
Being a funeral director in a cultivation world is tiring~

Hmph I see you killed many people... Would you like to do business with me? I Qi Yan am the director of the Desolate Funeral Parlor. You need me to bury bodies? Gotcha! Weng lin? Here ill collect the dead bodies for you! Fung Yuan? Hehe i am the greatest director of the Desolate funeral larlor and the richest person in the universe!

PrimordialSword · Fantasy
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3 Chs



"Hm? Ah am i dead? I never expected to be pushed by my 'friend'. Perhaps he was jealous of my rich funeral parlor. Hmph anyways where am I? The sky is beautiful but..... where the hell am I?!?!"

His shouting had echoed around the forest... but noone had heard it.

"This forest seems familiar... is this the white crimson forest? Have I been reincarnated in a novel I had read? If thats so then... ehehehee I have a golden finger!. SYSTEM!"


"Eh? So I dont have a system... Whats this ring in my fingers then? Does it have a old man in here? Hey spirit... spirit!"


"Oh I know now I might get a legendary sword if I just think about it. Maybe the Heaven Plum Sword that the protagonist#idk from this novel uses."

-cmon cmon I neeed the heaven plum sword. I should have a golden finger right?-

(using - text- means thinking in the head)


His anger had echoed again.

"wait....if this is the white crimson forest then.... there must be some treasure here! How could I forget that! My golden finger is my memory! I have already read everything in this novel!"

He laughed like a maniac -oi oi author no insulting here-. He ran to the center of the forest. As he arrived he then touched the grass at some specific parts. A secret doorway leading to the bottom had opened.

"Heheheee treasures treasures treasures"

but he saw a crimson qilin that guards the treasures.


"Im not match for that guy huh....I think its on the martial emperor stage.... (stages will be revealed after this chapter) but i do know its attack patterns! I just have to dodge i-but its attacks are too fast.... maybe I could sneak in the vault behind it.

He sneakily tiptoed as the qilin was sleeping. But as always he crunched a leaf.

-goddamn! can my luck get any worst? Im supposed to bury bodies of others not mine-

Suddenly the qilin attacks him. But a red haired man appeared while using a white thin sword where there lotuses with different colors surrounding him with different fires.

The qilin was aggregated to the red haired man, the red haired man then proceeds to end the fight withe his tri-lotus attack.

-hmmm a red haired man.... wait isnt that Zhao Yan? I've never expected to encounter protagonist #?.-

"What are you waiting for? The fight might've attracted the other beasts."

Zhao Yan proceeded to go underground while Qi Yang followed him.

"Since fate allowed then we can split these. Ill take what I want you wait here."

Zhao Yan proceeded to take some treasures. It wasnt shiny but it was rusty and broken.

-Let me guess... that's actually the divine egscaliber?-

Hehe I dont care what he got I know a secret compartment here that contains a little something. Here haha wait.... what?!?!




Body Tempering

Innate Realm

Martial Expert

Martial Master

Martial King

Martial Emperor

Martial Ancestor-Qilin)

(There are more but I only revealed up to the qilin) (Also its not a mistype on the martisl emperor. he just thought it was a emperor rank)