotic Watcher where it would then be processed for further use

":The mining operations around the System are going as planned and the Supply holds are filling with all the naturally occurring metals and other resource deposits that can be used by us that the Solar System has to offer, we even have a good chunk of radioactive materials that are being used in Fusion Reactors that will be hooked up to the Protoform Facility:"

The Protoform Facility created a lot of Protoforms and blank Sparks in the last four years, with the exact number being 10.000 of both, with it constantly being fed metals and the three Jaeger grade Power Cores energy, but the Cores were starting to exhaust now and would soon be scrapped for the materials used in them

":With the infiltration and observation missions going just as well, The All Spark is constantly scanned with the Data transmitted to the Consensus and then uploaded into the Protoform Facility, the All Spark is currently surrounded by 1.000 Geth in individual Platforms that have infiltrated the Hoover Dam alone:"

":The Grave of the Primes was found and scanned but the Matrix was left there for later retrieval, the Science Decks have made large strides in learning from all the Blueprints and Technology they have access to, the new Mantis being such an Achievement, It combines the best traits from the Seven Variants into one greater whole but also implements what was learned from the other Technology in the Database:"

Said Mantis was quite different from the normal version, It had become 7 meters in height with more round armor made from a Nanolaminate but layered in a way reminiscent of the Arbiter's Armour that gave full movement range with maximum armor coverage and layering

Instead of two weapons arms, it had four with them being able to be equipped with any weapon, hand, or mele configuration, a good example of a mele option being a modified energy-discharging Mace (like the one from Decimus but now with way more umpf) or a Clamp that works like a Hydraulik Press but Ups its force output within seconds

The Iacon Mantis(as it was named) was able to even use Cybertronian weapons and when not in battle, It was also used as a Transport to get around the Station Interior or Exterior thanks to the magnetizing feet

":The Armory has been Filled with weapons that are hybrids of Cybertronian, Banished, and everything that Claptrap would send up from Z Deck, and on that topic, Claptrap and a few others have taken to periodically use the Z Deck for combat and live testing, with Claptrap almost living on Z Deck:"

Trypticon could still remember how Claptrap first screamed in fright at his first Zombie, but an Hour later it was as if Claptrap was made to be a Zombie killing Maschin, he did not fight them like a CoD player, he did it in Doom Slayer style by rushing around the Z Deck and shooting his way around

":The amount of Wonder Weapons we have is enough to equip thousands, Claptrap is still going out of his way to collect the variants from all of the Weapons and I am fairly sure that we have an Arsenal of fully Upgraded Wonder Weapons by this point:"

The Armory's where nowhere near full thanks to Teletraan accessing the Data inside of an Upgrade Seed and thus gaining a deeper understanding of the Hardlight technology and Data storage, with the Armory rooms now having data storing units for Cybertronian and Geth sizes

":Most operations have been launched during the first and second year, and many are still ongoing where the Mission of finding the seekers was successful in determining who was still functioning and who was not, sadly only a few of them were left in semi-functioning states, with only Jetfire being the most functioning of them all:"

A sad fate that the seekers had in the Bayverse, that the Fallen simply abandoned them to a rusting Death was something that Trypticon hated, He would take pleasure in killing the Fallen in a way that would inflict maximum pain

":The Construction Decks that the Scientist and Engineers of the Laboratory decks made in the third year were truly a crowning achievement, They take up a total of five Decks and are between the three-deck Protoform Facility and the two Laboratory decks, I have decided to name those ten decks the Complex for ease of use:"

":With the Consensus and Teletraan being in control of the Complex and overseeing that everything runs smoothly during the construction of more Geth Platforms to the Tarn(the city, not the Decepticon)Blisterback or Iacon Mantis, everything is developed and constructed in the Industrial Complex, and than field tested on Z Deck;"


":End of Captain's Log:" And like that, the recording stopped with Trypticon switching to Cameras in Valor's Laboratory ":Yes?:" asked the living Space Station over the Speakers in Valor's Laboratory

"All Spark data is now at 80% thanks to the enhanced Data storing that Teletraan got out of analyzing one of the Upgrade Seeds and all the Geth stationed around Earth are in position and ready for any task or changes in the future but that isn't the only thing why I pinged you, I also wanted to talk because we have found the Bayverse version of the Nemesis on Enceladus, should we attack now or wait?"

Valor has always given reports of noteworthy information every month for the past four years, occasionally he would venture into the Z Deck with Glint, the T-Trio, or Claptrap for Field testing some inventions, the last time he did was to test the Brute Panzer, it is the 'child' of the Panzersoldat Armor Blueprints, Banished Powered Armor and Exosuit, and of Decimus and the AW Exoskeletons

This resulted in an Exosuit that is attached to an Exoskeleton worn by the Pilot, which works together for maximum results, to boost the wearer's ability to be able of lifting about three Tons with ease so long as they balance, with a standard one being 2.90 meters tall and about 900 Kilos of armor

Equipment-wise, the Brute Panzer had a Jet Pack that could catapult it 50 meters straight into the air thanks to extra boosters in the legs and Hardlight Shielding, It could field any weapon that could be integrated or used by the Pilot

The preferred loadout from Valor was a back-mounted pair of the MK.2 Thermo Rocket Cannons, which combined the WfC and FoC Rocket weapons into a six rotary Rocket Tube Launcher with single and full fire modes, a detachable belt feed X25 Scrapmaker on the right arm, which combined the best of the X12 and X18 Scrapmakers into a weapon which reminded of Hound's Main weapon, and a belt feed Banished Bruteshot on his left

":No, we will wait for either the Decepticons or Autobots to make a move since we are in control of Sector Seven:" was the answer Valor received ":Any other noteworthy happenings currently?:"

"Other than Claptrap attempting a new record on the Z Deck with his own Brute Panzer, No there is nothing that I could think of " answered Valor as Trypticon looked at what he was working on, It seemed to be a Blade weapon, Not uncommon for Valor to multitask during conversations

":Good, don't forget to keep on track you scatterbrained Scientific Engineer:" the speakers in Valor's Laboratory were then shut off leaving Trypticon to his own devices "I guess I should go back to designing my Smaller Body"

Said body looked a lot as if someone tossed Serpentor Prime, Lockdown, a Vehicon, and Bondrewd into a Blender to make a Cybertronian with a Reptilian motive in the form of scale armor, tail, claws, and a komodo dragon-like helmet that would form a battle mask that looked like a combo of Bondrewd's and Lockdown's mask and the Design was in Trypticon's colors

He was adding things like a Yellow metal plate to the helmet, selecting inbuild weapons like the Ragnarok DG-5 for the arms that would augment punches, Ionic Saber Chains, and many more miscellaneous things like spikes to the shins, till Trypticon was satisfied

"guess I will now see how everyone is doing" and with that, the Captain went on his 'rounds' to see how his Crew was doing, the first stop being at a shooting range where Glint was shooting guns of all types to gain 100% accuracy with all of them

Trypticon watched as Glint landed every shoot with the LMG she was holding, even as she shot from the hip, the rounds hit the targets dead center every time, Trypticon spoke once the magazine was empty

":Nice shots Glint, How are you doing?:" Glint laid down the LMG and turned to a Camera to make a form of eye contact with Trypticon

"Fine for the most part, being about done with shooting all the weapons that are in the Armory, My next plan was going down to the Z Deck and keeping Claptrap's back free" was Glint's answer with her Friendly business demeanor

She reminded Trypticon of a nicer version of Shatter, Glint like Shatter was smart and smooth-talking to make sure everything worked most of the time but Glint was friendly and had an almost motherly tone, instead of Shatter's manipulative and cunning tone

":That is good to hear, You know that the Protoforms will be usable around some time next year, Right?:" Were the Station Captain's words to one of the few thousand that chose the Female identity, instead of a Male one

"That is good to know, Valor is in the laboratory tinkering again isn't he?" Glint sounded displeased with that and Trypticon did not deny it, which was the only confirmation she needed "Then I will go and see to it that something gets done by that Scatterbrain"

":Good Luck:" said Trypticon as Glint left for Valor's Laboratory, with said Laboratory taking up a fourth of the Science Deck it was on, Trypticon then switched to the Hangar Bay that the T-Trio had made their main Occupation and Second Home

":looking good you three, How are the Modifications of the M808S "Lockdown" Scorpion and C712 Longsword?:" Was the Question from the Hanger speakers to Force, Flash, and Tracker as they each worked on said Vehicles

Flash as the overseer was first to respond to the Question "Not that great we first needed to take one apart to know how they Tick, then it was going over what we wanted them to become in the end, We are currently changing the engines to energy-based ons to not be bound by fuel"

Next to talk was Force "We need to build the engines from scratch, then up the grip of the tracks for the tanks, and lastly new ways to store more missiles in the planes, with the next point being to redesign the armor for both Scorpion and Longsword"

Last was Tracker "and that is the point when we also need to think about how everything comes together without issues" The quirk the T-Trio had was that they could work in perfect harmony together which made for strange conversations and the Trio a deadly Fighting unit

":I am sure you will make it work, I mean you did make the Tarn Blisterback, and that thing is a marvel of engineering:" The Tarn Blisterback combined the traits of the Enduring and Ironclad Variants into one Version that had Energy Shielding and a color change with read sections becoming Purple, Silver becoming Black, and a selection of Personal touches that could be chosen later

All three spoke at the same time "But it could be better" It was surreal how in sync the Trio could be at times, It was like talking to a Single mind with three Bodys at Times

":Good luck you Three:" the speakers in the hanger turned off and Trypticon switched to the Z Deck in search of Claptrap, which wasn't all that hard, all Trypticon needed was to follow the sound of Explosions and heavy footfalls

Finding Claptrap in the room with the Crafting Bench he was currently outside of his Yellow Brute Panzer which held a Breath of Levithan and Zeuscannon on the left, with a Hyena Infra-dead and Vitriolic Withering on the right, Trypticon could not yet understand all off Claptrap's choices but the Vitriolic Withering, it had a soft spot in his Spark

":Claptrap, How are you doing so far?:" sounded over the speakers around Z Deck, Claptrap was currently using the Crafting Bench for something, and the Room was filled with Upgrade Stations for different Wonder Weapons showing that Claptrap had collected the pieces from Special Zombies that Held the parts for them

"Same old, same old Captain so far, and this time I will Break my Record and Stay longer than ever bevor, this I swear" Claptrap was very serious about his Record, the Record being staying a whole month, two weeks, five days, and ten hours down on Z Deck without pause

":Good luck with that then and if someone needs me just say my name:" the speakers on Z Deck went silent again and Trypticon focused on the Comand Canter going over the Operations that were still ongoing

Those being the silent takeover of Sector Seven, the overwatch of Sam Witwicky, getting in contact with the Witwickens, and the Mining of Psyche 16, Mercury, and other Ressource deposits in the System without being caught which was going quite well considering the 600 Tons worth of Metal and 25 Ton worth of other usable materials

"It won't take long until I walk my Halls"

*Transformers Transition*

*Chaotic Watcher Station, 2005 December 25th*


":Yes, Valor?:" Trypticon was currently looking at the thousands of Protoforms waiting to be animated and Inhabited by the Geth that chose to become Cybertronians that would then be known as the Consensia subtype in the Database for future reference

The Consensia were like the Soldier Template used during the War on Cybertron by both Autobots and Decepticons in the Aligned Continuity with the legs, head, and hands being made to the Geth Consensus standard form and always having a connection to the Consensus

There were more Types of course, like the Guardian, Flier, Leaper, Sniper, and more such variants but they were currently not of concern

"The Protoform you wanted is ready for you to Uploade into" Valor was already in his Consensia body looking like a Heavy Soldier with Medical and Scientific equipment in Red armor with Silver patterns and the Geth Juggernaut shoulder armor

":Is that so? Time sure did fly, what with that one incident where Agent Simmons almost got wind of the Geth infiltration on March 30th last year or that time Soundwave almost tracked us agian and the All Spark two months ago via the Data Transmission, good times honestly:" mused the Titan aloud

"Mhmm, That was a Brain module heater for sure at the times it happened, Good thing we got both of our Tail Pipes for now, with Agent Simmons getting permission to investigate the Seekers and giving Soundwave a false tracks" was Valor's musing in response to Trypticon

":I guess it is my time now to transfer then, it is a good thing we can do it with a 100% success rate, and I hope that the same goes for me:" The living Space Station said with a worried undertone

"Don't worry about a thing, If it worked with me it will with you for sure!" Claptrap was as enthusiastic as ever, He now sported a Leaper-Shotgunner combo Body with his Geth Platform colors, an armored mono-eye helm(head) that was connected with a short neck to the front of the chest giving a hunchback look, and boxy armor that reminded of a mixture of his Original body and a B3 Loader

":Your boundless optimism is greatly appreciated Claptrap and don't let that compliment get to your head or we will throw you into an Isolation cell:" Claptrap wisely took those words to his spark ":Beginn the Uploaded into the Code:Veranus Protoform:" and with that the Speakers went silent

The Uploading process would take three to five days to complete with everyone chipping in on the Forging Process(the process of a Protoform becoming a full Cybertronian) as Trypticon requested to complete the Body that he would Inhabit for Missions that required a softer approach

Valor made sure that the body is to Trypticon's specifications with Glint helping in the installation of equipment like the Battel Mask, Ragnarok DG-5, Ionic Saber Chains, Jet Pack Boosters, and Scanner Systems

Claptrap chose to work with Teletraan on the Arsenal that Trypticon would carry in his New Body starting on eight knives that would be stored on his Cadulen, lower Back plates, Gantlets, and Shoulder pads (AN:all sections are Cybertronian terms used in what my research indicates)

They then worked on Upscaling, and Upgrading the Chainbreaker with more effectiv Gravity function and Energy Blades, the Willcrusher was redesigned into equipment for left and right arms in the form of bracelets that would activate into the Gauntlet's

The Trio of Force, Flash, and Tracker made sure that the Body's functions were working at optimal levels, Force testing and checking Joints, Flash making sure that the armor was in shape and could be moved in, and Tracker checking over the connections of all Systems and Armor

It was quite a busy few days for the seven as they Forged the Code:Veranus Protoform into Trypticon's Future Body

*Transformers Transition*

As Trypticon in his Code:Veranus body got back online, He noticed Glint going over a Database for what he did not see but she seemed to be acclimating to her new Consensia body very well, said Body was of the Seeker Type with a Fem build that reminded of Slipstream from WfC but Consensia features in White and Black colors

"Anything interesting to read there?" asked Trypticon, the with reading distracted Glint which startled her and brought her focus to the on-table laying but smirking Reptile-like Cybertronian, whose Battlemask then activated accidentally making Glint snicker

"Just reports about all the newly online Consensia and the many chosen subtypes that are now part of the Crew" was her answer after she calmed from her snickering about Trypticon's accident "How are you doing in that small Body now?"

"I am doing fine, Thank you for asking Mom" he answered with good-natured banter as he got up from the medical table to get a feel for standing, He noticed that he was taller than Glint, with her being 6,50 meters or 21,32 feet tall, he was 7,62 meters or 25 feet tall, not the tallest on bored, that would currently be Valor with his 12,20 meters or 40 feet hight

"Honestly why is it that you all are so much taller than me?" questioned Glint as she looked up at Trypticon looking him in his Yellow optics where she swor to see his smugness

"I mean it isn't all good honestly, Cybertronians like Valor, Claptrap and I are the biggest target where Cybertronians like you can evade by far the easiest out of all others" explained the acclimating Titan as he stretched his joints and did some shadow boxing

"I guess that is a good point that you bring up, but why are you so smug about something?" was the fem's answer and question to the Reptilian Mech as he used his tail to grab a buffer and then used it on his back spikes

"I am smug Glint, Because I can now work on making this body stronger and have an actual challenge doing so, It will be fulfilling to slug it out with Mechs and Fems alike in our Adventures that we will have as a Crew" said the relaxed Mech as he put the buffer away to check over his inbuilt weapons

Glint pondered that and tried to imagine herself in Trypticon's Pedes(feet, Cybertronians don't wear shoes) and could imagine how being his seize could be more curse than good if one wanted to fight but had no opponents that could match "I guess I can understand considering how big you are" conceded the Fem after thinking over it

"So wanna Spar in the Arena?" Asked an almost giddy Trypticon as he wanted to test his strength against someone that he did not dwarf by being two-thirds taller than them

Glint tilted her head at him "Don't you first want to get your other weapons from Claptrap and Teletraan, They have been working non-stop on them, Claptrap has not left his Workshop since five days ago, and everyone that got close enough swore to hear a mad laughing Claptrap and Teletraan" Glint's tone was filled with worry and concern

Trypticon almost felt his lower intake(lower jaw) disconnect and fall to the ground with how fast it dropped open "That, Is concerning to hear, Does anyone know why they are laughing like mad Mechs?" Was the concerned question asked by the Reptile Mech

"Honestly, everyone is too scared to open the door to Claptrap's Workshop" said Glint as she winced at remembering the haunting sounds that were Claptrap and Teletraan, combined Laughing

"I guess as the Captain of our Crew, It is my job to make sure that Claptrap did not make a weapon of mass destruction with Teletraan" said the Resolved Trypticon as he made his way to Claptrap's Workshop, from Deck 11(End Protoform Facility), which is right below the end of the Complex(Decks 9 to 18) and is above Z Deck making it Deck 19, also know as the Armory, his destination

*Transformers Transition*

Thanks to the Lifts that connected all 20 Decks(But Deck 0 or Flight Deck could be accessed on Deck 1) it only took five minutes to reach Claptrap's personal Workshop, or Lair as it was called at times, from the lift that Trypticon had taken and the mad Laughing was truly disturbing to his audio receptors(ears)

It sounded like a fresh mad Mech(Man) who was laughing for the sake of madness alone, Whatever Claptrap and Teletraan were working on the last five days must have driven them into their current madness

As he stood in front of the Door that separated him from the mad Weapons Officer Claptrap and most likely Rampant Teletraan, Trypticon thought over what could have led to the state that Claptrap and Teletraan were in, the only conclusion that he could reach was, that they had done something that is beyond both's mental processing to comprehend

And with a firm resolve, Trypticon opened the door "HAHAHAHAHAHAH" being greeted by the sound of mad laughter from Claptrap and Teletraan(Who only seemed to laugh along with Claptrap) and his first sight being the hunchback Weapons Officer's back and shaking shoulders as he stood at one of the many worktables used for weapons maintenance and tuning that where commonplace on the Armory Deck

"Claptrap! At-attention!" Orderd Trypticon as he walked to the seemingly gone-mad Weapons Officer, with the Officer immediately snapping into an at-attention position and saluting

"Captain! Sir!" if Trypticon did not know how flippant Claptrap can be with showing emotions, then he would have ordered his emotionmodulator be looked over"You are Finally Online, Congratulations Captain Trypticon!, Does that mean I can finally hug you?" was the exclamation and question from Claptrap

"Yes I am finally Online in this new Body of mine and only a short hug for now" answered the happy and exasperate Captain, bracing for the tackle hug that Claptrap would be giving him, which came shortly after and almost sent him to the Ground

The Hug was quite awkward because of Claptrap's front chassis mounted(the Chassis is the main body for Cybertronians as a whole) helm(head) and being squeezed to death was not fun either, the awkward hug lasted for a solid minute till Claptrap let go of the struggling Trypticon

The huffing (Cybertronians can breathe and use Air intake to cool internals) Trypticon recovered from being almost crushed by Claptrap, who was the strongest in physical might with Valor and himself being close behind "Claptrap How many times were you told to not hug others full force?"

"Mhmmm, I believe a total of 50 times, Why?" Answered the Weapons Officer to Trypticon's question "Then why are you still doing it!?" asked the exasperated Captain "So that you know I love you" was the cheerful answer "I forgot that you are a Puppy of a giant Mech"

Claptrap was indeed a giant of a Mech with his 12-meter or 39-feet height considering that his shoulders were his highest point but he was still shorter than Valor in height

"Oh shucks, you are giving me such a big compliment that I might turn Red in the faceplate" said a bashful Claptrap as he rubbed at his neck and back helm, to the Yellow Mech being called a puppy was a high compliment to receive

"You are as strange as ever Claptrap even with five years without the restraints of your original programming, So!, what had you laughing like a mad Mech for the past few days?" was Trypticon's statement about and question to Claptrap

The Yellow Mech blinked once, then twice "Oh that, I was so very excited with what Teletraan and I had created that I honestly could not help it, Teletraan simply went along" "<Affirmativ >" was Claptrap's explanation, and Teletraan's agreement to it

"Then please, show me what you two have created" Trypticon's spark pulsed with intrigue and curiosity filled his processor(another name for Brain Module) as Claptrap revealed his handiwork that lay on the workbench behind himself

"<Teletraan and Claptrap present, the new Chainbreaker with stronger energy flanges now sporting six instead of three, an extendable shaft for two handing exerting more strike power, its gravity field was improved Gravity Sling, which gives it greater output, pull force throwing power>" was said by the duo who were in sync

They, of course, were not done "<second 6 20 on the list, Willcrusher power gauntlets, auto-adjusting to number of digits(fingers) servos(hands), able deploy knuckle spikes or dusters, enabling an almost instant crushing force kn(kilonewton) and maxing out at mn(meganewton)>"

"<It is also easy to hide since it's inactive mode a bracelet that does not get in the way of anything weil coming all color variations>" the two really made an entire presentation

Trypticon was led to another workbench where a Cybertronian pistol was it reminded heavily of the Walter P38 and Throwback Blaster combo, but servo-held, taking itself seriously and not looking like a laser tag handout, currently laking color other than our Crews Mercenary Insignia in yellow on the slide

"<Third is a servo-held but powerful Pistol that the two of us have named Novaplasma Blaster pistol, It similar to Fusion Cannon in Cybertronian Weapons Archive and Plasma from Banished Arsenal>"

"<It fires super accelerated and heated plasma bolts instead of something like irradiated blasts which makes it only a third the Fusion Cannon's power but no less deadly>"

"<We have worked on extending the range via a custom barrel attachment, Cyber Optics scope for more accuracy, Quantum Stabilizer stock less recoil, Ion Cartridges ammo per mag, and selectable Planet Buster modification that use buildup heat boosted next shoot if used>"

Trypticon should have expected that Claptrap and Teletraan could speak in sync for this long together considering how long on end these two have interacted in the past five years and talked weapons technology with each other from every sort of attachment, modifications, ammo types, and weapons types

"<Fourth are the four different knives we have made in pairs, starting with pair that store on Cadulen Combat Survival Knives serrated spines, stored lower Back plates Machetes knuckle dusters, for Gantlets these Pressing knives, and Shoulder pads hold hooked Kukuri's all of them Ionic edges turn once use can combine into a 2,10-meter long executioner style Sword>" this felt quite long-winded, but so could be Trypticon in his Human life about certain topics

"Anything else that you two weapons fanatics have in store for me with this in-sync Presentation?" asked the exasperated but smiling Trypticon to the presenters as he had no room for complaint, it would be better to know what you have than not

Claptrap was silent for a moment of thinking about everything he tinkered on in the last five days with Teletraan "Nothing that is finished yet sadly, But would you like to look them over?" The eager Ton that Claptrap had truly cemented him as the Spark of Gold in the Crew, at least of the battel field

"Sure, just let me sheath and holster my weapons first" the knives transformed into their storage mode and mounted to their places, the Novaplasma Blaster pistol was also changed to storage mode and holstered on the Skid plate(Butt armor, every Cybertronian has them), the Willcrusher Bracelets where put just above the Servo joints and Chainbreaker was holstered on the Back plates via it's storage mode

"Incredible how much more comfortable I am with weapons on me, Now show me around ya workshop Claptrap" he could see how excited Claptrap was to Show off all his pet projects

"Teletraan, please activate the Presentation mode for my Workshop" said the Weapons Officer to the AI <Understood Claptrap and what is the designation for Body you are using Trypticon> with Teletraan doing as told and asking a key question

Trypticon had thought about names that he would use in his small body and on Missions "You can Call me Tryveranus when in this body" he would most likely be stuck here but at least Claptrap would make it Entertaining

To be Continued...

AN: I did my best to not build walls of Text, and am using Grammarly-AI to make writing better hope you liked it and can actually do with how I described the Consensia as a whole