

I sent the eggs to Los Angelos, I don't know when they'll hatch but It should take a while.

Time to make some things, right now GIA is only water and pieces of earth. No trees or animals, I even forgot to add the sun.

Since I made GIA three times bigger than the earth, this sun should also be 3 times as big and hotter. For stars and constellations, let's make them absorbable. When a creature gets powerful enough it would be able to absorb stars, So starts are just masses of energy.

Making grass was the hardest thing I've done yet, because of the huge amount I have to make. Pretty sure I just made like sextillion or more blades of grass for just one continent. It took while before all the continents were covered with grass, adding trees was easier. Mountains were easy I just had to make the ground rise up.

'Do I have to make things like biomes and add different climate and temperatures to different places?'

[It's optional but most of the things will develop on thier own]

[Most places will change over time due to external ocurnices]

Now with four continents, I need four starting creatures. I know I need humans, any a fantasy world isn't a fantasy world without humans. Humans have the greatest minds of any creature depending on how they use it they can create the most beautiful things and most horrific.

I also need some elves, arrogant and proud elves. I should also add light and dark elves, just because there dark doesn't mean thier evil they can just blend into the night better and have a higher affinity with the dark. As elves, they should have the highest affinity for mana, being blessed by the tree of life. That I still haven't created.

Another one should be beastman, let's make them a little smarter. Most beastman are described as all brawn no brains. They will also have the highest affinity with Qi because of thier animal characteristics.

For the fourth creature, I have no idea between orcs and dwarves. How about I go with dwarves first, I'll introduce Orcs after a few years (Thousand years). Dwarves, they should be short but not that short. Thier bodies should be made from the earth, giving them a closer connection with it. The brightest mind of all my creations.

'Now how do I make these creations? And how can I keep making souls when someone is born?'

[The creations can be made with a thought, but to bring the creation to life a soul is needed]

[You don't have the access to make souls and modify them, as you're to power is too low to make souls]

[All you need to do to make a soul, is make a creature with high intelligence and give it emotions]

[Giving a creature the right to breed and high intelligence can also make them develop a soul albeit slowly]

[Creatures who can even develop a low-level soul, can also pass it when they breed and that creature that is born inherits a low-level soul]

[The higher the soul, the smarter the creature can get and the higher the potential it has]

[You can also limit some creatures, or give them some type of bottle neck]

Sorry for the delay

AllMightyTallLordcreators' thoughts