
Being a funeral director in a cultivation world is tiring~

Hmph I see you killed many people... Would you like to do business with me? I Qi Yan am the director of the Desolate Funeral Parlor. You need me to bury bodies? Gotcha! Weng lin? Here ill collect the dead bodies for you! Fung Yuan? Hehe i am the greatest director of the Desolate funeral larlor and the richest person in the universe!

PrimordialSword · Fantasy
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3 Chs


"E-eh?!?! What is this piece of trash?"

Qi was surprised then went to being angry when he saw junk on the secret compartment.

"P-perhaps its actually a d-divine something r-right?"

He was shaking as he was sullen. It was only a ragged ring that had a black crystal on it.

"Ugh this may be of some use later on, the novel didnt have anything specified on a ring with a black crystal"

He then went out the secret room then gazed at the treasures.

"Hm maybe I can find something great here. Hm what is this circle shaped stone? Looks mysterious I might hit a jackpot, but lets not forget that I might need qi so I can inject it on things like the one i took. Hmmm lets find some manuals.... heaven dragon cultivation technique... sounds bad, moon shatterer technique... needs the yin and yang spiritual root.. which I dont have. Ah this technique "cultivation for dumba$$es" ah wai- -hey author your insulting me again!- well lets open this and find if it actually works."

"First sit down, second put your arms near your dantian(since this is for dummies the dantian is at the stomach) -thanks author but I already know that!!-, third do not think of anything but just feel the qi/chi/ki, then absorb it by breathing in this specific pattern"

"ah I see now,so thats how you cultivate."

He sat down in the specific position and did as what the manual said.

(hooot) (haa))

He began to breathe in specific manners.

-hooo haaa I still do not feel anything, perhaps this body that I was transmigrated to does not have any talent.-


He began to spit blood.

"Ergh ugh I think Ive seen this in the novel. If one does not have any spiritual roots then they can not cultivate, if they force themselves to absorb the chi(also known as qi, ill be using chi from now on since mcs name is qi) they will have serious consequences, minor they will spit blood, major... they will die. Good thing im in this room Ive seen in the novel that there were medicines here.Maybe one of it can cure me and also might give me a spiritual root"

He tried to stand up but his body did not allow him. He crawled to the shining balls he saw(pills). He crawled and crawled that the path he took had a bloody mess.

"Ugh egh just a- little m-more"

He then reached for the pills as it fell, it did not break gladly so he shoved them in his mouth.

-I do not know what the pills are but some may be toxic, so I ate all of them so the toxic can be weakened by the good pills. Lets just hope that I can survive from this-

Suddenly a bright light was shining in his dantian and then~
