

Sam sat on the fountain. As he lost christabel, just two days of meeting he bent his head. He walked slowly to the road. He has ordered a taxi already.

Mike sat on a chair, his friends were mocking him, I thought you say your girlfriend was starting this school, Roland said. "Where is your girlfriend now" Jeremy burst into laughter. Mike ignores them. He pretends he is reading a book. oh! found her Jeremy said, Roland looked at Jeremy, he widens his eyes. "With the captain" they burst into laughter again. Mike gets out of the room, he could take it anymore. Christabel kept saying Sam, how was supposed to know it was Samuel. He forces his eyebrows down has he looked the ground. He still can't believe, it turns out like this. I have to see christabel tomorrow, he muttered to himself.

Christabel gets up early, she couldn't sleep properly yesterday. She kept thinking that she overreacted. I pray he calls me, christabel said to herself. She gets up from beds. Rebecca and Jesse greeted her. They have been waiting for her. Breakfast is served, they said. Then they heard a knock at the door. Jesse and Rebecca battle whom to open the door. Rebecca finally opened it. Is this christabel room, the man said? Christabel came out. you need you to sign here, he gave christabel the paper. It was the clothes of yesterday. Rebecca and her partner pack them inside. "Wow" they said as the brought out each one of them. Then they heard another knock, go for it, Jesse told christabel. She opened it, it was mike. "What are you doing here" christabel asked curiously. We need to talk, he said. They find a safe spot to discuss. "So is that the Sam, you were talking about" mike asked with a worried tone. yes, he is she said. Mike Walk around, touching his head with a tip of his finger. "You don't know him" he said he doesn't act like the rest, Mike raised his voice a little. He is psychopath, mike said holding christabel shoulders. Trust me christabel, these rich people they think we are their slaves, and you can't be in love with the number one of them all. I do know him christabel said better than you, christabel remove his hands. He is different, he is good, kind, gentle and my crush. Do not call me for these types of gist again christabel walk away. Mike runs to her, he holds on the shoulder again. You going to get your killed christabel, you think you can survive, I don't want you to get hurt, I will advise you depart from him right now, Mike looked serious. His eyes ball where pop out. Please christabel listen to me. You are hurting me christabel said pushing him away, he fell on the floor and christabel walked away. Mike faced the floor. christabel he kept calling until he lost sight of her

the basketball team are playing a game tonight. Mike refused to go he stayed in his room alone, he suddenly heard a knock at the door. He opened it, he took a step back, he was frightened.

Christabel was at the court she couldn't stand it, everybody was staring at her, she could hear whispered here and there. Rebecca and Jesse had force her to come. She didn't have any choice, and she wanted to see Sam. He soon arrived with the same brand of jacket, this time he printed christabel face at the back. The crowd gets up their feet, even Christabel, she didn't know what came over her, she wanted to avoid being the odoo one. Let the Game begin. Sam normally plays defense, but he is playing attack today. Whenever he score he points to christabel direction. How does he even know my seat, christabel turns to Rebecca. The game soon ended with a victory. Has usual Jessica sings her song, she has fans, christabel watches everyone. When she was done, Sam took the microphone from her. Christabel can I say something, the crowd burst into laughter, he clear his throat. "Last night the crowd started screamed. "wow" Rebecca turns to christabel who has bent her head low. The microphone stops working then something played in the background.

"who is this mysterious girl, everybody has been talking about, me too the voice said laughing. well, I have to help you guys answer all your questions. Name christabel smith, three is the family, her hometown is George. There were mummery is the crowd. Her father works as a hired laborer and her mom she is a teacher, the voice stammered. The crowd burst into laughter. She doesn't have clothes, so the captain decided to buy her some, a video appear at the big screen in the Court. You might be wondering her did she enter the school. Through scholarship the voice muttered but it was clear. Everyone kept laughing. Christabel couldn't do anything, she only kept looking at the screen. Guess what, she has been trying for three years, three years to get the scholarship.

she is inferior to everybody here the voice whispered. Christabel gets up her seat and ran away to the exit. Sam stands in the center of the court. Our captain is generous he has helped many people in silence, today we exposed one of his good deeds. The crowd started clapping. Sam threw the microphone with force to the TV. it crashes, the crowd went mute once. He left the stage rushing.

Christabel kept running, she doesn't want to go to her dorms nor stay in the school. She just wants to go outside. She came out of the school, she was panting heavily. This wasn't what she wanted, this wasn't what she planned for, she was flustered, and she screamed out clenching her fist. She holds her tears as the moments pass her. She has been crying a lot she won't cry here she said to herself, raise her heads high. Christabel she heard someone calling. He stopped christabel he whispered. She knew it was Sam, she doesn't have anything to say to him.I should just leave, she thought. She was about to take a step, but Sam hug her on her back. Please he said, stop leaving like this, like that day. I have been hurt for three years, the thought of you never coming to the house bother me. Please christabel don't do this. He hug her tight. Christabel heart was bumping really fast, but she wasn't paying attention. I went to the house, and you weren't there christabel burst into tears, you left me, you kept me in the dark, even now. I don't even know you, should I say Sam or Samuel. She turns to face him, haven't you done enough, she tries to get loose of herself. Your words won't stop me, christabel, I won't yield in Sam screamed. Call me whatever you want. I won't let go. Christabel was panting heavily, she was searching for the words to say. Yes I love you, Sam screamed out, it doesn't matter what people, they always say something, but that should make us unlettered. Sam release christabel, she wished she wasn't released. I won't let you run away this time Sam said touching Christabel face, I won't let you reject me, he brought her closer, Sam lift her face up, he could feel christabel body resting on him. He slowly went for the lips, she was shaking, forgetting all that happened. Sam slowly kiss her, she felt the coldness of his lips, the rain came, but that didn't stop them, Sam holds her tight, it was raining, but she felt warmth. The taxi Sam order came, and they jumped right in, holding each other hands. I wonder why Samuel had to focus me to take the clips of him kissing Benton muttered as he walked to his dorms.

Sam leaves outside the school. Sam locked the door. Their clothes were wet. he pulled his clothes, forgetting christabel was with him. Geee Christabel yelled. sorry, Sam said. You should use the shower he directed her to bathroom. Christabel went in. Sam went to his bedroom, he's finding a perfect match for christabel. He dropped the clothes on the bed. He came quickly, remember it was the oversized trouser he dropped. When open door, he saw christabel trying the trouser. Sam looked the other way. "I am sorry" he said, leaving the room quickly, Christabel laughed a little. She came out, Sam was already sleeping in the couch, so she went back to sleep. Sam wasn't comfortable, christabel is sleeping in his bed right now, kept bumping in his head. The image kept reflecting.

Sam had already prepared breakfast, before christabel gets up. Christabel has been up since, she couldn't sleep last night. She had to battle to open the door for hours before she finally came out. Hi Sam greeted. How was your night he asked, great she said, looking around? I have to make breakfast, Sam said pointing to the table. They ate in silence before, finally, you can stay here Sam breaks the silence. I am going back to my dorm, giving them the fact that it doesn't hurt, christabel said laughing. Sam knew she wasn't happy, but she is stubborn as always. okay, he said. Christabel left. Sam phone ringed. Benton he said, yes, I want everything in order. Sam drops his phone on the table. Jake called him, I have something that will interest you, Jake said. Sam left to see Jake in his dorms

What is it Jake, I think christabel is in trouble, Jessica contacted Mike Swartz. "How is this a problem" Sam flustered. I did my research, mike Swartz, father, is a filmmaker. And his popular site seeing was George. Sam close his eyes and then said, when was this," 3 years ago" Jake said. If it truly Jessica, we can't go ahead with our humiliation plan. "And why is that" Sam looked deadly. She is an icon and plus your friend.Sam walked closer to Jake, he was breathing really fast. No friend of mine will do that, he pointed at Jake chest. The plan still stands he said, leaving. Woooo Jake catch his breath.

christabel arrive at school, she was free, she was quick with her steps. She didn't want to attracted gathering, unfortunately they were ahead, suddenly, students were everywhere. She tries to out run them. Hey moron of them said, it got noises until a loud sound was heard. Everybody looked around, up there somebody pointed. The big screen at the gate of the school. They were practicing for a massive game. Three years back. Captain who is your lover, Jake asked, browns hit him on his head, why would you ask the captain, such nonsense. He said hoping for a reply. Christabel Sam said, her name is christabel he repeated. Captain, I think you are lying to us Jake said, why haven't I see her, it has been a year now. She is taking her time, Sam said. Brown hits Jake heads, stop asking all this crazy questions. Captain, you have to show me how picture for me to believe Jake said on another final. Sam brought out his note. It was a collection of christabel pictures. Jake scrolled through it, woah he said. This is incredible, what about a real picture Jake said? Sam didn't reply, what about Jessica, you guys are close? We are friends, Sam said. The crowd couldn't bring their heads down. They kept staring at the screen. The clips forwarded to yesterday. "She has been trying for three years" "I have been waiting for three years" Sam shows up from nowhere. He taps christabel on his shoulder. Everybody was mute. They couldn't comprehend what was happening. Christabel blink multiple times staring out Sam. Sam phone ring, and it was Jessica, he picked the call. oh, Sam! did you know about her. She said, her voice was heard in big screen. Sam asked her to check the school app. It was trending live. Sam asked christabel out on a date, and she accepted, hugging him. The clips of Sam and christabel kissing appeared on the screen. Everybody was clapping. Jessica smash her phone on the bed. what is this, she asked herself, how can a commoner be giving me a hard time. her phone rang, same number, she picked the call.