
Being a Substitute Wife

"Three million Audrey, I'll give you three million just pretend to be me for six months" I bit my lip when my partner said that. After a very long time, we met just now and this was his opening to me. I mean I was really tempted to accept because we must need the money for mom's immediate surgery but because 3M seems to be too small for the size of the favor she is asking for. “Only 3M? With the size of the favor you ask for, that's all you'll give in exchange for everything, no deal, after 8 long years when you didn't show us mom, you're coming here just to offer me something like that? Did you think that what you are asking for is easy? And one more thing, where did you get the courage and confidence to think that I will accept your offer, right?" My long litany made him suffer. No matter what, he was so damned that he thought he could pass me his money. "Oh please, my dearest sister, I know you must need 3M, so don't act like that and just accept yourself because you won't be able to operate on your mother" Look at the shamelessness of this woman if she can speak you would think she is not Mama's daughter the pain is really bad with this witch's bangs why did she have to give birth to me looking like her my gosh. "I'm going to repeat it because you don't seem to have heard, I said NO. DEAL. it's not easy what you're doing and I'm a loss on your three million so just find another girl who looks like you to pretend to be you" I will stress because I know he won't stop me. "Fine name your price if I increase the offer will you do it? And I will only be gone for another 6 months, you are very choosy and all you have to do is to pretend and don't let anyone know that they are dealing with you and not me" I washed my own face because of what he said. He really knows my weakness. But it's risky because the favor he's asking for is hard because it's hard to be plastic like him, another thing is if I accept it there's no turning back and I don't want to be ruined because of his nonsense. But if I don't, the chance of survival of our mother, who is in the hospital now and sick because every minute that passes and she is not operated on, will decrease, the chance of her survival will also decrease. That's why I just held my breath because of that thought and since I have no other choice, I'll just do what Andrea wants. “Fine 20M I will do whatever you ask me to do in six months” "20 million? You gotta be kidding me, it's only a six-month agreement, isn't it, and then you're demanding 20M" How can I tweak it so I'm still the demanding one, he's the one who needs it. "Demanding? Can you even hear what you're saying? It's not easy what you're asking for, you g*ga, I'll get married for you and you still can't give me 20M? What if something bad happens to me because you marry someone we don't even know? What about Nisha and mom then? So if you can't do it, just find someone else" After saying that, I'm about to leave, this conversation is going nowhere because we're going to argue and fight here if I stay here for too long, it's better if I just leave and find a foundation that can help us and I'm wasting my time I to him. “WAIT! Go ahead and call for 20 million but I can only give you 10 million right now when I return half of it just please be my substitute for 6 months" "Deal happy cooperation sis" I know all this will not be easy but for mom and Nisha I will do everything. Even playing with the devil. I am Audrey Del Rio and this is the story of how my simple and orderly life became chaotic because of my twin...

Frxy_phoria · Teen
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20 Chs

Chapter 10

"What do you think you are doing Andrea? Why didn't you tell us that you had an accident? What if you got together and we don't know about you yet?"

Dad gave me an angry sermon as they visited me the next day. After Calvin picked me up at the hospital last night, I don't know what happened next, I just woke up earlier in the room in his bed to be exact and Aunt Helena informed that my parents were here so I quickly got ready to face them and here is papa's opening just after I got off.

I wonder who told them about the accident Calvin may be and speaking of Calvin I haven't seen him since I woke up. "Andrea are you even listening?"

I bit my lip when dad raised his voice. And the only thing I did was look away, maybe later because what else can I say, I'm still a philosopher and I can still answer dad.

"Hon, calm down, Andrea had an accident, didn't she? Probably her mindi is at dazed and confused because of that so don't scold her" wow the plastic of the attack ah aunty Celeste psh. "I'm sorry, dad, because I passed out last night after the accident, so I didn't immediately call another one. I'm fine, it's just a minor accident and the other party has already been compensated, so don't think so much about it"

"A minor accident or not it's still an accident don't go out alone"

"NO!" I can't let them do that.

"But Andrea—"

"Papa I said no, don't you trust me? I can handle myself, okay?"

I know it sounded like my real self that made him a little bit confused so I stopped suddenly. This is what I don't like, my real personality is slipping as I talk to him and that's not good. I showed him that I was determined just like how Andy always does when arguing with our parents hoping that he wouldn't notice my actions so much.

"Ben let her, Andy is already an adult so just trust in her"

I should thank Celeste for her mother of the year actions but don't let the witch's head grow bigger and think we are okay, let her take care of it. Papa just sighs and gave me a softened look, aunt's words had a different impact, she quickly agreed.

"Fine, but next time don't worry about us like that, okay? You are my precious baby girl and I don't want anything bad to happen to you, you almost gave me a heart attack when Calvin told us that you had an accident"

Wow, I hope all the children are precious. "By the way, is it okay with you to model for our upcoming Christmas collection of our products the planning team thinks that the theme will suit you" aunt's eyes looks pleading as if she already knows that I will refuse.

But modeling is the middle of Audrey Del Rio and I miss doing one, so even though I know that Andrea didn't want it then I will accept it, the job that is coming to me will I still refuse? I stared at it all night.

Because based on Andy's character, she likes to do more field and behind the scenes work than working with cameras but that's what I hate so because I'm here I will accept everything.

"Sure do mommy, I'm not doing much here"

"Great, I will inform them that you agree, anyways, we heard that you and Calvin are going to move to the Salazar mansion, is it true?"

Aish Marites is also what he is. "Yes, his grandparents request so I agreed. There is nothing wrong if we live with them, right?

"Yeah that's better because there I know someone will watch over you especially you I know how mischievous you are so it's better that Madam chairwoman teach you properly"

Why does my dad make it sound like Calvin's grandmother is someone terror and I need to get myself ready when I've met her? Suddenly I got nervous and I kinda regret saying yes on moving into the mansion but whatever, I am so adorable and elders could never resist my charms so no matter how hard it will be I'll survive.

My parents stays until lunchtime aunt Celeste even cooks lunch just before we ate, Calvin came too he was wearing an office attire and he said that they had an emergency meeting so he didn't wait for me to wake up earlier. Even apologizes that he didn't greet dad properly. That's why I'm just tormented by how he treats and talks when it's just the two of us, I don't understand if he does it all on purpose or if he really just doesn't want the parents on both sides to know that we're just being forced on each other.

"Anyways Drea have you taken your medicine?" Shocks, which medicine was that left by the doctor last night? Why does he need to be reminded about that? I forgot, and I don't want another one.

Aunt Celeste gave me a meaningful look as if she was doubting me. Don't tell me she sees through me that fast? "Andrea we all know that you hate taking medicines but... It's for your own good"

See so he wants to convey something but at least he knows what I want. I know him, he will not harm the only child who cares about his existence. I just smiled awkwardly and Calvin just shook his head and stood up to get the medicine.

"Andrea Iha, we have to go now we will just visit you again andl iha please don't be stubborn you are a married woman now stop acting like a spoiled little brat"

"And please don't tolerate that wife of yours, sometimes you also need to be strict with her or else your head will hurt because of her"

"It's like I'm not your son" I said with a frown. "I'm just telling him the truth cause you being stubborn most of the times are surely getting into my nerves, so be a good girl and stop making everyone around you worried"

Everyone around me worried? Who the h*ck is he talking about? They? Well, I don't care if he has a heart attack for remembering his beloved son. Now I wonder how he will react if he found out that his 'precious' daughter ran away and asked me to pretend. Because he loves Andrea so much he doesn't want her and Anisha and I to be hurt or hurt? He has forgotten so no matter what good things I see him doing no matter when I can never forgive him...

Days passed and it's time for us to move into the mansion. In the past few days I have been fine and we haven't had any problems. I also tried to reach my twin sister because she's out of reach, she doesn't answer my emails either, so even though I know the deal is still a bit long, I'm nervous about her because what if she doesn't come back? I'm going to do it right? But as long as I reach six months and he's still like this, just be patient and we'll get into trouble if we get into trouble, but I'll let everyone know who I really am.

"We're here" Calvin announced sparingly when we arrived in front of a large gate.

"Welcome Young Master, Young Mistress the old master and madam are already waiting for the both of you inside"

I don't know how I will feel about the greeting of the security guard outside. The worst thing is because my brother's English is so bad that you thought he was the valedictorian of the collage, but no company accepted him, so he ended up being a security guard.

Our car entered a wide, how should I call this a court yard or something? But anyways it was so huge like a five-star hotel's had and they even got some big fountain at the center before the main door. Cal parked the car right at the entrance of the house and I was amazed because apart from the butlers there, all the maids and other workers lined up outside the mansion as if they were really waiting for our arrival. And inside an old woman wearing a red dress was waiting.

And just from her stance, it is undeniable that she is the matron of this household. She even looks like you the evil grandmothers in teleseryes who will give you 10 million just divorce her grandson...