
Three Moons

Waking up I felt like I had more energy and I felt even more clear-headed. That must have been a good nap I thought.

'How long was I napping?'

[10 years]

'So 100 yours must have passes for GIA, was there any development in those 100 years?'

[There was no development but the Mana and Qi have become denser on the planet]

Well, that's good I guess I should start creating some more things. I should add some moons since this is a fantasy world there should be more than one. Let's make the magic number for GIA 3, 3 shall be the special number.

'Let's make 3 moons that are equally apart creating a triangle, make them have a calming effect at those who look at them. They should also be blood red or scarlet red to go with the fantasy image. Let's fill the moons with rare materials and weapons for the future, let's also make it have 3 times the Qi and Mana. The time should flow the same as me and Los Angelos'

The first moon shall be called LIA with the darkest shade of red, the second moon will be called MIA it would scarlet red, and the third and youngest moon will be AKIA with the color of rose wine. All the moons will be the size of the earth.

Willing the moons into existence and naming them at the same time was harder than I thought it would feel it felt as if my power was going two separate ways. One was making the moons and the other was giving them a conscience.

The moons didn't like to look how I wanted so I added stripes and dots of black on all of them, I would name those spots a dead zones a place with no mana or qi available. It also looks cool.

The forming of my moons was really interesting, they started form big white balls, then they all started changing color. LIA started forming the fastest, it even added a red hue to itself and the others started copying.

'Should I make them connected, no my creations should be able to get there themselves might take a while but they should be able to'

Three moons revolving around GIA were shredded in different red hues. They seemed mystical and satisfying to look at. Now that I have some moons I should add temperature and wind pressure. To make this really interesting, let's make it so that with every three years of spring and summer there's one year of winter.

All animals should be able to have a winter form to survive the winter somehow. I should make that a law, no a world law.

Why did I think of creating laws that the world itself has to follow??