
Being a Substitute Wife

"Three million Audrey, I'll give you three million just pretend to be me for six months" I bit my lip when my partner said that. After a very long time, we met just now and this was his opening to me. I mean I was really tempted to accept because we must need the money for mom's immediate surgery but because 3M seems to be too small for the size of the favor she is asking for. “Only 3M? With the size of the favor you ask for, that's all you'll give in exchange for everything, no deal, after 8 long years when you didn't show us mom, you're coming here just to offer me something like that? Did you think that what you are asking for is easy? And one more thing, where did you get the courage and confidence to think that I will accept your offer, right?" My long litany made him suffer. No matter what, he was so damned that he thought he could pass me his money. "Oh please, my dearest sister, I know you must need 3M, so don't act like that and just accept yourself because you won't be able to operate on your mother" Look at the shamelessness of this woman if she can speak you would think she is not Mama's daughter the pain is really bad with this witch's bangs why did she have to give birth to me looking like her my gosh. "I'm going to repeat it because you don't seem to have heard, I said NO. DEAL. it's not easy what you're doing and I'm a loss on your three million so just find another girl who looks like you to pretend to be you" I will stress because I know he won't stop me. "Fine name your price if I increase the offer will you do it? And I will only be gone for another 6 months, you are very choosy and all you have to do is to pretend and don't let anyone know that they are dealing with you and not me" I washed my own face because of what he said. He really knows my weakness. But it's risky because the favor he's asking for is hard because it's hard to be plastic like him, another thing is if I accept it there's no turning back and I don't want to be ruined because of his nonsense. But if I don't, the chance of survival of our mother, who is in the hospital now and sick because every minute that passes and she is not operated on, will decrease, the chance of her survival will also decrease. That's why I just held my breath because of that thought and since I have no other choice, I'll just do what Andrea wants. “Fine 20M I will do whatever you ask me to do in six months” "20 million? You gotta be kidding me, it's only a six-month agreement, isn't it, and then you're demanding 20M" How can I tweak it so I'm still the demanding one, he's the one who needs it. "Demanding? Can you even hear what you're saying? It's not easy what you're asking for, you g*ga, I'll get married for you and you still can't give me 20M? What if something bad happens to me because you marry someone we don't even know? What about Nisha and mom then? So if you can't do it, just find someone else" After saying that, I'm about to leave, this conversation is going nowhere because we're going to argue and fight here if I stay here for too long, it's better if I just leave and find a foundation that can help us and I'm wasting my time I to him. “WAIT! Go ahead and call for 20 million but I can only give you 10 million right now when I return half of it just please be my substitute for 6 months" "Deal happy cooperation sis" I know all this will not be easy but for mom and Nisha I will do everything. Even playing with the devil. I am Audrey Del Rio and this is the story of how my simple and orderly life became chaotic because of my twin...

Frxy_phoria · Teen
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20 Chs

Chapter 2

"Look sweetheart, shop for these dresses that you will wear later. I want you to be the most beautiful bride even though your father and I know that... so I personally chose all of them, I know all of them are your liking"

Celeste kindly opened the door after her servants brought in the dresses, all of them are beautiful and I'm sure they will be loved just like how Andrea used to like but I'll be the one to ask if I don't like them. I hate the colors for me it was too bright. Yes, I'll admit that I don't like bright colors and I don't think they suit me, I prefer dull and light colors clothes. Add to that that almost everything he carries is off-shoulder, so they can't see my shoulder.

That's where you can see the only difference between me and Andrea, she has a flower shaped birthmark on her right shoulder blade, I didn't have it then. I'm sure dad will recognize me right away by chance, because that's what our parents will remember about us, the one with the birthmark is Andrea and I wasn't there then.

I approached and looked at them. She is beautiful but I have to hide my shoulder or this job of mine is done.

"So what do you think?"

Out of all the ones here, I noticed that this is the only one that can be used because it is the only dress that can cover my shoulders and the other one is elegant and I know it is suitable for a wedding event and even though it is not technically mine, I like it look good as an impression on my wedding.

"Oh that's a great outfit for you sweetie, you agree with me right Mikee?"

This is a question to the gay man who is supposed to fix me. "Yes madam, you are really good at fashion Miss Andy"

I mentally rolled my eyes because of what they've said gosh how can Andy endure this situation? I don't speak anymore so that I'm not as noticeable as their noise is still, it looks like they are really close to Aunt Celeste, what is it? I just left them to talk while the hair stylists helped me with the arrangement.

It took them almost 2 hours just to finish fixing me from head to toe. And right now I'm here in the restroom looking and asking myself if I can do it and if everything that's happening is right, because it's only my first day but I feel like I'm about to give up.

But I received a message from Nisha saying that mom's schedule has been fixed and she can be operated on in a week, I thought I needed it for them. We were on our way to the city hall where the wedding would be held and papa himself picked us up. And honestly I don't know how I will feel now that I am in front of him, I really want to blame him for abandoning his responsibilities to Nisha and me and for hurting mom but I stopped myself because I might forget I didn't Turns out I'm Audrey now and Andrea and I will ruin our plans.

"You are the most beautiful bride that I've ever seen sweetie"

"Do I really have to do these papa?"

I really tried my hardest not to sound rude because I know that in the eyes of his parents Andy was a sweet little angel even though the truth is that he really has horns. We were just young and he was like that but anyways I can see in their faces that they feel guilty because what sane parent would do this to their own child? And it's already 2023, fix marriages are still trendy, my goodness.

"Iha we know that you are not really a fan of this but we are doing this for you and your future... I hope you'll understand"

"Oh really? Papa tell me am I your only child and I have to do all this? Why does it always have to be me? As far as I remember I am not the only daughter of yours that can get married"

"And you also know that your mother will never allow me to take your twin sister right? She even made my trace to your sisters disappear just because she hated me am I right?"

I just kept quiet and looked away, but luckily he still remembered about me and how mom removed her last name from Nisha and I's name so we're Del Rio and not Rodriguez. But as Andrea, I don't know if I should feel sorry for her or what, because it seems like she has no freedom on her part, but it's on her, she's the one who wants it, I'm out of there.

"Yeah I'm sure that mama will never allow this if only I am with her right now..."

I whispered as if they didn't hear it so I just let it go. Until we reach our destination and the first time I meet the man I'm going to marry, I know that he's a red flag right away and marrying him won't be good for my twins, but as I said earlier this was her choice and my job is to help her set up and establish a good relationship with her husband to be.

The ceremony lasted for about an hour before the wedding essentials took place. I feel from the man that he is also being forced and how he hates me now as if it is my fault why he is in such a situation when I am not really doing anything wrong.

As the ceremony was finished we didn't even move once he didn't even take a glance at me so I did the same and just ignored him. The reception was held at a private restaurant that is said to be owned by the family of the one I married and there her grandfather, Chairman Fernando Salazar, a famous and well-known business enthusiast in the country, and if I base it on what I hear in the news, is waiting for us the personality of Calvin Salazar which is my also known as my husband he is a cold and heartless guy who hates women. There is even a rumor that he wants a boy, that's why his parents and the chairman decided to arrange his and my twin sister's marriage to avoid the commotion.

And because I know my twin has a flirtatious lineage, he agreed to get married first because he had no choice because that's what aunt Celeste and papa wanted and secondly I can't deny that this Salazar looks and is handsome. Yes, that's a requirement because if this man isn't handsome, I'm sure Andrea can start World War III just don't marry this man. And that suddenly hits me big time, what is that woman doing in another country to ask for this favor from me? I mean she looks so fine to me but what do I know about what is really happening to her.

But anyways, only our parents are enjoying this wedding reception, while us newlyweds are already laughing because it's so awkward. We are casually answering their questions and suggestions but still he was like he doesn't even want to talk to me so it's so awkward for me. As the dinner finished it's time for everyone to go and I'm not sure if what's happening is right, as his 'unwanted' wife I am so conflicted if coming back with him was the right thing to do. But as I know I don't have the rights to do that because technically we're married now and they all agreed that we will live in the same house that they prepared for us.

Aunt Charlotte his mom, even told me that they have prepared everything else and they are expecting us to get along and be comfortable with each other. Which we both agreed but I don't really know if that will happen.

"Calvin iho I am expecting you to take care of our princess, she might be stubborn and hard-headed sometimes but she's precious I expect nothing less from you"

"You don't have to say that uncle, I will surely take good care of Andrea"

He even gave me a meaningful look while saying that and it made me shiver. I knew his words had a deeper meaning and suddenly I was nervous, this might be a sign of disaster, so if something bad happens to me here, just blame my twin Andrea...